Augmentation Evoker Battleground Blitz Guide (The War Within (11.0.2)) (2024)

Last updated on Aug 31, 2024 at 00:17by Mysticall10 comments

This guide will walk you through everything you need to know about playing Augmentation Hunter in Battleground Blitz,including specific playstyle tips, talent builds, and much more.


Augmentation Evokers in Battleground Blitz


Playstyle as Augmentation Evoker

The main role of a Augmentation Evoker in battleground blitz is to use relentless single-target damage on enemies to quickly force kills, crowd control healers with Augmentation Evoker Battleground Blitz Guide (The War Within (11.0.2)) (1) Sleep Walk, and buff your team with Augmentation Evoker Battleground Blitz Guide (The War Within (11.0.2)) (2) Ebon Might. To keep your team offensive, you will use Augmentation Evoker Battleground Blitz Guide (The War Within (11.0.2)) (3) Fury of the Aspects when your team has cooldowns and follow this up with maximizing your damage output. If teams try to setup kills on you, use Augmentation Evoker Battleground Blitz Guide (The War Within (11.0.2)) (4) Obsidian Scales to reduce damage on you and Augmentation Evoker Battleground Blitz Guide (The War Within (11.0.2)) (5) Hover to get away from the fight.

In addition to damage and crowd controlling, you will also be slowing every enemy you can with Augmentation Evoker Battleground Blitz Guide (The War Within (11.0.2)) (6) Azure Strike, Augmentation Evoker Battleground Blitz Guide (The War Within (11.0.2)) (7) Landslide, and Augmentation Evoker Battleground Blitz Guide (The War Within (11.0.2)) (8) Disintegrate. This is a crucial part of the Evoker toolkit for battleground blitz. If you are able to slow enemies when they are on their way to a base and your team passes them, your team will likely get the base.


Talent Choices for Augmentation Evoker

Here is the talent build you will be using to maximize your damage output:


Recommended PvP Talents for Augmentation Evoker

  • Augmentation Evoker Battleground Blitz Guide (The War Within (11.0.2)) (9) Born in Flame
  • Augmentation Evoker Battleground Blitz Guide (The War Within (11.0.2)) (10) Unburdened Flight
  • Augmentation Evoker Battleground Blitz Guide (The War Within (11.0.2)) (11) Obsidian Mettle

There are the best 3 PvP talents to play in battleground blitz as a Augmentation Evoker. Although you are considered a support specialization, damage is still important. Augmentation Evoker Battleground Blitz Guide (The War Within (11.0.2)) (12) Born in Flame reduces the cast of time of Augmentation Evoker Battleground Blitz Guide (The War Within (11.0.2)) (13) Living Flame by 100% after casting Augmentation Evoker Battleground Blitz Guide (The War Within (11.0.2)) (14) Ebon Might. This will help with maximizing your and your team's damage output. Augmentation Evoker Battleground Blitz Guide (The War Within (11.0.2)) (15) Unburdened Flight makes it so Augmentation Evoker Battleground Blitz Guide (The War Within (11.0.2)) (16) Hover makes you immune to movement speed reduction effects. Finally, because there are so many interrupts to deal with in battleground blitz, Augmentation Evoker Battleground Blitz Guide (The War Within (11.0.2)) (17) Obsidian Mettle is a mandatory choice if you want to maximize your damage and healing output.

For an in-depth guide to Augmentation Evoker talents, read here:

Augmentation Evoker Talents


Crowd Control as Augmentation Evoker

In Battleground Blitz, without the Arena Dampening effect, healers, whenleft alone, are able to sustain against many players with relative ease. Theway to counter the high throughput of healers in Battleground Blitz is with theeffective use of crowd control.

Evoker has many tools in its kit to aid with this:

  • Augmentation Evoker Battleground Blitz Guide (The War Within (11.0.2)) (18) Sleep Walk
  • Augmentation Evoker Battleground Blitz Guide (The War Within (11.0.2)) (19) Landslide
  • Augmentation Evoker Battleground Blitz Guide (The War Within (11.0.2)) (20) Deep Breath
  • Augmentation Evoker Battleground Blitz Guide (The War Within (11.0.2)) (21) Azure Strike slows multiple enemies
  • Augmentation Evoker Battleground Blitz Guide (The War Within (11.0.2)) (22) Disintegrate.


Augmentation Evoker Team Utility

Although Augmentation Evoker is a damage specialization, it still hassome healing and utility that can be used to help teammates:

  • Augmentation Evoker Battleground Blitz Guide (The War Within (11.0.2)) (23) Cauterizing Flame is a 1-minute cooldown that removes allBleed, Poison, Curse, and Disease effects. This should be used when anyof those are active on yourself or a teammate.
  • Augmentation Evoker Battleground Blitz Guide (The War Within (11.0.2)) (24) Emerald Blossom should be used when Augmentation Evoker Battleground Blitz Guide (The War Within (11.0.2)) (25) Essence Burst isactive, and your team is falling behind. It also extends the duration ofAugmentation Evoker Battleground Blitz Guide (The War Within (11.0.2)) (26) Ebon Might.
  • Augmentation Evoker Battleground Blitz Guide (The War Within (11.0.2)) (27) Living Flame should be used on a teammate or ally when yourteam is falling behind.
  • Use Augmentation Evoker Battleground Blitz Guide (The War Within (11.0.2)) (28) Rescue to heal yourself or an ally andreposition around the map.
  • Augmentation Evoker Battleground Blitz Guide (The War Within (11.0.2)) (29) Bestow Weyrnstone is a niche spell if you are using it. Thisconjures two portals that can be used by yourself or a teammate. Thiscan help with kiting enemies when they are being targeted.
  • Augmentation Evoker Battleground Blitz Guide (The War Within (11.0.2)) (30) Blistering Scales is a great talent versus melee. Use thison a teammate who is being targeted to increase their armor and dealdamage at the same time.


Augmentation Evoker Defensives

  • Augmentation Evoker Battleground Blitz Guide (The War Within (11.0.2)) (31) Obsidian Scales is one of your primary defensives. This reducesthe damage you take by 30%. If you use the Augmentation Evoker Battleground Blitz Guide (The War Within (11.0.2)) (32) Obsidian Mettle PvPtalent, it will also make you immune to interrupts, silences, andpushbacks.
  • Augmentation Evoker Battleground Blitz Guide (The War Within (11.0.2)) (33) Renewing Blaze is another defensive you will want to Rotatewith your Augmentation Evoker Battleground Blitz Guide (The War Within (11.0.2)) (34) Obsidian Scales. This will heal 100% of any damage youtake while it is up over 8 seconds. It is important to use this rightbefore you start taking damage and not after, or the heal will not bestrong.
  • Augmentation Evoker Battleground Blitz Guide (The War Within (11.0.2)) (35) Breath of Eons deals a large amount of damage to the team andcan be used to do damage. However, it is great for avoiding crowd controlwhen the enemy team is pushing toward you. For example, you will want touse this to avoid a Priest's Augmentation Evoker Battleground Blitz Guide (The War Within (11.0.2)) (36) Psychic Scream when they run towardsyou.
  • Augmentation Evoker's mobility is an incredibly important defensive.Here are some spells that you should master to help keep your team alive:
    • Augmentation Evoker Battleground Blitz Guide (The War Within (11.0.2)) (37) Hover launches you forward and increases your movement speed.It also makes you immune to slows with the PvP TalentAugmentation Evoker Battleground Blitz Guide (The War Within (11.0.2)) (38) Unburdened Flight.
    • Augmentation Evoker Battleground Blitz Guide (The War Within (11.0.2)) (39) Rescue swoops you to an ally and allows you to bring them to alocation. Use this to help your teammate reposition and get away from theenemy team.
    • Augmentation Evoker Battleground Blitz Guide (The War Within (11.0.2)) (40) Wing Buffet/Augmentation Evoker Battleground Blitz Guide (The War Within (11.0.2)) (41) Tail Swipe are the Dracthyr racialsthat will help you get away from the enemy team targeting you. If you takethe Augmentation Evoker Battleground Blitz Guide (The War Within (11.0.2)) (42) Walloping Blow talent turns these two spells into slows aswell.
  • Augmentation Evoker Battleground Blitz Guide (The War Within (11.0.2)) (43) Cauterizing Flame removes all bleeds, points, curses, anddiseases from a teammate. This is a crucial spell when you play againstspecializations like Feral Druids, Assassination, Rogues, or Warlocks.


Augmentation Evoker Stat Priority and Gear

  1. Intellect;
  2. Versatility;
  3. Haste;
  4. Mastery;
  5. Critical Strike.

The stat priority for Augmentation Evoker is the same in Battleground Blitz and Arena. If you want an in-depth explanation and suggestions on gear, read our gearing section here:

Augmentation Evoker PvP Gear


The Role of Augmentation Evokers in Battlegrounds


Capture the Flag (Warsong Gulch, Twin Peaks)

Due to Augmentation Evoker having high single-target damage and Augmentation Evoker Battleground Blitz Guide (The War Within (11.0.2)) (44) Ebon Might buffing damage to teammates around them, your primary goal in capture the flag maps is to play offense and output as much damage as possible. This means that when an enemy player picks up your flag, you should be trying to kill that flag carrier. Quickly leave the team fight when this happens and setup kills on the enemy team's defense. Utilize tools like Augmentation Evoker Battleground Blitz Guide (The War Within (11.0.2)) (45) Azure Strike and Augmentation Evoker Battleground Blitz Guide (The War Within (11.0.2)) (46) Landslide to slow the flag carrier and Augmentation Evoker Battleground Blitz Guide (The War Within (11.0.2)) (47) Sleep Walk on the enemy healers. If you start to dip low on health, be sure to trade cooldowns, such as Augmentation Evoker Battleground Blitz Guide (The War Within (11.0.2)) (48) Obsidian Scales and Augmentation Evoker Battleground Blitz Guide (The War Within (11.0.2)) (49) Hover. Use Augmentation Evoker Battleground Blitz Guide (The War Within (11.0.2)) (50) Rescue to help teammates cross the map if they are being slowed. For an in-depth guide to Augmentation Evoker damage rotations, read here:

Augmentation Evoker Playstyle


Resource Race (Arathi Basin, Battle for Gilneas, Deepwind Gorge)

On resource race maps, your primary goal is to go to wherever the team fight is and overwhelm enemy players with your damage to secure a node. On these maps there are not many ways for Augmentation Evoker to make plays or solo sit a base. This means you need to focus on winning the crucial team fights that will frequently happen over the course of the game. Here is an example of what your rotation should look like to both maximize your damage output and maintain Augmentation Evoker Battleground Blitz Guide (The War Within (11.0.2)) (51) Ebon Might on your team:

  1. Use Augmentation Evoker Battleground Blitz Guide (The War Within (11.0.2)) (52) Ebon Might to increase your and your teammate's stats.
  2. Use Augmentation Evoker Battleground Blitz Guide (The War Within (11.0.2)) (53) Eruption to deal damage and increase the duration ofAugmentation Evoker Battleground Blitz Guide (The War Within (11.0.2)) (54) Ebon Might.
  3. If the enemy team has multiple magic buffs, use Augmentation Evoker Battleground Blitz Guide (The War Within (11.0.2)) (55) Fire Breathwith Augmentation Evoker Battleground Blitz Guide (The War Within (11.0.2)) (56) Tip the Scales to dispel them if you are using theAugmentation Evoker Battleground Blitz Guide (The War Within (11.0.2)) (57) Scouring Flame PvP talent.
  4. Use Augmentation Evoker Battleground Blitz Guide (The War Within (11.0.2)) (58) Upheaval to deal more damage to the enemy team andincrease the duration of Augmentation Evoker Battleground Blitz Guide (The War Within (11.0.2)) (59) Ebon Might.
  5. Use Augmentation Evoker Battleground Blitz Guide (The War Within (11.0.2)) (60) Living Flame as a filler to try to get Augmentation Evoker Battleground Blitz Guide (The War Within (11.0.2)) (61) Essence Burst.This will make it so Augmentation Evoker Battleground Blitz Guide (The War Within (11.0.2)) (62) Eruption costs no Essences.
  6. Use Augmentation Evoker Battleground Blitz Guide (The War Within (11.0.2)) (63) Eruption if you get an Augmentation Evoker Battleground Blitz Guide (The War Within (11.0.2)) (64) Essence Burst proc.
  7. Use Augmentation Evoker Battleground Blitz Guide (The War Within (11.0.2)) (65) Breath of Eons if you can hit multiple people with it. Thiswill apply Augmentation Evoker Battleground Blitz Guide (The War Within (11.0.2)) (66) Temporal Wound to any enemies hit and increase theduration of Augmentation Evoker Battleground Blitz Guide (The War Within (11.0.2)) (67) Ebon Might.
    • Note: Use Augmentation Evoker Battleground Blitz Guide (The War Within (11.0.2)) (68) Landslide if you want to root the enemy team inplace before using Augmentation Evoker Battleground Blitz Guide (The War Within (11.0.2)) (69) Breath of Eons
  8. Augmentation Evoker Battleground Blitz Guide (The War Within (11.0.2)) (70) Azure Strike does not deal the most damage, but it is instantand is perfect for killing Shaman totems and gives you a chance of anAugmentation Evoker Battleground Blitz Guide (The War Within (11.0.2)) (71) Essence Burst.

This rotation will surely guarantee an early kill in the team fight. This results in the enemy team falling behind quickly and your team taking the node.For more information on Augmentation Evoker damage rotations, read here:

Augmentation Evoker Playstyle


Hybrid (Eye of the Storm)

Similar to resource race maps, your goal is to maximize your damage output,slow enemies who might be trying to help if they are falling behind, and supporting your team with off-healing/Augmentation Evoker Battleground Blitz Guide (The War Within (11.0.2)) (72) Ebon Might. The goal on this map, unlike normal Rated Battlegrounds, is to team fight at one node and try to cap both bases. This results in long 7v7 team fights, and the winner will more than likely pull ahead quickly. Trade your defensives when you get low (Augmentation Evoker Battleground Blitz Guide (The War Within (11.0.2)) (73) Obsidian Scales, Augmentation Evoker Battleground Blitz Guide (The War Within (11.0.2)) (74) Rescue, etc.) and get value out of Augmentation Evoker Battleground Blitz Guide (The War Within (11.0.2)) (75) Ebon Might/Augmentation Evoker Battleground Blitz Guide (The War Within (11.0.2)) (76) Sleep Walk on enemy players.

Note: Capping the flag will make the inactive bases active, and both teams will have to recap the nodes. Use this tactic if your team is falling behind on points or lost the team fight.


King of the Hill (Temple of Kotmogu)

Ranged DPS specializations will always be the best orb carriers on Temple ofKotmogu, so you should be one of the first players to get an Orb if there is one available. The most important part about this map is to win the initial team fight and quickly gain momentum by grabbing 3 orbs and standing in the middle of the map. When the enemy team starts to resurrect, leave middle and kite around the center. Here are some tips for this map:

  • Players take more damage the longer they hold the orb. This means that, eventually, the Orb carriers will die. Ideally, your team will only hold 2-3 orbs at a time so that you do not easily wipe when you have high stacks.
  • Make sure you die on the correct side of the map! You and your team will resurrect depending on where you died. If you die on purple side, you will resurrect on blue side and vise versa. Ensuring you and your team resurrect together is crucial, this will allow you to regroup faster and quickly wipe the enemy team that will be weak.



  • 30 Aug. 2024: Page added.

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Augmentation Evoker Battleground Blitz Guide (The War Within (11.0.2)) (2024)


Is augmentation evoker good for PvP? ›

Augmentation Evoker in the Current Meta

In PvP, they are there to enable their team to do more damage, not get interrupted, and make it easier to land a kill on an enemy.

What is the point of augmentation Evokers? ›

Some can be cast directly on your allies, while others are tied to using your damage-dealing abilities effectively. Augmentation Evokers deliver their damage in a wholly unique way. They act as force multipliers, increasing their group's capabilities (and damage output) significantly.

Is augmentation evoker good dps? ›

A large portion of Augmentation Evokers damage comes from its allies so it loses minimal damage from doing mechanics or using its large plethora of utility. This makes Augmentation Evoker an excellent choice for both Raiding and Mythic+. Arcane Reach.

How to play augmentation evoker well? ›

Augmentation Evoker has a very simple priority system.
  1. Maintain Prescience on DPS players of your choice.
  2. Ebon Might if there is less than around 4 seconds left on the buff and you want to extend your buff on the players it's currently on. ...
  3. Use Fire Breath at rank 1. ...
  4. Cast Upheaval to maintain your Ebon Might Buff.
Aug 20, 2024

Which Evoker spec is best? ›

Evokers are mid-range casters with three different specs. Devastation is the ranged damage-dealing spec that excels at dealing damage to enemies at higher health. Devastation has a maximum casting range of 25 yards.

How are Evokers in PvP? ›

Evokers are the newest class being introduced in Dragonflight and Devastation is the damage specialization. In PvP, they are fun, challenging, and extremely mobile. The playstyle of Devastation is a combination of Windwalker Monk and Enhancement Shaman.

Is augmentation Evoker hard to play in WoW? ›

The Augmentation Evoker playstyle is very fluid, revolving around buffing others then casting your damaging spells to extend your buffs. Blistering Scales will target the enemies current target.

What are Evoker weaknesses? ›

Weaknesses. Lower Casting Range - Evoker only has a 25-yard casting range; this puts it in a weird position where we have to almost stand between the ranged camp and melee camp, as most casters have a 40 yard casting range.

Are Evokers overpowered? ›

Blizzard knew that its controversial new augmentation evokers—the first support class ever in World of Warcraft—were going to be overpowered. That choice was "deliberate," the game's director told us in a BlizzCon interview, although he added that "obviously they came out the gates too strong."

Is augmentation evoker good for levelling? ›

Augmentation Evoker PvP Talents for Leveling

Augmentation Evoker PvP talents do not provide much of a gain overall but can slightly speed up your leveling process by making combat less troublesome. Ebon Might giving you better mobility while leveling.

Is augmentation evoker healer? ›

They don't heal (no more than a Devastation Evoker can at least) but they provide a pretty insane amount of defensives. I could see a group with insane offhealing dropping a healer for an Augment Evoker, but the Augment Evoker wouldn't be the person keeping everyone alive.

How much mastery for augment evoker? ›

Augmentation Evoker has a baseline 4% Mastery including Evoker racial bonus.

What buffs does Augmentation Evoker have? ›

Augmentation Evoker has five DPS buffs:
  • Ebon Might - A Primary Stat Amplifier.
  • Shifting Sands - Augmentations Mastery, Versatility Percent.
  • Prescience - A Critical Strike Chance buff.
  • Fate Mirror - A general damage amplifier.
  • Breath of Eons - which acts as a cooldown dps multiplier.

How do you track augmentation evoker damage? ›

There is only one way to evaluate the contribution of an Augmentation Evoker's DPS -- Warcraft Logs. Details and other in-game damage meters will not properly allocate DPS contribution to the Augvoker. Find out more in Warcraft Logs' article.

Why you should play Evoker? ›

The biggest benefits of Devastation Evoker are its strength in AoE and Cleave, high priority damage, and unique utility. Priority damage on new targets is strong due to Mastery: Giantkiller and abilities like Eternity Surge, Fire Breath, Dragonrage, and Deep Breath.

Is Evoker viable? ›

Devastation Evoker Viability

Evokers do not have high health or base mitigation but come with very powerful defensives, which will prevent death in the majority of situations when used appropriately; they are also a very mobile class, making avoiding abilities quite easy to do once you get more familiar.

What professions should Evoker use? ›

With this knowledge in mind, it's clear that Leatherworking and Skinning are the perfect professions for your adventures as a Dracthyr Evoker in World of Warcraft: Dragonflight. Skinning makes it easy for you to earn money, and, when combined with Leatherworking, it allows you to build up your personal gear.

Is Evoker healing hard? ›

Preservation Evoker in Mythic+

Preservation Evoker is a very strong healer in Mythic+ thanks to its very high damage output. That being said, healing on it can be more difficult than others, and it will require some practice and learning to fully get the hang of it.

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