It Was Always You - Zawk (2024)

Chapter 1


Hi everyone, this is Zawk.

Here I bring you a new story, which is a translation of @Alezitadepyran original novel "It Was Always You", so all credits to her, and also to her editor Aura Melissa Hernández. I really liked the fic when I read it, that's why I asked her for permission to translate it into English and be able to publish it, and she said yes!, so thank u @AlezitaDepyran for this oppurtunity.

So I hope you enjoy the story as much as I did.

Chapter Text

Alicia felt a lump in her throat form as all her feelings squeezed inside her, "Boot" her white-footed black cat was trapped in a tree, a group of gang members had chased him down the street to give him aspirin until he burst, the poor animal had climbed away from them and now there was no way to lower it. Her parents would be working late and she hadn't been able to climb far enough to catch up with her cat, who had been meowing in disconsolation for hours.

The tears gathering from her in hers her eyes made him see everything blurry as she cried in torrents and prevented him from seeing the blue and red flash stopping in front of her.

"What a cute kitty," Superman's voice spoke to her, while she was wiping away her tears, looking at him with rapture.

Not long ago, Alicia had turned 12 and her organism Alpha of hers had been activated, the sweet aroma of her hit her violently and she blushed as the man handed her the scared puss*cat.

The scent made her dizzy with force and she could say nothing more than a slight stutter of amazement. He didn't seem to mind and she smiled fondly before stroking her head and leaving the smell of Omega, high-level Omega permeated.

That had been the first appearance of Superman, as an Omega, at first the inhabitants of Metropolis took it as a rumor, but as a catastrophe occurred and the alien presented himself, the suspicions became confirmations. The greatest superhero of all was an Omega and to add to the scandal of the situation, a first-rate unbound one.

The news, radio and newspapers didn’t stop talking about something else, why did Superman now reveal himself as an Omega? When before he had never exuded any aroma that revealed his caste, was it some kind of power? The interrogatives did not wait until a day after a fire Superman floated down from the sky and declared:

“I will give an interview for Daily Planet, that will be my only explanation,” he informed before leaving like a bolide through the air leaving everyone expectant. Metropolis was abuzz with gossip and conjecture, everyone waiting for the interview until the highly acclaimed day arrived.

The cameras didn´t stop taking pictures of him as he descended from the skies with a slight undulating movement of his cloak.

The reporters swarmed around him, while a row of armed guards protected him, he did not need them, he was the man of steel, neither his weapons, nor his cameras or microphones could hurt him.

“Superman please for the Central City Gazette, is it true that you will sponsor a new line of Omega clothing?” asked one of the reporters pushing himself through the tide of people.

“This way Superman! For the Starling City Newsletter,” shouted a little man with his microphone raising it as high as he could. “Superman, you will appear in "men of the year", as the first Omega to occupy the cover, will you dedicate time for a future modeling career?”

Superman looked at them all and smiled softly, a row of flawless white teeth and his alien blue eyes. He greeted the population with a wave of his hand, behind the reporters there were lines of people with banners with captions such as “Marry me" "Make me a son" "I love you" "Superman in favor of Omega rights".

The alpha guards around him instinctively left him in the center protecting him until he entered the newspaper "Daily Planet”. He felt like a schoolboy when he returned to his alma mater, the familiarity of his workplace made him feel confident.

The alphas around him couldn´t ignore the sweet and musky Omega aroma without uniting, it was not a flowery or fruity smell, the people who related it more to something warm and homey, if the sun had an aroma, it would surely smell like that. he.

“I'm fine on my own,” he said to the men, who seemed to hesitate to let him go alone and looked at each other trying to invent a pretext to talk to him or stay by his side at least, Superman gave them his smile and before they left Joining him walked confidently, reluctantly forced to let go, the smell of unbonded Omega was too alluring, like water for the thirsty. Like Clark Kent, he had never been the object of attention, a low-level Beta reporter, with a modest salary, in a small apartment in a very tall tower, shy and passionate about his work.

He looked at his colleagues, walking while his secretary, Annie, a Beta woman he had worked with for two years, looked at him nervously and straightening her clothes. With a goofy grin on her face, she led him into the boardroom, offering him water, coffee or basically whatever she wanted, it wasn't her fault, Betas used to be complacent, it was her "nature".

They had polished, cleaned and polished everything, even the employees were wearing his best clothes, it was strange because he thought that if he had had to work with them, he would not have had anything to wear.

It was no news that in his secret identity as Clark Kent, it was common and boring.

He smiled softly at the thought and walked through the door where Lois Lane was already waiting for him, wearing a slate gray suit and her flirtatious smile.

“Superman, good morning, please take a seat,” she said with an invitation gesture pointing to a chair avoiding sniffing the air despite the strong aroma he gave off. "I am delighted to finally have the exclusive for the newspaper Daily Planet,” she said radiantly and without covering how anxious she was to begin the interview.

“I know, they were very insistent,” he said with a small laugh sitting in front of her, looking at her with interest, Lois was her best friend, but not even she could recognize the change in him from Superman to Clark Kent, Lois was an Alpha, middle-class, aggressive, persistent, and with a sense of justice that had deeply affected Clark in his early days at the newspaper. He had been attracted to her in the face of her values, beauty and sense of social duty, unfortunately, her platonic love for her, it did not work, Lois could not fall in love with a Beta like Clark, and even less considering him just a friend of hers.

"Well," Lois said with a dramatic sigh. "You have to make your way if you want to achieve your goals," she said calling the cameraman and the lights so that they were arranged at the correct angles while they began to record and taking her notebook and pen to do notes, she sat very straight and started fluently.

“Very well, we will begin, here Lois Lane, reporter for the newspaper Daily Planet with the exclusive interview of the hero of Metropolis Superman, The Man of Steel, who has recently revealed to the whole world that he is an Omega, and not only that, but a high-class Omega, Superman, why have you decided to reveal yourself as an Omega?”

The answer was the most desired for all, Superman had appeared like any other day to lower cats from trees, visit the sick pavilion, put out fires and stop robberies, but something had changed, he had begun to smell.

The alphas had gathered around him like flies to honey, it wasn´t strange, it was commonly known that less than a quarter of the population was Omega, with the majority in Alphas and Betas. But he wasn't just any omega, he was Superman the Invulnerable Omega, and that's what they had begun to call him. If the alphas got in his way, Superman simply took them away, he didn't respond to his taunts, obscene words or whistles at best. He had generated such controversy, that he had even gotten a small group of fans who would go to any disaster just to see him and give him flowers and other things pretending to woo him.

"I did it to support the Omega community," he said simply after thinking for a few seconds.

“So the speculations that you are in favor of Omega rights are not wrong?“

"In these years I have used my powers to neutralize my smell," he explained. "The Justice League and even the super villains use all kinds of devices to not reveal anything about themselves and keep their identity secret. I have remained silent and anonymous, because I believed that reflecting a neutral image was appropriate for a hero, after all I am a symbol” he explained.

“What made you change your mind?”

“Social injustice, I have walked disguising my true nature, I do not want the other omegas, alphas or betas, to believe that I am ashamed of it, because it is not like that. I think I owe it to those who are like me, who cannot hide, to those who are treated in an inferior way for something as simple as being born with a caste, I do it out of justice, to show that the omegas can be on par. They are no different than a beta or an alpha, and they can be heroes with capes, or by helping others, by being kind, by making this world a little better, that is my message in doing this,” Superman's beautiful blue eyes shone as he recited his speech, he was committed to the idea.

“Very inspiring, but what will you do with the new unwanted attention from the alphas? With your revelation it is also obvious that you are an omega without a partner and even more so a high level”.

“That is also an issue that I am trying to eradicate. We are people not objects. We do not have to have levels between us, each one has different abilities and characteristics that make us unique, I know that we can all perform the same tasks, maybe Omeganazi sounds something,” he said laughing at the term they used on social networks for those who tried to reform the old structures. ”But the world has gradually changed, behind are the horrible reformatories where they separated the Omegas to be trained to serve and be sold to the highest bidder, the justifications for the Alphas to beat the Omega, the prohibition of the Omegas to take birth control and not just give birth to death.”

“Well, there is no doubt that you have innovative ideas, I fully support your campaign and do not hesitate to write about it, do you have plans to pair up and have children in the future?”

At this point Superman blushed a little without being able to help it, lowering his eyes in shame.

“It is a possibility that I do not rule out,” he said briefly, thinking of his mother and late father, they had given a home to a lost baby, they had filled his life of happiness and Clark had always had the idea to do the same, even though his parents were sterile Betas, he knew that love for a child was unmatched.

"Then will you accept dates from Alfas?" she asked with a playful smile.

“I think at that point I should say no, after all my work is very demanding, and because of the Alphas I am not attracted to a specific gender, men, women, Omegas, Alphas or Betas, I think love it is something wonderful that should not be limited.”

“No doubt your fan club, will be howling with excitement to know that many more have possibilities with you, you will have to carefully leave all the unwanted attention.”

“I think it would be a huge waste of time to reject them all, but without a doubt I will be interested in those who support my ideas and demonstrate it.”

“Well, there it is! Let the hunt begin for the heart of the most famous Omega in the world.”

That is how the interview had concluded, which had been published everywhere, hundreds of fans had begun to carry out a campaign to support Omegas, the rights of couples of different castes and genderless adoptions, even aid groups tried to be noticed to reach the great blue alien.

Superman publicly demonstrated his approval of the causes and rejected the invitations and gifts that hundreds of people sent him, sending messages to the population that his desire was for them to help the homeless.

After he received so many gifts, he began donating them to orphanages, hospitals, and collection centers.

There was no way to impress the blue boy scout.


-Months ago-

The red cloak fluttered behind him and the symbol of the EL’s house on his chest, gave him strength to face the people gathered in the room.

“Hi Sups,” a yellow and red tornado spun around him, Flash came running to take his place turning the chair at the moment of sitting down. “Just in time!” he said happily stopping in his tracks looking at the rest of the league waving with smile

Superman felt everyone's eyes on him as he took his place at the oval table, he greeted them with a nod as he ran his eyes over his friends.

"Forgive me for having brought you together so abruptly, but I have decided to make a confession to you," he told them before the inquisitive eyes of the other members of the League.

"You can tell us what you want," Wonder Woman urged him with a smile seeking support from the others who nodded in unison.

Superman gave them a nervous smile, looked at them one last time and spoke. “In the past with the creation of The Justice League, when we realized that the villains were getting stronger and that it was impossible to act without coordination and support, our trust issues were aggravated at the idea of revealing our secret identities, powers or locations, we broke that barrier with time, friendship and teamwork… the truth is that I haven’t been completely honest with you guys,” he took a breath and waited.

“Please say something, is someone else other than me getting desperate?” Flash interrupted, moving his fingers frantically over his crossed arms.

"Flash, behave!" Green Lantern accused him, sending him a look of repression.

“What I mean is that even though you know that I am Clark Kent, I lied to you about being a Beta, my true caste is omega,” he said softly letting the information enter their brains as he slowly lowered his shields and his omega scent was released of him like a flood and at the same time the Alpha scent filled him.

Batman, who had been quiet until then, growled, putting a hand to his mouth to prevent the scent from passing. His throat closed at the smell, his Alpha saliva filled her mouth in an instant and an uncomfortable sensation made her notice his arousal, his lungs ached from more of that delicious air full of pheromones and wish.

“I was definitely not prepared for this,” Green Arrow growled, coughing as if the aroma were stinging his throat. “I understand why you didn't want to tell us,” he said wryly, feeling his body tense, The Justice League gathered the best specimens of Alphas, the richest, the fairest and the most powerful in the world.

“I'm sorry for the discomfort,” Clark apologized, looking down in a submissive attitude that he never used to show, but the closed room full of Alpha aroma, it was too much, he felt that the eyes above him were burning, he felt like they smelled it, it was embarrassing, like a woman exposing her breasts and attributes to others.

“It's not your fault Superman, it's just that… “ Wonder Woman couldn't find words.

“It's just that you smell damn f*ckable,” Flash said without hair on the tongue swallowing the saliva that filled his mouth.

“Flash!” Green Lantern scolded him again making a gesture to shut up.

“I hadn’t wanted to clash in the group, since they are all high-level Alphas, I thought it would be uncomfortable for you to work with an Omega,” Superman told them. “But ... I have thought about making it public and therefore I wanted your opinion.”

“Make it public? dude, you're crazy, they're going to rape you,” this time it was Wonder Woman who suppressed Flash with a withering look.

Superman smiled a little. “I have thought about that possibility, therefore, I want to ask you a favor, I want you to try to submit with everything you have, if I am strong enough to resist you, I will be able to do it before anyone. “Also, I am not going to hide my scent again and it is time that I got used to the Alpha scent.”

The words floated into silence as they slowly fell into everyone's consciousness.

This time it wasn't Flash who spoke. "Do you want us to try to rape you?" Green Arrow said and began to laugh.

Chapter 2


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

When Clark was little, his favorite story was about the day his parents found him.

"It happened on February 29, the most extraordinary day for someone like you," his mother told him, filling his face with kisses.

"We had been resigned that we would not have children," his father used to say.

Martha and Jonathan Kent, they were mid-level Betas, and Betas usually have trouble reproducing, their bodies weren't as prepared as the Omegas to give birth, and being a couple of farmers in the small town of Smallville, their chances to pay for fertility treatment were very limited.

"You came from heaven like an angel" his mother followed with a radiant smile.

They had both taken the road very late at night, in the middle of nowhere, what they believed to be a meteorite fell from the sky crashing into the farm fields.

It was curiosity that prompted them to go to the scene of the accident to find the answer to their prayers, a baby, a beautiful newborn boy in a spaceship covered in a blue blanket, they took it with them, they hid the evidence and they pretended a pregnancy, nine months after Clark Joseph Kent, was her child under the law.

"You had trouble breathing when you arrived, your mother and I couldn't sleep from worry, we were afraid you would die, but we couldn't take you to any doctor without raising suspicions."

Even back then, they came to think that the air of the Earth was hurting him, but as time passed, Clark grew stronger, growing like any healthy and happy child.

"It was so peculiar to see you acquire your powers, in general parents show off their children when they learn to crawl, walk, run, ride a bicycle or fish, but not you, you could lift our tractor or the cows," and in that part Jonathan laughed, remembering how he held his little baby that cost him a broken finger, the fact that Clark never got sick, if he fell out of bed nothing would happen to him, when he was barely a year old he could lift the jug of water or the living room table.

His parents had educated Clark to hide his powers from others, but at home, he practiced little by little, gaining strength, controlling his hearing, to be able to sleep or simply think when he began to listen to multiple conversations at the same time of neighboring towns.

His X-ray vision came later and until almost the end of his adolescence the flight, meanwhile, he only made jumps of great distances. It would be until his adulthood when he developed cold breath and heat vision.

Everything was relatively normal for the Kent’s, until at the age of 12, he began to feel bad, at first he had thought he was dying, a sharp pain filled his stomach and lower abdomen, he had never felt pain and that was an agony. Fortunately, it had been a summer vacation and he was at the farm when this passed.

The first to realize it was his father, who took him in his arms and carried him into the house, while his mother prepared a cold water bath to calm the heat and sweat that attacked his body.

He didn´t know what was happening, but his father left in the work truck and an hour later he returned with suppressants, if Clark had been a normal human, they would have helped, but his invulnerability was also against the drugs. Which were of no use and for a long and exhausting week he suffered the consequences of his cycle.

It was an embarrassing and tiring experience, where he couldn’t stop lubricating and being aroused to the point of pain.

When everything happened, his parents talked to him, explained that he was an Omega, and because of his aroma, one of a high level. They explained that the smell he perceived was his own and that it would never leave him, now he would have cycles every month. Repeating the experience seemed like a punishment more than the miracle of life. His parents had always believed that because he was an alien he wouldn´t have caste and therefore he couldn´t unite and form packs.

During the time that passed from one cycle to the next, Clark tried to take suppressants, even in large quantities, but there was no effect and the date was approaching faster and faster, there was no way to consult an expert, because no one would know how to treat it, and to make it worse, his school vacations were ending and he would have to go to school as an unmarked Omega that was offering himself to the wolves.

On the same day of his cycle he began to feel the need to build a nest, a safe haven where he could spend his fertility days, his parents, books and even classes at school had explained to him that this was a normal behavior in omegas, finding a place to spend your moments of greatest weakness. The cycle affected them according to the level of their class, and lasted longer in those of high rank, who lost their good sense and completely submitted to their wishes.

He shut himself in, took off his clothes and meditated, he concentrated on what he felt, in the small changes that were operating in his body until the heat came, with all its power, making him feel sticky and sweaty, with a terrible heat and a painful need inside him, his own aroma intoxicated him, and he wished with all his might to be something else, someone else, he wanted it with such ardor that his aroma began to fade.

That was the beginning of one of his powers, the ability to disguise himself, and that would allow him to have a secret identity, the simple reason why no one recognized him as Superman when he only wore hard-core glasses without magnification to be Clark Kent, he could change the way others perceived him.

He decided to be a Beta, too common and boring to arouse suspicion of the strange activities that arose around him, nobody gave a Beta a second look, and less when they smelled so weak, when his personality was so shy and little appealing even sanctimonious. Clark Kent would be his secret identity, who would wear glasses as a mask, and who would hide his scent from others.

When he became a super hero he never thought of pretending to be Alpha or Beta, he just didn't smell like anything, so it was more difficult for villains and enemies to track him down, everyone assumed that this was a simple characteristic of being Kryptonian, and not that it was another kind of power in Superman, one less showy than flying or shooting lightning through the eyes.

And in that way Clark had continued, going through his cycles, being a full-fledged Omega, but without smelling like one, without the most important characteristic of his breed. No Alpha would think that something that looks like Beta and smells like Beta would be Omega, it was a brilliant and simple plan that he never thought to change, until now.


Well, here we can see part of Clark's past and how he acquired his superpowers, including the ability to hide his caste and impersonate a Beta.

I hope you liked the chapter, please, don´t stop voting and put your thoughts in the comments.


Chapter 3


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

“I don't know about you but it sounds like a terrible idea to me,” Flash looked at the others, everyone was affected by the aroma, it was too penetrating, as if instead of flowing from Clark it enveloped them, seducing them.

“In addition, I'm already a committed alpha, I have my wife Iris, who by the way will have twins, nobody wants to ruin my marriage, right guys?” he said smiling looking at the tense atmosphere.

"It's not okay to attack an omega," Wonder Woman muttered.

“I have seriously thought about this, you are the most powerful alphas on the planet, if I can defeat you, I will have no problem with supervillains who want to take my caste as a disadvantage in me,” Clark looked as the others agreed but still unsure of do it.

“An alpha that already has a bond won't do something to you Superman,” Green Arrow told him. “If you want to be attacked so badly, then I'll do it, get ready,” he stood up, while Clark followed him. The other Alphas tensed as they felt the unbound Omega move away, expose itself to another Alpha. They acted instinctively before the Omega in distress.

Green Arrow, growled softly, he couldn't help it, he had to defend his prey from the others, the room was filled with small hoarse grunts.

Clark looked at him suspiciously, the scent of The League filling his nose, making him dizzy, it was an addictive scent that made his heart race, the growls made his skin crawl, he smirked and gestured for Ollie to come for him. It was all it took for Green Arrow to pounce on him, while Superman dodged him, he didn’t carry his bow, but Ollie didn’t need it, he let the alpha saliva accumulate in his mouth, his scent became stronger and he growled primitive to Superman, who was paralyzed for an instant at that call, was not used to that Omega / Alpha dynamic. Green Arrow took the opportunity to take his arm and try to get close to him to bite him.

Superman pushed his face away with one hand and pulled him away from him, throwing him against the other side of the room scared by the sudden fury and hunger he had seen in other people's eyes.

“K.O.” Flash announced surprised that Green Arrow had tried to bite Superman.

"Let's stop this," requested a concerned Wonder Woman.

“Sorry Diana, for doing this to you, I'm being selfish,” Clark sighed, relaxing from the recent battle and let his scent increase lowering all his defenses that he had held for so long. “Attack me Diana,” he murmured and as a last thrust he tilted his neck where the omega gland was found. This was a dangerous tactic, it was provocation and an offer.

The growl that came out of Diana had nothing to do with Green Arrow's, Wonder Woman ran towards him, hitting him in the chest, while Superman defended himself from a provoked Alpha. She hit and kicked him hard, as she tried to subdue him with her growls. Clark took Diana by her arm, bent it over her neck and lowered her to the ground, placing her in a position of submission, the fight was over.

The next in combat was Green Lantern, which lasted even less than the other two, despite the fact that with his ring he had created cages, chains, necklaces and tractors to crush Superman, none of that had paid off. Clark's invulnerability could fight the ring.

Finally, Batman was left, standing in front of the other, the cape that covered him reached the ground.

“I want you to know that this is stupid,” Batman's deep and grumpy voice made her shudder, she felt more alert of his presence than ever, of the smell that came from him calling him like the song of the sirens.

"I figured this would bother you," he said with a gesture referring to himself.

Batman growled under his breath, attacked fast and precise like a snake, it was until he received the blow that he knew it, a kryptonite ring in Batman's hand, the blow had left him unstable.

“It's silly to expose you like this, this will teach you,” Batman grabbed Superman's hair and hit him in the face once more. Superman's head was spinning, he felt weak and sick, his defenses lowered and a slow sensual low growl filled his senses.

“Kneel,” the order filled the darkest part of his being, so deep inside that there was no way out but to obey and his knees were defeated in the position of greater submission in an Omega. Surrendering to the Alpha, to Batman.

Batman approached slowly looking at him, filling himself with power, the most powerful man kneeling before him, in front of everyone, surrendering. A growl filled his mouth and he felt aroused and overwhelmed by the Omega scent, breathing it in and letting himself salivate.

Superman looked down, his arms crossed behind his back and his neck tilted in invitation.

Batman knelt before him, opened his mouth and his eyes met those unreal blues, "Are you going to do this to me, Bruce?" he said very softly and without voice before feeling the bite and hearing the scream of horror from his colleagues.


Ok, the end of this chapter was something intense.

I couldn´t resist and already published until the third chapter. Please tell me what you think in the comments, xoxo

Chapter 4


Just like i promised, here's chapter 4 !!

I hope you like it, and please don't forget to comment.


Chapter Text

As soon as his mouth bit into the gland filled with Omega pheromones, his Alpha saliva carried out the hormone exchange by itself. It was an explosion of pleasure, his hands clung to Clark's hard and hot body, drawing him to his possessive, burying his nose in his neck filling him with the intoxicating aroma and taste of her letting it fill him all the senses.

He had been able to hear Superman's groan of pain, and his weak hands holding onto his body, the bite seldom pleasant for the Omega, but addictive for an Alpha. It was a direct shot of Omega hormones, the Alpha / Omega couples, strengthened their bonds with continuous biting during sex, to the point that the bite in heat, transformed into a permanent bond difficult to break marked with a scar, fed by the continuous exchange of hormones.

The bites were a symbol of ownership, submission and a stable relationship, that an omega without a partner had one or more of different Alphas was interpreted as promiscuous.

Batman bit him as hard as he could on the fabric until he was pulled away by Wonder Woman, for their part, Flash, Green Lantern and Green Arrow, they were shocked. Biting an Omega was a symbol of dominance, of sex and togetherness.

In general, the first bite was made in the most religious people until the wedding day, it wasn’t something that people took lightly, like biting whatever Omega one was on the way, there must be consent between the parties in something so intimate.

Wonder Woman slapped the ring away from Batman, while a sore Superman stood up, his cheeks red and hiding his bite with one hand. The bite, his proximity and that Alpha scent had made him wet, it was shameful to be there, where everyone could smell his arousal, as if his own traitorous body asked for more of the Alpha, accentuating his scent, calling him for having withdrawn from him, ashamed and without looking up so as not to connect with Bruce's, he left the room.


He teleported to the Batcave, it was a relief from the smell of dirt, damp and mold, it would serve to clear his head too full of pheromones. He went straight to take a bath of ice water, feeling boiling, cursed under his breath at Superman, at his pheromones, at his weakness, his smell and the taste of him. More than anything he remembered the taste of him, the throb of blood under his tongue, the delicious pressure of his flesh and the low moan at the pain of the bite.

Despite having a painful excitement, he didn’t touch, he didn’t want to face his fantasies, angrily he sat down to work with a bathrobe while his fingers typed quickly, but not all the crime was able to make him focus.

He remembered Clark even since he began to be Batman, he knew of the existence of him, someone dressed in blue, red and yellow, it was very unlikely that he would go unnoticed. In his fight against evil, Superman once visited Gotham City, then kicked him out because it was too small a city for two superheroes.

Clark had never smelled anything, he remembered that first impression that he had given him, of being someone abnormal, not emitting a scent, of not knowing who or what he was, of being an alien.

It was not until they got more involved with each other that he got to know the identity of him, Clark Kent, reporter and Beta, he had felt that as a disappointment, a beta, perhaps that is why he could unite them so well and make them work as a team. The Betas were always considered the "glue of the pack", he had attributed it to it, without any proof other than that that the smell of him gave him, what an idiot he had been.

Worse still, he had bitten him, he had succumbed to his most basic instincts and proved that he was just a dog looking for a bite and had treated his best friend like his bitch by biting him.

The confusion made him put his hands to his face, how had they ended up like this? Things were so simple when he lived in ignorance.

"Master Bruce, you seem to be having a hard time," Alfred's phlegmatic voice interrupted his chain of gloomy thoughts.

"Not now Alfred," he growled as he sighed preparing to face the intelligence of the Beta next to him. Alfred had been the first member of his pack, when his parents were still alive, his mother had been the omega, his father the alpha leader, his cub and Alfred the Beta who linked them to everyone. Unfortunately, that perfect balance was not meant to last, over the years he would gather his own pack with the Robins, Batgirl and Batwoman.

Alfred looked at him smartly and left his food next to him, "Master Bruce, if you allow an observation, you always find a solution to everything, I am sure that this enigma in front of your eyes will be clarified and if not, you have allies and friends, the League of Justice will second it."

"This is more a problem with someone from The League, it's a personal problem," he said looking at his food without any appetite.

Alfred looked at him insightfully, Master Bruce never seemed to care about his relationship with others. “If that is the case, I suggest you discuss it with the person, there is nothing that cannot be solved with words, it is evident how much it bothers you to be on bad terms with him,” Alfred turned around and Bruce didn't ask how he knew it was a him.


When he turned on the light in his apartment he knew by the unmistakable beat of his heart who was waiting for him. Years ago, he had memorized that particular vibrating sound amongst the rest of the world. They had spent too much time together listening to him, so much so that his eidetic memory preserved it.

Bruce Wayne, with his fine clothes tailored to fit, his face serious and shadowed by darkness, waited for him sitting on his sofa, completely out of place between his cheap furniture and his little home.

He pretended not to feel surprised and with a disinterested look he put his briefcase on the table, followed by the jacket and glasses, taking off his tie before the watchful leaden blue gaze. Those eyes made him relive events too recent to be ignored, he was grateful for his Beta disguise, because all his pheromones stirred inside him at the Alpha presence.

He swallowed hard, pushing his thoughts away from him and decided to face the new challenge.

“Can I offer you something to drink” He smiled false and although Bruce noticed it, he turned around after his refusal and filled a glass of juice to go to take a seat next to him on the sofa.

“We have to talk,” Bruce's raspy voice made him tremble, he had never felt uncomfortable next to him, but right now he wanted to fly to the Moon and not know anything about it.

He nodded, gulping down the game and leaving it on the table. “There's nothing to talk about, it was my fault,” he said softly, slowly looking up at his face, it was difficult to look him in the eye and not feel so vulnerable, maybe he wasn't smelling, but it didn’t matter, with the intensity of Bruce's gaze it wouldn’t have been strange that he also shot rays of heat through the eyes.

"Why didn't you tell me earlier?" Clark wasn't prepared for Bruce's betrayed tone.

“I didn’t want you to treat me differently, we wouldn’t have been friends, the League wouldn’t have trusted my leadership, it would be uncomfortable for all of you and for me to smell us, the continuous excitement, it would be a distraction...”

“I know I didn’t prove my worth in The Watchtower, with what happened between us Clark, but you are my best friend, why didn't you trust me?”

"I trust you," he assured him, the intensity of his alien blue eyes was overwhelming. "You're my best friend Bruce, I wasn't ready, I've been hiding who I am for too long," he sighed.

“I'm sorry I was a dog, I didn't behave with an Alpha, things got out of control with the bite, I came to offer you something,” Bruce put his fingers inside his jacket and from his pocket took out an Alfashot, it was a small bottle of hormones Alpha donated by anonymous people that were distilled into a chemical compound, were used as a medicine for heat or panic attacks on Omegas, and were classified as a very strong drug that required a prescription. Clark wasn't surprised that Bruce had access to those kinds of drugs, he was Bruce Wayne after all. He took the pot between his fingers, brushing Bruce´s.

"It won't do me good," he said, looking at the container. "The suppressants don't work on me either, I've tried before."

“Is it because of your Kryptonian nature?”

Clark nodded, putting the container on the coffee table in a silence that lasted between the two of them.

“How bad is the bite?” Clark joined his eyes to his with the question and slowly opened his shirt, on Clark's skin without imperfections or scars the bite was shocking, it had spread and there where the teeth of Bruce sank into his Omega gland, the skin was black, followed by a purple until it finished in reddish edges.

The man behind the Batman mask gritted his teeth seriously, "I'm sorry," he said feeling that the words were very little compared to that huge bruise.

The first bites of an Alpha were always scandalous, difficult to hide, they were designed to alienate others, it was a warning mark against any other Alpha, the first step in a bond with an Omega.

“It is the first time that I have been bitten, I thought that my invulnerable skin would not leave traces or that it would heal quickly, but apparently as Omega I’m not exempt from those things even if I’m from Krypton,” he said running his fingers over the mark, it hurt a little of which was strange to him as well, because the pain was never kept in his body.

Bruce hadn’t expected that, having taken the first bite from Clark, which was strange, Clark was ten years younger than him, and he had never met a serious partner but he imagined that he had encounters with more people, it was a surprise to learn that he had them, but they weren’t with Alphas, the truth is that in his opinion waiting until marriage to bite an Omega was a stupid and retrograde idea, strengthened by movies and romantic novels, in them they always made the bite seem like something measured and painless. He looked at Clark, he was conducive to sentimentality and he sure was saving something like that for the right person. He felt even worse.

"You don't have to hide," he said softly and gravely. "There is nothing wrong with who you are."

“I know, I'm not ashamed of myself, it's just that… I've taken the simple path, I should have known that there are no easy paths,” he said with a sigh.

“I support your decision.”

Clark looked up in surprise.

“Make it public.”

“But… ” Clark was stunned. “Won't it be difficult to work with me on missions?”

“You are not the only one who smells, we are also making things difficult for you with our Alpha scent everywhere, we don’t disguise ourselves, ¿why would you?”

Clark nodded meditating on his words, his smile grew wider as all the weight of them echoed within himself, Bruce accepted it, Batman accepted it, he was on his side. The happiness that spread across his chest was reflected on his face, Clark was transparent in his emotions.

“Thanks Bruce.”

The other took a moment to memorize his features, the sparkling blue eyes, the angular face, the full lips and that devastating smile, how had he not noticed before? He felt that he had ignored an important part of Clark, something hidden in the obvious, that Omega beauty that represented all of her gender. Clark wasn't picky, he was strong, bright, warm, confident, and well, so good.

"I'm just telling the truth," he said, shrugging it off and standing up. "I think it's time to go."

Clark's smile wobbled on his lips, but he nodded softly, standing up to accompany him.

“I suppose we only have to get used to the smell,” Clark said feeling that everything had been forgiven between them, he was glad to be on good terms again.

Bruce nodded without saying anything more as they walked to the door, which only required a few steps in the small space.

He opened the door and looked at Bruce one last time.

“I’ll visit you soon,” he said. “Don't feel bad about this,” he said pointing to his neck. “I'm glad it was you and not a villain, I'll be more careful, now I can be me,” and before Bruce's eyes the shields fell and an intense aroma came from Clark, overwhelming, closing his throat again, leaving him dry, he inhaled slowly feeling that the air did not leave his lungs until he spoke.

“Don't forget not to leave your Omega scent in Clark Kent's apartment, it would raise suspicions, be careful, The Fortress of Solitude will be a better place for you, to pass the cycles and nest,” he recommended.

"I know, I do those things there," he said and hugged him, like Beta Clark sometimes did, it wasn't something new, but it felt different.

Bruce swallowed and circled the other's waist, a thoughtless act inhaling the warm, homey scent of him. Clark barely separated with his reddish cheeks and that smile, "Bye Bruce," he said taking a few steps back, letting the other press his lips again, growling slightly and also murmuring goodbye.

Chapter 5

Chapter Text

Clark was hopelessly and totally in love with Bruce Wayne.

Looking back, he could tell that a certain attraction had always been present between them. When he was just beginning to show his secret Superman identity, he already knew about Batman, the Dark Knight. For the multiple news that reached Metropolis and more specifically his work in the Daily Planet.

They met for the first time following an investigation that had passed from Metropolis to Gotham City, the arms trafficking network had expanded and in his attempt to stop them he had flown into the gloomy streets only to be expelled by the bat.

"This city is too small for two superheroes."

The Gotham City bat had practically thrown him into a fight in which Superman had beaten and the bat's pride triggered Batman's visit to Metropolis. He was always more prepared and placed a tracker on Superman that led him to Clark Kent's apartment and the discovery of his true identity. Upon realizing furious, Superman used his powers to see under the mask and discover the face behind, Bruce Wayne.

The knowledge of Batman's true identity overwhelmed him, why would an Alpha like Bruce Wayne, surrounded by precious Omega, become Batman? The doubt brought out the best of his reporting skills to cover that scoop, he investigated, his tragic past with the death of his parents, his successful life as a businessman, the scandals in which he was involved with his eccentric personality.

None of that seemed to fit in with Batman, his growling, his strong Alpha scent, his dry personality. The subject had obsessed him and for that reason he sought to meet him again.

But Batman, as cunning as ever, had investigated him on his own, and more than that he had found his weakness. Kryptonite. He had taken advantage of that to defeat and humiliate him in their next encounter.

"You won't forget that it was me who defeated you" he growled at him with his deep, raspy voice.

And he didn’t forget it.

Their encounters didn’t stop, he went to their press conferences and the charity balls organized by the Wayne Foundation, they both knew who the other was and at times they played at not knowing each other, at being the cat and mouse but it was never clear who was who. Even when he believed that he had it, that he had discovered the mystery that was Bruce Wayne, he amazed him with his wit, with his skill and his goodness.

Superman couldn't understand how a human without powers could risk so much, he tried to offer his help and only offended Bruce.

"I already have an assistant," Bruce told him, referring to the boy who was accompanying him at that time. Robin, a small low-level Beta boy, adopted by Bruce after the death of his parents.

Batman hated feeling weak and vulnerable and Superman didn’t touch the subject again, because he understood that the last event in Alley of Crime had marked the man forever, a wound that would never heal more than bringing justice into his own hands, until no child had a bad day again.

For both, things as lonely heroes couldn’t continue indefinitely, the villains were allied and circ*mstances made them, too, fight side by side discovering that they were a good team, Clark could be flexible and Bruce reasonable enough to admit that he needed help. At that time, Richard Grayson was beginning to grow to form the Teen Titans and Batman recruited a new Robin, Jason Todd, a small high-level Alpha, who had tried to steal the Batmobile's tires.

With his new alliance, more villains and more heroes began to show themselves, the idea of uniting barely glimpsed in everyone's minds. Heroes like Wonder Woman and Flash, were willing to start a new team, but they couldn’t do it alone, and although Superman wished to be with them, it was impossible for him to join without convincing Batman to do it as well. The Knight of the Night, had refused, he didn’t need anyone’s help. That thought didn’t change until the fateful death of the second Robin.

The Joker had caught Jason in Batman's stubbornness of not needing anyone, he didn't arrive in time, and Jason paid the consequences for his mistakes.

"The joke is for you."

The caption was cruel on Jason's uniform, the body had never appeared and the dark laughter of the Joker had been left to deepen the wound.

Dick had returned from Jump City to Gotham City, after learning the truth, devastated by the reality of losing a member of his pack, he confronted Bruce, but he didn’t want to listen to him, fracturing their relationship.

Clark showed up at the funeral, standing next to Bruce as it all happened, witnessing the change in the Wayne family.

"This is my fault," Bruce had muttered in a hoarse growl, when it was all over, after an argument with Dick and Alfred.

“That's not true,” Clark had put his hand on the shoulder of his friend and for the first time he had hugged him and comforted him.

“He was my son, my pup, he was within my pack, he had just begun to be an Alpha, he was only 13 years old and he was full of potential, I didn’t take him off the streets for this,” he had started with a tirade moving in his arms warm from Clark who despite his protests and even blows didn’t let go, hugged him until Bruce returned the hug and in a wordless silence mourned his loss.

Clark couldn’t tell him anything, his father had died of a heart attack and he knew that a loss of that size could not be overcome, that nothing would change the pain that the Joker had caused him. Even when he had to leave him he continued to watch over him, that was when he learned to differentiate Bruce's heartbeat from any other, that he sharpened his hearing to such an extent to watch over the watchman. Because Bruce had changed, he had become more aggressive, he took out his hatred on the criminals, left them faint from the blows, he did not sleep, he did not eat and he was always absent.

Alfred had called him a desperate day, Batman had been away for three nights without returning, the company began to ask about Bruce Wayne and Lucius Fox, he could not stop the imminent fall of Wayne Companies, even Dick was desperate he didn’t want to lose someone else of his family.

Superman had no difficulty finding him, famished, full of cuts and dried blood that wasn’t his, his knuckles shattered from so many blows.

“It's time to go Bruce,” he had called him sitting next to him giving him the hand that his friend wanted to reject, Clark covered him with his cloak and took him in his arms to return to Wayne Manor.

Bruce's recovery would be slow, not because of his physical injuries but because of his emotional ones.

“Take a vacation,” Clark had suggested with a smile and his blue eyes full of hope.

Bruce didn’t know why he accepted, but it was easier to get away from the pain, Batman's mantle became Dick's, and for a few months, Clark dedicated himself to showing Bruce the wonders of the world, how beautiful it was to live, the beauty of the earth and hope in humanity.

He took him to the Fortress of Solitude, where no one but him had been, sheltered he showed him the lights of the North Pole, he flew with him through the earth letting his heart heal while Clark and he helped the people who ran into his little trip.

Clark even took him to spend Christmas in Kansas with him and his family, Bruce helped prepare dinner next to Martha, he placed the spheres with Clark who saw him radiant to have him with him. It was the common, repeated and habitual things that restored meaning to Bruce's life, healing his wounds until he was ready and thus one day tell Clark:

"I'm ready to go back to Gotham City, take me there Clark."

Bruce took up the mantle of Batman once again, he and Dick were able to restore some meaning to their lives, even if Dick could no longer follow Batman's ideals, and decided to leave the leadership of the Teen Titans to become Nightwing and walk away to Blüdhaven.

Batman and Superman joined the Justice League as founding members alongside Wonder Woman, creating the Hall of Justice and later the Watchtower in space with new technologies and support from new members.

Bruce would take on a third Robin, a low-level little omega boy named Tim Drake. Who had discovered the secret identities of Batman and the other Robin, a boy so intelligent that could rival the great detective mind of Batman.

It would be in each new mission, in each meeting, in each visit to Wayne Manor or in each interview in which he pretended not to know who was who, that he would feel his heart beating for him, such a great affection, an appreciation so great that could be defined as love.

Chapter 6


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

His resolve to reveal himself as Omega had been born from a simple conversation with his mother in a hot summer afternoon in Smallville, his small hometown, which was just his busiest vacation destination. He loved spending time with his old school friends and especially his mother Martha Kent.

“You don't have to spend all your vacations with your mother Clark,” she said while sitting in her rocking chair towards an embroidery.

"You know I like to come see you ma," Clark told him, repairing the old kitchen cabinets with his work equipment and his farmer's clothes with which he felt so comfortable.

"You're a spoiled child Clark, I think Jonathan and I spoil you too much," she said laughing.

“As Superman I have little time, so as Clark Kent I want to be with my family,” he assured her, finishing repairing the annoying squeak that the kitchen doors made to go and sit in front of her mother, cleaning the grease from his fingers.

“Clark Kent and Superman, they are both the same for me, you always speak as if you were two people darling, you are only one, my dear son,” the older woman raised her head and smiled affectionately.

“You say that because you’re my mother, but it isn’t so easy, I can’t be both, Superman is a symbol and Clark Kent just a person.”

“Just one person?” she said in amazement, stopping knitting, “Clark Kent is affectionate, dedicated, kind, sweet, kind, an incredible reporter, a great friend and a wonderful son,” she said enumerating with his fingers. “Humans aren´t “just people" my dear boy, there is much more inside us than meets the eye.”

"But like Clark Kent I can't save people with my super powers," he assured her stubbornly.

“It takes more than a super power to do good Clark, it takes a kind heart, a righteous mind and the sense to do what is right even if it isn’t easy, people are involved in circ*mstances where they must prove their worth day by day Clark, it’s our decisions that define who we really are.”

Clark pondered it and nodded.

“Remember your friend Bruce, the one you haven't brought home for a long time, well, he is also only a human, but he transformed himself into Batman.”

"Bruce has resources, money and intelligence."

"The resources we have all depends on the way we use them, Clark," she assured him.

“Why are we having this talk of mine? I understand the difference between my life as Clark and Superman, that I can’t mix them because it would endanger the people I care about, just like you.”

“This talk is because I don't need telepathy or powers to know you Clark, you hide from yourself.”

“eh? Of course not, "he said, laughing without understanding.

Martha gave him a smart look and smiled, “Even with me, you still smell like a Beta honey,” she told him softly as Clark babbled.

"It's just my custom, as Clark I always block my scent to look like a Beta."

Martha sighed, lowering her eyes sadly to her now forgotten sewing, “Your father and I wondered if we were instilling you wrong in hiding your Omega nature, we thought that maybe we didn’t know how to treat you in the right way at the time and that this has created in you Omegaphobic tendencies.”

“What? Absolutely no!” he said raising his voice more than he intended.

She looked at him gravely and said nothing, waiting for him to calm down. “So why is Superman not an Omega? If Clark Kent can't be, why can't Superman either?

“I ... that was because it would have been difficult to explain it and also to make a team with the others,” he said nervously realizing that he was justifying himself.

“You have nothing to explain Clark, you are what you are, and your father and I were proud of you for it, he couldn’t tell you…,” she said sadly, “But he wanted you to know, how happy he was that you followed your dreams and aspirations.”

“I’m fulfilling my dreams ma, I live in Metropolis, I work in the Daily Planet, I can be a superhero and I help people with the Justice League that has allowed me to meet wonderful people.”

Martha looked at him meditating and continued, “When you arrived in a spaceship we thought that that would be the thing that would most separate you from humanity, being from Krypton, but you have turned your eyes to Earth and you have looked at it with love because this is your world Clark , regardless of your origin or if your name is Kal-El. You are also a son of the Earth, it’s your contact with humanity that has made you a benefactor of the planet instead of a conqueror, if your alien origin hasn’t separated you from the others, Clark, don’t let your Omega nature separate you from what you have built.”

Clark nodded, thinking of her words, unable to say anything. He stood up and walked up to her to hold hands, letting the Omega scent drip off him, warm, fragrant, and homey.

"I'm like all mothers Clark," she said, embarrassed. "I care about my puppy," she said, feeling silly for being moved to tears by her contact with her son. "I want to see you happy," she said softly.

“I'm already happy,” he assured her, bending down and rubbing his cheeks, strengthening the pack bond they had.

“If you are happy then don’t hide Clark, if you really are, get a partner who loves you for who you are without lies or falsehoods, that’s my greatest desire, that they love you without conditions.”

"I've had partners before," he said smiling, remembering his past relationships with Lana Lang, Lori Lemaris, Lyla Lerrol, Luma Lynai, Sally Selwyn and Lyrica Lloyd.

“And you didn't bring any of them home, you had a short relationship or you never told them about Superman and even less thought about telling them to be an Omega.”

"I already have someone," he told her, knowing that that wasn’t entirely true.

"That's great Clark," she said with eyes brightening with excitement, "Tell me about her."

"It's a He," he said, his cheeks hot with embarrassment.

“Oh ... well that's the least of it, but if he loves you just the way you are, he's the right person Clark,” she said laughing like a girl happy to see him so red.

“Well, he still doesn’t know everything, he only knows that I am Superman,” he said shyly from talking about his feelings, he hadn’t confessed to anyone his love for the Bat of Gotham City, he hadn’t thought that he would do it with his mother.

“Then you must tell him, I know he will love you, who wouldn't? “ She said proud of her boy.

Clark felt more sorry if possible, he had never considered telling Bruce, he had never thought to tell anyone that he was an Omega, that hadn’t even crossed his mind and now his mother was putting the cards on the table. But his mother said it with such conviction, would Bruce really love him if he knew he was an Omega? If he knew that he had lied to him all those years and hidden her nature from him?

"And what if he only loves me for being an Omega and he an Alpha? I want him to love me for who I am, not for how I smell," he said sadly at that truth.

“You will know that when you tell him, because after all, who is the one that is not being really honest? How do you want me to love you for who you are if you haven't even shown your true self?”

The truth in her words fell like a bucket of cold water, it was true, Bruce had never thought about being his partner because he had never shown himself as a candidate, he had never shown his love interest. The image of Bruce strolling with Omegas on her arm smiling at them, taking them to parties walking and laughing with them, soured her mouth. Would Bruce behave that way with him? Or on the contrary, it would be everything as before, they would be friends and he would never see it with desire like any other Omega.

The possibilities were piling up in his head, to be free to show himself for who he really was, to be accepted by his friends, to tell the truth to everyone, and finally to be desired by Bruce.

His heart beat fast thinking about it, the possibility seemed strange to him and so close to him he just had to do it, show himself as Omega and that's it. So simple that it seemed absurd.

“You know what ma? You are right I will tell him that I’m an Omega.”

Martha hugged him happily for her son.

"Nothing will make me happier if you’re happy too, darling," she assured him as they shared a hug, with Clark with determination in his head smiling at the new opportunity.


A very beautiful chapter in my opinion, I really loved how Martha helped Clark open his eyes. That woman is a gem!!

Also, from the next chapter things already follow their normal course, after what happened in the first part of chapter 1 (the revelation of Sups as Omega and his talk with Lois)

Well, I hope you liked the chapter, xoxo

Chapter 7


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

“Sir, everything ready,” Mercy Graves, tapped to Lex Luthor's desk, with a tablet on her arm to put it by her side showing him her work.

“The yacht has been rented, the money for the Metropolis Municipal Library has already been received and the invitations sent, everyone will be there just like the statue you had ordered to be made,” she informed him, passing the images on the screen along with the graphics.

“Perfect, if everything goes well Mercy, that night I will have got the most famous Omega in the world and his absolute power will bow before me,” he said with a smile looking at the statue of Superman, the man prostrated to humanity, raising his hands with kindness to the heavens as a God.

Lex Luthor, was a high class Alpha and was used to always having what he wanted, on the one hand his analytical and extremely brilliant mind could elaborate the most ingenious plans and on the other his immense fortune could provide him with access to all kinds of technology, weapons, people and places.

Only one thing escaped him, he didn’t possess powers, but that didn’t intimidate him, Lex Corp, could produce enough weapons to dress him in such a way that he would be invulnerable.

Batman had been his inspiration, a human fighting alongside heroes, but he wanted more, he wanted to be divine.

It had been years since he had observed Superman, but he had never taken sides or any side, there was no way to contact him and for years The Wonder of Metropolis continued to be inaccessible.

Until the big reveal, Superman was an Omega, a high-level Omega, the news had made him laugh at how hilarious it was.

A high-level Omega on everyone's nose, in the public eye, strutting and unmarked, so much power, strength and beauty without dominating. Just thinking about it he felt arousal and his Alpha saliva began to flow, he wanted to mark him, possess him and use him.

He stood looking at his empire from his window in the tallest building in the city, he could see the globe of the Daily Planet from there, the main avenues and nearby parks, maybe if he looked fixed he could see it, not a bird, not an airplane, but Superman.

He laughed in front of the window, eager to meet his prey.

"Very soon Superman, you and I will be one," he said looking at his reflection and his fierce blue eyes sparkled with mischief.


Superman entered the common dining room of the Watchtower, was immediately followed by a silence and a few whispers that his super ear had no difficulty picking up.

"The first omega of the Watchtower."

“Incredible that he could hide it so long.”

“Shut up, he can hear us, idiot.”

It was like going back to high school but worse.

He lined up with his tray to receive his food, at least the robots treated him the same.

"Dessert?" The android's metallic voice asked him and he muttered a yes to see how the last apple pie was brought by Shazam, the boy was happily devouring his food.

“If you want you can have mine.”

He turned around looking at Green Arrow offering him a piece of cake, it was his favorite and his cycle was in the middle which made him especially fussy and hungry, but that an Alpha gave food to an Omega was a symbol of protection, of care, that he could provide the Omega with everything he needed. He wanted to say yes but in the end, in distress, he said no.

“Oh come on man, eat it! After how you looked at it with such sadness, I couldn't eat it myself, eat it, there are children in the world who have nothing to eat,” he said putting it on his tray using guilt against him as they walked to their table under the watchful eye of all.

"Just like in high school," thought Superman unable to help but feel happy to have his cake and in a way fond of Green Arrow for giving it to him, he cursed his Omega attempts for how easy it was and took a seat with the others.

His table in ‘high school’ terms was the popular kids' table, where the founding members used to sit when they had time and were not on a mission.

Shazam and Flash ate, the boy dangled his legs from the seat, and Flash devoured four trays at a time.

“Easy, they aren’t going to eat you,” said Green Arrow whispering in his ear, which sent a chill he wasn’t used to being in his Omega form all the time, the sensations and smells were stronger, and the Alpha aroma in the dining room was almost unbearable to bear.

"I'm fine," he lied as he began to eat trying not to focus on Ollie's intense green eyes that didn't believe him at all.

"It's good that you're not a villain, you lie horrible," he said laughing, mocking at him, it seemed like Green Arrow's new hobby was to bother the Omega.

"How's the bite going?" Ollie asked quietly again.

"Come on, it´s already purple instead of black, so it shouldn't take long to take off," he said very quietly.

"Do you know what it's good to remove a bite?" he asked him with a funny smile on his lips, Clark thought he was going to regret asking but he did it anyway.


“Saliva from another Alpha. A different Alpha licking your neck will make the previous hormones wash away,” Ollie's smile grew when he saw the blush on Clark who seemed speechless with surprise.

Superman looked down and continued eating until he felt a presence behind him, Batman was there with his tray, he looked at him relieved like someone clinging to a lifeline, he sat as usual next to Clark and began to eat without looking at him in his usual silence that was a blessing to Superman.

"Hey Batman and Superman, did you get an invitation like this?" Ollie asked, pulling out of his suit a carefully handwritten letter, the charity event of the year, sponsored by Lex Corp.

Batman looked up to see the card, he too had received one and since Bruce Wayne couldn’t miss those events, he wasn’t surprised that Ollie was also invited, Queen Enterprises was gaining ground in the industry and was known for its altruistic generosity.

"I'll go," Superman told them taking a bite of his apple pie, smiling at the sweetness and licking his lips, which didn’t go unnoticed by either Batman or Green Arrow.

“In fact I am the guest of honor, a monument will be created in my name and I will announce the improvements in Metropolis,” he said remembering the unusual invitation he had received, the park had been covered with flowers that, looked from the sky, announced his invitation to the event .

“You are very close to having your own museum,” said Flash finishing eating, looking at the others, “You will be as incredible as me,” he said smugly laughing.

Clark laughed, “Then I think we'll see each other over there,” he said to Batman and Green Arrow with a smile finishing their dessert and getting up to leave, taking his tray.


Bruce looked at the invitation once more, frowning, it looked like the paper had offended him in some way.

“Mr.Bruce, not by looking at it you will change what it says on the card.”

Alfred looked at him with amusem*nt in his eyes, taunting him, as he laid his perfectly pressed suit next to him.

"His plane is ready to take off in an hour, you better hurry up or you will be late for the dance," he said with that polite voice that hid the humor of the situation.

“I'm coming,” he said looking at the man leaving his room, he looked one last time at his invitation said his name, it was going to be Bruce Wayne attending a charity party as always, in which he would take a couple of Omega models from his arms and he would meet the most famous Omega of today, Superman.

He left the invitation on his bed starting to get dressed, he had already been to previous dances with Clark, only he was always Clark the reporter, the invisible boy with whom he sent glances from time to time or shared some sexy and daring comments and Clark he would respond timidly or with some cunning comment, he knew how to play like that, not with a new element on the board.

Since Bruce Wayne was expected to flirt with Superman, it was so evident that he sighed at the flawless image of him in the mirror, and changed his grim face to Wayne's gallant smile.


He landed on the yacht with a movement of the red cape, the reporters and the flashes didn’t wait, he smiled greeting everyone and walked away from him without comment. He wore his uniform and the unmistakable curl on his forehead, his blue eyes searched for familiar faces, but was intercepted by a hand on his lower back, the touch made him shiver and a wave of Alpha pheromones filled his nostrils turning to meet with a pair of blue eyes and a smile.

“Superman, it is an honor that you have come, I am Alexander Luthor,” Lex's voice was low and serious, and he didn’t withdraw his hand from Superman, who couldn’t find a polite way to say "stop touching me"

“I am grateful with your altruistic work towards Metropolis, it is wonderful,” he said, taking a step back, giving ground to flee from his contact, Lex took a more stalking step.

"It has never been done enough for this city," he commented, smiling, still staring at him.

“You are right, many hands are needed to achieve peace, the population will be favored with your donation of books to the library,” he said softly, he had never been harassed by an Alpha and didn´t want to find out now.

“I can do more for this city I have big plans that I would like to discuss with you later in my office or we could go somewhere more private to talk about them,” he said with that smile that never seemed to fade from his face, getting a little closer to him until the limit of personal space.

“Don't hog our guest of honor Lex, we all want to talk to him,” Ollie's voice was a relief and he soon felt his hand wrap around his waist, “Superman, I bet Lex hasn't offered you a drink, would you like to accompany me to the bar?” his blond friend smiled at him as he had seen the girls do before, it was too bizarre, but he agreed taking the hand that he offered

“We're talking business Oliver Queen, it would not be polite for you to take him away by force” Lex said with a smile descending from his lips with those hard eyes taking Superman's free hand.

Clark felt like a toy that two children fight over.

"Wow, I didn't know there would be dog fighting as part of the show." the voice took him by surprise and there was Bruce having a drink.

Neither of them let him go but at least they stopped pulling him, Superman advanced towards Bruce freeing himself, relieved to see him, it was his lifeline in a single day, he smiled gratefully as he walked away from the three Alphas, dealing with them was too much tired. He looked at the food bar for something to drink, but there was only alcohol, something that went against his moral code.

He took a canape that looked too delicate and beautiful to be eaten, and gave it a try, it was sweet and creamy, surprising him with its taste. The Omegas had more acute senses than the Alphas or Betas, this helped them choose the best mate for them and distinguish their cubs by smell.

He began to eat one after another, until a glass landed next to him, it was Bruce.

"Take it easy, it seems you were never invited to gala party, farm boy," he said mockingly, pushing the glass towards him. "It's mineral water, there's nothing on this yacht other than champagne and wine," he said.

Superman swallowed the last sandwich and wiped his mouth with a napkin before Bruce's scolding, the truth is that he didn’t have the impeccable manners of the millionaire, Bruce moved like a fish in water. He looked at the glass and didn’t hesitate to take a good sip, as Kryptonian he didn’t need to eat, he could basically photosynthesize, but that didn’t mean that he preferred to do it.

“You are going to get fat if you keep eating that way.”

"Do you think I'm fat?" He asked, looking at himself in his blue superhero suit, Bruce couldn't help but walk over his body, no, definitely not, a body like that was anything but fat.

“Where are your omegas today?” Superman asked after the silence of him, walking together to the railing, at night they moved soft and light among the waves of the sea.

"I left them there," he said, nodding to a corner where two blonde girls sat bored.

Superman smiled at him knowing he had all of his attention.

“If you leave your date alone, don’t doubt that someone will take it away later," he said playfully, almost flirtatiously, he even felt how all his Omega senses perceived the Alpha in front of him and displayed their pheromones to attract him.

For a moment Bruce moved closer to him narrowing the space, letting his Alpha scent increase, just looking into his eyes, Clark felt his heart beat and his cheeks redden and finally a hand pull him out of his reverie. It was Luthor.

“Let's start the ceremony Superman, please join me,” Luthor's arm extended for him chivalrous but Superman took it as if it were a chain moving away from Bruce with a sigh.

“You should be careful, Bruce Wayne is a conqueror and has never been interested in any Omega, he only uses them,” Luthor said in his ear as he led him to the main area, letting his assistant give him a microphone to talk to everyone and Superman quickly released from his grip.

“Ladies and gentlemen, Lex Corp in association with the Metropolis Municipal Library we are proud to have you here tonight, I hope you have a pleasant time today and this is reflected in your donations,” Lex waited a moment as laughter flowed. “As a guest of honor is with us tonight, Superman, ‘The man of tomorrow’" Lex announced with a flourish, an embarrassed Clark smiled at those present while a wave of flashes took pictures of him next to Luthor who didn’t miss the opportunity to surround his waist and attract him once more.

A beta girl passed by with a large check with a hefty amount, handing it to the couple who smiled at those present. “LexCorp will deliver this check to Superman for today's cause,” cheers were heard and they were again photographed

“And as a special thanks for the noble causes of our hero we announce the inauguration of the statue of Superman,” the yacht stopped near the dock where the lights turned on in blue, yellow and red illuminating the approach figure of Superman, leaning in the ground with their hands raised in synonymous with strength and goodness, the people broke into cheers and two hostesses showed a red ribbon with gold scissors, both Lex and Clark took them to cut the ribbon in a representative way.

He hadn’t seen the statue, but he was impressed to see himself, it was what they saw in it, strength, magnificence and goodness, made of steel and huge, it stood among the lights in an imposing way.

“It seems that you like it,” Lex said smiling at him satisfied with his work. “I think that together we could do a lot of good to the society, Superman, I am really interested in telling you about my plans, please meet me at LexCorp, any day at any time, I will be waiting for you,” he said with that predatory and sensual look.

"I'll go," Superman said at the end, leaving Luthor pleased, who was with him during the evening, even if Superman's attention was diverted to Bruce next to the two Omega or talking to a businessman or celebrity.


He descended to the entrance of the huge building, Lex Corp, was the largest and most prestigious company in Metropolis, the guards welcomed him and he passed among the perplexed employees who received him with the highest honors.

They took him to the main office, Lex stood up to greet him.

"Superman, go ahead and have a seat," she said, pointing to one of his chairs, going over it for him, letting the man of steel sit down, he could feel his presence right behind his back.

"Can I offer you something to drink?" He asked, taking a seat across from him.

“No, thanks,” he said looking at him. “I have come to talk to you about the improvements you proposed.”

"I'm glad you came at last, it's a pleasure doing business with you Superman, I've always watched you closely," he said with his dangerous smile between his lips and the oppressive Alpha scent of him.

Superman stared at him, Lex had been in charge of announcing by all possible means that they would both speak together, that they could have an alliance, he had made improvements in educational scholarships and research work at universities in the fields of medicine and technology, promoting employment with his company and announcing that there would be more of it with his and Superman's help. Basically he had pushed him to go, through charity, all the media exhibited his photograph with Lex, even his newspaper had news of the ‘good couple they made’, that disgusted him, everyone seemed to agree that he was missing a Alpha.

“Tell me your proposals,” he said at the end.

Lex typed a bit on his computer and the blinds closed to create a projection, "I plan to launch my political campaign and become Governor of Metropolis," he told him, flipping the slides.

“With my resources we would put the city of Metropolis at the forefront, create jobs with new technology, new hospitals, universities, knowledge and recreation centers,” theprojects were visualized in front of their eyes, buildings, electric trains, parks, theaters and museums, “An organized, clean and calm city, with a better trained police, with higher salaries and more powerful weapons.”

"I don’t ally myself to any political party," Superman told him.

"It´s true, Superman is a symbol, an alien or a God, but also a man," he said, standing up while the images of what could be Metropolis continued his succession.

“Think of all the good we could give the world, if I win these campaigns and with the improvement of the city, the next thing will be the presidency of the country ...” Lex stood in front of him, Superman tensed in his seat as he leaned over, he stretched out his hand and placed it on him.

“I will support the Justice League, all the heroes who need asylum or money and the new ones that appear, I will create reforms and laws for the benefit of humanity, I will give peace, join me, the best deal is a bond,” he said caressing his fingers, “You will become my Omega and I your Alpha, we will be united, and we will be one,” he knelt in front of him and took out a ring, an impressive diamond.

“Marry me Superman, you will have everything you want and more, the freedom to continue fighting for justice, to change not only the country but the world, to help thousands or millions through not only powers but also laws and agreements.”

Lex's words spun in his head, he felt panic flood him, disgust that he stopped touching him, it was maybe an easier, simpler idea to help people and maybe Luthor was right, but he shook his head, withdrawing his hand.

"No," he said, standing up, pushing the chair, seeing Luthor kneeling at his feet in shock.

“What? Why?, We can get to know each other more, talk more about it, I can show you the advantages of our marriage,” he said trying to stand up and make sense of what Superman was saying.

"It's impossible, I won't," he said floating, becoming even more inaccessible to Lex. "I couldn't marry you, or bond with you, even for what you offer me."

“Is it another Alpha? Did someone else propose something better to you?” Luthor didn’t have to listen to his reply, he knew from seeing Superman's eyes that there was indeed another Alpha.

“You better not try to contact me again or speak for me in front of the press, thanks for what you did for Metropolis,” Superman didn’t give him a glance when he left his window, he moved away a little and then gained stratospheric speed, resonating in the loneliness of Lex's office.


Ok, from now on I can only threaten Lex, he better no be thinking of hurting my baby or I will be forced to take out my trunk of weapons!!

but what we can do?, he's a damn obsessive…

Well, it was a chapter full of various emotions, I hope you liked it and please don't forget to leave without commenting first, xoxo.

Chapter 8


I hope that for this chapter you have your handkerchiefs ready...

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

It Was Always You - Zawk (1)

The screams were so deafening that Superman had to lower the range of his super hearing, buildings falling, hundreds of voices added to a collective howl of pain and massacre.

The layer of dust, fire and ash spread everywhere, the Justice League wasn’t able to contain all the damage and destruction that that monster caused.

The monster had fallen from the sky, in a spaceship, to crash into Earth. Even though it had been detected, intercepted and attempted to be destroyed, it hadn't been enough.

The beast had been released to advance to Metropolis and its destruction.

The Army, the Navy and the National Guard had tried to stop him and evacuate, but it was impossible, he raised tanks as if they weighed nothing and threw them, knocking down everything in his path.

The military forces had taken off their weapons, to no avail in retreating.

Chaos had easily spread to this monster they had called Doomsday.

The Justice League had appeared, but one by one they fell, Green Lantern hadn’t been able to do anything to stop it, it destroyed everything that created the ring, Doomsday was invulnerable and extremely strong.

Diana's lasso could barely contain it, it had only lasted a few minutes before throwing her against a building.

“We have to evacuate everyone,” Green Arrow's voice spoke to them through the communicators, even through his voice the fearful voices of the citizens could be heard.

"Take care of that," Superman said through his communicator, flying to stop Doomsday, he seemed the only one capable of facing such an abomination.

The monster was thirsty for destruction, Batman drove it with his Jet to the less populated area near the sea.

“Be careful Superman,” his raspy voice sounded in his ears as they crossed, the government had released their missiles, Superman took Doomsday by launching him into the air against the missiles, the explosion detonated in a deafening roar, lifting waves from the sea blinding him.

The Doomsday figure fell into the water injured, but rose again, recovering by swimming to the surface destroying the pillars that supported the dock, leaping to emerge.

“There is no way to stop his advance,” Diana's voice sounded in the communicator hurrying to join them was with Green Lantern, both wounded.

Doomsday looked at Batman's jet, throwing a rock at him, as the bat shot at him and dodged.

“We can use kryptonite on it,” Batman told them.

“Go get it, I'll hold him back,” Superman closed the communication with him getting in the way of Doomsday hitting him, letting Batman run away from there.

He used his icy breath to freeze him, holding it for just a few seconds, then watched the ice crack with the monster's heat vision. He and Wonder Woman beat him, dodging his attack while green hands from Lantern's ring captured him, Doomsday roared guttural and angrily broke Green Lantern's grip to take an abandoned truck and throw them with one blow, with difficulty they got back on standing.

“We will stop it for you Superman,” Wonder Woman yelled, blood wetting her cheek, she took her bow once more, Green Lantern limped, they looked at each other, “You better enforce this Superman,” said Hal limping, barely he could fly, he rested his hand on the ring's hand and concentrating he created some shackles catching Doomsday together with Diana.

Superman's heat vision shot out of his eyes, burning the creature as he screeched in pain.

It seemed to be working, Doomsday squirming, the smell of burning flesh was putrid and the muscles under the joint grip tensed wanting to break free until they did, pulling Diana's lasso, sent her flying into the air to throw her against Hal. Like a fireball, he launched himself against his defenseless bodies, taking them by the feet and slamming them against the ground in a punishment that seemed not to end.

Superman rushed against him, “Let them go!” He yelled, punching him. A badly injured Diana fell next to an unconscious Hal as the green light on his ring blinked off. Doomsday fell back blow by blow, receiving the punches of an angry Superman who tried to make him lose ground.

"Where are you Bruce?" he wondered in his head throwing rays through his eyes and with a contrite expression, panting with fatigue, Doomday seemed inexhaustible, he took him by the head, hitting him against the wall of a fallen building, dragging his body along the pavement and then hitting him one after the other.

His vision blurred, he felt his body groan in pain, his mouth filled with blood and he felt his ribs cracked on his chest.

He stood up again tottery, in the sky a sound alerted him, the wonderful beating of a heart, he looked up to see Batman's Jet with a relieved smile. Doomsday seemed to notice him too, and with a jump he flew up to him. Superman gasped at the sight of Doomsday hitting the jet's wing causing him to crash to the ground as he took flight to catch the plane and land it safely.

Batman emerged from the jet, Superman used his hand to hold on to him and give support to his unsure step, Batman wrapped an arm around his waist, giving him a burst of delicious Alpha aroma, comforting and overprotective. He could see his concerned eyes behind the mask, Bruce's hand got filled with blood when he touched him.

“It took you a bit,” Clark said with a smile twisted by pain, they both looked at Doomsday, Flash ran towards them, passed by the street next to them and went at superspeed where Doomsday was, hitting the monster again and again while the other couldn’t do anything to catch Flash.

Bruce had returned wearing one of those heavy armor and from the ruined Jet he took out a spear with the tip of Kryptonite, Superman felt dizzy and weak next to the light but he struggled to overcome the pain it caused him.

“Rest,” said Bruce very low with that Alpha growl in his voice, his fingers were still on the waist of the other, bringing Clark closer to him, with his other hand he caressed the beaten face of Superman, who wished that Batman wouldn’t let go of him and not move away from him, he was so tired.

Batman walked away, Flash could barely contain Doomsday, more help was on the way but Martian Detective, Shazam or Acuaman wouldn’t arrive in time. Doomsday caught up with Flash and with a ghastly crunch broke both his legs, throwing him uselessly against a fallen tree. Batman introduced himself to him and the monster seemed to laugh at the bat.

Barman positioned himself to receive Doomsday's attack, took the spear in both hands and dodged one of his fists. He raised the glowing spear and wedged it into one of Doomsday’s sides, but his skin was too hard to penetrate deep.

The monster took one of Bruce’s arms and squeezed, the machine seemed to give way for a moment, but not him, so he attacked with the spear again although the grip was hurting him. Doomsday was weakened by the exposure to the kryptonite, he threw it, wanting to move the spear away from him, making it bounce against the ground, the spear had been thrown away from him. Doomsday took the opportunity to throw himself with his hands clasped into fists ready to land a final blow.

Superman looked at them in horror.

“Batman! No!” he flew into Doomsday without thinking, despite his injuries, panic had made his body move, to lunge faster and get between them, throwing him away from Bruce.

“Superman, the spear!” Barry's weak voice called him. He crawled to the object, lifting it in his arms and threw it to Superman who intercepted it, squeezing the metal between his fingers, forcing himself to not let it go even though it hurt like hell.

Doomsday stood up again with a primitive roar, and ran to face him. Superman flew in his direction with his jaw clenched, wielding the spear he drove it deep into Doomsday's chest, the flesh was hard and he pushed hard to pierce it, the howl that the monster released was deafening, and from its eyes he shot a red beam into Clark's chest until it also pierced him.

Superman felt a terrible pain and Doomsday stopped the attack, falling to the ground, the blue-eyed took the spear pulling it from the opponent's chest and threw it away from him. The kryptonite weakened him, made him dizzy. He put a hand to his chest, he was bleeding, his fingers were stained and his suit pierced, he coughed as his knees fell to the ground. He heard a voice calling out to him, an alpha scent surrounding him as someone's arms held him in that person lap, the sticky warmth soaked through him, staining the symbol of hope on his chest and the ground around him as well. He looked at the mask and behind it he found a pair of horrified eyes, the voice of Bruce shouting words that he heard more and more distant, he barely could raise his hand to Bruce’s cheek, caressing it, the corners of his own mouth slowly raised to smile at him, before his alien blue eyes went out and his hand fell to the ground.

"Bruce… it's time to let him go," Diana's voice abstracted him from his pain.

The Amazon's eyes were bright with tears, she was devastated and she wasn’t ashamed to show her pain.

“We must bury him, the others are worried about you, you haven't slept, you don't eat, you don't allow anyone to come in here,” she told him, scared, advancing to the bat and Superman's corpse.

Clark was hot from the heat reflectors that fell on him, Bruce had cleaned all the blood and had dressed him in new clothes, a simple white robe. Bruce had made a needle with kryptonite to open the hard skin of Superman to stitch him and fix the damaged organs.

Diana walked over to Clark, combing through his soft hair, fixing the curl on his forehead with a sob.

“We couldn't protect him, he was our Omega, the Omega of the team and we couldn't do anything for him,” she said looking at him.

"He died to protect me, I should have saved him, it's my fault," repeated Bruce, he had said it since the League had found him with Clark in his arms, catatonic with pain and shock.

“We couldn’t do anything, but we must bury him, his family and friends need to see him rest,” she said trying to be reasonable. Bruce had taken Superman, they had found him surrounded by a bloodstain, with Clark in his arms with his eyes closed ... dead. Bruce had refused to separate himself from the Omega. Snarling insane with all his power Alpha inside him.

“It's unsafe to bury him, we can't leave his body anywhere, it must be sheltered,” Bruce insisted, taking Clark's inert hand, bringing it to his mouth, he still smelled, soft as dead flowers that retain their essence.

In the city a representative tomb had been created, the symbol of the EL’s house where the plaque had written "In memory of Superman, the hero of Metropolis", he knew that Lex Luthor had donated money to build it.

Metropolis was abuzz with gossip, everyone was shocked by the death of his Omega. The newspaper Daily Planet bustled with news, some said it was a waste, others gave their condolences, still others were concerned about the rapid increase in insecurity. Only a small fragment had spoken about Clark Kent, together with hundreds of people who disappeared during the Doomsday attack, the city was rebuilding little by little. According to the collective spirit, the rainy season had arrived and a depressive air filled its inhabitants, the sun had gone along with Superman.

Nobody could believe it, less Bruce, burying him was to make it real, deep inside he refused to believe that Clark was dead, that he would never see his smile, his eyes, his voice or smell the intoxicating Omega scent of him. He had rejected everyone, the Justice League, the Robins, and even Alfred. Enclosing himself with Clark's limp body, he had placed it under the heat reflectors.

‘It's what he needs, sun’ he had said to himself in the midst of his grief after healing his wounds.

The spear that had caused the destruction of Doomsday and Superman had been hidden in the most recondite vault in the Batcave, where no one would use his destructive power again.

Diana hugged him, it was human contact that warmed his cold heart.

"He would have liked to rest in his house, with his father," she said in his ear, pressing him tight against her chest, even if it hurt a little, the Amazon's embrace calmed his interior a bit and he agreed.

The funeral was carried out with the utmost discretion, a black coffin covered with roses with the characteristic symbol of Superman carved in the wood, was carried by the members of the League in a solemn attitude, until it was lowered to the ground.

Martha Kent was sobbing, she had lost her entire pack, her husband Jonathan and her son Clark.

The woman was a very small figure next to the superheroes.

Green Lantern created a shovel with her ring and the earth was falling on the coffin until it was covered, the tombstone read "Clark Joseph Kent, Beloved son and friend". They couldn't bury him like Superman and although Clark was still legally missing, Martha had insisted on letting him rest next to her father.

Bruce felt a weight inside him, they had buried a part of himself in that coffin, something so precious that it couldn’t be replaced.

He approached the woman after everyone gave him condolences and words of encouragement from her.

"This was from him," he told her, handing her Clark’s uniform and cape. Martha trembled when she saw them hugging her chest.

“It was his baby blanket,” she said very softly with a broken voice, “He came to me with only this blanket wrapped around him, soft and indestructible… he wanted to leave it for his future puppies ...” she raised her eyes to the stormy Bruce. “Thank you Bruce, I know how much Clark meant to you and I know that he reciprocated in the same way,” the woman looked at him meaningfully and squeezed Bruce's hand very softly, smiling barely leaving him with his feelings and the words never said to the Omega.

He was left alone in that cemetery, little by little everyone had retired, he looked at the grave with his head down.

“I have something to tell you. I should have said it when you were here, but… I hope you know… that you knew that you taught me that justice doesn't always have to come from the dark… I'm going to miss you… I love you Clark. ”he let his words and feelings flow and be buried with him. He closed his eyes and turned away from there getting on the Jet to get away from Smallville.

Inside the coffin and imperceptible to all, a heart began to beat...


Oh god, this chapter literally broke my soul in two, so devastating, I have no words...💔

Please comment your thoughts, xoxo

Chapter 9


Hello everyone, sorry for disappearing for a few days but I'm back.

Here's chapter 9, hope you like it ;)

Chapter Text

“He can't continue like this Alfred,” Dick was walking in circles around the wide room, the curtains were drawn and the fire was on, the rainy weather in Gotham City was quite heavy and the drops hit the windows without stopping.

They were horrible days and not only because of the depressing atmosphere that the rains brought, it was because of the weight that the Wayne family carried.

“Mr. Bruce is not well at the moment youngster Richard,” Alfred sighed sitting by the fire warming his old bones a little.

"It's like repeating the loss of Jason..." he whispered tremulously, no one ever spoke of Jason in Wayne Manor, it was a taboo subject, Dick seemed to darken just by saying his name.

Tim looked at the two remaining members of his pack, because they couldn't trust Bruce anymore, not his current state at least. When he first arrived in the pack he had heard rumors about Jason, mere stories told in parts about what the loss of him had caused in Bruce, but he had never lived the full experience.

Bruce was shattered, his spirit had been broken for the third time.

He pursed his thin lips and watched the Betas lose control, they were the ones who naturally and instinctively had to have a solution, a way to approach Bruce and calm him down, but the truth is that no one knew what to do, Bruce wasn´t listening reasons.

Alfred sighed defeated, on other occasions he would have called Mr. Kent, who was always on the other side of the door, whispering words of encouragement for Master Bruce, procuring him, eating together in the middle of some conversation that, although the gloomy owner of the house didn’t follow, Clark Kent wouldn't give up, not mattering how many denials he received.

But the sun was gone and only the rain remained.

"I must go out on patrol, violence is rising everywhere, not only in Metropolis now that it doesn’t have a vigilant," Dick said dejectedly with his shoulders slumped, defeated.

Now the heroes in the Watchtower were making rounds of Metropolis to contain the escalating and increasingly violent crime without Superman.

Lex Luthor, who had created a monument with the symbol of Superman in honor of his death, began his political campaign positioning himself as the best candidate for the next elections in Metropolis, which was a risk, but the Justice League had spoken, they didn’t take a political side, if Luthor fulfilled his campaign honestly they couldn’t oppose.

“It seems that the death of Superman has encouraged the villains and the lesser criminals, they aren’t afraid, they believe that because a hero has died they can kill the others,” Dick gnashed his teeth in despair increasing his frantic rounds in circles.

Superman wasn't just the hero of Metropolis, a member of the Justice League, part of the Trinity; he also was the apology of a God among men, a symbol to be followed.

Years ago, with the death of Jason and the depression of Bruce, Superman had spoken with him, he had approached with a kind smile placing his hand on his shoulder, he remembered how the heat that flowed had spread through him like a balm for his soul tortured. He was then a teenager and he was so mad at Bruce for Jason's death, he blamed him. They had said hurtful things to each other and devastated as he was, he couldn't find his place next to Bruce or the Teen Titans. Jason had been his brother, companion, friend of his and most of all a member of his pack, his family.

Superman hadn’t said empty apologies like everyone else, he had told him the legend of Nightwing and Flamebird, Kryptonian heroes, he told him that he had found the information in the Fortress of Solitude. Jor-El, manifested thanks to the power of the Kryptonian supercomputers, had related it to him.

"Nightwing and Flambird was my favorite story" he had told him with a beaming smile.

"They reminded me a lot of you and Batman, rescuing people, fighting without powers, helping those in need, hiding from evil with a secret place and a vehicle with their name" at that point Superman had looked at him with those blue alien eyes and then he widened his smile.

"And their names, Nightwing and Flamebird are inspired by Krypton birds, like you who are Robin… the robin" Dick remembered how much he had been interested in the story and that when he was a child and joined Batman, he had also met Superman and had admired him as his favorite superhero.

He had taken the second secret identity from that story, as a way of saying that he would always be Batman's companion and would fight for justice no matter what name he took from him or whether he stopped being Robin.

Tim's voice pulled him out of his thoughts without realizing that it had slowed his incessant walk.

“Will you take the mantle of Batman?” Tim sounded still childish, he looked at him, he had those intelligent blue eyes with the same insightful expression as Bruce.

"Yes," said Dick regretfully stirring, his hair already ruffled. You could see the stress in his movements and his despair, none of them wanted to see his fragile family structure fractured, they were a broken herd, although no one admitted it. The Alpha wasn’t there, the Betas were useless and Tim as Omega didn’t know what to do.

“I will be your Robin, right now is the best I can do, I will enter the Batcave computer to do the investigations, the work will be faster,” he said efficiently, that brain was his best ability, he couldn’t say or do something to make Bruce feel better, but he could be useful, at least in that way.

Dick looked at him with relief , “Yes, please do it,” he dropped his defeated arms and relaxed his tense shoulders slightly.

Tim nodded, glancing alternately from Alfred to Dick to decide that they at least had a plan of action, he stood up and left, leaving them with their own thoughts.

Bruce wasn’t okay, he wasn’t since the death of Superman. It had been more than a month since that, of the terrifying image that had devastated all the televisions and newspapers of the world, the destroyed city, the uncontrolled monster. The main heroes of the Justice League had fallen one after another like lifeless dolls, until they reached Superman, who had killed Doomsday in exchange for his life.

In the hearts of everyone it did hadn’t feel like a victory, it was not when the image of the bat with the corpse of Superman in his arms in the middle of a pool of blood still haunted them in their dreams.

The torment had been greater when Bruce had refused to let go of Superman, it was all fury, his growls threatened anyone who tried to separate him from the deceased Man of Steel, no one could reason with Bruce.

It had been Wonder Woman who had decided what to do and convinced him. "You have to take him to a safe place" she had said and Batman in a growl had decreed the place "The Batcave", while the League agreed to that madness.

Diana had carried Superman's body wrapped in the red cape and handed it over to Bruce. At first it seemed to have a purpose, to fix the body, close that horrible hole in his chest and cleanse the blood. But Bruce had carried on as some kind of crazy Doctor Frankenstein, hoping to animate a dead body, closing the organs, stitching up the skin, bandaging the fractures, and giving it sunshine.

The Batcave had never been so hot and illuminated and Bruce would spend hours there sometimes even days, when it took too long, they called Wonder Woman, because Bruce had thrown Alfred out, he had yelled at Tim and he had growled with all his might Alpha to Dick to push them away from his side.

They believed that the funeral would fix things, that it would bring some kind of conclusion to that task, but it was only the beginning of a great grieving process.

Bruce had reacted completely differently to Jason's death, he had stopped leaving his mansion, he didn’t go to Wayne Enterprises, he didn’t fight crime, he didn’t appear at Justice League meetings, he had simply abandoned everything to lock himself in his room leaving everything around him to be neglected including his personal appearance, he had a beard which he had never shown and his neat appearance was faded in robes and pajamas.

Dick had to believe that this was temporary, he clung to that idea, in addition to everything Gotham City needed a vigilante, violent crimes were taking place in the streets every day. Someone new had come to town and was killing criminals, literally killing them. Dozens of bodies of drug and arms traffickers were found by the police in the mornings after the brawls committed in the shelter of the night.

The Gotham City newspapers had revealed some pretty ugly pictures of what was going on, someone was tracking the Joker and Double Face, the police didn't understand what was going on, but it couldn't be a good thing. He was grateful to have Robin on his side, Tim was too small, but he knew he was ready, he had to be.

Tim wrote on the Baticomputer like someone walking their fingers on a piano, he mastered that machine without difficulty. On the Gotham City map the murders were shown as red lights, they had no apparent pattern, apparently the murderer had been watching and had found them in action and then stopped and killed them with a firearm.

There were no living witnesses who had witnessed the manner in which he killed, but the autopsies determined that he used a 38 caliber firearm and, from the blows presented on the victims, had used excessive violence, even if they didn’t resist him.

Dick analyzed the information that was presented to him, he was someone who was copying the same tactics of Batman, trying to exercise justice by watching over and taking charge by his own hand, he was dangerous, violent and he was armed.

Tim went through the likely higher crime sites and printed out his data to take his report to Dick, but there was no need because he showed up at the Batcave. For a second he doubted it was him, he was wearing the Batman costume, the one that Bruce had refused to wear.

“Go get dressed… it's time to patrol,” the hoarse voice modified by Batman's gadgets reproduced the same Alpha tone, he had even scented himself in Alpha essence, hiding the Beta scent of him.

Tim looked at him suspiciously and obeyed taking Robin's suit, arming himself before getting into the Batmobile with him, outside the rain continued and the Batman symbol illuminated the stormy night.

Chapter 10


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

He jumped from one roof to the next while Dick ran ahead of him trying to catch the hooded man, it was the third time he had been followed, the last two had been unsuccessful and ended sadly with the death of the criminals.

James Gordon wasn’t happy, and he had pressured them to capture the culprit and bring him to justice, the press announced deaths every night and in the shadows the murky waters of crime were churning. A change of powers was taking place and gangsters were dying every day.

The responsible was that man who called himself ‘Red Hood’, he was violent, he used firearms and the most unusual thing of all seemed to know Dick's fighting style and how to neutralize it, the last two fights had shown him by countering all his attacks.

Dick threw two batarangs that were snapped open to catch the offender's feet, but the offender spun in midair and deftly sliced through the ropes.

Tim gasped when he caught up with them, that chase had taken too long, it was time to put an end to it, he took a defensive position behind Batman. The man looked at them behind his red mask.

“There is no point in fighting with trash,” Alpha's husky and powerful voice spoke to them, “When the real Batman appears I’ll face him, in the meantime it will be better if he stops sending his lackeys.”

Tim frowned, what kind of criminal was he, who could recognize the difference between Dick and Bruce, the truth is that Dick couldn’t completely hide his fighting style, that was more acrobatic, on the other side Bruce's was tough and precise, he never wasted a movement.

Red Hood walked backwards, to the edge of the building and with a pistol aimed at the next, throwing a cable that was embedded in the wall swinging into the void throwing smoke bombs at them, while Batman covered himself with his cape and Robin imitated him. They lunged after him but again he was gone.

“Let's go home Robin,” Batman turned around calling the Batmobile as Tim stared into the darkness frustrated by the fruitless fight.


Coming home empty-handed was even more daunting.

"I'll go check a few things," Dick took the hood off his head sitting down at the Batcomputer starting to type while Alfred appeared to heal his wounds and provide him with some food.

Tim changed his clothes, leaving the Betas on his own, he had something more important to do.

He walked through the corridors of the mansion until he reached Bruce's room, he touched with his knuckles but there was no response, he turned the knob to see him sitting on his bed with his beard growing untidy and a navy blue silk pajamas. Bruce seemed lost in his thoughts.

"Bruce?" He called him without an answer, to go sit next to him, climbing gently onto the bed, doubting his proximity to the other Alpha.

“Bruce… Gotham City needs you, I need you, things are happening, a new villain knows you, has differentiated between you and Dick,” he said looking at him looking for a change in his expression.

The Alpha didn’t look at him or seem to notice his presence, which infuriated Tim.

"You can't keep doing this!" He yelled feeling a lump in his throat. "He's dead, nothing you do will bring him back, but we're still here ... Bruce, please realize, we don't want to lose you," Tim felt like he was choking with his own feelings and tears ran down his white cheeks hating himself for it, for being so weak, for being the typical crying and sensitive Omega.

He continued despite his hiccups, “I miss him too… he was always good to me and gave me omega advices,” he said low, that was something that neither Bruce knew. Just a year ago Tim had started his cycle, being the only omega in the house he had had to find out some things online, he was a low level omega, his smell wasn’t strong and his cycles lasted a day or two, even so, he had felt lost but he remembered Superman coming home with his strong Omega scent and smiling kindly at him inviting him to eat strawberry ice cream with him that Alfred had served in glass bowls while he tried to answer all the questions as well as he could.

Bruce seemed to react to that and Tim took it as a positive sign by leaning against his arm, they had never been a very affectionate family, Batman didn’t usually say thank you, also he didn’t ask for things nicely and much less Bruce was someone used to give hugs, demonstrations of affection that are common in packs.

"He was a good example of Omega for you," Bruce said softly, his voice raspy from not using it, looking up from his hands to Tim's eyes.

“Bruce, tomorrow I’ll go into heat and I can’t accompany Dick on patrol, you must be Batman, this guy, Red Hood, is dangerous, I have seen him flee from all our encounters, he is killing people, and yeah, maybe they’re gangsters but that doesn’t mean that he isn’t is taking their lives,” he said seriously, Bruce recognized the detective in him and the seriousness with which he looked at him despite his 14 years. Tim had seen too much and was just entering his teens, Bruce had involved him in that kind of life.

He stared at him, he had dark circles under his eyes, he looked skinny and unkempt and the faint aroma of Omega in stress reached his senses. Omegas were prone to distress when their pack was out of order and that distress could escalate to panic attacks, changes in their cycles, and sleep disorder. He knew that as father and leader of the pack he had led them to this.

"I'll go," he said, clasping his hands in his lap, looking at the relief on Tim's face, who didn't quite know how to act and patted him on the shoulder before leaving the room.


Alfred looked at him proudly when he came out, he was shaved, dressed in his Batman suit, he walked upright and the strong scent of alpha poured from him to lead his pack. Dick finished dressing as Nightwing, he stood next to him with a smile, Tim didn’t see them, he was locked in his room suffering from heat under the constant care of Alfred.

"Let's go," he growled softly, climbing into the Batmobile with Dick, who had expressed his concerns beforehand.

Red Hood had to be stopped that night.

They arrived at the docks, Dick and Tim's investigation had led them there, to the merchandise that was illegally arriving in Gotham City.

They scuttled side by side through the shadows, stopping the freighter employees by knocking them out one after the other until they reached the hold with the cargo to meet Red Hood manipulating Lex Corp weaponry.

“I see you decided to finally show yourself Batman, a pity that our re-encounter is so short,” he placed the rocket launcher on his shoulder, visualizing through the scope to shoot.

“Nightwing watch out!” Batman pushed Dick narrowly dodging, the explosion roared over their heads from the falling debris, some irons hurt one of Nightwing's legs. He had to leave him behind to follow Red Hood who took aim at him again and Batman lunged at him to remove the weapons from his hands with a precise kick.

"Are you making plans with Lex Luthor?" He demanded with an alpha roar and a punch to the face wanting to break that mask, Red Hood staggered and a groove was created in his helmet.

“Lex Luthor sells to anyone who is willing to pay,” from his belt he took out his pistol, shooting Batman, who with agility dodged the bullets, throwing discs at Red Hood's feet that exploded.

“You are still full of toys, but I also have mine,” some ninja stars tore Batman's cape when he jumped to go confront him

Red Hood gave a kick, Batman intercepted it, hitting the other's knee with his elbow, while the other gave a turn to hit him with the other foot and disengage him.

"You've grown old… you've become an old Alpha" he raised his pistol again, but Batman blew it up with a batarang.

"Who are you?" He growled, taking him by the shirt, giving a new blow to the ripping mask while it released gas, causing him to move away from him covering himself.

“I have learned well Batman, don’t you recognize me yet? Well, the years have passed,” he said with a hoarse laugh, “I used to be just a boy,” he said as the smoke dispersed and the broken mask revealed a familiar face with attractive features, a young man with fair skin, dark hair and intense blue eyes.


“Hi Bruce,” he said with a cynical smile.

“How is it possible? You were…”

“Dead? Thanks to Ra's Al Ghul and Lazarus' not anymore huh, maybe you should have used that in Superman,” he said scathingly, “It affected you enough, right? As if to neglect the city and send that new Robin who occupies my place and Dick who doesn’t fill the Batman suit.”

Bruce didn't need any more of his swagger, “What have you come back to, Jason?”

“I have come to do what you are incapable of, protect Gotham City, eradicate the problem.”

“Eradicate the problem? You have become a murderer and a drug dealer, you have only usurped his place by becoming one of them.”

“You see Bruce, that is the problem with you, your morals don’t allow you to see further, this will never end, it is a fight without end, but if I am the one who controls everything, no one unnecessary will have to die.”

Bruce denied, Jason was so wrong, “If you kill a murderer, you take his place and the number of villains remains intact.”

“We cannot protect anyone without weapons, do you think that with toys and gadgets you will defeat Bane, Deadshot, the Scarecrow, Penguin or the Joker? The world doesn’t work like that, I learned it from my own experience when I died, when you let them kill me,” anger showed in his words like a blow against Bruce.

“It was my mistake, I was careless and I let you face the Joker alone, but while you were in my care I tried to teach you what was good, I was never a good pack leader Jason but I don't want you to end this way.”

“The worst of all is that you did nothing Bruce, if it had been you, I wouldn’t have rested a day until you were revenged. The Joker is still on the loose, damaging people like me, The Psychiatric Hospital in Gotham won't contain them, it never does ... if you're going to stop me, do it now or get out of the way and watch how I do things.”

“If you are going to behave like a criminal Jason, be prepared to be treated like one,” Batman was placed in attack position looking at him, it was his mistake, Jason was the product of all his failures and he was going to pay for it.

They threw themselves at each other, Jason with a knife trying to cut him, hitting each other without backing down, Batman jumped in the air hitting his head with a kick making him fall, Jason turned on his back, sitting up hitting his chest with a punch then his kidneys throwing him to the ground by hanging him.

“Jason! Stop it! ”Dick limped up to them, bleeding from his leg and grimacing in pain.

Batman took advantage of his distraction to kick one leg off him, panting a little.

"Stay out of this Nightwing," Batman growled looking at the injured Beta, as Jason ran with his fists raised to Dick.

Nightwing lowered his arms taking the blow from Jason falling to the ground.

“Defend yourself!”

Dick received the blows of him removing the mask from his eyes, “Why didn't you go home immediately, idiot?” he told him feeling his eyes fill with tears and his arms react by themselves hugging Jason's neck, clinging to him like life beaten to death by him.

Jason looked at Dick catatonic trying to shake him off unsuccessfully.

“You came back from the dead, do you know how I felt when they told me you died?” Dick's tears seemed to have no end, he was crying uncontrollably with loud hiccups and a broken voice.

“I thought I would die, all these years, I… I couldn't bear the idea and now that you came back and you think I'm going to let you do something stupid that will take you off my side again, don't even believe it,” he took him by the cheeks and in front of Batman’s puzzled eyes, he kissed him.


Well here is chapter 10, I hope you liked it, please comment what you thought.

Also, I want to thank all of you for the support and love that the fic has received. When I decided to translate it, I honestly never thought it would be so well received, so thank you.


Chapter 11


Well, I hope you like the chapter, beforehand I apologize if I have any spelling mistakes (I translated this very quickly and didn't check if it was correct) so if you see an error don't hesitate to let me know.

Enjoy ;)

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

He opened his eyes in the deep darkness of his shroud. He tried to stretch but was weak from the lack of light, his heart and his breathing were the only sound he heard in the stillness. The musty air was wearing thin and for a few seconds he let panic wash over him.

He stretched out his hands in the small space as his lungs sucked in the last of the air that was left and concentrating his strength, he emerged in an explosion of dirt and wood from his coffin.

He floated in the stillness of the sunset disoriented and alone, the few rays of light that still remained from the twilight gave him relief. Giving a breath of air he descended, he analyzed his formal clothes, the suit with dust and dirt, looked down from him to the grave of his father and hers.

What had happened?

He remembered Doomsday, and a terrible pain in his chest, he instinctively brought his hand to the area, and checked over his clothes, he had no injuries, he had healed and the skin was as pristine as ever. The tombstone read his name, everyone must believe that he was dead.

Disgruntled and confused, he flew to his house, not caring not to be wearing the Superman suit.

He perched in the garden while he listened to the sounds of the television. He stumbled into the house, yanking the door open, startling his mother.

Martha's eyes widened with shock and she gave a strangled cry, stunned.

“Ma!” Clark went to her covered in dirt and smelling of damp, he wrapped her in his arms.

“Clark! How is this possible my child?” She said while tears formed in her eyes crying uncontrollably with happiness. She squeezed Clark who was holding her gently.

"What happened?" He questioned her, wiping her tears with his thumb.

“Oh Clark! That monster went through you, you had a horrible hole in your chest, you bled to death in Batman's arms,” she told him, remembering her bitter experience.

“He took you to his lair and healed your wounds, but in the end we had to bury you, Superman died but since Clark Kent there was no way to explain your death and less after the injuries that had been inflicted on you, we said that you disappeared in the destruction of Metropolis,” she explained.

“But now I'm alive again, I can't explain it myself,” he said, separating from her looking his body, it worked the same as always, he felt weak due to the lack of sun, but he knew that recharging tomorrow everything would be fine.

“It's a miracle, you've always been Clark, I'm so happy to have you again, there's nothing worse than the death of a son,” Martha cried a little more, Clark tried to comfort her but she stopped him by walking away, “I have something for you,” he said with a tearful smile and went to his room to bring the Superman suit, with his red cape neatly folded.

Clark took the cloak looking at the symbol of hope from the El’s house.

"I have a place to go," he said looking at her and she nodded as if knowing what he meant.


The red cloak fluttered behind his back as he looked at Wayne Manor, his X-ray vision, somewhat flawed from the loss of power from him letting him know there were three people in the house, he guessed it would be Bruce, Tim and Alfred .

He flew to the Batcave floating to the big monitor that was the Batcomputer.

"Batman?" He asked in the dark sniffing, his omega instincts telling him to follow the alpha scent, strong and spicy, an intoxicating scent that made him walk in the dark.

"You shouldn't be here, in fact you shouldn't be alive," a deep, whispering voice spoke to him, blue eyes shining in the dark.

"Bruce?" Superman took a step back, the alpha growl made his skin crawl and a boy no older than eighteen emerged from the shadows, handsome, tall and strong.

“Jason, you're alive!” He said in amazement lowering his defenses before the child he had once known, little was left of him, he had become a first level Alpha in every sense.

“I should say the same, I had heard rumors about you, but I see that everything is true, you are an Omega, I would never have imagined it, I suppose neither Bruce,” he said with a crooked smile.

"Jason, where is Bruce?" Superman looked at him, something was not quite right, his body shook with the aggressive and dominant Alpha scent marking territory.

"Bruce went out on patrol with Dick," he told him with a smile and a low roar getting closer to him.

Superman floated a bit trying to put some distance, “I'd better go then.”

“Are you leaving so soon? I also heard something very interesting,” he said taking out a small box that Superman recognized too late. When Jason opened it releasing the green glow, Clark fell to the ground, because weak as he was, the kryptonite affected him more.

“It's funny how something so small can affect the most powerful being, and that being an omega seems like a gift for any alpha” he said approaching him, crouching next to him to smell him, fragrant, homely and very warm.

Jason had never been so close to an Omega, even more so, an unbonded Omega, the powerful scent was intoxicating like a perfume. He had heard from Alfas say how wonderful it was to mark an Omega, the pleasure, the org*sms and the delicious climax of knotting them. His body reacted to him on a primitive level, his own scent increased by calling out, his Alpha saliva accumulating in his mouth ready to be used to mark the gland on Clark's neck.

"Enough Jason," he said with a pained expression and unfocused vision.

“I don't understand how Bruce didn't take you for himself when he could, maybe he should make amends for his mistake,” he smiled to hug the other's body and smell his neck, it was a seductive and attractive aroma. The Omegas were precious and rare beings, less than a quarter of the population was Omega, having one prostrate at his feet made him call the most basic of him nature, possess the Omega.

He licked the other’s neck enjoying the gasp that Superman released and the discharge of Omega pheromones inciting him to more, Clark's shaking hand tried to push him away, he was so vulnerable that was exquisite for the Alpha. He kissed the skin under his ear, wanting to bite him, but his suit covered her well without leaving any exposed skin, a wild thought filled his mind, he must break it.

"Jason!" A kick pushed him throwing him away as the kryptonite rolled on the floor and Superman crawled away from both taking advantage of the confusion.

Dick glared at Jason, a hard look from his blue eyes. He was still wearing the Nightwing suit, he was sweaty from patrolling and the Beta scent of him surrounded him.

Jason widened his eyes when he saw him, “Dick I…”

"I don't want to hear any of your excuses, you miserable dog," he growled angrily with his broken trust, feeling betrayed by the Alpha with clenched fists ready to deliver another attack.

“What do you think you were doing playing with this idiot?” He scolded him, taking the lead box from Jason's clothes and putting away the green stone that gleamed harmlessly on the floor. Dick's eyes traveled to Jason landing on his semi-erection, “You're a garbage, you know that, right?” He said angrily, crossing his arms tight as a string.

“Dick ... he's an omega and I'm an alpha, what did you expect to happen?” He said standing up, facing him with more clarity of mind due to the blow.

“What did I expect? I was hoping you weren’t such a son of a bitch, just that, but I guess it's too much to ask for a street dog,” he looked at him with disappointment in his blue eyes and without speaking he left.

Jason looked up, Superman had crawled away from him, recovering, beyond the shadow of Batman, he was staring at him harshly and, with a territorial growl and a wave of Alpha scent, Jason lowered his head in submission to the leader of the pack, he turned around and walked out of there.

Batman hadn’t moved since he arrived and found Jason about to bite Superman, but that was impossible because Clark was dead, it had been Dick who reacted for him by pushing them away.

His eyes connected with Clark's blues and Clark smiled at him, that beautiful smile that he thought he would never see again. The alien stood up and, in what appeared to be a colossal effort, ran to Bruce's side with open arms until his bodies met.

“Batman!” Superman buried his head in his neck, trembling from recent events, he was still sore, dizzy and weak, he clung to the bat inhaling his Alpha scent so familiar to him.

"Superman," he whispered softly, she touched his face looking at him again, that smile under his gloved fingers, his sparkling eyes and that incomparable blue, the same features that he had known for years were again in front of him.

"I'm back, Bruce," he said, tilting his face to the cold touch of Bruce, taking pleasure in his eyes.

Bruce previously wouldn’t have believed it, but Jason had been reborn too… there would be a moment for his logical mind later “Are you okay?” He asked him seriously and low, he could smell Jason's scent on him, his arm wrapped around him, drawing him protectively and instinctive, releasing its own Alpha scent to infuse Superman with it.

“Now I’m,” Superman smiled happily and with a tender and gentle gesture he brought his mouth to Bruce's tentatively, leaving the Alpha paralyzed until he felt his grip tighten and his mouth responding.


“Master Jason, you should apologize,” Alfred served a plate leaving it in front of him, retiring to continue with his work.

Of all, Alfred had been the least shocked by Jason's return to the Mansion, he had said, "After the surprise of finding Master Bruce in a bat suit, nothing can surprise me."

Jason grunted, he had been at Wayne Manor for two days, ever since that stupid kiss that Dick had given him without saying anything. He had made his head explode in the most literal way possible, he was speechless and not knowing how to react, like a f*cking teenager. Even his co*ck had aroused a little to his embarrassment.

He took it out on his vegetables mashing them with his fork in a bad mood, he had returned, for Dick, because he still remembered the admiration he had for him when he was a child, how he played with him by calling him ‘little brother’.

He remembered that he had become Alpha too early and precocious, as always, he had felt unsatisfied sexual desires, he knew nothing of the world and Bruce had never been an excellent pack leader, at such a young age he only understood that physical training was his way of satisfy all that sexual tension accumulated by adolescence. And he soon understood that Dick had a flexible body, charismatic personality and easy smile. He was the previous Robin and he was someone completely amazing when you are 12 years old and a problem at night because you dream about him and his soft low-level Beta aroma and his suit glued to those parts that it is better not to name if you want to have a new erection between legs that sums up how pathetic your life is.

Luckily for him he had died (HA!) And that hormonal torture was over. (Almost)

He sighed, everyone was angry with him, maybe not all, the new boy was still locked in his room due to the relapse of heat, which had been much worse due to the sleeplessness, poor diet and stress after Bruce's depression, which meant that as the new Alpha in the pack that he was, he wasn’t allowed within twenty meters of the boy.

And then there was Dick, who was a pain in the ass in every sense of the word, the man still had all those attributes of adolescence and even new ones, that ability to kiss deep and delicious as to put you to a hundred in less than two Mississippi.

He looked at his crushed dinner and without appetite began to eat, he had agreed not to kill the Joker, but his desire for revenge, that anger and violence inside him always burned low. Dick would never forgive her doing justice his way.

He let his thoughts ruminate around Dick, remembering the night of the kiss. He had been as confused as a deer in front of the floodlights and his kiss had run over him with the force of a trailer.

If he closed his eyes he could still feel it, full lips, greedy and knowing tongue, that sweet saliva and his arms clinging to his neck, pulling his hair a little, enough to send a stream of pleasure throughout all his back.

He flinched again in real life, sighing slowly. Batman had growled to separate that (would it be considered incest even if they were adopted brothers?)

Dick had smiled at Jason with that natural sensuality in him. If there was a God, he hadn't made Dick Omega, because being so sexy and Omega would have been a sin for the Alphas.

"You will come home with me," was an affirmation, Dick had never doubted that he would do it and he wasn’t wrong, he had taken him in his arms to help him with his injured leg looking at Bruce who, apparently, had made a truce with him and had led them to the Batmobile in an awkward silence between Alphas.

“I knew it was you, inside me I knew it, I knew it from your fighting style, you are the only one who can read my every move, it was our same training as children,” Dick said as he always assured while Alfred healed his wounds without reprimand for the events that occurred.

Batman was strangely silent, evaluating him, inside he knew that peace wouldn’t last. Bruce was never wrong.

Dick had taken him with him to his old room, where everything was kept neatly arranged by Alfred.

The older had sat up in bed, settling himself loosely between the cushions, sure of himself, beckoning him with one hand to sit next to him.

His heart had jumped, because as a child he had imagined a similar scene, his feet had gone by themselves and docile, like a puppy, he had sat down.

That man had transformed him from a lonely, wandering Alpha to a lost pup that does tricks.

“I'm very happy that you're back Jay ...” Dick had held his hand and had looked at him gravely, with the very serious eyes of a person who has suffered a very long torment and finally comes to an end.

“Not even death itself wanted me, I'm not so easy to eliminate,” he had said presumptuously because he had no other way to answer and he was ... scared?

Dick had laughed and had drawn him to his body very gently by his wound, coming face to face and it had happened again, he had kissed him and all of him was filled with Richard John Grayson.

Jason was almost inexperienced, a bit of casual sex on the streets in the middle of empty alleys with Betas prostituting hadn't shown him the desire, just the vent. He had never kissed the way Dick did, slow and deep, unhurried, stroking his tongue in such a sensual and rhythmic way that it drew gasps from his mouth and lots of Alpha saliva.

"Can I touch it?" he asked, lowering Jason's zipper after pulling up his shirt and caressing his well-formed chest. He hadn't answered anything coherent just a needy grunt.

He had smiled and to his surprise had touched him… with his mouth.

His penis had been more than happy to f*ck his mouth, he had those fleshy lips that were wrapped in his flesh in such an expert way that, for a second, he had a flash of jealousy that didn’t manifest itself because his mouth was so busy moaning.

Dick never took his eyes off him, the navy blue looked black with pleasure and what he couldn't swallow he took with his fingers stimulating over and over again.

Jason would be lying if he said that he made an attempt to warn him that he was going to come, because what he really wanted was to finish deep in his throat and because of Dick's gluttonous sucks, he wanted it too, he ended up in a rattle of pleasure and a growl knotting his throat like in the best p*rn.

Satiated and happy, Dick had whispered to him more than words of desire, true need for him, for his company, for his affection for things that Jason wasn't even sure existed inside him to give to Dick, he had no love inside of himself, he was going to end up hurting him, as he had done when he found him with Superman.

Thinking of that Omega scent and that blinding need for Alpha within himself made him doubt his ability to control and wonder if this was the natural reaction with any Omega and how Bruce could control himself in front of Clark.

He finished eating without realizing it, getting up to put his plate in the sink.

An apology would not change the things he had done, but if anyone was able to redeem him it was Dick.


His mouth filled with Alpha saliva as they kissed and they both tilted their faces to deepen the contact. The soft kiss had turned into a wild one, full of tongue and bites to the lips of Superman, who released small sighs that sent signals to his entire body.

The scent of both spread calling to the other and their hands on Clark's waist caressed his back, that was so real, after weeks of painful loss, that emptiness seemed to be filled with the taste, smell and warmth of the other, it was wonderfully reciprocated and no words had been necessary. They both knew how much it had hurt.

Clark shuddered clutching Bruce giving him a bit of pain, his super strength slowly recovering, but he still possessed her. It was that which made them part.

"I'm sorry, I got excited," Clark said with wet lips and that powerful Omega scent that revealed his excitement and possible moisture.

Bruce removed the mask, his blue eyes were dark with excitement, “Me too,” he said, separating to clear his head, swallowing all the Alpha saliva that filled his mouth, his hands had barely released the foreign body, all his instincts begged him not to leave the Omega.

Clark smiled following him through the Batcave like a puppy without wanting to get away from him one bit. "I came looking for you, but I ran into Jason," he said, floating behind him.

"Didn't you know how to differentiate him from me?" He asked, Alpha's jealousy creeping into his voice and he bit his lips after the words, feeling like an idiot for being jealous of Jason.

Clark recoiled a little from that Alpha growl, “My powers are not at one hundred percent, I need sunlight, I could have gone to space, but ... I wanted to see you,” he said descending in front of him, “Bruce I ... I was a fool for not talking to you before, I wasted my time, the battle with Doomsday ... my revelation as Omega, all that was to be able to get closer to you,” he said vehemently.

Bruce didn’t say anything, Clark offered his heart in one hand, but he couldn’t do the same, he didn’t have that ability to speak openly about his feelings, he tried to say something but he stopped, he savored his saliva still in his mouth, the taste of Clark, he finally knew what it was after such a long wait.

"I don't know if I can offer you what you expect Clark," he said honestly at the end. "A relationship wouldn’t work, we are both superheroes, I already have a family and a herd, I am Bruce Wayne, I cannot attract attention."

Clark's eyes showed all the pain that Bruce's words caused him and the bat faced those incredible blue eyes without backing down.

“I knew all that, I knew that I could risk our friendship but ... even so, I want to try, I am ready for everything Bruce, what are you ready for?”

The silence lasted between them. "What I give you is miserable and it will only harm you, Clark."

He clenched his fists feeling like screaming, “We can't live without pain Bruce, but we can choose who infringes it on us, look at me and tell me you don't want this and I'll go.”

Bruce growled angrily turning around. "You always make the worst choices, you're not rational at all," he walked up the stairs that led to the Mansion.

"You're the rational one," Superman told him and floated after him with a smile because he wasn't going to give up or let Bruce run away from him.


Well, a chapter with mixed emotions. On the one hand Clark is already back with Bruce and is willing to build a relationship with the love of her life. On the other hand, Jason's behavior ...

please comment your thoughts, xoxo.

Chapter 12


I realized that I hadn't updated for more than a week, so I decided to take advantage of the remainder of the weekend to translate some chapters. Here's the 12th, I hope you like it !!

Also, if you see that I wrote something wrong, don't hesitate to let me know so I can change it, xoxo.

Chapter Text

The door closed behind him and the figure of Bruce walked beside him, glaring at him with one last warning.

It was the first time he had entered Bruce's room, it was immense and the Alpha scent filling everything had him intoxicated.

Bruce opened the balcony door, letting the long curtains sway in the wind. The rain seemed to have stopped, at least for the moment, and the cool night filled the air.

Clark sat on the bed, expectant, watching the slow movements of the other, they both knew what they would do, where it was going, he could hear the beat in his chest accelerate. Weirdly Bruce seemed calm.

He walked slowly up to Clark, so he was only a couple of steps away.

"This is the moment when you can back off," Bruce's husky, whispering voice told him without taking his eyes off him.

"Say it to yourself," Clark told him with that confident smile that Bruce had missed so much. The bat found himself taking off his glove and throwing it to the ground, carelessly, his fingers bridging the distance between them, touching that warm cheek, caressing the smooth and flawless skin, Clark co*cked his head fondly smiling and lightly kissing her palm, sending shivers down your spine.

He withdrew his fingers and pulled off Batman's hood to finally look at each other. Clark looked at him playfully, wondering if he should remove the rest of the suit, making him blush by the thought.

Bruce seemed to guess his thoughts because he pulled the zippers on the suit and it slowly worked its way down his body. Clark didn't know he had stopped breathing until the suit ended up on the floor and Bruce Wayne in his boxer shorts and covered in scars was staring back at him, dark eyes of contained pleasure.

He bit his lip and stood up to go with him, lowering his own zipper, slowly and without haste, he wanted to enjoy that moment, to record it in its entirety in his memory forever, the spotless skin was visible, there was no trace of Doomsday's passage across his body.

Bruce touched his chest sending him a blast of pleasure, caressing where he had stitched up and a scar should remain. He unexpectedly leaned in and kissed the place, Clark's arms gently wrapped around him caressing his black hair, enjoying the kisses that settled like butterflies. The other people's hands surrounding his waist, wrapping him with cold and elegant fingers, that mouth rose knowingly to his nipple, sucking him, sending him a discharge of pleasure that shook him.

Bruce groaned in satisfaction, inhaling the Omega scent that seemed to fill his senses, his mouth watered and he bit the other nipple, feeling Clark tremble between his fingers, a sense of power and pleasure blinded him.

He nibbled on the alien body, his hard skin seemed to have no objection to rough treatment, so he bit harder feeling him shudder in his arms.

Clark stroked his back and then his chest, never taking her hands off him, letting his slow advance creep up his skin.

Bruce nibbled on his shoulder and kissed the area Jason had licked, removing the scent of him with his tongue, erasing it from the Clark’s body.

Clark sighed in an almost purr, leaning towards him kissing his neck as well, biting gently letting Bruce tilt his neck to let him do.

His bodies so close together reacted and his erections brushed against each other, Bruce lowered his hands down the other's chest to his hips and then to Clark's shapely rear, squeezing into his fingers, drawing a smile from the other with a little flinch.

"Let's go to bed," Clark said softly, playing with the elastic of his boxer, lowering it and brushing his hand against the opposite, warm and soft erection between his fingers to masturbat* him.

He kissed his mouth in response and pushed him gently to the mattress where they both lurched up to continue their kisses and touches, Clark's underwear descending rapidly, Bruce's fingers encircled his penis as they both offered each other pleasure, getting to know each other.

Clark lay down on the bed, licking his swollen lips, feeling wet and slimy between his legs, it was embarrassing, he had never had sex in a passive role.

His eyes flickered nervously when Bruce brought his fingers closer and ran them across his entrance making him moan.

"I'll do it carefully," the detective told him, guessing the current of his thoughts, bringing his sticky fingers to his mouth to lick them in an attitude so sensual never seen before by Clark.

Bruce leaned down and lifted one of his legs kissing from his ankle up with light bites and licks to his thighs opening them for him, contemplating the image of Clark ashamed but eager, as transparent as ever.

He smirked at Clark. "I'll teach you a little about sex between men," he said, leaning into his erection, lightly stroking the glans that was moistened by making threads of pre-sem*n.

"I'm a good student," Clark replied with a gasp.

Bruce opened his mouth and licked the tip very gently, delaying Clark's pleasure, playing with him. Between his legs the scent that gave off sex was addictive, it was the rational part of him that prevented the Alpha within him from thrusting to the bottom in a thrust and marking him forever as his.

His mouth circled the glans and pressed against the roof of the mouth, sucking hard making the Omega groan openly.

His eyes didn't want to miss the show, he licked him slow and steady, changing fast and hard, alternating each time he was close to finishing.

The Kryptonian's chest rose and fell, the blush covered his face and he tried not to close his eyes to keep his gaze connected to the bat's.

“Bru… Bru… ce” he called him making a fist in his hand, stammering something incoherent.

Bruce nibbled on the tip, accelerated the suction and received the hot, bitter liquid, swallowing it all without question, even if something stained his lips. He sucked on the semi-erect tip and went down his phallus, licking his testicl*s down even further to his entrance, throbbing and wet. If he was that sensual Bruce wondered how Clark would be like in heat, the idea made his penis ache and without ceremony, he ran his tongue over the blue eyed entrance in a wet black kiss that drew a cry of pleasure from Clark, for the first time vulnerable and delivered, subdued and accommodating.

The omega's back curved against his hips, bloated with org*sm and sensations filling him. His fingers trapped the sheets, destroying them with his force. Bruce separated his buttocks from him and lashed out with a finger that was greeted with an unsatisfied groan, he needed even more, it was so wet that Batman's finger easily slipped inside him.

He bit his lip, trying to contain the string of moans.

"Let me hear you," Bruce whispered in that Alpha voice and his darkened blue eyes, they kissed and savored himself, hugging him with his legs, the fingers inside him making a wet and slimy sound, caressing in ways that turned his head.

Clark kissed his mouth, licking Bruce’s tongue, lifting his hips and rubbing against him, in a slight moment of clarity. "I… I… condoms," he told Bruce with wide eyes in surprise. He couldn't use birth control, there was no way to get birth control, having unprotected sex could lead to a baby.

"I've got it covered," Bruce told him over his mouth with a smart look, his fingers slipping out of it, wet from his fluids to the bureau to take one and open it. Clark had a slight flash of jealousy wondering if he had brought more people into his room.

He watched the erection be covered by the condom and align itself against him, moving gently inside him and clearing his head of any thoughts other than the desire of the moment.

"Clark ..." he called out with a groan, hugging each other as his warm walls welcomed him. He enjoyed the slight gasps that Bruce emitted and what he called him, he hugged him tighter, urging him with his hips to move.

They began a slow swing that, little by little, was gaining strength and rhythm. He settled between Clark’s legs, lifting them and penetrating deep, his mouth filling with Alpha saliva that was drunk gluttonously by Clark. His lips brushed the Omega gland, wanting to bite him, to formalize the bond, Clark's instincts made him gently bend his neck, surrendering to the Alpha, he kissed the place, pressing his mouth without biting, inhaling the intoxicating aroma, changing position and leaving Clark on him riding him.

He licked his lips savoring his skin and urged him to move, Clark's scarred body obeyed, moaning as it bounced over Bruce's erection, picking up the pace, increasingly impossibly human, squeezing the erection inside him, drawing moans from the Alpha.

“Ahhh! ... Bruce ... I'm going ... I'm going ... I'm going to come ...“ he said with tight eyes, not wanting to contain all the pleasure he felt, his flesh tightening, squeezing the member inside him while he ended up between their bellies staining them with the warmth of Clark’s org*sm.

Bruce gave a few last thrusts and finally came, his knot swelling and sending a never-before-known stream of pleasure to Clark, who groaned and submissively lowered his head in pleasure.

The org*sm ripped through Bruce, releasing the essence of him into him, moaning along with Clark, overcome by the warm, wet pressure.

The kryptonian fell on his chest, “I love you,” he whispered sweetly, raising his blue eyes looking at him. Bruce didn’t know what to do, he wrapped him in his arms and in response he kissed his forehead where his curls formed.

Clark closed his eyes, trapped, he had never been knotted before, it was a slightly uncomfortable feeling, he felt full of Bruce's juices and his Alpha scent, so comforting that he just wanted to close his eyes and sleep.

Bruce's perpetually cold fingers stroked Clark’s hair and back, he had heard about it, how to knot someone into loving Alphas after sex. He wished it weren’t just biology but something real, the reciprocated feeling he wanted so much, the "me too" he wanted to hear, he felt tears wet his eyelashes a bit and he closed his eyes, tired, to sleep on the pleasant sound of the heart of Bruce.


When he opened his eyes Bruce was already awake and showered, he was finishing dressing to go to Wayne Enterprises. The curtains were drawn and the sun was peeking over the horizon to announce a new day.

"Then it's true that you wake up with the sun," Bruce told him, looking at him with those eyes that never stopped analyzing him and gathering information.

He stretched with a yawn, letting the sheet that had covered him slide down his body, he was dirty from sex and his hair was tousled, but the smile tattooed on his face did not fade.

"Yes, I am usually late for work because of that," he said, standing up, with a very minor discomfort in his butt, his body had healed itself and he did not seem to have any complaints about last night's activity.

He received the sun on his skin on the balcony charging with his energy.

"If you want to have breakfast, you'd better hurry up and get dressed," Bruce told him, who hadn’t stopped looking at him for a moment, put on a gold watch and contemplated himself once in the mirror, he had a neat appearance of an important businessman.

"You can use whatever you want from the bathroom, I'll be downstairs."

"Yes, thank you," he said without turning, letting Bruce leave. He still had to go to Metropolis and clear up the Clark Kent matter, he couldn’t remain "disappeared" for the records and also had to make the appearance of him as Superman before the Justice League.

He stayed until the last second that he could before the warmth of the sun and then, with his powers, hurry to shower and dress in the Superman suit and go down to where the BatFamily gathered.

Tim dropped his spoon as he watched him come down with his mouth open in surprise without even blinking.

Jason looked at him with a sly smile as if to say "I know what they were doing."

Dick looked from him to Bruce, as if asking for an explanation that was not going to come.

Bruce for his part read the newspaper without flinching.

"Good morning," he said, smiling, moving a chair to sit down, ceasing to float.

"Good morning, Mr. Kent, it's good to see you back. Fruit and oatmeal for breakfast?" Alfred asked, placing a plate in front of him.

"Thank you very much Alfred," he said shyly, starting to eat his breakfast under the watchful eye of Bruce's children.

“How is it possible?” Tim said to everyone, “is that nobody wonders why two people who supposedly were dead now eat with us?” He asked them, scandalized.

“Jason was resurrected by the Lazarus Well and Superman due to the Kryptonian nature of him, when you come back from school we can discuss it, now finish your breakfast or we will be late,” Bruce cut him down, lowering his newspaper and drinking his coffee.

"And what explanation is there for him to spend the night here?" Jason asked smiling at Superman's blush, but was quickly cut off by an Alpha growl coming from Bruce.

“You and I haven’t finished the matter of yesterday Jason, but when I return from Wayne Enterprises, don’t doubt that we will solve it,” the aforementioned closed his mouth and looked at Dick, who gave him a furious look, without any more appetite he got up from the table to go.

The tense atmosphere seemed to want to cut himself with a knife, Superman finished his breakfast by getting up, “thanks for the food, it's time to go,” he told Bruce walking towards him and, ducking quickly, he kissed his cheek to fly away from there.

Dick and Tim looked at the Alpha in puzzlement, but with a smile on their lips.

“Of this there will also be an explanation at night?” asked the eldest of his sons with a mocking smile, Bruce did not say anything, but he could not help but smile slightly, very soft, for the warm sensation that the kiss had left in the.


"You have any idea how worried you had us!" Lois's annoyed voice scolded him, with a glare from Alpha and a snarl that made Clark hang his head in embarrassment.

Jimmy Olsen surrounded Clark's shoulders in a protective way, “Leave him alone Lois, you are going to traumatize him more than he already is,” he said rubbing the other's back hugging him.

“It's good to have you back Smallville" said his friend holding him tightly to his chest smelling the soft and low Beta aroma of him.

Jimmy had beautiful strawberry blonde hair and kind green eyes, he was a low-level Alpha and worked as a photographer for the newspaper Daily Planet since Clark entered.

"I'm happy to see you guys again," he told them, adjusting the hard-paste glasses on his nose, without leaving the embrace of others. The Alphas were very overprotective with those who shared a bond of friendship, family or courtship, it didn’t seem strange that Jimmy was basically filling him with the scent of him.

"Do you think Perry will give me my job back?" He asked them, really worried about it, his apartment hadn’t been destroyed in the attack on Metropolis, but he had lost it. His things had been collected by Lois and Jimmy, then shipped to Smallville, so he was basically broke. In the Fortress of Solitude he had some normal clothes with which he had allowed himself to return to Metropolis to fix the chaos that was his life as Clark Kent.

"I'll go talk to him, Smallville," Lois said with all the attitude of her Alpha of hers and with a wiggle of her hips and her clicks she went to her boss's office.

"You can stay with me as everything stabilizes," Jimmy said finally releasing him, stroking his head as if he were a lost puppy and, in fact, he was very close to becoming an Omega in distress. His heat wasn’t long in coming, he had no place to live, no job, no things, no clothes, no money and his love life with Batman hadn’t reached any fixed port.

She sighed and Jimmy hugged him again to comfort him. He had to think positive, there were worse things (he could be dead), he had a kind of "relationship" with Bruce, he had had wonderful sex, they were his friends with him and, better yet, he was still alive.

"Jimmy stop being clingy or I'll get you boys a room," Lois told him on the way back. "Perry wants to talk to you Smallville." she took his hand and took him with her.

Perry growled and yelled and yelled, but at the end of the day he had back his job.

"Go write a damn article Kent you've already taken enough vacation, you're lucky we're getting an offer to buy from a multi-million dollar company or you wouldn't have room for your butt here"

He kept making calls, his mother who had received his furniture would send it back as soon as she could, the person who used to rent to him had unfortunately died in the battle against Doomsday and the buildings were not for rent now, so he had to search a new place to live. He was sad to lose his old home, it wasn't much, but it had been his first apartment when he arrived in Metropolis from Kansas.

In the end, he had only been able to settle with the bank his status from "missing" to "client", his account would take 72 hours to activate, meanwhile he was penniless.

Lois brought him a salad and juice at lunch, knowing his vegetarian habits and at least he didn't have to photosynthesize to keep from being hungry.

When the day ended, Jimmy practically dragged him to his car and took him to his house, it was pretty and homely, much larger than his apartment, he served him dinner and prepared the guest bed, while Clark took a shower going out in the clothes, somewhat small for his complexion, that his friend had lent him.

"It's the first time you've come to my house and I've known you for too long," Jimmy said, looking at him, approaching him, removing the damp hair from his face.

"I'm sorry, I haven't been a good friend to you or Lois," he said sadly, allowing himself to be done.

“Lois was very worried about you and me too, just thinking that something bad could have happened to you ...” Jimmy sighed sadly and raised his face, “But you're here, safe and sound, you've always been too lucky Smallville,” he said playfully .

"I'm sorry to have worried you," Clark said sadly.

"I know you think a lot about Lois, I'm your friend, I notice it," he winked. "She's an incredible Alpha, with all those achievements and that righteous attitude, who wouldn't fall in love with her? With your disappearance we talked, apparently you two remained as friends,” he said curiously without stopping looking at him.

"Yes, Lois is not interested in Betas and less low level Betas" Clark said shrugging his shoulders, he hadn’t cared for a long time, Lois was better as a friend.

Jimmy bit his lips and closed the distance between them, raising his head a little since Clark was taller than him, “I don't care about those things Clark,” he said softly looking for his hand, caressing it, “I love you, I have always had loved you. I don't care if you are Beta or much less, " Jimmy assured him.

Clark blinked in surprise at that, Jimmy had always been his best friend like Clark Kent, without ever knowing the background of his person. He was amazed to hear those words he wanted from someone else's lips.

Jimmy's hand caressed him very gently and drew him to his body, he saw it as in slow motion, the photographer's mouth approaching his and, gently, he turned his face away from him, placing a hand between them.

The redhead looked at him embarrassed and he stammered an apology, letting go of his alien hand and left the room with his ears red with grief.

Clark was amazed at what just happened, he sat on the bed and restlessly left a note on the bed apologizing for having to leave. He changed into his civilian clothes and jumped out the window to join the night not knowing where to go.

He didn't walk too long when the rain started soaking his suit, the rainy season was not over yet, depressed he wandered a bit, thinking of flying to the Fortress of Solitude when a limo pulled up next to him.

A man with an umbrella came down.

"Mr. Kent, let us take you home," he looked up at Alfred, who was protecting him from the rain and inside the brand new limo, with one of his suits, was Bruce.

He surprised him, he advanced into the vehicle that was closed by Alfred, who took his place as the driver to start driving by raising the separation glass leaving them in privacy.

"You're a mess," Bruce said looking for his handkerchief offering it to Clark.

"What are you doing here?" he asked Bruce confused.

Bruce looked at him seriously. "I don't usually leave my partner helpless on the first day we start."

Clark smiled at him happily when he heard those words approaching Bruce, to wrap his arms around him and kiss him, finally feeling at home with him, comforted by his Alpha scent.

They were separated by the lack of air in Bruce's lungs, who didn’t seem affected by getting wet because of Clark, “Why do you always smell other Alphas?” Bruce asked him with a low growl, sniffing him, pressing him to his chest and stroking the back of Clark.

"Apparently I'm a bit popular with them," he said playfully, laughing at the jealous growl of Bruce who silenced him with a kiss that followed another one.

They didn't notice when the car stopped until Alfred touched the glass announcing his arrival. They separated, Bruce swallowing the Alpha saliva that was beginning to generate and Clark fixing his clothes, got out of the car without looking at Alfred in shame and let Bruce guide him. They were still in Metropolis, near Lex Corp, in the most expensive neighborhood in the city within a complex of buildings.

Clark looked at him curiously as they went up the private elevator, leaving the butler behind.

The doors were opened revealing the penthouse, the place was furnished with exquisite detail.

"I want you to stay with this place," he said, leaving the electronic card in his hand.

“This is too much Bruce I can't accept it,” Clark denied, rejecting the offer.

"You have nowhere to go Clark, your bank accounts are frozen and your apartment is closed."

Clark raised an eyebrow "Have you been watching me?" he asked curiously.

"Enough to know that you need help and that this friend of yours wants something more than just that," he said crossing his arms.

Clark laughed helplessly at the other's furious gaze.

“I can take care of myself Bruce, I am a very capable Omega,” he assured him calmly, “I appreciate your help, but I’m not one of these luxuries, I feel strange here,” he said with a frown.

"Stay here whilst I find a better place."

"I'll stay, but don't do these jealous overprotective billionaire things anymore, it’s sickish," he assured him.

“Is it a bad time then to tell you that I bought the Daily Planet?” he asked suspiciously, recoiling from the angry look that Clark sent him.

“That you did what!! I am not an Omega in distress Bruce, I will not tolerate you passing over me and I can defend myself, damn it I am Superman!” the blue eyes flashed red and Bruce agreed.

“I'm sorry, I got carried away, after you left ... I haven't been able to concentrate on work or anything, I promised myself that I would only check what you were doing to know that you were okay, I hacked the cameras and I saw you with them.”

Clark knew he was referring to Lois and Jimmy.

“My instincts I have restrained them at the moment we had sex, it has taken me an eternity not to bite you Clark, because I want you to choose freely, I know that I am becoming a dog and I am sorry” he said with stress in his voice.

Clark sighed calming down, it had been a really long day for him and Bruce, they had just started and they had already had their first fight.

"This is new for both of us," he agreed, "I want to try Bruce, really, this is what I've always wanted, you," he approached, letting the Beta aroma of him leave him and the Omega was present.

He bridged the distance and held him in his arms, smelling him filling with his scent. Bruce kissed his forehead and then his lips, very slowly removing his wet clothes, leading him to the bed.

Clark noticed the marks on his body, the lines that his super strength had left on her skin with his fingers as they made love.

"Okay, you didn't hurt me, it's just bruises," Bruce assured him before the Omega's face of consternation.

"I'm sorry, I'll be more careful," he said, kissing the marks, letting Bruce lie on the bed while his lips ran over the skin licking each scar as he passed.

"We will both be ..." he raised his chin and looked at him "I love you Clark, we're going to make this go well," he assured him and Clark couldn't help but smile and believe Bruce.

Chapter 13


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

“I'm sorry I left like this last night Jimmy” Clark bowed his head sadly, looking nervously at his friend, who responded with a shy smile.

“Forgive me, I pressured you and made you leave, I was very sorry not to find you in the morning, where did you stay?” He asked, dismayed.

"I'm fine, I got a temporary place and some money, still thanks for your help and sorry for the inconvenience caused."

“It's time for lunch guys” Lois said looking at the scene with intelligent eyes making them separate when interrupting them.

“I’ll go buy food, do you want something?” Jimmy asked them, who, faced with the refusal of his colleagues, left stunned on his way to the street.

"What exactly is happening here Smallville?" she questioned, taking him to eat in the break room, away from the other co-workers.

Clark took his lunch, Alfred had cooked for him, Bruce knew he would refuse to take money from him, but not from the food freshly made by the butler.

He began to eat it before the intrigued look of Lois, who withdrew the food looking at her.

"Okay, that's enough Smallville, you're going to talk or I'll make you talk," she told him with a sensual smile on his red lips.

Clark knew that Lois would not let him go so easy, he had that look of a predator hunting a news story and he would not rest until he had all the information he wanted.

“Okay Lois, yesterday I went to Jimmy's house, but… well he said some things, I felt uncomfortable and I better left,” he explained.

Lois narrowed her eyes at him, “So he finally told you how he feels about you,” she summed it up so well that Clark could only nod and blush.

"I'll give you some advice Smallville, as Alpha I'll explain something to you." Lois looked at him with those bold blue eyes and continued, "You don’t know how to say no," she finished, “And you should be careful, others might take advantage of that. If you're not interested in Jimmy, you'd better tell him clearly and another thing… who prepared this for you? Portobello and asparagus, blood orange juice and cream of pear with white truffles.” she raised an eyebrow with that bloodhound look. "Where did you go after leaving Jimmy's house?”

Clark was perplexed not knowing what to say, with his mouth open trying to find an explanation for Lois, who was not going to release him until she was satisfied.

"I went to someone's house, he will let me stay there because he doesn't need the place and he sent me breakfast," he explained trying not to give too many details.

“Someone's? Who is that someone? In this time disappeared you haven’t met with that person? Someone who can easily give you his house free and go and prepare breakfast for you, one quite expensive and elaborate by the way,” she said giving him the food.

"It wasn't him, it was his butler," Clark said trying to explain himself.

Lois's eyes widened and she began to laugh. "Wow, Smallville, who's going to say it, you caught a big fish! Tell me who he is!” She asked excitedly while Clark frantically shook his head.

Lois pursed her voluptuous mouth at the refusal without giving up. "It has to be someone you can't tell who is, maybe someone in the public eye?" Clark was surprised at how quickly Lois was deciphering everything, he didn't doubt why she was the best reporter.

“Maybe Lex Luthor?”

Clark frowned at the name in response starting to eat, it was true, Clark Kent would never be related to Bruce Wayne and maybe it was for the best.

Jimmy soon appeared to sit down to eat with them and Lois deftly changed the conversation, leaving Clark finally free.


He rose into the heavens, which gradually cleared, leaving the waters behind. He approached the destroyed houses, which had been washed away by the rains, and took the victims with him. The dam had overflowed and farm fields were flooded, crops dead, livestock drowned and houses destroyed.

People cried, they didn’t know if it was from joy when they knew they were saved or from sorrow after losing everything, there was no way to comfort them.

A baby was crying and she took him into his arms smiling at him, wiping the tears from him, he took him to his neck, where his gland was, letting his Omega aroma cover the baby and soothe him.

The Omegas were the best qualified to take care of children, even some professions related to minors still didn’t hire Alphas due to the prejudices established by society.

The little boy calmed down until he was taken into the arms of the nurses and doctors who took care of everyone, the stagnant water was causing multiple diseases in the population, unfortunately that little one had been left without parents.

It was the first return appearance of him as Superman, the help had been well received and people looked at him in amazement, not knowing if it was really him, believing him even more a God for having risen.

The Justice League worked alongside him, they had stopped the advance of the water, rescued the people and drained the water leaving the wet ground at last visible.

He regretted not having been before to stop everything, but sometimes they could not save them all, the sad thought of him did not make her give up on his efforts.

They helped as much as they could and when peace was restored, they rose up into the skies to retreat to the Watchtower.

Arms wrapped around him tightly, pressing him against his chest, Superman was captured by Diana.

"Honey, it's wonderful to have you back," she said affectionately, stroking his hair with great care, leaving the curl on his forehead and kissing his cheek. "I missed you so much."

Clark returned her hug, burying her nose in her black hair, smelling her Alpha scent, she had a different scent that made him look at her insightful.

“Oh, you weren't here to tell you!” She said showing him her hand where a ring rested. “I’m bonded with Steve Trevor,” she said with a happy gleam in her eyes, leaving Clark astonished congratulating her.

Steve Trevor, was the pilot of the Armed Forces of the United States that fell in the Island of Themyscira. He had not only been the first man to arrive on an island full of women, but also the first Omega.

The Amazons, who were only Alphas, had gone mad when they smelled him, they had had to put him in a cell for his own protection and the one who had been sent to return him safely to the outside world had been his Princess Diana.

He and Diana had spent long and tragic moments, Steve had had to give up being a pilot when it was discovered that he was Omega, he had had to be rehabilitated in a special clinic in London after taking the suppressant intake he had taken over the years. Being romantically related to Wonder Woman, he had been kidnapped and put in danger, so they had had to take a low profile and part ways to be safe.

She had moved to London to be together and with her secret identity as Diana Prince they started from scratch.

Clark looked at the ring on her friend's finger, under her watchful eye the letters "Angel" were read.

"I'm sorry, I couldn't be there," he told her thinking that he was apologizing too much lately, he had hurt a lot of people by leaving.

"Don't worry Clark, it was a small ceremony in Themyscira, Bruce couldn't go…. He was indisposed when you left," she said softly and low, both of them were silent.

At the same time that he had returned to the Justice League, Bruce had also done it, it had been a double surprise for all the members who had received them more than happy to have them back.

“Why the long faces?” Flash passed him with a gale smiling at them and taking Superman in his arms, giving him many turns before putting him back on the ground.

"It's good to have you again Sups, I wanted to be the new leader, but the twins have me dead," he said with a bright smile of a proud dad.

"I missed you too Flash," he said laughing. "It's good to be back."

"We weren't a good pack without you, you're the Omega of the team," he said with a wink.

"I thought we were going to celebrate the reunion with champagne and canapes." Green Arrow walked up to them with a smile, calling for the others to join them by approaching Clark.

“Don't ever leave us that way, idiot” he said shaking his hand and approaching him, hugging him, inhaling his Omega scent caressing his head. He joined his cheek with Ollie´s and made a curious movement before the others, they rubbed his cheeks, marking each other, a bond that would make a family, a pack.

Clark responded to the caress with a smile "We are all in this together, I won’t go," he assured him, separating to go into the open arms of Hal Jordan, who shook him, kissed and also rubbed his cheeks. He was letting everyone's Alpha scent permeate him, marking him as their Omega.

In the end, Batman was left, everyone made room for them looking at them without dissimulation. Clark blushed, they hadn't clarified anything about their nascent relationship, but at least most seemed to know that they would end up together, even before themselves.

Clark wrapped around the other´s neck and felt Batman's apprehensive hands surround his waist, smell him, the mixture of aromas in him, he rested his cheek against his, rubbing gently to feel the other's mouth seek his and kiss him, softly and sweetly in front of the most powerful pack on the planet, which recognized Superman as the Omega leader of the team.


hello sorry for not having uploaded anything in a while, but here is the new chapter, enjoy!

Anyway, I translated this quickly, so I hope it's okay, but you know, if you see any errors, do not hesitate to let me know!

Chapter 14


Hi everyone, I know it's been a while since I updated, but I've been very busy with college. Finally I managed to make time to publish another chapter.
Also, I hope it won't take long to update, but if that happens I just ask for your patience.

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

He walked to the communal dining room, lining up as the robots served him a bowl of vegetable broth and a fruit salad.

The feeling that he had returned to high school didn’t leave him. On one hand, the other members had stopped whispering behind him and sniffing the air as he passed, but, on the other ... now everyone seemed to be careful of him. Nobody looked him in the eye and, if they had to talk to him, they did it in the fastest way, and then avoided him like the plague.

He wasn’t surprised by the turn of things, it wasn’t necessary to smell it twice to feel the scent of the founding members on him, more effective than any weapon in the other Alphas of the place.

Still unmarked, his relationship with Bruce was too new to jump to that big step, meanwhile the scent of others scared away any possible Alpha who interacted with him.

“Let's eat Sups” Flash stood to the right of him carrying two trays full to the top of junk food, smiling at him and then starting to walk together.

“Are you only going to eat that?” Green Lantern asked, positioning himself to his left, glancing at his tray. “I understand that you don't like meat, but you must balance your diet better,” he told him as they both escorted him to the table, walking in sync with each other. his steps as if they were a school of fish.

Superman knew that they did it unconsciously, being the only Omega in a League of Alphas and some Betas, there was no balance and, therefore, no member of the League had made a bond so strong as to make a pack, until now.

It was commonly known that the best packs had to contain at least one Omega, being the scarcest within the population. The Alphas could have an Omega in common, in order to control their temperament, reach agreements, not make disputes and better protect the pack by working in sync. The Betas could appease the Alphas or try to reach an agreement, but due to their hierarchy in relation to the Alphas this did not always work.

"You forget that I can actually photosynthesize," Superman told Hal as a joke, sitting next to Bruce, who was already eating with Wonder Woman and Green Arrow.

“Speaking of photosynthesis, I remembered that you like flowers darling,” Wonder Woman opened a handkerchief and showed him a mauve peony, “In the language of flowers it means Our friendship is strong,” she told him with a smile.

Diana had always been a great friend, and she had become, along with the others, especially protective of him after his death, he understood the stress that he had put them through, how everyone had thought about the rupture of the trinity, after the high crime rates in Metropolis and Batman's retirement from Gotham City, walking away from everything and everyone. The wound was still there, nobody talked about it, how his structure had broken, so the fear that there would be more deaths was latent.

Bruce slid a glass of water next to him without saying anything, while Clark placed the flower in it, smiling gratefully at him.

“Wasn't there a legend about peonies and amaryllis?” Asked Green Arrow, “I think I remember my mother telling me that before the Alphas gave amaryllis flowers in every appointment with an Omega and when they proposed marriage, White Peonies,” he told them trying to remember that.

“More than a legend is an old custom,” Batman's deep voice spoke to them clarifying everything as always.

"Sounds romantic, I'll bring Steve some," Wonder Woman said with a smile.

"I think we'll be the bachelors of the group, Green Arrow," Hal told his blond friend with a disappointed sigh, concentrating on his tray of food.

“Speak for you, today I have a date with a canary,” he told them with a smile looking to the other end where the Birds of Prey gathered.

"I'll be single forever ... when even Batman already has a mate and I don't!" Hal pretended to whimper, while Bruce gave him an Alpha growl and the others laughed at the situation.


A windstorm of dust rose to a stop at the Wayne Manor door, and in a split second he rang the bell, waiting for what, at his pace, seemed like an eternity until the butler opened the door.

"Age is slowing us down, isn't it Alfred?"

"Not to you, Mr. West," Alfred answered, undeterred, opening the door for him and letting him pass. "Master Richard is in his room," he told Wally as the other blinked up the stairs.

"You don't need to accompany me, I can only get there thanks to Alfred… By the way, what you have in the oven looks delicious, can you give me some?”

“Of course Mr. West, you are always welcome to have dinner, I will prepare the table for one more companion” he said watching him disappear in the endless race of him.

Wally knocked on the door three times before Dick opened it.

“How desperate you are!” He growled at his opening, meeting the freckled face of his friend who, as soon as he saw him, surrounded him in his arms, lifting him a little off the ground to give him an affectionate turn.

"Put me down, big guy," he said with a laugh, looking at him more intently. Those sparkling green eyes and matching red hair. When they were both in the Teen Titans, Dick was a little taller than he was, but that had been in his teens, now adults the first-level Alpha genes worked the miracle of him making him all into a man.

“What's up Dick? What is making you sad?” He asked worried about his friend.

Ever since he parted ways with the Teen Titans, they would video chat or get together a few times to hang out and eat pizza, but their schedules as they got older became more and more busy, separating them.

Dick invited him to sit on the bed with him, leaning on a pillow to start talking. "It's Jason, since he came back he's turning my life into chaos," he said with a sigh.

Wally rolled his eyes at the comment, Jason had always been a vital part of Dick's life. He remembered how he talked about him, even showing off the photographs of an overly active and strong boy who, as he grew up, became violent, but Dick couldn’t or wanted to see that aggressive part in him and unfortunately for the Batfamily Jason had died, severing the ties between Batman and Robin, giving way to Nightwing.

“You always let Jason make of you what he wants, even when he was a kid you spoiled him. You're not going to like what I'm going to tell you, Dick, but I don't think he's a good influence for you,” he said with a sigh.

“Jason has returned, I can’t get him out of my life or ignore him, but it's true, I have to teach him manners, he has no idea how to live without that aggressiveness and that horrible Alpha pride that is loaded. He is a stray dog unfortunately,” he said crossing his arms.

"You have adopted a stray dog that bites Dick, let's hope he doesn't bite you and that you can tame him," Wally said with a playful laugh hitting Dick with the pillow.

"For now, I have a plan for it and I’m waiting for you to help me," he also replied with a smile.

The redhead raised a smiling eyebrow encouraging him to speak.

"I'll try to play with his Alpha pride, what Jason needs is a heavy hand," he assured.

"Wow, this will get kinky!" He said laughing, listening to Dick's plan to help him.


“Mr. Jason, you arrive just at the right time,” Alfred walked with a food car, “Can you call Master Richard and Mr. West?” He asked as he placed the dishes on the long table of the mansion.

"Kid Flash is here?" Jason growled sniffing the air to go looking for them, while Alfred watched him rush out, before he even told him where they were.

He went down to the Batcave listening to the snorts and thumps, hiding in the dark analyzing the perimeter.

Both fought naked from the waist up and barefoot, training their movements. Dick using double escrima sticks and Wally just using his speed to anticipate movements, hitting each other.

Jason looked at them, it was the kind of training that he and Dick used to do, now it seemed very far away, like in another life.

Dick performed one of his acrobatic movements, launching himself into the air with a double somersault giving a kick, hitting Wally who backed away giving ground that the other did not hesitate to take advantage of.

He hit him with a series of batons, winning the fight.

"I give up, I give up!" He said, laughing, while Dick held out his hand, lifting him to his feet.

"I think we have company," Wally said playfully, leaning on Dick, wrapping his hand around his bare, sweat-damp waist, resting his chin on her relaxed opposite shoulder.

"Is something wrong Jay?" Asked Dick with a sensual smile on his lips, leaning on Wally on purpose, he wanted him to see them and soak up the Alpha scent of Wally.

"It's dinner time," he said low and serious, with an Alpha growl and fury in his eyes, unable to hide the emotions of him leaving there.

"It's more serious than you told me," Wally said, watching Jason disappear.

Dick shrugged, he liked to play with fire, he went for two towels to clean himself and put on a T-shirt.

"Do you think he will hit me when he knows that you and I ...?" He asked, raising his eyebrows with an amused gesture.

“Although he found out he can't do anything, that is already in the past, along with Barbara and Kori,” he said with a sigh.

"Too many rivals for the poor baby bird" he said mockingly to wipe the sweat and get dressed, walking back to the mansion.

"I didn't mention it to you, but Barry wants us to train more guys for the Teen Titans. Beast Boy, Raven, Aqualad, among others will be there,” he commented, “In fact, Kori is assigned to be the teacher of this new project, although she wanted to separate. What do you say Dick, are you interested in educating children?” he asked enthusiastically.

“I don't think so, I have Tim here being the new Robin and Jason who also needs me. I thought that if all else fails with Jason I’ll return to Blüdheaven, there it was a policeman and Nightwing” he told Wally, thinking about everything that he had changed so recently.

"The project is already underway, if you change your mind you know where to find me," he said with a wink, finding his place at the table, looking at little Tim, who had returned from his studies.

"So you're the little new Omega, I've heard of you" Wally smiled at him with all his Alpha charm embarrassing Tim.

"Hmm ... thanks, I've heard from you too," he said low and intimidated.

"Are you coming here to steal all of our pack members?" Jason asked grumpily, eating off his annoying plate.

Wally looked at him incredulously and just laughed, “Maybe they need a good Alpha to take care of them and praise their food, right Alfred?” He said finishing his plate in a blink of an eye passing it to serve him.

“It is always appreciated who eats well, Mr. West,” Alfred refilled his plate, giving it to him again.

"They already have a good Alpha," Jason said through gritted teeth, noting that none of his pack wanted to intervene in the dispute.

“Yes of course, I haven’t forgotten Batman,” he said shrewdly.

Jason hit the table with a fist, making everything jump and Tim scared, Dick sent him a withering look without saying anything.

"I have no appetite," he said, leaving his napkin on the table, retreating in a whirlwind.

Alfred sighed. "He didn't even finish his dinner," he said looking at the abandoned plate.

"Don't hurry Alfred, I'll eat it," Wally said with a wide smile, drawing the plate towards him to eat, silence had formed in the dining room.

Wally tried to cheer them up with his usual humor, but no one seemed up for the jokes. After dinner, Dick walked Wally out hugging each other to say goodbye, watching the sprinter run away from his house and Gotham City.

Not knowing what to do down to train to find Jason hitting a punching bag, he wasn’t wearing gloves and his fists were red with blood, he was taking out his rage blow after blow.

"Don't come here smelling that way," he said with a growl without turning to see him.

"What I do is none of your business Jason, but just to clear up that dog head of yours, Wally is my best friend," he said crossing his arms, looking at him.

"Do what you want," he growled, showing his wild teeth, turning his back on and returning to perform a series of blows to the punching bag.

Dick narrowed his eyes looking at all that pent-up anger, he advanced to the training ground and pulled his shirt over his head, throwing it unceremoniously, felt Jason's gaze on him wondering what he was doing.

He took the double escrima staves from the weapon box, letting them flex in his hands, twisting them with ease, jumping with them, creating imaginary targets on his head to train with.

He did not know how long he was doing the exercises until sweat ran down his naked torso as he spun in an acrobatic leap, his legs stretched in unison doing a somersault and then another, his palms hit the ground to stand up and repeat the exercise.

He spun in midair on one last exercise and landed spreading his legs in a perfect split.

"When are you going to stop watching me Jason?"

He reacted to his name, his eyes roamed over the alien body, forgetting the jacket that had stopped hitting a long time ago, Dick wore lycra pants to move more easily and the fabric was marked around his body like a second skin, highlighting his legs and the incredible ass he possessed.

Sweat licked his bare chest, he could barely take his eyes off that image that filled her mouth with Alpha saliva, he sniffed the air filled with his beta aroma, sweet and subtle, Wally's scent gradually fading.

Dick analyzed it as he twisted his leg back to a normal position looking at him, spreading his legs in front of him and reaching forward using his flexibility.

Jason hadn't missed any detail of his movements, of his flexibility, he wondered how stretchy he could be in bed and the thought of him made her gulp.

"Is this your way of getting revenge for what happened to the blue alien?" He asked her with a voice hoarse with excitement.

"No Jason, I'm not like that, but you never asked for an apology," he said coldly and that tone burned in the Alpha's chest.

He rejected his words, but he knew he deserved them, Dick had his own pride and he was not going to forgive him that easily.

“I talked with Bruce, did he tell you? He showed me what I had done to his Omega,” Jason told Dick, trying to offer peace between them. Bruce hadn’t been an easy obstacle, he had growled low and dangerous "That is not done to the Omegas Jason, less to the Omega of your Alpha", he had never seen Bruce use his Alpha instincts, but he had been jealous and protector. "If you're going to stay here you have to respect those who belong to my pack, otherwise you can leave, I don't know what kind of relationship you have with Dick, but I trusted him to make the right decision with you, if he wants you to stay here or no”.

“Bruce told me that it was you who advocated for me with him, and now you don't even look at me or speak to me and instead bring a new and different Alpha to take my place. In truth I am not the second Alpha of this pack, everyone ignores me, even that Omega child for whom I don’t represent any kind of authority.”

Dick watched him without saying anything, waiting for him to bring out everything in him because they seldom shared what they felt. He knew it himself, they had all been raised by Bruce and, for better or worse, they had learned to hide their emotions from him.

"I know," he told Jason as he changed flexion to begin doing yoga poses, filling Jason's head with thoughts not far from his penis. "I know your stay depends on me," he told Jason, doing what is known in the world of yoga as the cow pose and that Jason contemplated gone without being able to stop thinking about sex.

Jason tried to get his thoughts back on track but only a slight babble came out of his mouth, Dick had him in his hand, “What I am saying is that… that… I'm sorry, I made a mistake, it was an idiot and I apologize”.

“It´s Okay Jason, I accept your apologies, I know that you have been alone a long time and that it affects the way you relate to others, that you do not know the right way to deal with people, I will help you, do you want my help?” Dick asked him in that suggestive pose, and Jason accepting anything from him, could only say "yes" with his husky voice and his Alpha scent rising around him, feeling his penis respond to Dick's suggestive voice, because the hell, he was so sexy!

Dick shifted into the happy baby posture, and smiled at Jason's words, at the leering look that Jason sent him that made him feel powerful and wanted.

Dick relaxed his muscles and smiled at her in that wonderful way, standing up and approaching him.

“First of all, no one is taking your place Jason, I spoke with Bruce so that you would stay because I am very happy to have you back, I want you to stay here, but you have to learn to behave. You cannot arrive imposing yourself, Tim hardly knows you, for him you are just an aggressive Alpha who has just arrived in his pack,” he explained softly.

“I don't know if I can do it, become what they want me to be, I'm too broken inside Dick, we can't go back to the way we were.”

"No, we can't, but we can do it better, let me help you Jay," he walked towards him and touched his shaking and bruised knuckles, “Are you willing to learn?”

Jason nodded very softly, lacing his fingers through Dick's.

“Jay ... I'm so happy you're here ... don't disappoint me again,” Dick said very softly, looking into his eyes with those words marked in his eyes, as sincere and honest as ever, too precious to touch. Jason hands only knew how to destroy, but before even formulating that thought, Jason answered him.

“Never, I don't know what you're doing to me, Dick,” he said bringing his hand to his mouth, smelling his scent, “I'm a damaged Alpha because I like your Beta scent more than Tim's Omega scent?” He asked, feeling self-conscious and strange.

It was no longer a simple sexual reaction to Dick's sensuality, he knew it, it was something deeper and darker, not only desire, but that feeling intimidated him.

“It's not strange Jay, I love you even if I´m only a low level Beta and you are a high level Alpha, that does not change anything for me, but you have to change ... because even if I love you I will not let you destroy me,” his free hand stroked Jason's cheek, brushing off the white streaks from his forehead, the ones that were the only vestige of the consequences of bringing someone back from the dead.

Jason stared at him and brought his bodies closer, it was so easy to fall into his attraction, it was a cold and dead planet, revolving around a warm sun.

"Help me then Dick, but if everything fails I'll go," he said.

Dick didn't want to think about that possibility, about the separation, it had been too long already thinking that he was dead. He barely rose on tiptoe and hugged him, his mouths connecting with each other easily, without thinking, running over each other. Jason's hands cupped Dick’s waist fiercely, wanting to erase Wally's touch, the Alpha scent of him spreading to cover him, scrubbing himself, wanting to fill him with him, mark him in such a way that he could never leave, ever.


Well that was chapter 14, I hope you liked it!

Chapter 15


Hi everyone!
First of all, thanks for being so patient, and sorry that it took me like two months to update the story. Finally after so long I had time to post another chapter!

Hope you like this chapter, it's a bit ... heated, but at the same time kinda soft (at least on the Clark and Bruce part).


(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

He hugged him, running his fingers down his back, Dick's hands gripping his hair giving it delicious tugs, he gasped and foreign teeth bit his lower lip hungrily.

Alpha saliva began to accumulate in his mouth quickly, excitedly he hit Dick’s body, rubbing his member against him, in need of more. He lowered his fingers to his ass, squeezing and spanking him.

Dick moaned against his mouth, sensual, and Jason repeated the process with a satisfied smile, massaging, he had perfect buttocks and Jason wanted to bite them.

He stumbled with him, leaning him against the wall and lifting his legs, rubbing himself while kissing him, ramming into his clothes. Dick hugged him, arching his back against the wall, pushing his pelvis for more, both in a frenzied dance without rhyme or reason, in which the only important thing was to get more pleasure.

Jason stroked the hem of his pants, pulling them down to the middle of his bottom.

"Not here ...," he gasped, stopping him with his hand, "Let's go to the room," Dick tried to pull away, but Jason's grip was tight, "Come on Jay, let go of me ... I'll teach you some tricks in my room," He whispered in his ear, sticking his tongue out and sending shivers to the other who, in the end, agreed.

Richard adjusted his clothes and, to his surprise, Jason's hand entwined with his to pull him into the room. The second Robin didn't know what made him warmer, the feel of Dick's fingers on his or the hard erection between his legs.

They didn't bump into anyone on their way, and even if they had, they couldn't have cared less.

When they got to the room he didn’t let Dick speak when he already had their mouths joined again. The older man's hand slid between the opposite legs and squeezed his hard member, with skillful fingers he unfastened the button and slid to meet the satin skin of his penis, squeezing the wet tip, feeling thick and warm to the touch.

Jason sighed in pleasure, not wanting to silence the Alpha growl in his throat. He closed his eyes and his hip moved on its own against the palm of expert fingers, he could feel him take it slow and steady.

"Jay ..." Dick's voice called out to him "I want to try something with you ... Will you let me?" he asked sensually, his fingers hovering over his erection and hir lips kissing Jason’s cheek down his neck.

He barely registered his words without replying, letting the older one carry on. Dick´s lips continued their journey down Jason’s neck, lacerating the supple skin, reaching down to nibble his shoulder on his shirt.

Dick changed tactics and took him firmly by the base of his penis, pulling him to the bed, forcing him to walk and making him sit on the edge.

Jason looked at him confused and taken from his trance of pleasure, but Dick only smiled at him licking his lips before kneeling before him. He took Jason´s penis with one of his hands and licked it slowly from top to bottom, sucking on the head. The erotic image of him was better than any of his fantasies, Jason almost pushed his co*ck against his full lips.

"Not yet ..." he said with a flirtatious smile, amused by how impatient Jason was and how eager Jason was to reach org*sm and put his penis in it. He had to change that desperation, he wanted to take all the pleasure from Jason, he was going to channel all that anger into sex, rough and pleasant sex.

He pulled down Jason's pants and boxers, clawing his nails down the sides of his legs, pulling the clothes off him. He lifted Jason’s right foot to suck on his thumb, sending a pleasant, unfamiliar sensation to the Alpha.

That wet and tickling sensation on his toes was completely strange and Todd didn’t know what relationship existed between Dick's tongue on his toes and the pull that he received directly on his member.

He had never tried something like this, but it was strangely exciting.

The beta opened his mouth and soon Jason’s fingers dipped into the wetness of his mouth, his teeth rubbed against the soft skin and a trail of saliva began to trace to the heel of the youngest.

Dick took them out of his mouth and ran his tongue up the instep to his ankle, giving kisses that turned into bites as they climbed. He spread Jason's leg, licked his thighs down to his penis and kissed the tip of it, looking at the minor with his predatory smile.

Jay took his penis by the base of it and with it he gently patted Dick's cheeks, brushing that sensual mouth, tempting him to suck him.

"Open big, Dick," he said with that dirty language and his cynical smile.

The other only opened his mouth and let Jason hurriedly insert him completely, stopped the vomit reflex and squinted at the thrusts.

Jason still had that teenage drive, that vigorous need for quick pleasure.

Dick sucked with pleasure feeling it deep in his mouth without taking his eyes off him, the youngest's fingers taking his hair, joining his gazes in a morbid and intimate moment.

The first Robin sucked, enlarging his cheeks and when he felt Jason was too close to coming he stopped by sliding his co*ck out of him with a trickle of saliva. He licked his glossy lips letting out a smile “You taste delicious,” the beta affirmed, increasing the passion of the youngest.

"Why are you still wearing clothes?" Jay growled angrily and, with his rude manner he pulled Dick to his feet to yank his pants off with his underwear. When he had Grayson in all his glorious nakedness, he took a second to admire him and with determination in his gaze, he drew him close, sitting Dick on his legs and hugging him from behind to give him a hard spanking.

He groaned at the sting, jumping onto Jason’s lap. "Are you going to punish me, Jay?" Dick asked cunningly, rubbing himself against him, cheekily hugging Jason by the neck.

Jason bit Dick’s nipple and sucked hard, he loved that open sexuality of the older, who didn’t avoid curving up, holding the head of the contrary and letting Jason’s teeth dig into his flesh letting out moans.

Jason's hands cupped the round cheeks of his backside, opening them to rub his co*ck against his entrance, Dick almost purring at the sensation. He moaned with his eyes closed as his hips moved, bouncing against Jason’s pelvis.

"Jay, do you want to know why I wanted to come to my room?" He asked, noticing his confused face, the other the last thing he wanted was to chat and less when that movement of the hips became more undulating.

Dick stretched out with that wonderful flexibility and, from under his bed, took something that was promptly placed on Jason's wrists, handcuffed to the headboard.

"Did I tell you that I was a policeman?" He said sitting on Jason's stomach, stroking his hot and hard penis with his fingers, jerking him off quickly.

"I can get loose easily," he replied, tensing and pulling the handcuffs, he didn't like being tied up or placed in an inferior position.

“There's the detail, you won't, because if you do I will stop,” he warned, abruptly stopping masturbation and crossing his arms, daring him to say something and check how willing he was to keep his word.

"You're going to let you do everything I say and I'll reward you handsomely," His smile widened while still looking at Jason's incredulous face, who didn't know that Dick had that wicked side.

"Do you know that Bruce thinks you are the good boy?" He said with a raised eyebrow, letting go of the chain, trying to show that he would not resist Dick's games.

"I know, I'm going to show you how good I am," He leaned down and took a bottle of lube from his desk, not caring about the jealous look Jason gave him. He satisfied him with a wet kiss and the youngest could soon feel the wet fingers caress him, wetting him with that slimy substance that was heated to the touch, driving him crazy.

Dick tore his mouth away from him, lifting himself slightly and turning, letting him see his back and his ass. Jason could see that on the small of his back there were sensual dimples crowning the round buttocks. He watched him give himself a playful spanking, stroking his round shapes and opening them to give him full view of his anus.

The wet fingers caressed the entrance of him without haste, sensual, arching, putting one of them, playing to widen, soon were two fingers opening it. Jason's co*ck jumped into the image and Dick wrapped it in his warm hand, moaning as he penetrated himself with his fingers.

“Dick let me f*ck you!,…. dammit!” He violently hit the handcuffs and the aforementioned only turned on his shoulder with that expression of pleasure, squeezing his penis between his fingers, squeezing him.

"Hold on a little longer ... I'm almost ready ... you're big Jay," Dick's words warmed Jason one more, who could not suppress the need to push his pelvis against the other's hand in search of relief.

When he finished stretching, he took the penis and slowly sat up, letting the extension of it go all the way in.

Dick's suffocating warmth enveloped him and, for an embarrassing second, he thought that would be enough to make him come. He looked at him over his shoulder, licked his lips and began to move slowly, torturing him, delaying his pleasure. Jason hurriedly raised his hips to thrust him, drawing a moan from the other who held him inside him and began to move his hips up and down, bouncing his buttocks looking for the long-awaited pleasure. Jumping on him, in a tide of sensual moans.

"See the mirror Jay ..." he said between gasps, pointing to the dresser in front of his bed where he showed himself jumping on Jason, who could not take his eyes off the morbid image of him. Dick to provoke him even more ran his hands over his chest and slowly lowered them to his penis beginning to masturbat*.

His moans were so loud that he didn't doubt they could be heard all over the hall.

"Aah Jay!… Jaay… it feels so good… I'm going to come!" His hand moved frantically in self-pleasure, as his body shuddered, rising and falling over his throbbing erection.

Jason felt his hands numb and slightly lacerated by the handcuffs, his body tense and his hips in time to Dick's rhythm, too close to climax.

He narrowed his eyes watching as Dick came between his hands releasing his pleasure with a long and needy moan, before his own org*sm hit him hard making him close his eyes completely and arch his body wanting to get as deep as possible in the narrow and wet spot, filling him with his essence, squirting inside him to finish knotting him.

"Ahh!" Dick whimpered at the uncomfortable sensation of the knot, his body was not designed for the knot, which was still swollen. He licked his fingers stained with his own scent and looked at the image in the reflection of a fainting Jason on the bed.

"Ummm ... I think this position has been a bad idea, your knot does not let me move and my legs have gone numb," he said chatty as always, laughing completely sweaty and with disheveled hair, in Jason's eyes simply beautiful.

A click was heard and the minor freed himself from the handcuffs to spank Dick and caress his forms “At least that way you won't go anywhere,” he caressed his sweat-damp waist and rammed him only to get a gasp out of him. Slowly and patiently they managed to lie on the bed, Dick's back on Jason's chest waiting for the knot to come down, the Alpha's fingers caressing Dick's side with his turned face kissing after the session.

"I had wanted to f*ck you for a long time," he confessed after a long, wet kiss.

"I know ... I wanted you to do it," he replied.

Jason would later blame his Alpha instincts for making him a loving partner, for intertwining his fingers with Dick and holding him very tightly against his chest, his knot was already flat and his penis slipped limp out of Dick, but Jason continued filling him with kisses and gentle caresses until they both fell asleep.


The moving truck stopped in front of the apartment complex, it was a new building, but less sophisticated than the one in which he had lived a few days.

Bruce had given him the apartment, claiming that he had bought it and that he could not find any use for it and that, furthermore, he had never lived in it. He had not been able to say no, although he had tried repeatedly, Bruce had always given him a list of at least 50 reasons why it was ideal for him to accept.

In the end he had done it for reason number 50: "I know you can rent another place, I do not do this to impose myself but to help you and accepting the help of others does not make you less."

At least he had paid for the move, which left him a bit short of money, so he set about carrying things up and arranging everything, it was not like he had any problem with heavy things.

The men, mostly Alfas, began to put down his things. Martha had sent his bedroom, living room, dining room, stove, washing machine and refrigerator, which was basically everything he owned, plus a couple of boxes of kitchen utensils and others clothes.

He watched the mortal life of him being unloaded from a truck, as the owner of the service handed him his bill.

He slid his glasses down his nose and pulled out his old wallet to hand him some of his last dollars. He watched the other men leave and get into the truck that soon disappeared.

Determined, he rolled up his old red plaid shirt and began stacking boxes to carry and climb the stairs. He did not take long to pick up the pace and do it at human speed so as not to raise suspicions, even he pretended that they were very heavy when he crossed with a neighbor.

When he was in the privacy of his new house, he smiled, thundering his fingers willing to use his powers to accommodate everything, he was just about to start when the doorbell rang.

Disgruntled, he opened the door to find the brand new figure of Bruce Wayne standing at his door with a bouquet of flowers.

He widened his eyes in surprise and with a delighted smile to see him, both had had a lot of work and had not been able to coincide beyond the missions of the League.

"Bruce!" He said happily, running to hug him by the neck as effusively as ever. The Alpha circled his waist in reflex, smelling his soft Beta scent of his secret identity as Clark Kent.

"Were you expecting someone else?" He asked in his ear, moving a little apart to go inside the house handing Clark the flowers.

“What kind of roses are these? I've never seen flowers like this,” Clark said, smelling them, they were very beautiful, an unreal blue similar to the Omega's eyes.

“They are a new species,” answered Bruce, admiring Clark smelling the flowers with a hint of a smile. The Omega searched with his X-ray vision for a vase and hurrying, in a blink he placed them in water and, showing off his super strength, with one hand he set up the table and placed them in the center.

“They are beautiful Bruce, thank you very much,” he said with that sincerity born in him and his typical bright smile.

“I paid a horticulturist to make them with genetic engineering, it is a new species of rose, it is called Krypton. I'm pretty sure no one has given you flowers,” he assured .

"Nobody ever gives gifts like you," he stated, releasing his Omega scent and floating to hug him. When he was too excited he floated without realizing it, but even without doing so he felt in the clouds. His relationship with Bruce was too perfect, so much so that he was a little scared to do something that would spoil him, inside himself he knew that there would be nothing that he did not do for him.

"I know you love flowers, farmer boy," he said, kissing his mouth and hinting at his clothes: plaid shirt and old jeans with work boots.

Bruce's arms opened to receive him against his chest enjoying the little moments they had to love each other.

They separated for a few seconds looking at each other “I also came to help you with the move.”

"Maybe you could help me with taking things out of the boxes" he loaded the stove to put it in its place next to the refrigerator "How did you know I liked flowers?" He asked curiously.

“I am the greatest detective, that makes me a very observant person, I know that sometimes you even go around the world to go to places with fields of flowers just to see them,” he confessed as he opened one of the boxes, taking out the Omega's old clothes.

"It sounds so harassing when you say it like that," he told Bruce, placing the chairs around his small table.

Bruce ignored the last thing he said, looking at the clothes in the box. "Don't you have new clothes?" He frowned at what Clark called suits, horrible clothes in unflattering tones.

“Don't criticize my clothes, I don't really spend a lot on those things, I usually pay rent, services and food,” he listed his expenses, “You also know that as Clark Kent I don't like to attract attention.”

“Now you don't pay rent, you have no excuses, you should buy something at Omega Confort,” he recommended.

Omega Confort was the most prestigious brand of clothing for this genre, tailored and usually in small sizes for the usually slim bodies. It also encompassed bedding, specially created for heat when the Omegas' skin became more sensitive and any common sheet felt like sandpaper.

More recently they had added bath products, skin care and, to further explore the comprehensive care of the Omegas, they had knotted dild*s that ejacul*ted, vibrated or pulsed.

Clark pursed his mouth in disapproval. "I couldn't buy any of those things, I'm supposed to be a Beta, it would be weird if I had Omega clothes, it would attract attention. It is also too expensive and, on the other hand, my skin is not that sensitive, I am almost indestructible so even in heat I do not have the same problems as other Omegas.”

Bruce looked at him curiously, through his mind the idea of what Clark would be like in heat had hovered more often, but he had mitigated that thought because he did not want to press the opposite and because he did not want to have erections with the simple thought of Clark, writhing in a bed needed to be penetrated. The simple thought made his mouth go dry.

Clark felt Bruce's Alpha scent rise and smiled at him in embarrassment at what he was going to say, before he even said it.

With red cheeks he floated up to him, “What are you thinking? You're filling all the air with your Alpha scent,” he said playfully.

"I'm thinking of you ... in heat," he answered hoarsely, still looking at that blush on Clark.

“My heat will be tomorrow Bruce,” he confessed softly, “I want you to be there with me, will you come?” He whispered low.

He swallowed, he had left him speechless, he was offering him a very big gift and he was not going to refuse it, “Are you sure?” Bruce asked, looking at the affirmative of the opposite. "I'll be there," he said with his voice hoarse with excitement, ceasing to hide the heavy aroma of Alpha that was filling everything, he closed the distance and kissed the warm mouth of the Omega, recognizing each other.

“Ollie gave me some Omega Comfort sheets… we could use them” he hinted at his mouth continuing with the kiss.

"Or we can use every room in your new apartment," Bruce replied, sticking his bodies together, letting him feel his hard erection against him.

"Sounds good." His mouth met his once more and his hands began to remove other people's clothing, revealing the scarred body. Smiling he led him to his old sofa and laughed as he heard it squeak under his heavy bodies, they were both tall men full of muscle.

“I think we're going to break my chair,” he said with a laugh, feeling like his pants and underwear were disappearing just like Bruce's.

"I can always buy you another one," Batman raised one of his aristocratic eyebrows and kissed his partner, shutting him up.

He was so wet that no preparation was required, he aligned his penis and quickly put on a condom to penetrate him effortlessly, leaving his glasses on and his plaid shirt unbuttoned because it was too kinky to hold him with that farmer look.

Clark's body greeted him by spreading his legs for him, still too inexperienced to receive an Alpha inside of him. His anus tightened around the throbbing phallus sending shivers down his throat “ahh! ... Bruce …”

Bruce's blue eyes darkened as he looked at him, he leaned back in the small chair and pumped into him, searching for his penis to jerk off as he thrust into it. His mouth filled with Alpha saliva and he growled at the warm feeling inside him tight and wet.

The moans were immediate, Clark closed his eyes curving his back calling him, while Bruce bit his lip trying to silence his increasingly savage growls from him. All the instincts of him wanting to mark the Omega under him.

Superman raised a little with open hands to hug him, kissing him needy, swallowing all the saliva that made him hungry, his eyes watering with pleasure, the interior of him closing, closer and closer to org*sm.

He moaned ecstatically into Bruce's mouth, cumming staining his belly and foreign fingers.

"You came too fast," he said husky and sensual, turning him on his side, moving more violently inside the sensitive interior. The chair began to protest under the weight of both and Clark's moans became more needy.

"Bru ... bru ... bruce ... bite me ... bite me ... please," he asked low, raising his face to look at him.

The bat looked at him searching for any hint of doubt in his gaze and acceding. He brought his nose to his neck, inhaling that suffocating and delicious aroma, which filled everything around him with its sweetness, he filled his nostrils and with a low and serious roar that shook the opposite body, he bit him, burying his teeth in the Omega gland.

A stream of pain and pleasure ran through Clark as Bruce clenched his teeth against the sensitive area of his neck and his mouth filled with hormones that he hadn't felt since that day Superman revealed the true nature of him.

The taste of him made him dizzy with the strength of him, addictive of him, his thrusts increased without noticing it and his penis widened, hitting hard inside the warm interior, pumping non-stop pulling moans from the other's mouth. Clark's penis erect again.

“Bruce! Bruce!” He did not even feel Clark's fingers scratching his back and blinding pleasure ran through him with such magnitude that, with a primitive and completely dominating grunt, he came, reaching the longed-for org*sm, while the Omega's body succumbed to the pleasure as he came again.

With a violent crack the chair broke under his body making Clark smile

"You owe me an armchair," he said with a satisfied smile from ear to ear and his glasses twisted from the attacks, he had a big red mark on his neck, he was satisfied and happy.

"I'll buy you a new one," he replied, still with a hoarse voice, joined by the knot that held them tightly.

Clark wiped the sweat off his forehead, removing his curls and placing his glasses over his eyes, his hand caressed Bruce's cheek and kissed him very softly, “I love you Bruce,” he said sincerely, just as he was, with a beaming smile.

He stared at him, recording that perfect moment, those words that only Clark could say so purely and sincerely. He was too good, always offering her his heart in one hand. He caressed her face gently and kissed him slowly, very softly, unable to answer those words, but hoping that at least his actions would speak for him.


This week I'll be uploading another chapter;)

Chapter 16


Hello everyone!! Here the new chapter, I hope you enjoy it🧡

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

If anyone asked Tim, he would say that Alphas were the weakest breed, losing control every time they saw an Omega, letting their instincts carry them, wanting to mark and bite. He had only found a few Alphas worthy of his respect, including Batman.

When he analyzed Alpha behavior, he concluded that it was completely primitive and therefore not very logical. He just had to see Jason to confirm the pattern.

The blue, analytical eyes fixed on the aforementioned of him, since he arrived he had been watching him and partly avoiding him. Tim knew nothing of him and the man was so aggressive that you couldn't have a decent conversation without bringing up his bad temper, cynicism, or aggressiveness.

He pursed his thin lips, raising an aristocratic brow, a gesture learned from Bruce.

"Stop looking at me, dwarf," Jason growled, getting up from the couch. He had been busy at the Xbox with a shooting game, having a very leisurely beer on the couch.

Tim could almost visualize him scratching his testicl*s or urinating on the couch to mark it as his own, like the dog that he was.

"I wasn't looking at you," he lied, going back to his book, a complex volume on information technology that Barbara had recommended and that, so far, had been a pleasant read.

He heard Jason mutter a "liar" and, when the Alpha believed Tim wasn't looking, he pulled out a chocolate from behind a picture.

Tim knew it, but he kept focused on the book without wanting to convey the happiness he felt. His investigations had led him to a curious fact, every time he saw the new Alpha, he was eating or looking at Dick, the funny thing is that Tim had never seen him in the kitchen. Confirmation of the strange fact came when he saw him enter the bathroom and come out with a bag of chips.

The answer had come to his mind, Jason was hiding food around the Mansion, like squirrels saving food for the winter, it must be his nutty brain.

Intrigued and curious about this, he had investigated the eating habits of the Alphas. The books had only informed him that the Alphas collected food to deliver it to the Omega and show that they could be suppliers, but Jason did not give it to someone, he had it for himself. His strange habits made him investigate the Alpha psyche or any data that brought light to Jason's manias.

The easy thing would have been to ask him directly, but the man had those crazy assassin eyes and the unpleasant habit of sniffing the air when he entered a room, making him feel like prey.

He didn't understand how Dick felt so comfortable around him and even called him with that affectionate nickname "Jay", but on second thought Richard had always been charismatic and talkative. He didn't know of anyone who didn't get along with the first Robin, which made getting over him as Batman's sidekick no easy task.

After identifying the strange customs of others, he had set out to find the food that the Alpha hid, it had been a difficult task, but incredibly fun.

He had found candy, beer, cigarettes, chewing gum, among other strange things such as condoms in unusual places such as at the bottom of socks, inside cushions, buried in the garden, behind pictures or on the soles of shoes. shoes.

Worst of all, the members of the Batfamily seemed to know about it, but no one did anything.

When he asked Alfred, he patted his head as if he were still a puppy and not a 14-year-old.

“It's good to have Mr. Jason again, with everything and his manias, sir Timothy,” was what he commented.

Bruce hadn't even bothered to answer it, he'd just sighed and asked him to focus his detective activities on crime control.

Tim jumped out of his seat on the couch, putting the book aside, when he was sure the Alpha was gone. He grabbed a chair and climbed into it, reaching to remove a bag of cookies from a chandelier.

"What the hell are you doing up there baby bird?" Dick's voice called out to him from the ground as he landed with a fluid motion thanks to his training.

"I just discovered another stash of Jason's food, I think someone should tell him to stop," he said with a frown.

"He's been hiding food since he got here," the first Robin reported, taking the cookies in his hand, looking at them longingly. Dick had a strange expression, as if he suddenly wanted to cry. "He still thinks the day will come when he will starve again," he said softly and darkly, all the happiness had escaped from his face.

Tim watched him as the pieces of the puzzle that was Jason arranged themselves just a little to give him a better picture.

“Back in time he also stole things without noticing, something got lost and we found him looking in his room. When he died we continued to find food hidden in unusual places, it was as if he was still among us, it was funny and very sad.”

"He is kleptomaniac," Tim said sadly, who suddenly had no desire to investigate Jason, because sometimes people's past is too dark to be enlightened.

“He is and he also has a strong complex with food, just put them back where they were,” recommended Dick returning the package. He smiled very softly at him before leaning in and hugging Tim, as if seeking comfort from his younger brother, leaving him feeling that he had made a mistake in removing things from the past in all the family members with the stupid investigation. of the.

Dick left the room, and Tim left the cookies where they were, picking up the book from him, ending his investigation of Jason Todd.


He trained harder than anyone, every day, in mind and body.

He hadn't been raised by a stunt couple like Dick, who had that wonderful flexibility and could do all those twists and turns. He had not grown up on the streets stealing and fighting, between drugs and abuse like Jason, who knew how to fight for as long as he could remember, use knives, knives and guns.

He had grown up in a normal family, with loving parents concerned for his well-being. His parents Janet and Jack were middle-class betas. His mother had not been able to conceive him until very late in her 40s and after long and painful sessions of fertility treatments. She had already lost 3 other babies when she finally became pregnant, they had used all of his savings to pay for the treatments and bring him to life.

It had been his pride and happiness, he was not only obedient, but smart and beautiful. All his life he had dedicated to studying, he remembered that his dream as a child was to be an Olympic athlete and he, like his parents, had done everything possible to fulfill that wish, taking him to all kinds of physical activities and advancing courses thanks to his genius .

The truth is that he would never be an Olympic athlete, that childhood dream had been replaced when he began to obsess over Batman, reading the news in the newspaper or intercepting the police radio signal to hear about the night robberies.

He was his hero, with his moral code, his methods, and his dry personality. He had wanted to be the same when he was a puppy and his breed had not been defined, to be an Alpha, a leader and a role model.

He never had direct contact with him, but he knew that Batman made Gotham City a better place.

He knew the statistics, was aware of the crime in his city and the deaths that ensued. He had naively believed that it would not reach him, or his family, who could live in a little bubble.

His mother had died from collateral damage, she had been in the wrong place at the wrong time. A criminal had held people in the bank, his mother had gone like any other normal day. Scared she had cooperated like the other hostages. The man who held them against the wall had panicked when he saw the police enter, nervous he had shed some tears with the gun shaking in his fingers, babbling nonsense until, in the midst of the confusion, he shot, wounding his mother and two more people managing to escape.

The other two had been saved, with gunshot wounds that had not affected any vital organs, but her mother with a perforated stomach bled before the ambulance even arrived.

It had been a terrible loss for a young 9-year-old. The loving father that he had always had, became a fragile and distant person, perpetually sad, the shadow of the man who had once loved him.

Obsessed with the death of his mother, abstracting himself from the real world, he followed the murderer's case by tracing it back to his origins, investigating on his own account.

A puppy wandering the dark streets of Gotham in search of information.

Within a few days Batman had captured the criminal until he brought him to justice, his tortured soul had found a little peace, he fervently wanted to meet him, show him all his research, teach him that he could be useful and in that way find a purpose, but soon Batman and Robin would disappear from the map.

He remembered the despair it caused him to be at home, listening to his father through the door watching television, too depressed to eat or speak, screaming at night after some nightmare, missing more and more work.

Years later he would regret being so smart and not being able to get close to him and save him from himself.

At the time he did nothing, ignored the problem and focused on Batman. The robberies and assaults that continued without the bat's appearance, despite the fact that its symbol was shown in the sky. One day the hero returned as if he had never left, but much more violent and alone, Robin was not with him. The streets were filled with more blood and fear as criminals were found beaten to near death.

He had seen the news calling Batman bloodthirsty. He did not understand his behavior, but his logical mind began to search for the answer, he took his computer, hacked into the Gotham Police record system and emptied all the files related to Batman.

He had thought about it before, Batman had to be a citizen of Gotham, someone who cared about the city, who had the training and the resources, he began his inquiries and in the end they all led to a single name.

Bruce Wayne. The famous Alpha, single and coveted in the city, the one who had a wealth of more than 60 billion dollars and one of the foundations with the greatest social impact, who walked through all the parties accompanied by sent omega girls to whom he changed as if they were pieces of jewelry, creating that fame of casanova.

He showed up at the mansion with the evidence in a backpack, still remembering Alfred's astonished face upon receiving it and telling him that he wanted to speak to the owner of the house or he would confess Batman's true identity to the police.

Alfred had been skeptical, but seeing the amount of information that the little boy had, he did not hesitate to contact the owner of the Mansion.

Bruce hadn't been long in introducing himself, staring at that puppy. They evaluated each other for a few seconds before asking.

"How did you find out?"

Tim's smile spread across his face rushing to give him a summary of the facts, detailing his point effectively and intelligently from him to the reason he had it there.

"You need a Robin and I want to be one"

Bruce had looked at him with those sharp blue eyes and the potent Alpha scent of him, intimidating Tim.

"How exactly do you plan to get it?"

"I am good at sports and I have the intelligence to be the element you need, I will learn what it takes if you give me the opportunity," he said fervently.

He did not know what he saw in him, but it was surely his despair, having seen the edge of the abyss and facing it at such a young age as he was.

"What if I reject you?" Bruce asked with a raised eyebrow, challenging him.

"I will come again, I want to be your Robin, I am willing to show you that I am capable, give me the opportunity, I will always obey you, I will never doubt, if you accept me and fail ... then I will leave and never say anything," the blue eyes of both of them stared at each other without blinking, the Alpha growled with a nod.

"You will do what I tell you without hesitation or you leave"

And Tim did, he never questioned an order given by Batman, he began his intensive training immediately, the bat was not going to risk losing another Robin.

At that time he disappeared from his home, missing the advanced classes of the school and dedicating himself to martial arts of all kinds Kung Fu, Aikido, Jeet Kune Do, fencing, Tae Kwon Do, Judo, Wing Chun, Hapkido, Karate, Savate , Kendo, Ninjutsu and Tai Chi.

Time began to run and his father got involved with the wrong people, consuming drugs and alcohol, falling into vices when he was not there and when he wanted to help him it was too late.

They had kidnapped him, it was the first appearance of him as Robin next to Batman. He was nervous and worried, Two-Face had a drug ring in which his father had been involved, he owed them money and now they had him tied up and beaten in a paid building in the center of Gotham.

When Bruce had asked him if he was ready to go with him, he had not hesitated to answer yes, but in the midst of the impending fight he was afraid, a terrible pressure in his stomach that little by little turned a lump in his throat when he thought in what could happen to his father.

He had tried to ignore his feelings and focus on the rational side of him, to use his body and mind as a weapon in order to advance the obstacles until he reached the end.

He saw himself fight and knock out his opponents, Batman fighting with that man who was two and none, a strange mixture of Alpha and Omega that chemists had managed to reconcile, a chimera that had no place in the society.

He ran to the room where, disfigured by the blows, was his father, he was unconscious and the mere sight of him filled her with horror. He woke him up as he could, but he was maddened with pain and bloodshot in his eyes.

Batman's shadow manifested behind him, approaching his father examining him, pulling a flashlight from his belt, checking his vital signs.

“It's the drugs ... he has an overdose, we must take him to a hospital.”

The police, who always watched the Dark Knight's footsteps, were soon present along with an ambulance, arresting the thugs and treating the wounded.

He left the suit from him and went to the hospital, where he found his father sedated. Nobody wanted to tell him how he was, he was just a skinny and neglected puppy of barely ten years old, nobody took him into account.

Using the recent skills learned from him, he infiltrated into the room reading his diagnosis.

He had convulsed to a stroke, the doctors had him sedated and stable, but the neurological damage was uncertain.

Tears had filled his eyes, he cried as much as he wanted, even though they caught him in the room and refused to leave, until they pulled him out to find Bruce in the waiting room.

"We will do everything for him" Bruce told him in that voice that didn’t admit a no and that was enough help to give him hope.

His father did not recover, not completely at least, the drug abuse that he had been consuming had been excessive. He used the amount of drugs of a man who yearns for death and his steps had led him to the new synthetic substance distributed by Double Face, a chemical so potent that it had destroyed his sanity. The aftermath was grim, his father had hallucinations, memory loss and disorientation, he barely knew who Tim was.

Tim’s heart was torn apart, but in the end he accepted that there was almost nothing left of his father in the man he saw in a robe, hovering around in fear and not knowing where he was, perpetually anesthetized to avoid seizures and anxiety attacks.

Bruce had sent his father to a special clinic, the best in his field, where they would help him have a quality of life, which would be the only thing he would have left. Shortly after, Tim would move to Wayne Manor after being adopted by Bruce when he was left alone.

At the age of 13 and a normal day like any other when he began to have hot flashes, colic, mood swings, a voracious hunger and that sticky need to make a nest. He recognized his symptoms immediately and he couldn’t help but feel disappointed to be Omega, embarrassed by it, thinking that he did not meet his pack leader's standards by being useless in zeal and a distraction on the battlefield, believing that his quest to be the best of the Robins would be truncated by his caste.

Full of doubts and without knowing how to approach Bruce, in the middle of his adolescence he would seek his answers in books and internet forums. Bruce had never been particularly talkative, but he had made sure that Alfred was the one to help the little one, buying him a basic heat kit in Omega Comfort with absorbent tissues for his humidity, a small dild* and soft sheets for his delicate skin. He would slowly watch his wardrobe change to soft, fitted clothes, warm for the especially cold Omegas, his room being remodeled to make it more cozy and completely safe to keep out any unwanted Alphas.

Each new cycle locked himself in his room wishing that this torture would end and without wanting to talk about it, when he passed he ignored the problem, grateful that he was a low-level Omega and that his cycle only lasted a day or two.

He had only recently entrusted his doubts to Superman, the hero had always been close to the Batfamily and although he considered Dick a brother, he had always lived in Blüd Heaven.

Superman by revealing himself as Omega had been the one to show him that there was nothing to be ashamed of and that he did not have to hide, that it was okay to be who he was and how strong an Omega could be.

He had felt the loss of him a lot when he had believed that he died and it was even worse when in Bruce he saw the same symptoms that his father had had with the loss of his mother. That was why he had insisted so much on saving Bruce, on approaching him even though he did not know how, that was why the rupture of his pack had affected him so much that it caused him stress.

He didn't want to repeat the pattern that had destroyed his former pack, the mistake he had failed to avoid.

With the return of Superman and Bruce's emotional recovery, his relationship with the Alpha of his family had improved. He wanted to be a pride for Batman, he had not lied when from the beginning he had said that he would not disappoint him, and that is why he had just finished college and was an active member in Wayne Enterprises, with only fourteen years.

That morning Bruce called him into his office at the Mansion, he had a suitcase by his side, he would be away for a week, he thought he would assign him the task of patrolling with Dick and Jason, but was surprised when he told him that it was time for him to start a new project.

“The Justice League has several ramifications, one of them is the Teen Titans. In the past Dick was their leader and it was a matter of time for Jason to take his place, but the circ*mstances were different,” Bruce's voice hardened with memories.

“Now it's your turn, a new team is about to meet, it is necessary that you learn to work as a team as I did with The Trinity and later with The League, only then can you face new and stronger villains, I want you to start this week and you move with the other members of your team to City Jump.”

Tim accepted, astonished, he would be the leader of his own team, Bruce trusted him and he was not going to let him down.

"I'll do it Bruce, I'll demonstrate everything you've taught me," he promised. The bat smirked, something unusual, but since he began his relationship with the hero of Metropolis he seemed to do it more often.

“I know you will, I trust you Tim,” awkwardly he placed a hand on his shoulder and slowly embraced him, impregnating him with his scent, reinforcing his pack bond.

Flushed, Tim submitted to the Alpha of his family and happily hugged him back until he let go with a smile.

"I must go now," he said, separating, taking the suitcase from him.

“Now without me and without you in the Mansion, I hope Dick and Jason don't destroy anything,” he sighed thinking about how possible it was that they destroyed the house.

“I will watch over them in your absence.”

"You're in charge," Bruce ended the conversation, leaving the room.


First of all I would like to apologize for my absence these months, I know that I had promised to update soon but I couldn't, I was really busy with college stuff.

To those who have had the patience to wait for me, thank you !!

Chapter 17


Get ready for the drama!!!

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

"Am I late for the party?" The wheelchair slid across the waxed floors, staring at the festive decorations.

“Just in time, Miss Barbara,” Alfred closed the door behind the young woman, pushing her in order to join the other guests.

“I'm surprised you cooperated with them to throw a farewell party for Tim. What would Bruce say if he found out?” she looked over his shoulder at the gentle expression of the Beta, nothing seemed to bother him.

"This mansion hasn't had a celebration in years, the house lacked some life," he said, glancing at the long curtains that always covered the windows, but were now open, illuminating everything.

In the main hall, colored lights swirled from the walls to the floor, confetti filled the table, and twisted streamers fell from the ceiling, balloons formed flowers and animals everywhere.

“Babs!” Dick approached the girl with his perpetual smile, bending down to kiss her cheek.

“Why didn't you ever have a party like that for me? You have favorites Dick, ”she said, purring her mouth with a reproachful look.

“He's the youngest of the Batfamily, maybe if you had been half as adorable as Tim, it would have been different,” he shrugged, throwing a look at the little Omega, who seemed to differ with that of "adorable", frowning at Dick to show his discontent.

"I thought I was your favorite," the girl whispered, crossing her arms, childishly playing with the Beta.

“You are my favorite girl,” he said winking at her, making Barbara laugh, who couldn´t with Dick's charm. It was too easy to get along with him, maybe that was why they hadn't had a hard time becoming a couple when they were both Batman's assistants.

Barbara looked at the other guests, identified Jason, who was looking at her hostilely from the other side of the room, drinking a beer with a sullen attitude. She looked away at the little celebrant, a skinny boy, who kept setting the table over and over again, compulsively organizing each canapé. Further on, two redheads were talking, she recognized those green eyes without pupils immediately, it was Starfire and, next to her, none other than Red Arrow. Both Alphas smirked at her in a friendly manner.

"Did you invite all your ex-girlfriends to the party?" She asked Dick softly with a raised eyebrow. They had broken up when Richard had had to leave for the Teen Titans, to later meet Koriand'r, the Alpha Tamarian who had been his girlfriend for a short time after Jason's death.

“Maybe ... Wally still needs to arrive,” he said softly, looking at the corner where Jason was, who seemed to have been captured by Red Arrow and Starfire to drink together.

Dick pushed the Alpha girl to bring her to serve him a glass, while she greeted the celebrated Omega with a smile, kissing his soft and slightly rounded cheek for leaving childhood and passing into adolescence.

"Are you ready to leave the Baby Bird nest?" She asked with a sincere smile, while Tim nodded slightly nervously. “You will be fine, all heroes have to make the big leap sooner or later, you will assume your own identity, style and you will stop being Batman's assistant”.

"I liked being Batman's helper," he said softly, taking a glass of juice and taking a sip for doing something with his hands.

Barbara sighed, he was a really adorable boy, a little Omega to protect and care for, now he understood why Dick held him in such high esteem, he ruffled his hair with a smile, “Bruce always had a greater affinity with the Robins, as Batgirl I had a few problems with his authority. I know you have done a magnificent job so far and you will continue to do it with the Teen Titans,” she assured him, seeing Tim's suspicious look, who finally nodded.

When Barbara had met the third Robin, she was already handicapped, her career as Batgirl had been like a shooting star, full of light but fleeting.

She would be the same age as Tim when she discovered Batman from his father's police records, she had always been smart, so sneaking into the files had been easy. But she was too young (and stupid) to think that evil would not touch her.

The Joker had taught her a lesson that she could never forget, the only thing that saved her was her spirit, her indomitable inner strength. Batgirl had been eliminated, but from the ashes she had been reborn as an Oracle to form a new alliance of female heroines, the Birds of Prey.

“Thank you Barbara,” the little boy gave him a smile.

“Being Robin is not a title forever, I stopped being Robin to be Nightwing and sometimes Batman. Secret identities don't die, but sometimes whoever carries them does,” said Dick wisely, instinctively looking for Jason, who seemed to be entertaining Roy.

Alfred returned with a cake that read "Congratulations Timothy" lit by a candle, sent for the rest and placed the cake on the table in front of the Omega.

"You will do very well, Mr.Timothy," the butler assured him with proud eyes.

Jason approached with the other two redheads behind him, glancing at the cake muttering "darling," scowling at Tim, crossing his arms beside Dick and standing between him and Barbara.

He was not at all happy to have so many Alphas invading his territory and fraternizing with his pack. It was worse because all those Alphas were of high level and added to that, close friends or ex-partners of Dick. Luckily Wally hadn't arrived yet, it was incredible how with his super speed he always ended up being late for everything.

Jason glared at Barbara. He remembered her from his childhood, making him feel inferior with his incredible intelligence, grabbing all of Dick and Batman's attention. Shortly after he became Robin, the Alpha woman had lost the mobility of her legs, Dick had gone to Jump City, and he had died.

Having her in the mansion activated his Alpha instincts, feeling protective of the "intruder." He wanted to growl at the girl to leave soon and stop getting along with everyone so well if even Alfred seemed in awe of her! Not to mention Tim. She was a mentor to him, both of them so geeky, deep in discussions she couldn't go on. What did it matter that they had a college degree and he had never finished his studies?

Annoyed, he got a little closer to Dick, who lightly caressed his fingers trying to reassure him before going to help Alfred take pictures.

Tim on the side of him was smiling at Roy who had encouraged him to blow out the candles, then smearing some cake on his face. The Omega blushed at the flirtatious attentions of the Alpha.

"Damn traitor, it's obvious he just wants sex," Jason muttered under his breath. He couldn't even get close to the Omega and now an unknown Alpha would go and they became friends immediately, feeling worse and worse he looked away from the scene. He did not fit in there at all, they were all happy eating slices of the most sweet cake, he felt anger bubbling in his stomach over low heat, making it impossible to eat a bite. Why the hell was it so easy for others to get along with the boy? He had harassed him, following him and investigating him to suddenly forget him and see him from afar with sad eyes, with the same pity with which they had looked at him so many times before.

With a mind full of dark thoughts, he grabbed Dick's waist with a grunt and brought him close to him, filling him with the scent of him, he was going to mark him, make it clear to those invaders that they could not reach and take everything away from him that easy. He looked at Barbara, daring her to say something and she only raised an eyebrow at Jason's jealous and childish demeanor.

Dick was wriggling out of the slightly awkward grip, offering him cake like a child, bringing the spoon to his mouth to distract him.

Jason looked at the spoon and opened his mouth allowing himself to be fed. "Too sweet ..." he murmured distastefully, relaxing with the soft Beta smell of Dick.

"At least one more spoonful," Dick smiled reassuringly at him, wriggling out of his possessive grip.

He grunted when he saw him let go and, unable to oppose the elder's wishes, he kept the cake to go and leave it on the table. The Omega seemed to love it, he watched him devour his slice of cake, that behavior was not unusual, his kind were especially inclined to sweet flavors.

He glanced at Dick, who had separated to continue chatting with Barbara.

“You are not discreet,” the little one had finished and now he was eating a plate with canapés, they were the first words he addressed to him all day.

Jason frowned at him. "I don't know what you're talking about ..."

Tim raised one of his aristocratic eyebrows. "Sometimes I wonder if you're stupid or just pretending."

Jason glared at him, questioning his intelligence was a dark issue for him. “You are going to get fat if you keep eating so much food, and then you will never have an Alpha,” he scoffed looking at Tim's angry expression, it was too much fun to tease him, about how skinny or nerdy he was, it was going to be a shame not to have him hanging around to call him "brat".

“I'm halfway through my cycle, it's perfectly normal for me to eat more,” he felt his cheeks burn, Jason was always teasing with scathing comments, “ can get the Alpha I want, I just don't care to do it, I'm too busy being a hero”.

Jason laughed uncontrollably, as the reddish color on Tim's cheeks deepened. “You, a hero? I don't know who came up with becoming the leader of the Teen Titans, I bet you'll come back a week later with your tail between your legs”.

“Stop laughing, at least I'll be the leader of a team who would want a dog like you?”

"Mister Timothy!" Alfred, who had seen the discussion evolve, rebuked him, scandalized by his behavior. Dick and Barbara had also turned to see, Kori and Roy were watching silently.

Jason clenched his mouth into a hard line with his fists shaking, while Tim felt his eyes wet with anger, he hated being angry and crying, even more in front of everyone.

“He started! He always does this kind of things,” he turned around and ran out of the living room to go to take refuge in his room. He knew it was childish behavior, but he was so embarrassed that he didn't want anyone to see him that way.

“Well done big man, mess with a Baby Bird, very mature,” Barbara snarled at him sarcastically.

“If you don't like how this pack coexists, you can leave now,” he let out his heavy Alpha scent, fighting with the redhead who did not look away, growling at each other.

“Enough you two, the party is canceled, I'll go talk to Tim and you better not kill yourself in my absence,” with a hard look, the first Robin went in search of the Omega.

"Whatever…" Jason turned and stormed out of the mansion, climbing onto his motorcycle to lose himself in the night.

A whirlwind entered the house and the figure of Wally was present. “Sorry for being late, did I miss something?”

"A typical outcome of the Wayne family parties," Alfred sighed, he knew the evening was ruined. He grabbed a punch bowl to start cleaning up, passing the confused sprinter.

Roy and Kori looked at each other for a second before starting to help the Beta and brief the newcomer.

On the other side of the door, Dick tried to reason with Tim to let him in, at the end there was a click and he went into the child's room. The room was cozy and in sober tones like lead gray and pastel blue, Tim was sitting on the wide bed.

"I'm sorry for what happened down there Baby Bird," he said with that affectionate nickname reserved only for him. Dick had never had brothers, but he considered Tim one.

“It wasn’t your fault, you should not be the one who is here apologizing,” reproached the minor, his blue eyes were reddish and his eyelashes were still wet.

“I know Jason is a headache, but he didn't have the same advantages as you and me Tim, give him a little time to change, it's still too early for him”.

The youngest Robin sighed heavily and nodded. "Tomorrow I will no longer be living here and his words will not affect me." I know how he sees me, as a poor weak Omega, but I'm going to show him that I'm not, I'm going to try to understand him, Dick, but not for him, but for you. I hope you are not making a mistake by placing your trust”.

Richard could see in Tim, more of Batman than there was in him and Jason together, it had been the same words of Bruce that now the smallest repeated to him. He looked into Tim's clever blue eyes and doubted a little, for the first time, if Jason could actually change.

The BatJet descended until it settled in the snow, it had had a little turbulence from the winter blizzard, but other than that everything seemed normal and inhospitable, just as Bruce remembered the Fortress of Solitude.

The place looked like a castle, made of jagged peaks and towers, all made of ice and glass. In the sky, a few meters from him, a figure was flying against the dying sun that showed that the summer months were about to end.

Clark posed next to him with a smile, he wasn’t wearing any special clothing, just his usual outfit, unlike him, who was wearing his suit with protection against extreme temperatures, with a warm cape covering his back.

“Welcome,” he extended his hand resting on the ice, while their fingers touched, filling him with his perpetual warmth, “I am so happy that you are here,” Clark said sincerely, with those wonderful eyes of a small child capable of being surprised by the minute details of life and his beautiful smile intended only for him.

He guided him by taking his luggage, Clark kept babbling about the wonder of the northern lights and sunlight in the summer time.

Upon entering he was able to recognize the small differences that the place had with respect to the last time he had been there, in that gray time of his life, when Clark had been his only lifeline in the darkest moments. of the.

“Want to warm up a bit? Maybe something to eat?” Clark asked doubtfully, since he did not usually receive visitors, so he had prepared everything for any eventuality, buying enough food and drinks for both of them.

“Something hot would be fine,” Bruce didn’t possess the invulnerability of Superman and the intense cold, despite the measures he had considered, penetrated him to the bone.

Clark nodded and flew in to bring him food, they sat in glass chairs with white cushions, next to a fireplace that was lit by the alien's heat vision. Everything was too bright for his taste, but he didn't comment, he just sat watching the other, who seemed nervous. Clark had made him tea with a slice of apple pie, sitting close to each other, even though there was space to spare.

Bruce smirked at it, Clark loved the physical contact, he stretched out his arm and caressed the curls that formed on the nape of his neck sending shivers down his throat. Bruce ran his nose along his partner's neck, where the bite was located, reddish and noticeable to any another Alpha.

"You smell so good," Bruce whispered in Clark’s ear. And it was true, the scent of the kryptonian increased in heat, it was like the song of a siren calling him. Bruce kissed the back of his neck, sending Clark shivering and making him sigh.

“I thought we would at least wait until after dinner,” Clark said, looking at Bruce with a smile, taking his face and bringing his foreheads together, in an affectionate gesture.

"I'm done eating." Bruce turned his empty cup over, setting it aside to join his mouth with the other, in a soft kiss.

“You didn’t eat any of your cake,” Clark said over Bruce's mouth in a whisper without refusing his lips, his heat was reaching, he could feel it on his skin, in that dark and secret need to have Bruce next to him, that there wasn’t much space close between their bodies.

“I can dine you,” Bruce's hot mouth kissed him slowly, without haste, tasting him, caressing softly on his suit, feeling his warm skin almost feverish.

Clark put his arms around Bruce, welcoming him warmly, sucking on Bruce's lower lip and letting his instincts guide him, responding to the Alpha scent that his partner emanated.

Bruce lowered the zipper of the suit, leaving the cape aside, little by little revealing the alien body. His fingers caressed his mark, as soon as the scar was beginning to form on Clark's neck, it would require more meetings between them to reinforce the bond until it became permanent.

“Do you plan to do it in each room as in my house?” Clark asked amused, letting himself be undressed, his clothes were beginning to bother him and he felt very hot.

“We could try, but I think that for today it will be better to go to your room, I just bought you an armchair, I don't want to owe you another”.

Clark laughed heartily, getting up, leaving the rest of his suit aside, walking in his glorious nudity through the white hallways to the main room.

“Enter at your own risk, maybe afterwards I won't let you out.”

“Are you flirting with me Mr. Kent? Your heat makes you naugthy,” the bat closed the door behind him, taking off his mask and heavy cape. His own skin felt hot, it must be the Omega hormones making him react.

“If I am, what will you do? Fire me now that you've bought the Daily Planet?”

"Watch that mouth Kent ... or I'll shut it up" Clark's eyes carefully followed every move, watching Bruce take off his suit. His blue eyes paused on Bruce's erect member, then up into those grayish eyes, stormy, dark with passion.

"I want to see you do it," Clark said, barely swallowing hard, feeling wet and aroused.

The Alpha breathed in the scent of his arousness, his mouth filled with saliva, bridged the distance between them and took Clark’s head, closing his fingers in the curls and making Clark lift his face in a demanding and primitive kiss.

Clark moaned between his mouths, hugging his body in need of him, separating for a few seconds to look at each other.

“That's not the way I want to shut you up,” Batman's hoarse voice made him shudder, he licked his lips wanting more of that spicy and addictive saliva, the taste of a first-rate Alpha. "How are you going to shut me up?" Clark asked in a voice that was too needy, with that terrible heat growing inside his body like tongues of fire.

Bruce smirked at him and pointed to his own co*ck, taking it between his fingers, swollen and wet at the tip.

It wasn’t necessary to cross a word to have the most powerful man on the planet on his knees, sucking him with devotion. It would be at that moment when he discovered, to his delight, that Clark didn’t possess a vomit reflex, swallowing his whole co*ck, sucking again and again in delicious agony.

He had to grunt Clark apart so he wouldn't come, leaving the Omega whining and licking his lips hungrily.

It was a completely different facet of Clark, totally devoted to his sexuality without any complex.

“Let's do it ... I want to feel you,” Clark placed himself on the bed spreading his legs, the fluid dripping between his buttocks in an obscene way, “I feel throbbing, come soon, we have a whole box of condoms to use,” Clark took one from the box he had prepared for the occasion, tossing it to the Alpha who slipped it on with ease and climbed onto the bed between the Omega's legs, rubbing against his wet, throbbing entrance.

"Put it in now," the Omega said hurriedly, pushing his hips in despair and Bruce soon obeyed his request. The bat entered into the overwhelming warmth, the other let out a plaintive groan when he finally felt full.

“Ahh! ... I had never had sex with an Alpha in my heat,” Clark bit his lips twitching with pleasure when the hard thrusts began. Bruce didn’t lose detail of Clark's expression, he kissed him licking each other, spreading his legs hitting hard inside him.

Bruce raised Clark legs to his own shoulders, searching for his prostate and hitting mercilessly when he found it, intoxicated by sex and hormones, the sweet aroma of the need for the Omega, to be filled and satisfied, his whole being wanted to melt at.

He growled over the other's mouth that couldn’t stop moaning, Bruce went to Clark's neck, smelling his intoxicating aroma, the Alpha fit his teeth in that place where the gland was swollen and reddish. He bit Clark hard, filling him with his taste, swelling inside him, while Superman moaned, staining his belly with his sem*n.

Clark gasped in satisfaction, but his co*ck didn't seem to want to lower his aching erection, he had crystal blue eyes with a blank stare and his cheeks streaked with tears of pleasure.

Bruce licked his neck, where the gland looked swollen and painful, marked by the shape of his teeth.

"I need… more…" Superman whimpered, starting to wank his red and hard co*ck. They shifted position and, getting on his knees with his face against the pillow, he lifted his wet butt to his Alpha, who didn’t hesitate to spank Clark’s butt and lick the soft thighs, biting them and running his tongue up to the kryptonian hole, retreating to possess him, plunging to the bottom with a lunge. Bruce leaned down to kiss his back with a path of kisses up to his neck, biting the back of his neck as the other circled his body. Bruce pulled one of Clark's nipples making him scream with pleasure. The billionaire was barely aware that he didn't stop moaning either.

His swollen member throbbed inside the Omega, he pumped over and over again, feeling his own org*sm approach.

"Clark ..." he called, seeking his lips, kissing and hitting his prostate to the limit, growling until he came in a groan of ecstasy.

The Omega felt the knot inflate within him, trapping the Alpha, preventing him from fleeing, pressing all the right places so that with a moan of pleasure he came abundantly between his fingers, satisfied to be knotted, while his excitement stopped burning and went down finally.

They lay sideways together, caressing and gently kissing each other.

“I'm so hot,” Clark shifted in his arms, uncomfortable. “My neck burns,” he complained, pressing himself to Bruce's chest, who began to gently caress his belly, licking the reddened gland, letting his Alpha saliva lower the swelling .

“It's normal for you to feel like this, this is just the beginning ... rest a bit.”

Clark closed his eyes relaxing, he could almost purr at that moment, he didn't know when he fell asleep with the attentions of the Alpha on him.

Bruce broke away from Clark, found the bathroom, and washed the Omega's body with a damp towel, wiping the excess moisture between his legs and the sweet sweat that covered him. His instincts made him want to take care of Clark and not get away from him, with a pair of underpants he left the place to find the kitchen to prepare a fresh salad and cold water for the Omega, he also needed to eat to have energy.

He returned to the room where Clark was already waiting for him awake.

"I was just going to go get you." Clark's cheeks looked red, he was painfully hard and he whimpered at the smell. Using his speed, he went up to Bruce and hugged his neck, kissing him with need.

“Wait Clark, you must eat something first,” Burce said, rejecting it, despite the protests of the other.

"I don't need to eat ... I need you inside me," Clark said, taking the food from Bruce and leaving it on the floor to take him to bed and repeat.

He tried to resist, but the Omega's grip became stronger, dragging him with ease, placing him on the bed, looking for his penis to masturbat* until he was convinced, and they continued again.

Bruce woke up tired and aching, his mouth dry, and the strong scent of sex filling his nostrils. He was alone and in the dark, by his accounts they had been doing it non-stop for five whole days and Clark's heat only seemed to get worse and worse. Bruce lasted longer and longer erect and took longer to come, leaving him exhausted and unable to take a breath. Satisfying the rhythm of the Omega left him faint, and he had barely been able to eat anything between sessions.

He got up full of bites and scratches, Clark was no longer controlling his strength as well as at first and some bruises adorned his body. He filled a glass with water and emptied it twice in a row before going for a bath and washing the fluids off his body. He would have to change the sheets again for clean ones, the Kryptonian had clung to the previous ones and with his force had ripped them to pieces.

He didn’t know where Clark was, he remembered the last session, in which the Omega didn't give him rest. The other also hadn't let him sleep or eat until he became dehydrated and he ended up passing out, it seemed that his reason was increasingly clouded by the heat. That could happen with high-level Omegas, many days in heat, while it gradually worsened until it was in a state of delirium and weakness. But Clark was not just any Omega, he didn’t need to eat, drink water and he didn’t get tired, he cried and called Bruce when the heat burned his skin and the gland was so swollen that it was painful to see.

Bruce was desperate, he couldn't keep up with his own Omega's, he was tired. He turned off the shower and dried off, dressing, picking up his clothes from the floor that he hadn't used for anything since he arrived at the Fortress of Solitude.

He put on some black clothes and the heavy Batman cape starting to look for the Omega.

“Clark? Where are you? I know your super ear can hear me, where are you hiding?”

“He is better away from you,” a deep voice spoke to him and a ghostly face lit up the room. It was Jor- El, the artificial intelligence that came with the crystals of the Kryptonian supercomputer.

"Do you know where he is?" He demanded.

“I know, but I must warn you that he is dangerous”.

"Speak up," he demanded.

The hologram just stared at him impassively before pointing to the window, the winter blizzard had broken loose and a figure stood naked in the snow.

“I must warn you that you must not go with him. Clark is dangerous for you now, you are the Alpha he loves, but he is an Omega with too much power, you cannot satisfy him, you will never do it. He doesn't get tired, he doesn't eat, he doesn't sleep, what he needs is a strong Alpha of his level”.

Bruce ignored the comments of the Artificial Intelligence and went to look for the Batman suit equipping himself with him, his boots sank in the snow and he sat back on the cape, protecting himself, he reached Clark.

Clark's eyes were lost and his body warm despite the snow, he hugged Bruce's body and began to scrub against him, calling him Alpha over and over again.

"Enough Clark, react!" He growled at the other, using his Alpha scent to control him, but the Omega only started crying, repeating "Alpha" more desperately each time, seeking to remove Bruce clothes, using his strength to rip.

He was soon diminished by the Omega against the cold snow, as his clothes began to rip exposing his body. He realized that this was going to happen whether he wanted to or not, he growled at his mate, displaying his scent, showing him fierce teeth, but Clark wasn’t intimidated, instead, his empty gaze changed to hard reddish eyes and his scent began to change until became an Alpha’s one.

In shock, Bruce shivered from the awful cold he was being exposed to, he had to stop this madness, Clark was going to do it right there, he was going to die of hypothermia.

The only hot thing was the Omega's skin, which, despite smelling Alpha, continued to drip lubricant between his legs. Bruce had a moment of terror when the Omega aligned his penis against his wet and needy entrance.

“Clark no!,” He growled in an order and the other seemed to hesitate for an instant, looking at him with those hideous red eyes and to embed himself in Bruce penis, starting to rise and fall from it, using his super speed seeking to obtain the pleasure that so much wanted.

Shivering with cold, he clung to Clark as his only source of heat and hated himself feeling weak from being aroused, because despite everything, his body hardened inside the Omega and reacted to the heat.

“Enough, Clark!” Bruce wanted to hold back, but he couldn't and his sem*n filled the other, flooding him. Satisfied, the Omega's eyes shifted, releasing his org*sm, moaning, lowering his erection at last, hugging Bruce before passing out.

The bat took him in his arms back to the Fortress, laying him on his bed, looking at him with new eyes, analyzing him as he washed him once more. Intrigued by answers he visited Jor-El.

“You knew this would happen, tell me more”. The hologram looked at him earnestly before writing in Kryptonian something that Bruce quickly deciphered.

“Kal-El is not a human, no one who is human can control his cycle, nor can he himself. You are too weak for him, he needs someone with a firm hand who can impose himself when he loses consciousness.”

“Do all Kryptonian Omegas react like this?”

Jor-El denied.”The Kryptonians were very similar to humans, it is your sun that increases Clark's capabilities, it is the sun that makes his cycle stronger and also the consequences of him.”

Bruce pondered Jor-El's responses, went into the room where Clark was resting, carrying a small piece of kryptonite and exposed it to him until the annoyance made him wake up. When Clark opened his crystal blue eyes, the first thing he saw was Bruce stroking his hair, watching over him.

“Bruce? What happened?” He asked, confused and dizzy.

The bat stared at him, making sure it was him once more and caressed his cheeks, kissing his mouth in a chaste kiss without saying anything. Clark looked at him with confusion in his eyes.

“We need to talk… Clark, I think we should take a break.”


What are your thoughts of the chapter? I hope you liked it!!

Don't forget to comment!🧡

Chapter 18


Hi, here reporting me after months of being missing.

Taking advantage of the fact that I'm on vacation and I have free time, I'll be updating the story as much as I can. And as a reward for leaving u in drought for a long period of time. This week we will have marathon, so stay tuned.


(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

The man solemnly took the microphone, announcing the end of the electoral contest, the candidates waited on their podiums, while the counting of the votes was announced.

“The new Mayor of Metropolis by an overwhelming majority vote of 67% is… Alexander Luthor!”

Lex raises his fist victoriously, applauding as the crowd cheers him to their feet, clapping and shouting his name, he hears the curses of his opponents, but he knows that they had no chance against him, since he announced his political campaign it was clear who was going to be the new Mayor of Metropolis.

It’s the first time that the Luthor family is involved in politics, his father would have never imagined it, Lionel hated everything related, but it doesn’t matter, because Lex plans to broaden his horizons, Lex Corp is growing, branching out into small and multiple secret projects, it first started with Weapons, which have been selling well on the black market, reaching other cities like Gotham City where organized crime ships hundreds of their bullets and firearms.

But that wasn’t the only thing, of course not, he was investing in a group of geniuses with amazing ideas in technology, perhaps they weren’t people whose names someone would brag about among his friends, but he was sure that the financing he was giving them would pay off.

With elegant and imposing steps, Lex approached the microphone to give his speech.

“Thanks to all the voters, I will not disappoint you, in the last months Lex Corp has invested in culture, in security and in a better place to live, it is time for us to become our own superheroes and save Metropolis with our hands, I am anxious to show them everything I have planned,” he concludes his speech briefly and greets the voters with a white-toothed smile and makes his way between the shouts that acclaim his name and the cameras that do not stop photographing him.

He walks waving hello meeting his personal assistant and his bodyguard, Marcy, the woman walks beside him through the sea of people making way for him.

“Excellent speech sir, the limousine is ready, do you want to go to Lex Corp?”

“No Marcy, I think today we will go see my little gift ," he whispers but the girl is able to hear it despite the crowd.

Among the reporters that surround him, a girl approaches him. “Mr. Luthor, Lois Lane for Daily Planet, what will happen to his proposal to regulate Superheroes now that you have taken power? Will you be working alongside Superman?

“Superman and I have had some differences in our way of thinking, but we have the same goal, to improve the city,” Lois tried to ask him one more question but the man turned around and entered the limo.

“Did you record it Jimmy?” the woman looked at the cameraman who nodded. “Smallville missed the elections, look how to ask for vacations just when we are full of work,” the Alpha girl grumbled.

“Leave him alone Lois, in any case I don't think good things will happen with Luthor as Mayor, you can tell from miles away that he is hungry for power,” the redhead put the camera in his case ready to leave the place.

“Since Superman's death he has been with his campaign to reduce the freedom that heroes have, but I know the truth,” the Alpha winked at him. “He was rejected, a friend who works at Lex Corp told me, Luthor asked for marriage and Superman rejected him, and now Lex tries to limit him since he couldn't get the omega he wanted, such a nasty alpha,” she growled.

“That sounds more like a note for the scandal section Lois, Perry won't be happy if we don't bring him something interesting.”

“Don't worry Jimmy, I'll catch that news,” she assured him.

“Everyone, please welcome Robin!”

Starfire began to applaud in the middle of the silence, while the boys turned to look at him strangely, he felt like the new student that the teacher had brought to the front to show him off.

A whirlpool formed around him, until it stopped in front of him, a red-haired boy greeted him with a big smile, he had a sweet and soft scent of low-level Omega

“Hello Robin, should I tell you like this? What's your name? In this century they continue with secret identities, that's so retro... What number of Robin are you? It's hard to know how many there have already been… I lost count after Carry… ups Spoiler.”

“Leave him alone Impulse…and they said that I was very energetic," Beast Boy babbled, a low level beta.

Tim had read about him in the records, he was one of the founding members of the Teen Titans, along with Aqualad, Kid Flash, Dick, Starfire, Cyborg, Raven and Red Arrow.

“They're too noisy,” Raven looked gloomy, she didn't seem to want to give much importance to the arrival of the new Robin.

Tim greeted the others, apart from Impulse, the sprinter, there weren't many of his age, Starfire, due to her Tamaranian origin, looked like an exuberant woman, but Raven and Beast Boy, they seemed just a few years older than him, he supposed it was due to his powers, because Red Arrow was also already an adult, and not to mention Cyborg who worked directly with the Justice League.

“I hope you adapt well to Mount Justice, Tim,” Starfire caressed his head with a smile, her abnormal green eyes looked at him with affection, and he could feel his heavy alpha aroma wafting around her, it was a sensual aroma, as it was her, all his omega instincts begged him to rub against her hand like a cuddly kitten.

“I think you already know them, but this is Raven and Beast Boy,” the alpha pointed to the other two members, from what she knew both had been in a relationship for years, since the first Teen Titans were formed.

"Nice to meet you old man! It's good to have another Robin around here," Garfiel got so excited that he turned into a bloodhound, running around the boy sniffing him, wagging his tail playfully.

A dark shadow in the form of a hand took him into Rachel's arms, stroking the canine's head as it licked him hard.

“Make yourself at home,” the voice of the alpha girl was soft and dangerous, despite being a mid-level Alpha she had a heavy aroma, surely due to her demonic origins.

"Cyborg or Red Arrow, they come from time to time, as well as some of the League members, but it's not common. Usually your mentor will be Red Tornado, he'll be in charge of all of you, giving missions every time we can't do it . The Justice League is dividing to strengthen itself, I myself will form a new group with Red Arrow, for the moment it's just the two of you, but don't doubt that later new members will be added, as happened with us. I hope you to be as united as our team was.” The redhead ended her speech with a smile bringing the two omegas closer, hugging them against her voluptuous chest.

“Please, behave, we have to go,” she gave each of them a kiss on the cheek and released them.

“So they are leaving?” Tim looked at them surprised, he just arrived in Happy Harbor, and he already had to say goodbye to his team, although thinking about it, they weren't his team, they were his mentors, his team was just Impulso, another Omega that had come from the future thanks to the Super velocity…. He could hear Jason mocking him, what a leader he was, when he only had one partner.

Unable to stop them, the old members of the Teen Titans said their goodbyes and were soon gone, leaving them in the large secret base alone.

Impulse disappeared one second, then stopped the next next to him.

"Well Chief, we're alone, do you want to go on a top-secret and forbidden mission?" He said out of the blue, moving his red-haired eyebrows in a sign of invitation, holding out some papers.

Tim raised one of his characteristic eyebrows and took the documentation, getting more and more astonished as his eyes read.

“Where did you get this from?”

“Now if I have your attention,” he slid his mask revealing his freckled face and intense green eyes. “Call me Bart,” he said, introducing himself with a wink that any alpha would classify as charming.

“And I stole the papers from my grandfather Barry, anyway, they don't plan to solve it until Superman and Batman return from their vacations , but we could take a look,” he tempted.

“We mustn’t take missions that haven’t been assigned to us,” Tim admonished him, thinking about what Batman would say if he found out.

“If you're scared that's fine, I can go alone, but I thought it would be a good way to start this team with a real mission and not just supervise the construction of a center for the elderly, what a leader you turned out to be,” the redhead said crossed his arms.

"You're not going to convince me with that," Tim assured him.

“Then maybe I’ll show my achievements to the League and they will decide who will be the best leader.”

Tim clenched his teeth and narrowed his eyes “Let's go.” The other omega's smile widened as he hugged him happily.

“That's fantastic! Come on, I have a bike ready for you, it's time to get going.”

He knew that he had fallen for Bart's bait, but it was too late to regret it.

“It has been almost perfect,” Lex admired the body floating in an artificial matrix that was still small, a teenager. This was the critical moment of the experiment where he would know if his efforts had paid off or not, since the battle of Doomsday, he had seen fall the Gods before the Monsters, they couldn’t be trusted that they would always be there to save them.

The government had contacted him, they needed his intelligence and resources to carry out a plan, create a way to stop the heroes in case of a rebellion, and in the same way everything that would threaten the world when there was no one left., something more than humans to protect it.

He had had a single condition, and that condition now floated unconscious in the water.

With the help of Project Cadmus technology, he had collected the blood of Superman himself, to carry out his most ambitious plan, to create a clone of Superman, combining his DNA with his to create a child of both.

They had made him grow by leaps and bounds with drugs and this was the final big step, the moment where the biology couldn’t be altered, when the 01 project began its sexual maturity, he would know what caste he would have.

Despite all the medical advances, he couldn’t alter the sex and caste of a baby, they were completely random factors, the fact of being a clone had ensured the identical sex and appearance, although not the nature and even less his caste.

He trusted that by holding it in his hands he could mold it to his benefit and pleasure. Getting the perfect Omega that had gotten out of his hand with Superman.

“Start the last test,” he ordered the scientists working with him, trembling with emotion.

The chemicals began to be injected into the body that was kept alive connected to the cables, it began to convulse as its bones began to grow and its skin stretched, its face showed a rictus of pain and blue eyes opened and then closed and stayed in peace.

"Test him, what caste does he have?" Lex hurried to the board as the scientists typed and the results began to load up to one hundred percent and prayed in big letters.


“What? No! It can't be! Repeat the process,” Lex began to growl at them and get upset, while the words were shown again and again in red on all the screens, frustrated he hit the computer.

"All this wasted time and it was useless!" He looked at the boy's adolescent body with disdain, a first level Alpha was of no use to him, it would be too difficult to control.

“Eliminate him, I want him out of my sight,” he told the scientists rubbing his forehead where he began to have a headache.

"Would you like us to retire sir?" Marcy walked up to him, she had remained in the shadows and silent like the efficient secretary that she was.

"Yes, let's go, I don't have time for these useless people," he growled, walking away from the disaster.

In the ventilation duct the two omegas held their breath, they had gotten there thanks to Bart's super-speed, so fast that not even the cameras themselves could detect them, Tim had sprayed them with an anti-odor spray, so no one could detect them by their characteristic Omega aroma.

“They're going to kill him, we must save him!” Bart urged after looking at the experiment, Lex Luthor had been playing Frankenstein all this time, creating a copy of Superman, the fact made him shiver.

“No! We must call the League, ask for reinforcements,” Tim tried to reason with him but as soon as the other omega saw an opportunity, he came out of hiding to steal the access cards.

He slid the card to where the body remained inanimate, punching the control board at high speed, trying all the codes until he found the access code.

The water began to drain, while the boy's body began to come to life.

Tim caught up with Bart, watching the show, "Are you crazy?! How are we going to take a naked boy!”

“They were going to kill him!”

The alpha opened his unreal blue eyes, he was confused and wet, he watched the two boys fight each other, his senses began to adjust, the first of them was his hearing, endless voices speaking collectively damaging his sensitive eardrums.

He growled, releasing the alpha scent, an overbearing fragrance, squirming in his glass cage, frightened, snapping the wires, smashing the glass with one of his fists.

“¡Oh no!…. I didn't plan this,” Bart watched the alarms go off in red sirens while the noise disturbed the newly born alpha even more . “What are we going to do?” Bart asked Tim, scared.

The alpha growled at them advancing slowly, getting used to his body, walking in small steps like a baby.

"Don't worry, we won't hurt you," Tim told him, trying to reason with him while the sounds of footsteps got closer and closer.

The boy growled at them and unleashing a punch broke a machine, destroying it completely.

Both omegas stepped back and quickly, Tim approached, dodging their blows until he punched him, opening his hand where a green gem shone.

The boy fell naked and unconscious at their feets.

“Kryptonite? That was so Crash!”

“No time to celebrate, do you think you can carry us both to get out of here?” Tim took a robe and dressed the boy with this.

“Yes I can, but I don't know how long I’ll resist, hold on tight, because we're going to fly,” he took them both and began to run while the doors opened and he dodged the bullets, brushing past people, with Tim holding on to his back and him boy in his arms. Bart ran as fast as he could and soon they were far enough away from the place where the Batcycle was waiting for them.

Bart fell to the ground with his exhausted passengers. “¡First mission! I would consider it a success boss.”

“It won't be if they catch us, let's go back to Mount Justice, help me get him up on the bike, I don't think you can run anymore.”

“It will be strange to have a semi-naked boy in the middle of both of us, I just hope he doesn't wake up,” Between them they put him on the motorcycle while Tim drove back to the harbor.

The boy remained asleep until reaching the place, with effort they left him on the sofa.

"I think it's time for you to have a brilliant plan." Bart looked at the sleeping Alpha and then at Tim, who had a frown on his face and his arms crossed.

“I think we'll have to wake him up and try to reason with him.”

“Is that your brilliant plan? The boy practically blew up a machine with one punch, I don't want to know what he will do to us when he wakes up.”

“We have an advantage over him, he is identical to Superman, right? Well, he has the same weaknesses as him, Kryptonite, we will control him with that.”

“I hope he doesn't know then that he also has flight, speed, strength, cold breath and heat vision, because then we'll be fried,” Tim couldn't refute that and less because the alpha began to stir until he woke up.

“Hello! Welcome to the world, I think we haven't had a proper introduction for a while. I'm Bart and this is Tim, and before you go crazy, what do you think if you tell us your name?”

The blue eyes of the alpha only looked at him cautiously without saying anything.

“Did the mouse eat your tongue?” Bart asked with a smile.

“Enough Bart, you're scaring him,” Tim walked towards him hesitantly, he was tall and muscular, with very short black hair and blue eyes identical to Superman's, physically they were identical, he supposed that's how Superman must have looked when he was 15 years old.

He sat down beside him slowly with the Kryptonite in his pocket ready to be used if needed.

"We're not going to hurt you, we saved you from the place where they had you, you're fine now," he assured him.

The alpha looked at him with hostile eyes, until suddenly he began to sniff the air, sniffing until the distance between them disappeared, opened his mouth with a baby babble, frowning, coughing, clearing his throat.

"S-smell… y-you… you smell good" he said softly with a silky husky voice that made Tim shiver.

"The spray must be fading, it's been a while," Bart told him without taking his eyes off them.

Tim didn't know what to say, the alpha didn't stop looking at him, with those hypnotic blue eyes, he slowly rested his head against Tim's shoulder where the Omega gland rested and he closed his eyes, staying still and peaceful.

Bart cautiously approached them, and stroked the curly hair, the alpha let out a low and deep sound like a purr, settling against Tim's warm and soft body, as docile as a puppy.

“Awww… can we keep him?”

“He's not a pet Bart,” the team leader scolded the red haired.

“I propose to name him…umm…Superboy!”

“Superboy? Doesn't sound like a bad name,” Tim glanced at the face with perfect features, the resemblance to Superman was incredible. He stroked the alpha's hair, listening to him sigh, a thought forming in his head "How am I going to explain this?"


Finally we have Superboy on board! What do you think of the chap, did you like it?

Don't forget to comment!

Chapter 19


Hello, at the beginning of this chapter we have Superbat interaction, and in case you don't remember what happened, this is the continuation of what happened at the end of chapter 17.


Chapter Text

“I think we should take some time apart…”

Clark looked at him confused, not understanding why Bruce was telling him that, his head ached and his mind was clouded. He tried to focus on Bruce's critical blue-grayed eyes and the soft candor in his voice as he explained everything to him.

"You've lost your mind Clark, we weren't prepared for your heat, I didn't foresee things and even though Jor-El warned me, I didn't listen…" Bruce bit his lips angrily, he was annoyed, frustrated and very hurt. His alpha scent was a mixture of his feelings, a heavy dark fragrance.

Superman's omega instincts made him raise his hand to caress Bruce's face, to erase with his gentle touch the harsh lines of sorrow, he didn’t understand why he felt him, he wanted to comfort his alpha to stop saying those painful words.

Bruce took his hand, kissed his palm and withdrew it away from his reach "You have forced me Clark... if I stay, you will probably break me a bone whenever you want more sex…or even…something worse..." he thought in that terrible moment of impotence when Clark was about to penetrate him, how easily he had subdued him, it wouldn’t cost Clark anything to kill him, to use that terrible force and subdue him as he had done in the snow.

“I would never hurt you,” the omega's words sounded vehement to him, it was a plea, refusing to believe that, but Batman's face didn’t lie.

“You already did it,” the alpha clenched his teeth, all his instincts asked his human part to approach the omega, he didn't want to leave his omega, even less to cause him pain because of the separation.

Clark closed his mouth before that irrefutable argument, he didn't remember any of that, the mere fact of having hurt Bruce seemed crazy to him, but as much as he searched his head, the memory kept escaping.

“You don't control your powers in heat Clark, it caught me off guard that even your scent changed, I guess if you can use your powers to look like a Beta there would be no problem for you to do it like a high-level alpha,” the millionaire mused that idea, reliving that moment once more in his head, the heavy, aggressive scent that had fused with his terror.

“So... are you leaving me?” the omega’s voice was a fragile and desperate whisper, Bruce could barely hold his gaze, Clark’s eyes were full of tears that silently fell down his cheeks.

“I have to… it's better to analyze things from another perspective, with a more serene mind...” Bruce turned around and Clark made a move to get up to follow him, but he stopped at the last moment, clenching his fist, bringing his hand to his chest, where a wrenching pain was forming.

“I'm sorry... if I were a normal omega we wouldn't have these problems... I'm so sorry” he murmured, feeling the increasing pain in his chest.

Bruce took his things and looked at him from the door. “Take care, the heat is not over,” the elder took a long and deep breath, letting the sweet and sensual aroma of his omega fill his lungs, that penetrate deep to the last fiber of his being, reaffirming that he was doing the right thing by not obeying his impulses but his reason.

The room still smelled of shared sex, all his instincts told Bruce to stay, that he couldn't abandon his omega in that state of need, but overcoming himself, Bruce closed the door and he didn't look back even when the sound of a crying Clark accompanied him on his way at the exit.

On their way to the BatJet, Jor-El gave Bruce a disapproving look, a hard look from those characteristic blue eyes, identical to his son's.

“I didn't think you would come to me for advice,”the woman smiled at him behind her mask.

Batman remained silent with a bad gesture, he felt a lot of stress and a restlessness in his chest caused by his alpha instincts, he was going to go crazy if he continued like this. He knew that he wasn't thinking quite clearly and that he could have taken tranquilizers, but he had preferred not to ease his agony, not when the memory of Clark was so recent and tormenting, that's why he had turned to her. Katherine Kane, better known as Batwoman.

“You're irritable, it's normal, I didn't know any alpha who separated from his omega in heat, but hey, you don't have a normal omega. Separating yourself from him was the smartest idea you could have, unfortunately he is too powerful for you to subdue,” she let out a sigh, they were both standing on a building in the middle of the night. After the events in the Fortress of Solitude, he couldn't return to Wayne Manor, he needed to talk to someone and clear his mind of all the hormones running through his body.

"I don't need you to tell me the obvious, I need solutions" he growled the last words through clenched teeth, his mood wasn't improving.

"Let's recap, your omega is an alien, super powerful, with the ability to fly, with heat vision, icy breath, who can hold his breath to fly into space, he's faster than a bullet and ages much slower than you," she said, enumerating with his fingers.

“Stop joking around,” the bat's eyes glowed angrily behind his mask.

“In a nutshell you're screwed, haven't you thought of the easy way out? Find yourself a human omega, I thought you were interested in Catwoman.”

Selina Kyle, was a first-level omega and had been his frustrated romantic interest, they had had a sexual relationship, they shared time together with some of the woman's heats, that had happened in his beginnings as Batman, even before he took the first Robin, he had been young and stupid, thinking he could reform her. In the end Selina had separated from him, because he couldn't accept her as she was, a criminal of dubious morals.

“I'm not planning a relationship with anyone, he has been the only exception to my rule, if it's not him, it won’t be with anyone else.”

“Then, you will never be in heat with him, because he has the ability to kill or rape you, he will be irrational and he is so powerful that you won’t be able to stop him,” her answer was cold and blunt.

“Haven't you thought about stopping him with Kryptonite?” asked the woman after a few seconds in silence.

“I used it against him to stop him, but Kryptonite is poison for him, it isn’t a solution that can be used for a long time, also there isn’t an adequate dose to expose him to. It is too risky to use something like that on a daily basis, it could kill him.” He had already assessed that Kryptonite was a limited material and even radioactive, it wasn’t a safe option, and he wasn’t willing to sacrifice the Omega's health and put it at risk, even more so when he had already lived his death and the depression almost finished with Bruce’s mental, emotional and physical condition.

The alpha woman crossed her arms, she didn’t see an easy way out of that problem, she thought of Maggie, her girlfriend, the alpha girl with whom she had fallen in love, it hadn’t been easy for them, but in the end they had fought to be together, despite the prejudices of society by couples of the same caste.

“You only have two options: try it despite the difficulties or don’t do it and let it be another alpha who manages to dominate Kal-El, because seeing the Justice League, I have no doubt that someone else is interested in taking your place.”

The very thought of it made Bruce furious, a low guttural growl formed in his throat.

“That’s what I thought…” she mumbled. “Then you already have your answer,” the woman smiled at him patting him on the back. “Make an effort, and you will be able to get married and maybe adopt more Robins, I think you have a fixation with it,” she mocked, “or you could have babies,” she encouraged him happily.

“Babies?” The word echoed in Bruce's head, while a thought ran through his head at full speed, “We didn’t use protection... I have to talk to him!” He turned around ready to return to the BatJet.

“Oh no, no, no, wait. If you go back there things may not go well.”

"I have to go back, this is urgent," he growled, showing his teeth, causing her to release him.

“Okay big man, it’s up to you, but I wanted to discuss another matter with you. I heard that you sent your previous Robin away and that you need a new one... I have the right person for that role, I'm sure she'll be happy to work with you-”

Batman narrowed his eyes pondering for a second. “Send her to me, I'll see if it's what I need,” and turning around he disappeared, leaving Batwoman to watch over Gotham City.

“... Here Flash... Do you hear me?... Batman reply if you do…”

The emergency line began to ring in the Bat Jet, Bruce hesitated to answer, the other members knew that he and Superman were together and busy , it had to be something of vital importance if they wanted to contact him.

“Batman here.”

“Batman, you finally answered! You have to come back as soon as possible, I think you will be very interested in seeing what we discover in Mount Justice.”

“Mount Justice? Did something happen with the Teen Titans?” He thought of Tim, he hadn’t been aware of his first missions, Tim had only been alone for a few days, would he have gotten into trouble? “I'll go alone, Superman is indisposed,” the bat replied, changing his course.

“Mmm I see… you guys got intense” Barry's voice mocked but Bruce quickly cut off the communication, he wasn't up for Flash's jokes.

The Bat Jet landed being greeted by Red Tornado, the Robot had been the one to take care of the two young Omegas as he didn’t have a caste.

“I'm sorry, I should have taken care of them more, it was my carelessness,” he said, filling the Dark Knight with more doubts while the red one led him to where the others were.

“Batman! You've finally arrived, I didn't know what to do,” the alpha started running around him, talking so fast that Bruce couldn't understand him.

“Enough Flash, what is all this? What's so important?" He frowned, stopping suddenly when he saw the person sitting on the couch looking at him with genuine curiosity.

Flash collided with him going backwards “I tell you, another Superman appeared!”

Few things had ever left Batman speechless, and the sight of this young man had left him catatonic, it was Clark , the same bright blue eyes, the same clear and perfect skin, the black hair curling slightly on his forehead.

He was dressed casually in blue jeans and a white shirt. So handsome. So young. Just about 15 years old. He found himself ignoring Barry's words and striding forward, his alpha instincts writhing within him reminding him that he had abandoned his Omega, feeling seduced by the image of Clark's equal.

The boy's eyes didn’t take his eyes off him, with a fluid movement he removed the glove and his fingers caressed the warm cheek of his stranger, convincing himself that he was real. The boy didn't move away from his touch, but his alien blue eyes looked at him expectantly, his fingers brushing over those lips, meeting his gaze with his, inevitably drawn to the image of him, of Clark . The boy frowned at the touch, his mouth opening in a snarl baring fierce teeth, Bruce pulled back as if on fire, his instincts alerting him as the first-level alpha scent invaded his nostrils, a scent as thick as he has never smelled before, well, maybe once.. .

“He's an Alpha,” Bruce said, stunned.

“Exactly, a first level one, I tried to warn you. The boys call him, Superboy, apparently they stole the information of the Cadmus project,” Flash had started to chatter again reviewing the facts.

“How is this possible?” Bruce demanded for answers.

“In fact, at first I thought it could come from the future as Impulse, or perhaps from some alternate reality on earth, but Robin has explained to me that it was a project created by Cadmus, from Superman's blood. It's strange to have a much younger Superman, and like a first level alpha, it's crazy! He’s so different from our Superman,” Barry patted Bruce's shoulder, excited by all that.

“Where's Robin?”

“The boys? Locked in their rooms, the reason why Red Tornado had not discovered Superboy was because they locked him in his room and filled him with omega perfume to disguise the alpha smell. They have been hiding him as if he were a puppy they found in the street.”

“They are not the ones to blame, please don't punish them,” Superboy stood up speaking for the first time. “Don't take Tim and Bart away from me, we're a team, a family, I'm their alpha.”

Barry raised an eyebrow at that last one. "Look kid, we're the ones responsible for those two omegas, so keep your dirty claws away from them if you don't want to deal with me," Flash growled at him, as Batman stopped him.

“I'll go to have a talk with Robin.”

“Go, I'll take care of Superboy,” the teenager crossed his arms over his chest, frowning without saying more.

Bruce knocked on the door hearing Tim's voice letting him in, the omega was standing apparently waiting for his arrival, nervous and scared.

“Hi Tim, I don't think I have to stress the list of mistakes you've made in my absence, nor how quickly you've gotten into trouble, but I'm more intrigued by why you've done it, you've never been so reckless.”

Tim had replayed that conversation hundreds of times in his head, and now that it was passing he didn't know how to explain to his father that he had been very foolish to let himself be carried away by his emotions, a fundamental mistake.

“He's not a bad boy, Bart and I are teaching him everything.”

“I haven't asked you that, Tim. Why did you steal secret information and enter a mission that no one assigned you?” Robin ducked his head at the tone of his pack leader.

“It was Bart's idea, he said he would be a better leader than me, I wanted to show him that it wasn't true, and they were going to kill him, Lex Luthor is behind everything, but seeing that Superboy wasn't an omega he tried to destroy him. Bart went for him and we brought him here, we've hidden it ever since.”

“Lex Luthor…”he remembered the charity party and the great interest that Lex had in Superman, that was a dark topic that shouldn’t be taken by the Teen Titans.

“Now Superboy is a subject of the Justice League, and your leadership will be suspended until we decide what to do.”

Tim thought about protesting but knew there was nothing he could do, now he would be lucky if Batman didn't decide to return him to the mansion.

A scream alerted the two and they both ran into the living room.

“I will not allow you to take him away, grandfather,” Impulse stood between the two alphas with his arms outstretched as a barrier.

“He's an unknown first level alpha, he can't be living with you, we'll take him,” Barry was losing his temper, he growled at the omega to move away but Bart didn't seem to want to obey.

"Bart, don't make me reason with you," he said with an accusing finger.

"Try whatever you want, Superboy won't go away," the redhead stepped back, looking for the alpha's hand to flee, but Barry growled at them loudly, primitive and authoritarian, making the little omega stop, using all his alpha power on him, showing his teeth as a last warning.

Bart froze, eyes wide as he heard his pack leader's call, "Come here Bart, get away from him," Barry growled through clenched teeth, annoyed.

The omega shook his head, trying to resist his own nature, powerless to the smell and to the call that the alpha pheromones exerted on him. “Grandfather, please, no…” Bart said, his eyes filling with tears, but Barry pressed even harder and called him back, growling at the little one, making the omega tremble until he fell to the floor and slowly lowered his head submissively, tilting his neck, showing the gland that marked him as omega.

“Leave him alone!” Superboy ran to hit him but Flash was too fast for him.

“Definitely you are not our Superman, you are too slow,” Flash dodged him without problems, playing with the teenager.

“Barry stop!” Batman entered the fight sending a batarang that knotted Flash's feet making him stumble, and from his belt he took out a bit of kryptonite that made the boy back away from each other. “Enough you two,” he told them authoritatively.

Tim had gone to help Bart, it was too humiliating to be subdued in front of people, it wasn't something that usually happened, since it was something that went against the will of the other person by bending them. Bart cried, wiping the tears that kept falling, hugging his friend.

“Bart, I'm so sorry…” Barry tried to get closer to both omegas but Superboy got in the way.

“Sir, you have already done enough damage,” the younger knelt next to the pair stroking the redhead's head, letting him slowly calm down.

“Superboy is our friend, we've even formed a group, we're Young Justice,” said Bart, looking through his wet eyelashes at his grandfather. Flash sighed, Impulse was a precious omega of the next century, his future grandson who was in his care, the youngest member of his pack that was only made up of first level alphas with one exception . It didn’t seem like a good idea that Bart was playing with an unknown alpha but Barry couldn’t deny anything to that little doll face.

"I'm so sorry Bart, will you forgive your silly grandfather with a hug?" The omega hesitated for a second, leaving the protection of his friends, to slowly advance to the alpha, letting him wrap his arms around him and mark him with the scent of his family.

"Don't do things that worry me, you're going to kill me and I'm old now," he told Bart, rubbing their cheeks, impregnating the younger with his scent.

"You won’t hurt Superboy, right? You have to promise me, Grandpa," Bart said, standing on tiptoe and surrounding his cuddly neck like a kitten.

“Don’t worry darling, we'll take care of him, besides, Superman still has to know him, and Superboy is not a suitable name, there are still things to be resolved, leave this to the adults, I think it's better that you return home for a few days while everything is resolved , your grandmother needs help with the twins.”

Bart nodded, letting go of him more calmly, saying goodbye to his friends and leaving Mount Justice with Flash.

“Tim you will also return to Gotham City, Superboy will return with us, I must do some tests,” he said looking at the boy, who continued to cause him great fascination with that appearance so contradictory to his smell, he imagined Clark with his current personality and a dominant alpha scent, same bright smile and boy scout eyes… Bruce was sure that would have made him question his sexuality and at the end, probably they would have ended up together anyway.

“Take your things, it's time to go,” he informed the two teenagers.

Superboy approached him “Excuse me Sir... please, don't punish Tim, he has helped me a lot, we are friends… he has explained everything to me, I am still learning to use my powers, but I can help you fight the bad ones,” he assured, raising his head to look at Bruce because unlike Clark, he was still short.

“You will be under my surveillance for the moment, until we find out a little more where you have come from and for what purpose, besides you still have to meet Superman,” he said with a half smile, supporting his hand on the shoulder of the opposite without being able to avoid it wanting to comfort and protect him.

"I'm afraid Superman thinks I'm some kind of abomination," Superboy said quietly.

"He won't think anything of that," he assured the younger, and stroked his hair like if were a baby. Well, he technically was…

Tim took Superboy's hand away from the contact. “Let's go, I've got everything, the BatJet is ready, you'll like to fly through the skies, it's the first time you'll do it in your six days of life,” said the omega with jealousy, he had never been possessive but he didn't like that the two of them got along so well, he wanted Superboy's attention just for him.

Chapter 20

Chapter Text

As soon as they were alone, Dick and Jason began to spend all their time together.

Alfred's fatherly figure still coexisted with them, they knew that he watched them quietly and veiled, but making the least effort to stand out.

Their clothes were clean, the house tidy and the food served, but the beta was never present, they assumed that he had given them their space, which they greatly appreciated.

On their first night alone they had patrolled together, speeding after each other on their motorcycles. Jason was especially reckless when it came to doing tricks on his bike, speeding through the dark streets, skidding on one wheel and giving off sparks, making the engine roar under him and reaching breakneck speeds.

Dick in the Nightwing costume had followed closely with the smile plastered on his face, he had laughed so much that his stomach began to hurt. Jason had challenged the older to capture more criminals in one night than him, the fight was childish, but Grayson had accepted, motivated by adrenaline.

The younger's smile was a bad boy promise, so tempting that he just wanted to accept and be the silly teenager who falls for him.

In the end Dick had won. He had captured them all in some very creative ways, fishing nets, handcuffed to a pole, locked inside cars, passed out outside the Police Station, or glued to the wall with a highly effective chemical that Batman had perfected. He had used all his resources to win, not for nothing was he the most competitive of all the Robins.

When Dick had crowned himself the winner, Jason had hoisted him over his shoulder to give him a hard spanking and tell him that he was also a criminal for speeding in Gotham City.

The spanking had made Dick gasp, shifting in the alpha's arms, until he fell to the ground and was on top of Jason.

It had been a perfect moment, hidden in a dark alley with their motorcycles blocking them from the view of others, lying on the ground kissing, while the noise of the traffic of a city that didn’t rest echoed them.

Dick had joined his smiling and playful mouth to the other's, intimately happy to be reciprocated by Jason's smile, there were so few occasions in which he could see it. Jason's eyes were happy, too, and he had held it against him, without possession or desire, like something precious and beautiful.

The happiness he felt couldn’t be overshadowed. With no one to be judged before and without scrutinizing eyes, Jason allowed himself to be himself, a person in need of love and attention, worried about others and with many inner demons.

In the mornings, Jason had the routine of going to Dick's room to wake him up, lying on the bed and rubbing his elder to fill him with his alpha scent, licking his cheek or nipping his ear, bothering Dick until he opened his eyes. The first Robin would feign sleep to prolong this attention, and in the end, Jason would tickle him until he couldn't take it anymore and forced him to beg for mercy.

Then they would have sex, fast and swift against the headboard of the bed or in four, so Jason could spank him as many times as they wanted.

Afterwards they would take a bath that could vary between a few minutes or even an hour. Dick would ask Jason to wash his back or hair, letting the alpha's strong fingers massage him. The former criminal had been curious about every battle wound and Dick had related every story he could remember.

Grayson had a line on his left leg that went up his thigh, an injury from a fall at the circus, when his parents were still alive. Jason hadn't said anything, he had looked at him seriously and with his finger he had traced the thin scar.

Jason had marks, too…lots of marks, but the most impressive had been the ones that weren't from his vigilante life, but little, almost invisible marks on his back from unlit cigarettes against his skin.

Dick had tried to wash him off, but Jason had refused the contact, he was embarrassed that the other could see his vulnerability, and the beta never pressed Jason, instead, Dick had made bubbles to blow against the minor's serious face until his frown disappeared.

During their breakfasts they would eat what Alfred had previously left for them, sometimes it was cold and they warmed it up helping each other in the kitchen, like a married couple moving in harmony doing little things for each other, reaching for a plate, pouring water or picking up the dishes to wash.

Dick was a picky eater, unlike Jason, who was used to being fed with the vegetables that the beta didn't like in his mouth, the alpha would scold his lover with a look, but at the end, he would finally accept the food, opening his mouth like a baby being fed.

They were attending meetings together at Wayne Enterprises, Jason had officially come back to life, Bruce had arranged his paperwork and his legal status. The media had gone wild around them, but the businessman had only said, "I'm happy to have my son back."

Newspapers, magazines, and gossip shows had gotten into the story, arguing that the body had been faked and that he had been kidnapped and disappeared. Bizarre stories were invented around Jason, who had impregnated an Omega and had had to flee the country or that he had committed crimes and fled from justice. Bruce hadn't bothered to debunk any rumors that arose, instead he seemed to encourage them since his life as Bruce Wayne had always been one of scandal and show business.

After lunch, the couple reviewed the police files, looked at the news and followed the activities of the main mafia groups in order to take action into their respective motorcycles. At the end of the day, they would return home to dinner and heal themselves of the wounds they had.

They'd say goodbye in Dick's bed, kissing or having another round of sex, but Jason never stayed. By the fourth day he had become so exhausted that, contrary to his habit, he had fallen asleep only to wake Dick up with his cries. The nightmares could vary, his death with the Joker beating him to pieces, his parents, that submissive and absent mother, his abusive father or his resurrection, a limbo in the dark, confusion, pain and loss.

Dick had tried to comfort him, but Jason had growled in rage, beside himself, jumping away from his touch, fleeing from Nightwing's startled eyes slamming the door on him. The next day he had opened the door softly, like a dog with its tail between its legs.

"I'm sorry you had to see that sh*t," Jason told him, unable to meet his eyes.

Dick had hesitated on what to say, there was no easy way to deal with so much pain, he opened and closed his mouth, but nothing intelligent came to his head.

“What are you talking about? Aren't you going to come here to say good morning?" He finally said, opening his arms and with a smile on his face that said everything is fine.

Jason had returned the gesture, with that bad boy smile that had completely turned Dick on, and had gone into his arms to kiss him.

It had been a phenomenal few days, the two of them, with his kinda weird own personal heat days.

Jason groaned close to climax, sitting in a chair with his feet and arms bound in the handcuffs Dick loved so much to use on him. His eyes were blindfolded, the beta moving up and down his erection, doing it terribly slowly, and though he wanted it, Jason couldn't move an inch to penetrate his lover as quickly as all of his desire needed.

The alpha realized how wicked Dick was, who loved making him lose control and drive him crazy. It was an act of trust and if there was one person he trusted, it was Richard Grayson.

Dick hadn't asked Jason to sleep with him at night, or to explain his traumatic past, Dick hadn't asked for anything, just trust.

Dick's seductive smile telling him that he wanted to play with him had been enough for the alpha to accept, letting himself be kissed, undressed and handcuffed by the other, rendering him immobile.

Not losing control was hard for him, having sex like that was like therapy, letting his alpha pride disapear, his anger subside, and his body relax. He ceded the control to his beta as he would never have done with anyone else, letting the other take the reins, fully trusting Dick.

Todd had trembled a little when Dick blindfolded him, took a deep breath and let that soft caresses guide him, closing his eyes and allowing himself to be treated. There was no trace of pain, just hands caressing him, a mouth resting on his skin, a tongue brushing against his sensitive areas, letting him moan.

Slow sex, unhurried, Dick moaned openly as Jason introduced his knot inside him, the beta had taken Jason’s face in his hands and had kissed him for a long time, swallowing all the alpha saliva.

Dick whispered a soft and sweet "I love you", filling Jason’s face with little kisses.

Without accelerating the pace, they both gradually reached the limit, the warm narrow walls that enveloped Jason got filled with the younger's seed. The knot swelled to its maximum, joining them together even more. Dick launched the blindfold, feeling his own org*sm approach, letting their gazes connect. The beta's mouth opened in a soft moan, staining Jason's belly while co*ck dripped.

The eldest remained motionless, bringing their foreheads together with a smile.

“I'm still not used to you tying me up, it hurts a bit,” Jason said, pursing his mouth playfully.

"Me neither," Dick answered, shaking the handcuffs, making Jason laugh.

The sound of knuckles knocking on the door made them panic and Dick tried to get out of Jason's lap, causing both of them pain by pulling the knot that still had them literally together.

“Gentlemen, I inform you that Mr. Bruce has arrived at the mansion, he comes with a company and I would appreciate it if you could contact him as soon as possible. I will inform him that both of you are… indisposed,” the Beta's voice told them from the other side of the door.

“Thanks Alfred, we'll be in the Batcave in twenty minutes,” Dick told him, red with grief, while Jason shrugged his shoulders, he couldn't control his knot at will, they would both have to wait for it to get off.

“Mr. Todd and Mr. Grayson are indisposed,” Alfred informed, Batman only raised an eyebrow without wanting to ask.

Alfred looked at the new member, a teenager identical to Superman, he looked at him with a curious raised eyebrow. "Would you like some tea, sir?" He asked the alpha.

The boy cheekily sniffed him, until then, he had never seen a beta, only alphas and omegas. “I'm not Sir , my name is Superboy,” said the curious teenager.

"This is Alfred, he's part of my pack," Tim explained patiently, like someone talking to a child.

“Pack? I thought the three of us were a pack,” the boy said confused, referring to Young Justice.

"Yes, that too, it's hard to explain, Alfred is my family," Tim said.

"Family…" Superboy's blue eyes analyzed the old beta, Batman and Tim. They were family, he didn't have any, he was alone, apparently.

“Well, Superboy, I need to do some tests, sit down,” Batman's voice took the boy out of his thoughts and after a shared look with Tim, who encouraged him to obey, he sat down. Batman looked at him with a deep frown but didn't say anything.

Bruce took out the special needles with which he had sewed Superman's tough skin long ago and, placing them on a syringe, he pierced the vein filling three tubes for samples. By the time the needle was removed, the small hole had already healed, the detective took note of that, apparently the younger one also healed as fast as Superman.

The elder alpha checked Superboy’s heart, lungs, ears, reflexes, throat, weight, measurements and pressure, and wrote down all the data. He couldn't do much in the Batcave, so he would have to send the sample tubes to Flash who he would take care of doing the corresponding tests.

Jason and Dick made their appearance, freshly showered, Dick with that nervous smile and Jason with his arms crossed clinging to the beta's heels like a shadow.

“It seems that we have visitors,” Dick told him to say something approaching to look at the boy, amazed at the obviousness that he was identical to Superman. “Is it Superman?” He asked, pointing at Superboy with his mouth open.

“No, he's someone else, Superboy,” Bruce explained, who hadn't been able to take his eyes off the boy either, it would be fascinating to read the results and learn a little more about his origin.

Jason looked at Tim, who until then had been sitting drinking tea waiting for Superboy. "What are you doing back? Shouldn't you be with your super team?”

Tim felt his face flush with embarrassment, he glared at him putting down his cup and standing up, ready to have another of his usual fights with Jason.

“What? Now I am not allowed to come to my house? It seems that you have been having fun i n our absence,” the omega said.

"Oh c'mon, you can't fool me. Now I am a kind of a Messiah, a prophet. Ha! What I said really happened, or am I wrong? You were a rebel omega and now you came back with the tail among the legs in less than a week… and, apparently you didn't waste your time either,” Jason said, pointing to the other alpha.

Tim squeezed the teeth of courage, the situation was true, he had been relegated to returning home for an indefinite time, the small team of him dissolved and his pride was on the floor, but he wasn’t willing to admit it, never in a million years.

"Leave him alone,” Superboy had been placed behind Tim, like a protector, he had moved fast up there in a blink, he was growling at Jason and the aroma of both alphas began to fill the atmosphere, as they showed their teeth to each other.

“Enough!” Batman's grunt put order, he had a small suitcase where dials would be telemetrassed to Barry's laboratory in central city. The pack leader placed the precious load on the machine and squeezed some buttons.

“Superboy will be under my surveillance until the results are sent to me, all of you will have to live together, like it or not. I do not want problems, understood?” Batman's eyes traveled all and nobody dared to disobey him. “Dick, I want a report of the last events in Gothic city during my absence, the rest of you, leave.”

The others retired, both alphas pushing their shoulders as they passed, following Tim, who all he wanted was to be away from Jason.

In the BatCave, Dick related the small events to Bruce.

“Anyone cloned Superman?” asked the former Robin.

“It could be many things, trying to imitate his powers or some kind. They could be trying to create their own super soldiers, but those are only theories. The only good thing is that he was rescued before falling into the wrong hands and now he can be an asset for us.”

“An active? You never stop recruiting people Bruce, "he said laughing.

The bat didn’t reply, instead, he changed the subject. “We will have a new member, a new robin.”

“What will happen to Tim?”

“It is time for him to build a new identity. Batwoman has a candidate in mind.”

“A girl? "They haven’t had another woman on his team since Barbara and the imminent failure of Batgirl. Batwoman had appeared on its own, as a separate figure working with his own means in conjunction with them.

"Yes,” the man typed on his computer, while he unloaded the newly received information, an email with a profile, the image began to load and the smiling face of the beta girl appeared.

“Stephanie Brown.”

He opened his eyes disoriented. The bed was broken and the mattress torn, even the pillow was wet in tears.

He didn’t remember what had happened during the last day, the hormones had made him go crazy, and sadly, after having been marked, he had passed their first heat with the absence of his alpha.

He placed his hand on the slightly marked bite mark on his neck, it hurt, it was hypersensitive and swollen. Clark felt hot and painful and he was so needed from his alpha, from his bite, that was the only cure for his malaise. The kryptonian had cramps and tremors in all his body, as well as an unbearable feeling of vacuum.

Just thinking about Bruce made his chest ache, the feeling was as painful as being exposed to kryptonite. Clark realized that he had begun to cry again.

He took a long warm shower until the tremors almost disappeared, the mirror returned his gaze, his aspect was decayed, bloated and sad squeezed. He dressed as fast as he could,not wanting to be in that cold and lonely place. He wanted to return to his house, to his nest and sleep.

On his way to the exit he encountered Jor-El.

“Clark, my son, are you okay?” The artificial intelligence had the personality of his scheduled father, sometimes it was difficult for Clark to remember that his father was dead and that actually that was a sketch of his presence, but in that moment, he thanked the question, he felt so alone.

"I'll be fine," he promised with a false smile.

"Maybe you should see what happened, I've been waiting for you to come to show it,” some holographic lights made the representation of the events, and Clark saw with horror how he submitted and attacked Bruce.

“Bruce ..." He covered his mouth, horrified. His alpha was right, he was dangerous. Clark had hurt his mate… and Bruce had abandoned him.

"I need to go," he said to his father, who nodded at him. Clark floated and flyed away with an impulse until he was lost between the arctic winter blizzard.

The forehead of the alpha woman joined his “You don’t seem to have fever, Kansas, but you have a bad look, are you sure you're okay?” Lois's blue eyes looked worried.

“I just returned something tired from my little vacation," Clark said calmly, trying not to worry them. He made an effort to raise the corners of his mouth with a smile, but he had no energy for that.

"I brought hot chocolate, that animates anyone,” Jimmy placed the glass in front of Clark, caressing his head.

Neither of them had seen the beta in such bad shape as he was in that moment. His aroma was still soft and subtle as always, but he had swollen eyes and his gaze was empty, broken and hurt. He seemed sick, something strange in all their years of knowing Clark, he had never been so decayed.

Lois crossed her arms analyzing him with scrutinizing eyes. “That rich boy you are dating… was it him?”

The mere mention made Clark shudder, while Bruce's image came to his head by making a knot in his throat.

“What made you that asshole, Kansas?” a growing grunt reverberated in Lois's throat and employees close to them turned to see them.

“Calm down Lois, we're getting unnecessary attention,” whispered Jimmy with a frown. He had been rejected by the beta a long time ago, but that didn’t mean that his feelings have disappeared or that he will no longer care about Clark. He still loved him

“Alright, you can trust us, tell us what happened Clarkie” Jimmy took his hand talking to him softly.

“He did nothing wrong …” Clark said, confessing with his friends, "We just broke up…” He lowered his head trying to hide watery eyes. The arms of both alphas surrounded him, comforting him, filling him with their essence.

"We are here for you, Kansas," Lois said in his ear.

“He doesn’t know what he has lost," Jimmy said and kissed his head.

The group hug was interrupted when from the other side, Perry shouted at them. "Less hugs and more articles!"

The three separated by laughing to return to their work. Clark sat in front of his machine trying to focus on his assignments, but he was still digging.

"Nothing it’s wrong," Him told himself. "I'll be fine, I should only wait for Bruce, he said he needed time, it’s okay, I can wait… but how much?"

“Kansas to my office!” Perry called him with a cry that made him jump in his seat, he rushed to go with him, thinking that his day couldn’t go worse. He knocked on the door and opened it slightly. “I am here Sir, what am I required for?”

"Take a seat, Clark,” the voice of Bruce left him stunned, while he closed the door behind him. There in the middle of Perry White's office, the figure of Bruce Wayne was waiting for him.

Chapter 21


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

He froze, shocked to see him again.

A torrent of emotions ran through his body, he wanted to go to him and hug him, cry, feel relieved to be reunited or heartbroken to know what he would have thought in the time separated from him.

“I scared you? Maybe I shouldn't have come unexpectedly, but this is urgent,” Bruce's voice admitted no doubts and was concise. Clark knew that he wasn't there to talk about a possible return, there were matters to attend to, after all they were still Superman and Batman, pillars of the Justice League.

He hesitated a second, but moved on. The Alpha aroma made his legs tremble and his skin shiver, it was HIS alpha right there, the one who had bitten him and marked him as his. Maybe his beta scent didn't reflect it, but it was like breathing fresh air after suffocation, he wanted to bury his nose in his chest and inhale him, fill himself with his warmth and be, for the first time, completely submissive.

He didn't, he stood his ground and took a seat.

“What happened? I haven't heard from the League,” Clark said, thinking that perhaps it was some villain or world disaster.

Bruce with a serious gesture took Perry's place, it was strange to see him there even though he was the owner of "Daily Planet Newspaper."

Wayne looked at the omega, it was the first time he had seen him like this, fragile and fearful. He had noticed how Clark avoided his gaze, within himself he fought not to go and hug his mate, it was difficult, but he wasn’t a primitive man, he was pure logic and both of them had to talk first. Bruce took a deep breath inhaling the soft and almost imperceptible betascenta, it was similar to the smell of clothes when left in the sun, something very warm and ephemeral, he could also perceive the smell of alphas in him, two different alphas who had taken care to imbue it as his own. If he wasn't such a controlled person he would have growled, but there was no time for jealousy.

“Clark, I know I've hurt you a lot by leaving when your heat was ending,” Brucee said, “But at that time, I thought it would be the best decision for both.”

The Kryptonian raised a hand to interrupt his speech. “It's okay Bruce, I understand what happened, I'm sorry, it was my fault, I behaved in a terrible way and I hurt you…”

"Did you remember what happened?" Bruce asked.

“No, not at all, Jor-El showed me everything” Clark replied sadly.

"Then you should know," urged the Gotham City dweller.

Clark stopped looking at the desk to go to Bruce's eyes, they were stormy, determined “Know what?”

“We didn’t use any type of protection in our last sexual encounter, having had sex during heat increases the chances of pregnancy by twenty percent.”

The Omega looked at him with a frown as the information fell into his brain echoing, he had locked himself in his sadness and had not noticed the important details.

“We're going to have a baby?” He asked in amazement.

Batman nodded, watching as Clark reflexively put his hand to his stomach, puzzled.

“Clark, I know this is sudden and that it wasn't in our plans, I brought some pregnancy tests,” Bruce told him, taking a couple out of his bag and placing them within his reach. “If they are positive, I need to ask you a question. Do you want to have the baby?”

His words seemed to collide with Clark and all his ideology “You don't want it” he asked, getting upset, after all he had been born in a family that hadn’t been able to have babies, who had tried to adopt without success, in a small religious community, conservative and of great moral values.

Bruce looked at him analyzing his reaction, the omegas used to be irrational when it came to their puppies and it was scientifically proven that the hormones affected their behavior, even making them violent if their family was threatened. “I didn't say that, I'm not going to be the one going to have it This is your decision Clark, I'm going to be there to support you, but it's your life that will be affected and I'm not just talking about parenting, but… how are you going to justify a pregnancy when you're supposed to be a beta?”

The reality hit Clark, it was true, Bruce had seen beyond the problem, the whole picture, not just the first impression, something very typical of him. "What am I going to do?", Clark began to stress, biting his lip trying to think and not get carried away by the panic that was beginning to grow inside him.

"If I decide not to have it… Have you thought about how to… do it?" He couldn't utter such a horrible word as abortion.

“Yes, I have thought about it, I have been meditating on it in this time. The pills do not work on you, even a high amount of them, Kryptonite is not an option either, it would not only kill the fetus but also you. Surgical intervention is the only viable option, but it's also risky.” Bruce thought of the scalpel he had used to break the skin of a cold and dead Superman. His fingers trembled at the memory, he clenched his fist to keep from being carried away by the dark memories.

Clark pondered his response, biting his lip anxiously, his impossibly blue eyes looked at him scared and innocent. “I don't want to lose him Bruce, I want to have the baby even if it exposes me as Clark Kent.”

Bruce nodded, internally relieved that this was his decision. "Fine, but there's still something else."

"Plus?" Clark thought scared of what it could be. He saw Bruce take out a sheet of paper and hold it out to him, he took it reading "... the sample indicates that both genetic combinations are not identical but similar, the genetic code of those who have a blood relationship..."

“What is this Bruce?”Clark told him, already terrified to ask on the verge of a nervous breakdown.

“During our absence, a new Superman appeared. At first we thought it was a clone, but we were wrong, it is your son Clark, he was created from your blood and Lex Luthor’s blood.”

Clark was speechless with his eyes wide open and the sheet trembling in his fingers, trying to give some coherence to Bruce's words.

“He is in my mansion waiting for you, when you feel ready you should go see him,”Batman stood up, ending their conversation. "I'll be at the mansion too, ready to talk to you, whatever your decision may be," Bruce pressed his mouth into a hard line and giving his omega one last look, he walked to the door to leave.

Perry found Clark tearful and shaking in his office.

"Kansas, did Wayne fire you?" His boss gave him a rare pat on the back as a caress.

Clark adjusted his glasses on the bridge of his nose "No, no... we just talked..."

Perry asked him about what, but he was too far gone in his thoughts. Without noticing, he returned to the place distracted from him, he tried to continue with his work without being able to stop thinking about how much his life had changed.

Not knowing what to do, he discreetly dialed a number.

“Hello?” a female voice answered from the other end.

A choked sound strangled in his throat and something like his voice came out, "Can we meet? I need to talk with you.”

"Sure darling, I'll wait for you at my house," the worried woman said.

“Thanks, until then,” he said without wanting to explain more, hanging up the call. He somehow managed until the end of the day, he couldn't stop Lois from walking him to his house.

The female alpha was so nice to him that Clark felt guilty for not telling her what was really going on, abndhe felt a little worse for being a lousy friend by hiding so many things from Lois. He dismissed her assuring her that he would be fine, lying once more. Alone at last, he changed into his reddish-blue suit and sped off to the other side of the globe.

When Diana opened the door, the first thing she detected was the aroma of Omega in stress, an acid aroma that showed concern, although it wasn’t necessary to smell it, anyone could detect the symptoms with a naked eye.

Clark didn’t stop trembling, he bit his lower lip and his eyes avoided the look of his friend.

Diana hugged him in dismay "What happened?” She-she caressed her foreign hair, pressing her forehead to Clark's, trying to reassure him with her touches and her alpha scent. The Amazon woman was so tall like him.

She made him enter her house taking him to the armchair to sit together, taking his hand making small circles on the back.

"Start from the beginning honey, tell me everything" she said patiently.

“I'm sorry to worry you with my things Diana, I didn't know who to turn to and I needed advice, I'm so sorry, coming to your house and causing you inconvenience.”

"I always have time for my friends, Clark" she told him with a loving smile, Clark was her friend and the omega of her pack in the Justice League, seeing him so dismayed didn't make her happy.

Clark looked at his friend, it wasn't typical of him to be so upset and sad, he hadn't felt this bad in a long time, his eyes met Diana's and he took a breath to begin.

"Bruce and I have parted ways…" It was difficult to say it and the words made a lump in his throat, but he continued, "The heat didn't turn out well at all, I lost control of my powers and my rational mind. He thinks I have hurt him.” He pressed his lips into a hard line remembering the images Jor-El had shown him.

“He went to my work to talk to me, because we didn't use protection and it's very likely that I’m pregnant…” at that point tears clouded his eyes, but he refused to let them escape “...he gave me a few pregnancy tests, but honestly I haven't had the courage to do any, I was too terrified to go through it alone,” he said looking at her, heartbroken and in need of support like never before.

Diana had no words, she just listened patiently without knowing how to help him, she couldn't believe that they had separated and even more so when the situation included a possible baby. She knew both men and from the beginning she sensed the love between them, more than anyone she understood the position of both.

“Diana…. If it is true, if I am pregnant, what will happen to my secret identity? The whole world will know that Clark Kent is an omega,” he told her, trembling from head to toe. His life was going to be ruined, he was going to be fired for lying about his caste, his fingers went to Bruce's teeth mark on his neck, at least it wasn't still unjoined. Clark couldn't tell whose baby it was, he couldn't expose Bruce.

“Everything is falling apart Diana, I don't know what I'll do and apparently they have found a son of mine made by Project Cadmus. I've been too cowardly to go see him, it's just that...there are too many things happening at the same time and I...I'm scared,” he confessed as sincere as he always was, transmitting all his doubts and fears like an open book for whoever was willing to read.

The cry of a baby alerted them both, small lungs crying with all intensity breaking the silence. Diana stood alert, but a man came across the room from one of the rooms.

"I'll take care of him, angel," he said, greeting Clark with a smile, oblivious to the little drama that was taking place in the room. The blond omega went for his baby, he didn’t take long to appear with her, Steve carried a blanket over his shoulder while he fed his little girl gently rocking her.

"You haven't met Cassy yet, right?" Steve asked, taking a seat, carefully, before the attentive gaze of Diana who followed him protectively.

"I wasn't there for the wedding, I'm sorry, and I wasn't there to meet her," Clark said apologetically, remembering that at that time he had been dead.

“Don't worry, you're here and that's what matters,” Steve smiled at him, he had blonde hair and blue eyes, he had attractive facial features and the same height as Diana, which was a feat, because being an omega fully human very few were tall and muscular. He guessed it was due to the intense physical exercise he had undergone in his pilot days, even his features had been slightly modified by the high amount of suppressants he had consumed giving him a beard.

“I'll tell you the truth Clark, I heard your conversation,” Steve said as calmly as someone who says the weather “and I'll tell you one more thing, you're asking the wrong person. Don't be offended, angel, but what your friend needs is the advice of another omega,” Diana smiled at him, raising an amused eyebrow.

“You see Clark, I don't know if Diana told you or not, but personally I was in a situation similar to yours.”

“Diana told me some things, generalities,” Clark looked at the couple, he didn't know how much it was prudent to tell, the princess of Themyscira was very reserved with her personal life.

"Then get ready to hear a story," the blonde settled down with his baby in his arms, relaxing, and began to speak.

“I didn't know I was omega until I was 16 years old, a bit late age to start my cycles. Fortunately for me, I turned out to be a low-level one, I hadn't gotten the winning ticket from genetics and I wasn't living in a favorable economic situation either. My best decision was to join the AirForce, an area where they don't allow Omegas, but I had always wanted to be a pilot, so by consuming suppressors I was able to make a place for myself among the best. It wasn’t easy to get the pills and take them without anyone noticing, over the years they began to lose their effect on me, so I had to use something stronger…”

“Alfashots,” Clark said, raising his eyebrows, thinking of how many cycles he had stopped in order to continue covering that farce and the degree of poisoning he must have had by consuming so many medicines.

“Exactly,” Steve smiled from the side, while Diana listened with a frown and her lips in a hard line, that story of the damage that her husband had done wasn’t something that she liked to hear.

“The Alfashots caused me terrible cramps and irregular cycles, but all that was worth it, I didn't want to have an alpha, I wanted to be a free omega that would fly and fulfill its dream, if it ended up destroying my entire reproductive system I wasn't interested, even I once thought about doing surgery and removing it.” Clark looked at him amazed, there were few doctors who practiced something like that, removing the uterus from an omega was only practiced on those who reached menopause or andropause and, therefore, couldn’t have more children.

“But then it happened that I met my angel,” Steve winked at Diana, “I had been taking pills for 15 years, including some experimental or illegal ones, my life as a pilot in the Armed Forces was at its peak, I was the leader of all the squad, we were at war with Iran in the Persian Gulf. The fighters and bombers chased us and in the end they ambushed us, my people fell one by one and in the end I fell, I arrived at the island of Tiramyscira, half dead and lost. It was Diana who rescued me and took me to her people to interrogate me and later put me in a cell. At that moment I wanted to free myself and return to my home, look for my men, warn the government of the terrorist plans, but I did not know that it was I who was in danger.”

“I began to have abstinence, my head hurt all the time, I woke up dizzy and with pains in my belly that had me lying in bed, I couldn't sleep and I shivered at night despite the warm weather of the island.”

“The rest of the Amazons started to worry, they thought I was dying and I honestly thought so too. They gave me their medicines, a series of magical concoctions and for a month I was in rehabilitation, I was improving little by little, but that brought me something inevitable, I began to smell, all the attention turned to me. On an island of alphas I was an unmarked omega, you know what that means Clark, they were going to rape me sooner or later and I hadn't had a normal cycle for so long, I didn't know when it was going to happen or how it was going to be. I had no one to tell my sorrows to and I couldn't run away, in the end it was Diana who helped me and believed in me, when the day came it was worse than I had imagined.”

“They locked me in a deep cave, on Diana's orders, where I couldn't get out and no one could get in. I expected my cycle to last a day, but it didn't, it lasted a week, on the second day Diana came down hoping to see me well, but she found me crying with pain and desperation, the Alpha aroma drove me crazy, I hurt myself trying climbing the walls to escape, I was dehydrated, naked and bathed in my own fluids, not a pretty sight.”

“I don't remember anything that happened, Diana was the one who told me everything, I attacked her, bit her, seduced her and tried to launch myself against her, it was her willpower and her bond that immobilized me. The truth is that Diana did not know it, but she could have spared me a little suffering with sex, giving me what I needed so much and refused to give me, there was an entire island of Alphas who wanted to copulate with me and the only one that was within my reach he basically refused to touch me.”

“Irrational, I kissed Diana and blackmailed her with my scent so she would release me, she did because she had never been with an omega, my scent and need for her enveloped her. She was able to run away, she hadn't taken a few steps when the rest of the Amazons appeared. Diana had to fight them off and lock me up again, mad as she was crying at having separated me from the Alphas she so desperately needed.” Steve make a pause.

“I suffered, I suffered a lot. Diana refused to touch me after she had cheated on her, she also didn't know how sex with a man worked and I wasn't lucid enough to explain it to her. My whole body was sensitive and irritated to the point of going crazy, in the end everything happened and I woke up, I had slept a whole day, I was very skinny, full of small cuts and wounds, my entrance was dry as a desert and it burned a lot. They were the ravages and consequences of my drug abuse.” the blonde omega lowered his head.

“Depressed, hungry and with the ravages of a devastating cycle, I just wanted to fill myself up with pills again, they wouldn't let me, they forced me to continue rehabilitating myself, I wanted to die knowing the possibility of going through it all again. Diana finally listened to me, she was going to take me to my world, return me with the other humans away from the island so that I could do my will, despite everything, even if she disapproved, she respected my decision and my body. It was that same respect of hers that had made her not touch me and let me suffer on my own.”

“Back in the normal world the first thing I did was go back to the suppressors and report my return. I was questioned for a long time, but when they got the information they needed they gave me a new job, it seemed that I got my life back on track. In my free time I showed the world to Diana. She couldn’t believe that being so few omegas we were not better treated and respected, she had very radical ideas about the subject and before leaving on the trip many things happened at the same time. Diana and I got closer to each other, I fell in love with her, I had to leave for my job in a short time and most important of all, villains appeared, who took me with them. It was Diana who rescued me, but the time I was captured without suppressors made me come back in heat, it was a small scandal. My bosses found out about my caste and expelled me from the armed forces.” Steve shuggered and looked directly at Clark's eyes.

“I was left without a job, like an omega and in the crosshairs of Diana's enemies, my life had taken a turn out of my control and, despite the fact that I loved Diana, I separated from her blaming her, she, as always, respected my desire and stood by, watching over me from afar.

Accepting who I was was something difficult for me, I had to take it slowly, I could tell you that even today I miss flying and my work because it was something I loved. I know you love being a reporter Clark, I love my daughter Cassandra too, but I also believe that no one is ready to have children, it's not something you prepare for and it's okay not to want them, just as it's okay to want them. It's not your obligation to have children just because you have a uterus, nobody can force you to do that,” Steve looked at him passionately and reached out his hand to touch Clark, infusing him with his strength.

“Clark here we will always be for you, even if you change for the world from beta to omega. Nothing will change in our friendship, even if you leave your job, the people who love you will always support you, that was what Bruce tried to tell you when talking to you, I know he wants the best for you and that you are not influenced by his thoughts.”

Clark bit his lips nervously, trembling as he looked at Diana and she smiled at him, softly, nodding at her husband's words.

"I'm going to take the test," he told them both, he released Steve's fingers and Diana accompanied him to the bathroom.

When he opened the door he showed them two red lines that meant "positive".

Diana hugged him excitedly, letting out a happy little cry.

Steve was carrying little Cassie, a few-month-old baby with blond hair and big blue eyes.

“Congratulations Clark, Cassie you're going to have a little cousin” Steve said to the girl who smiled playfully moving her hands.

"Can I take her?" Clark asked, extending his arms as she was deposited. So small and fragile, she still couldn't hold her own head and she was so warm, when he hugged her, his omega aroma was slowly changing leaving out all the stress he had felt, wrapping her in his arms, feeling that happiness that only those who keep the secret know of a new life.


Dear readers, I'm so sorry for not updating since May, but I wasn't able to do it. Finally, I found the time and here it's the chapter.

Hope u enjoy it!

Please don't forget to comment🧡

Chapter 22

Chapter Text

The traffic light turned red and a person made of green light began to walk indicating that they could pass, Superboy stared at him in fascination, stopping people behind him.

“We have to move forward,” two hands took him by the arms, indicating how to cross the street.

“You should always look both ways, don't let cars come and only cross corners when the light is red,” Tim spoke to him like someone explaining the world to a child. His hand had intertwined with his and he could feel the Omega's slender, smooth fingers.

On the other side, Bart was hanging on his arm happily, heading for the large shopping plaza.

It was the first time that he went out to the outside world, after being rescued by Tim and Bart had stayed inside Robin's room, locked up and trying not to make a noise, to later arrive at the Wayne manor where he wasn't allowed to leave either.

Tim was his mentor, he had taught him everything he knew so far. Speaking, reading and writing. He had learned at a speed of only two days, by the third he had already read all the books that were in the room to kill the boredom of being locked up and hidden. He had read a series of classics ranging from "Animal Farm", "Damien", "Fahrenheit 451" "To Kill a Mockingbird" to Montesquieu and Machiavelli, his readings had made him reflect on the horribleness of the world and the impetuous need for those who protected humanity.

His retention capacity was incredible, Tim had done some tests on him at Wayne manor to detect that he had eidetic memory and linguistic assimilation, which had allowed him to communicate with them after being "born". For Robin it had been surprising to see him read in languages such as French or German, when he had never seen them before, it was Bruce who informed him that Superman had those same powers, so it wouldn’t be unusual for him to develop the rest of them with the passing of the days.

Superboy tried to manifest his powers, but aside from his super strength he didn't seem to have any other, which had only left the teen disappointed. He had seen the videos on the internet of Superman using his heat vision, his icy breath and him flying through the skies at full speed. At Wayne manor he had thrown himself off the balcony trying to fly, but had only fallen to the garden floor creating a hole.

Tim had assured him that when Superman went to see him, he would help him train and explain how to use his powers, that surely there was some Kryptonian secret they were missing or some trick they didn't know about. Tim had said it more confidently than he actually felt because it was just unbearable for him to see Superboy so disappointed. The days passed and it seemed that Superman wouldn’t arrive soon.

One night after dinner, just as they were saying goodnight where their paths forked (Bruce had placed Superboy in the room next to Jason), the alpha had simply told him "maybe he doesn't want to meet me."

Inside his chest, Tim's heart had clenched painfully at that confession, because Superboy had never been a loved pup. He was now a first-rate Alpha who had never been through childhood in a world where everyone expected him to be an adult and behave like one.

Superboy had seen the Omega pregnancy in books, searched the internet for videos of parents giving birth to his children, crying with happiness when taking them in his arms, he knew that he wasn’t one of those wanted babies, he had been created.

That was why Tim had taken his hand, squeezing his fingers, unable to find words of relief, remembering his parents and all the love they had given him, that love that the alpha didn’t know.

But not only was Superboy depressed, Tim had been able to see the alpha of his pack constantly looking at his friend. Bruce's gaze was bleak and he seemed to see beyond the young half-Kryptonian, there was desire and a contained longing that weren’t directed at him.

One day in the middle of breakfast, Bruce had asked Alfred to keep the mansion's windows and curtains open, the mansion looking bright, but somehow lonely. The youngest of the pack saw Bruce staring at the sky for hours standing in front of a window. It had been Jason, who, unexpectedly serious, had told him that he was waiting for someone who didn't come and that it was better to leave him alone.

The entire pack seemed to be unsettled, Dick behaving like someone about to receive visitors, scolding teenagers if they messed up, compulsively arranging pictures, and always seemed to be dressed in his best clothes. Alfred had somehow oddly quartered himself in the kitchen and was baking eccentric cakes and desserts.

Jason remained taciturn and silent, observing everyone's behavior and saying nothing, he seemed to be the only one who understood what was happening, but Tim didn't have the confidence to go ask him. Plus, he could take advantage of everyone's scattered attention to spend his time with Superboy showing him the world, teaching him everything he needed to know, and training with him.

The environment had reached such a state of tension with the passing of the days, that Tim had decided to go on a short trip to the mall, he needed to escape and relax, get away from that environment that he was beginning to border on hostile.

Bruce had stopped attending Wayne companies and the Justice League, now Jason and Dick were in charge of patrolling and controlling the businesses.

In the midst of that silent chaos, he had approached Bruce to ask permission to go out, the alpha had looked at him as if without recognizing him, he had agreed with a nod and silently handed him one of his cards, then gave him a rare pat on the head.

Tim had wanted to scream and tell him that he should go for him instead of continuing to suffer in silence locked in the mansion, but after seeing Bruce's stormy eyes turn to the blue sky, he had noticed what Jason had understood instantly, that it was a matter of two, he couldn’t get involved.

He decided he called the driver, taking the Kryptonian with him to perform Superboy's first introduction to the real world.

Bart snapped him out of his reverie by pulling him with him into a department store that he instantly recognized by the initials "OC".

"I need to buy some things, let's go inside!" he told them, dragging them with him.

Superboy sniffed the curious place, it smelled sweet, the kind of aroma characteristic of the omega that he was already used to due to the prolonged coexistence of him with Tim and Bart. He soon realized that the place was full of omegas, that it was an exclusive store for them.

"How cute!" Bart let go of her hand to go try on a bunny hoodie with ears and even a fluffy tail, all the material a soft and warm pale baby blue.

The redhead took a walk modeling with a flirtatious smile "My grandfather gave me some money to go shopping, I think I'll take it," he told them with a wink.

"It looks good on you," the alpha told him, while Tim looked at him unable to avoid frowning, letting go of his hand.

“We must concentrate on what we came to buy, clothes for Superboy,” he reminded them like the leader he was. “The poor thing only has Jason and Dick's old clothes, which are either too small or too big for him”. Superboy had ended up keeping old clothes, like the little brother who inherits what the others leave behind.

“Spoilers, it's Supy's first time in a shopping center, we should make him go out entertaining,” Bart said, hugging his leader's neck, playful as he was. The truth is that the team was dissolved and Bart had returned to Central City, but every night they talked by video call, staying as close as when they lived together in Mount Justice.

"Okay, what else are you going to buy?" He asked, giving in to the sprinter, who let go of himself making the gesture of thinking.

“I need tampons and pads, my cycle will arrive soon, when I told my grandfather he gave me money right away,” he commented laughing. “I think he's very embarrassed to talk to me about things like that, he thinks I'm still a child, do you think I should tell him that I need a new dild* for the heat? I'm sure he'll have a heart attack”.

Tim blushed, Bart was completely open about his sexuality, maybe it was the mentality of the new century that made him so confident in his body, to a certain extent he admired it, he had no shame. He looked at Superboy, the boy didn't seem to have any conflict hearing the words "heat, dild* and tampon" together, it shouldn't surprise him, after all the Alpha basically only lived with the two of them.

Dick and Jason, faced with Bruce's new voluntary confinement, had been training, visiting Wayne Enterprises or patrolling, making rounds with Batwoman and her new disciple, the new Robin, who had come to usurp his place, while he stayed behind at home relegated. The only thing that made everything bearable was Superboy and Bart, who kept calling him "leader".

They headed to the hallway where an entire wall was upholstered with different brands of hygiene products, absorbent pads, tampons, douches, soaps, shampoos, and perfumes that claimed to accentuate their natural scent.

Superboy put on a little of the perfume that said "Seduction" sneezing at the moment, leaving it again in his place.

Bart had two packages in his hands and was trying to choose which one to buy, he stood on his tiptoes and tried to reach a box over his head, Superboy grabbed him by the waist and easily lifted him, letting him take it.

"Thank you Sups," he told him charmingly, as he was lowered to the ground again.

“I think I'll buy something too” Tim told them, who had seen the scene to interrupt taking any perfume from the shelf.

"I think you smell better than that bottle," the alpha assured him innocently, making Tim blush, who returned the bottle to his place muttering something unintelligible, not wanting to look at Superboy's confused face and Bart's mocking smile.

“Let's pay, we still have to see other stores,” Tim turned towards the cashiers being followed by the other two.

While they paid, Superboy watched a beautiful woman come in accompanied by a man, the gaze of the guy never left her, as if she were the sun and he the earth orbiting around her. The man had looked up when he saw that he was watching them and possessively had surrounded his waist, Superboy sniffed and the smell told him that she was a first level Omega and he was a low level Alpha, the other seemed to know and considered him a threat.

He analyzed the omega, her scent wrapped itself around his tongue, making him salivate, he thought she smelled seductive, nothing to do with that cheap perfume.

“Hey! Don't look at other Omegas with us here" Bart scolded him, he had put on his new jacket and jumped in front of him to get his attention, he had a frown and crossed his arms pouting.

Tim followed his gaze to the woman. "It's the first time you've seen a top-tier Omega, right? Her scent has nothing to do with ours,” concluded analytically, guessing Superboy's series of thoughts, seriously, he turned around to leave the place followed by the redhead.

Superboy didn't know what he had done wrong, he followed his friends putting on his best beaten puppy face until they spoke to him again.

The Omegas entered a new store and moved fluidly between the displays, quickly filling Superboy's arms with stuff.

Tim looked at a black t-shirt with touches of blue and red. "Try it on," he said, holding it out and before his eyes the boy took off his clothes, revealing a naked and toned torso.

The ex-Robin was stunned, while Bart laughed puffing with one hand, muttering something about being close to the cycle and having altered hormones.

He closed his eyes, turning his back on her in embarrassment. "I think it's better that you don't take off your clothes in the store, there are fitting rooms, you have to put them on there," he explained, lest when he tried on pants he would take them off.

They began to go from store to store accumulating bag after bag, the alpha let them choose for him, he hadn’t felt special interest in the clothes, for him it was more entertaining to watch Bart and Tim decide as if it were a very important task.

Almost at the end, his gaze had flown to a black leather jacket, they had it on the main window of a store, he took it in his hands and without hesitation he tried it on looking at himself in the mirror. It gave him the impression that he looked different with it, that he was another person, but at the same time himself. He knew looking in the mirror that that jacket made him look different from Superman, he went completely against the benevolent style of his father, he smiled to himself sideways and liked what he saw.

"I want this," he said with a smile and sparkling eyes to Tim, who until then had been swiping Bruce's card without objection or modesty. Robin took the black leather jacket and looking at the price, he opened his eyes when he saw the five figures thinking about refusing, but after seeing the illusion on Superboy's face he sighed, there would be a way to explain to Bruce... maybe.

Barry got up from his chair looking at the clock, for someone like him, time passed very slowly and more so when he had to wait.

"I don't think they're going to come," Wonder Woman told them, sighing. They hadn’t been able to contact Superman and, to make matters worse, Batman didn’t appear either, he sent a brief message saying that he would be absent for a while. Clark had been solving small crises all over the world, contrary to his habit of working alone.

"They're not going to come with the things that have happened to them," Flash said, moving his foot, driving Green Arrow to despair with his frantic mania.

“You two know what happened, why don't you tell us?” Green Lantern looked at them in a bad way, there used to be no secrets between them, they were a very close group, but Flash and Wonder Woman looked at each other tightening their lips, hesitating to speak.

“Batman asked me not to say anything, but... I think there are problems in paradise,” said Flash, unable to contain the secret anymore.

He had really wanted not to say any of the events of Mount Justice or that revealing truth that had come to his office in the form of dials, but too much time had passed and neither of the two heroes seemed to want to show their faces.

“These are their problems, whenever they're ready they'll tell us,” Diana told them, hermetic, looking at Flash with censorship for having spoken.

Aquaman watched silently, he hadn't been back in the League long, he had had to separate himself from the team after a revolt in Atlantis that culminated in his coronation, making him the King of the Sea.

“According to the rumors, they are a couple and have shared heat, something must have gone wrong at that time because since then they have not appeared, right?” No one responded to the deduction of others, the rumors spread not only in his small circle, but also among the other heroes, trying to have privacy with two superheroes like Batman and Superman was basically impossible.

“I heard in the cafeteria that they have separated, others say that Batman deceived Superman and vice versa, the most risky comment that Batman has not given the width in the Kryptonian's zeal,” he dropped the words in the small group, nobody seemed to want to confirm such rumours, they all looked at each other for a moment.

Arthur analyzed the other members, sniffing the heavy aroma of alpha that emanated from each of them, it wasn’t a hostile aroma, but a tense one, they had attacked in a very subtle way their stability as a group and the blow had come from within, together they were invincible, but separated the cracks began to show, the balance was lacking, they needed the omega of their pack.

He looked at his friends, within the Justice League there was a predominant majority of alphas and some of them didn't follow the same social order on Earth, like the Martian Manhunter, Wonder Woman, Starfire or himself. At least in Atlantis, betas didn’t exist, the population was mostly omegas and the alphas were a minority, and not only that, their omegas weren’t as fertile as those on the surface, which had triggered the evolution of the omegas. After being bitten by an alpha, they couldn’t mark any others, eliminating potential rivals and ensuring that their alpha wouldn’t be able to conceive with anyone else.

He had recently been with his new wife, Queen Mera, an arranged marriage for the sole purpose of unifying the two factions that had caused the coup in Atlantis and bringing peace to their home.

After returning to the surface, he had received with astonishment the news that Superman was an omega and with interest that his two friends were now a couple, but as a strategist he saw the inevitable, they were pillars within his small circle, the problem would worsen if the things continued that way. The couple was going to break up taking everyone with them.

“Our main concern shouldn't be if the rumors are true or not, but that they will spread not only among the heroes, but also with the villains,” Green Arrow said, crossing his arms.

He had already heard some nasty comments from some thugs in Starling City about what they would do to Superman in moments of weakness and desire.

“Perhaps we can help them in some way,” Hal proposed, filling the morale of the others with his good wishes, after all he had an iron will.

He nodded in agreement, beginning their meeting, all more determined to come to some compromise and bring some unity to his fragile pack.

He floated over the mansion hesitating, there was even a second when he thought better to return home and try again another day, he went around in circles a few times and his X-ray vision informed him of the inevitable.

Taking a deep breath he thought she couldn't put it off any longer. He had already made two previous trips to repent and go back to Metropolis, he just hadn't been ready.

He descended gently to the ground, the windows were open and the curtains fluttered in the wind, it was something strange to see in a Mansion that always kept a gloomy air. He didn't need to knock because Alfred was already opening the door ready to receive him.

“Mr. Kent, please go ahead, Mr. Bruce is waiting for you”.

He was stunned to hear that, thinking about being rude and retreating like a fireball from there.

Alfred seemed to understand his embarrassment because he put his hand on his shoulder, his eyes seemed wise and affectionate "Relax, everything is fine," he assured the younger, using his Beta aroma to calm the omega’s nervousness, "I'll bring you a hot tea with apple pie, I baked one specially for you sir,” he said with a fatherly smile, guiding him into the mansion.

“Apple pie? How did you know he would come?” He was confused when he heard his favorite dessert.

"I didn't know sir, I've baked one waiting for it to come, I was hoping that sooner or later it would," he said, indicating the way, the mansion was silent. The X-ray vision of him had already informed him that there were only Alfred and Bruce, he knew it by the incessant pounding of Bruce's heart, which right now he could barely hear because his didn’t stop hammering in his chest.

Alfred led him into a room that opened onto the vast gardens.

Standing with his figure against the light was him, dressed in a suit like the businessman that he was, Bruce Wayne.

“Welcome, I thought… I was afraid you wouldn't come,” he confessed, turning to see him, giving him one of his tiny smiles.

"I thought the same thing too," Bruce couldn't help but analyze him, noticing his slight nervousness, the way he inadvertently bit the inside of his cheek, how he had walked up to him, no longer floating as usual. He allowed himself to breathe in the scent of the alpha, letting Bruce’s fragrance burn his throat like a thirsty man. "I'm glad to see you, I've been wanting to go find you myself since we talked," he whispered softly and under that confession he had had in his chest.

“It's been difficult, but I needed to be alone and think,” Clark admitted with pain, he took a deep breath letting the alpha scent fill him, “I've missed you so much, to the point of pain”.

Bruce closed his eyes for a second, as if the intensity of his feelings overwhelmed him and he needed to clear his mind and his better judgment.

Clark looked at him, he could see and feel the other suffering, the tiredness under his eyes, the slight untrimmed beard, that little untidiness that in Bruce was always the beginning of a depression. Clark took a couple of hesitant steps closer to him, his mind told him that he should tell the alpha everything he felt and had thought about their time apart, but the Kryptonian didn't want to be rational, his emotions felt on his skin, boiling under his flesh waiting for him for be expressed.

“Bruce... yes I'm pregnant,” he told him tense and happy, after Diana and Steve she was the only person he told.

The bat couldn't help but raise the corners of his lips, a smile was drawn on the other's face and he nodded, his steps went to meet Clark and his arms came together to surround each other in a hug.

The country boy squeezed him to the point of near pain, he wanted to cry from the tension and repressed emotions. He buried his head in Bruce's shoulder and allowed himself to feel the warmth of the billionaire and let the scent of the alpha wash over him once more, to be back in the one place he didn't want to leave.

“I want us to have him , Bruce, to have our pup,” he whispered in his ear happily.

“It will be,” Bruce was filled with the aroma of his omega, a smell that wasn’t cloying, it reminded him a little of bread being baked, the aroma of dawn when lightning strikes the Earth. Clark was like that, bright, sweet, homey and warm.

Letting his scent fill the kryptonian, he rubbed his cheek against the omega’s and slowly their lips touched, slowly coming together in a kiss, biting down on his lower lip letting it turn into a long wet kiss.

They separated so that Bruce could breathe, he joined his forehead with Clark’s, looking at each other, light blue and cobalt united again.

Bruce had never been a loving person, but the time apart had been the perfect way to reflect on their relationship, the problems they faced, the love they felt.

“I won't leave you again,” he promised Clark with that deep and serious voice, fierce in his eyes. “No matter what happens, we will be in this together until the end,” he assured the omega.

Clark gave him one of his eternal smiles and that bright look of innocent and pure blue eyes. It was too good, Bruce knew it well, he understood that Clark wasn’t human and even so he was the kindest being he knew.

He also knew that if the other wanted he could use his power and kill him, but he had a greater weakness than kryptonite, his good heart. He also recognized that deep down, he wasn't like that.

It was what had made him turn away, stop and think, see the big picture, beyond what he even thought Clark saw. He promised himself not to hurt him, because of all people, he didn't want to hurt him again.

Bruce pressed him against him, kissed his mouth once more, feeling how they left the ground, floating a little by the happiness of others, he separated with wet lips and once more rubbed his cheek against his, filling each other with his aroma. He kissed his neck and Clark tilted his head for free access, Bruce mouth filling with alpha saliva as he sniffed the hormone-charged gland, his teeth sinking into the flesh to tighten his bond.

He listened to the other's gasp, while with clenched teeth he filled himself with the aroma and taste of him, sucking everything he could absorb from him, he released the meat by running his tongue over the area as an apology for the pain.

“We are going to find a solution to heat, I know, we have nine months without cycles to think about it and come up with a safe plan” he stick his mouth to Clark’s ear.

Clark nodded believing in him, as long as he was pregnant his cycles would stop, they wouldn’t go through that traumatic experience again, he wouldn’t hurt Bruce again.

He took the alpha’s hand, entwining his fingers. Bruce's were cold at the tips, but Clark's warmth could warm the alpha, not just his skin, but his heart as well.

“Where's Kon-El?" Clark asked animatedly, taking him back to the ground.

“Who?" Bruce asked strangely.

"My son" Clark replied with a smile "I spoke to Jor-El, he was quite pleased by two new members in the family, he suggested that name, it was my grandfather's, a Kryptonian name would be appropriate" he said thoughtfully.

Bruce watched Clark speak, he was happy, it seemed that now his biggest concern was that Superboy liked the name of Kon-El, the shadow of that sadness and despair that he had noticed in the newspaper "Daily Planet" was no longer left, only Clark could see the positive side of everything.

“Tim went out with him, let's go for tea and cake while we wait for them" Bruce suggested, letting Clark take him hand in hand to meet Alfred.

The butler didn't say a word, but Bruce could see his corners turn up and his eyes sparkle with joy, he was proud and happy as he served them both.

After all, the beta didn’t change, he was willing to help all the members of his pack from the shadows and with that discretion that characterized him.

Kon got out of the limo with Tim, he had learned a lot on his first visit to the outside world, Bart had taken them out for some huge hamburgers with lots of fries, he hadn't eaten anything so delicious in his life (not that it had been that long). I don't live either). They visited a park on their way back, watching couples stroll hand in hand, even playgrounds teeming with little humans playing, surprising him that they had no scent other than their parents marking them.

Tim had explained that children didn't produce hormones until adolescence, where their caste was determined, meanwhile they could all be omegas, betas or alphas without knowing it.

Conner had found it fascinating, Bart bought him a pink cotton candy, the spongy texture that caramelized on his tongue delighted him.

They had gotten into a boat, while Kon rowed at full power taking them from one side to the other.

He had never had so much fun, it had been a shame to say goodbye to Bart, but Flash was a protective grandfather and before it began to get dark he started calling him on the phone to come home.

When they arrived at the mansion, some laughter from the dining room made them stop to look at each other to ensure that they had both heard the same thing.

The voices continued and as they advanced they grew louder, they opened the door to find Dick, Jason, Alfred, Bruce and Clark having dinner, chatting animatedly.

The conversation stopped and everyone turned their eyes towards the newcomers.

“Welcome,” Clark told them with a shy smile standing up. “Do you want to have dinner?”

“Hello Superboy, I'm Superman, sorry for the delay,” he said softly raising his hand to shake the younger’s hand.

Superboy looked at the man in amazement, it was true, they looked even more alike in person, although he still had a long way to go, Superman was a tall and strong man. He advanced towards him, ignoring the foreign eyes that didn’t lose sight of them and without being able to contain himself, he hugged him.

The young alpha buried his face in the crook of his neck, taking in the scent and warmth of him, it just felt right. Clark wrapped him up and rested his chin on his head. "Nice to meet you son," he whispered and naturally, as the omegas did with their pups, he rubbed his cheek against Conner’s, filling him with his scent, while the invisible pack bond for everyone was forming between them.

Chapter 23


Kon welcomes his new lifestyle, Tim feels overwhelmed by the new changes, and the super couple announces something important.


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

Standing in front of the room, he didn't think much about entering, even though Bruce had forbidden him from entering that room as an unspoken rule.

He found him putting his things in suitcases.

“Where are you going now?” Tim went to sit on the bed. The room was simple, since the boy didn’t have many material possessions, just a couple of suitcases containing his very short life. He lay down on the bed easily, the rich alpha scent filling everything, enveloping him like the perfume of a fragrant wood, it was so pleasant that he just wanted to bury his head in the pillow and inhale it.

"I don't know well," Kon said, finishing arranging his things, sitting next to him thoughtfully.

“Hey! Why the long face? You're going to live with your dad and you're going to meet your family," Tim told him, reaching for his hand, giving it a squeeze with a forced smile.

It would be the first time they would be apart since they met, he hadn't wanted to delve into the feeling, but he was deeply sad. Then he realized that he actually was a capricious and spoiled boy that was used to having what he wanted without sharing, and right now, he didn't want to share Superboy. Tim internally wished Kon could stay with him, and he felt like a terrible person for not being completely happy for the other.

"Superboy... I mean, Kon..." Tim called him using that new name that now gave him his own identity. "I brought you a gift," he said softly, taking a new cell phone out of his pocket and handing it to a surprised Kon. "Will you call me?" Tim asked, raising his sapphire blue eyes to look into Kon’s light blue ones.

“Sure, every day if that’s okay with you" the younger promised and with his arm he surrounded Tim's small shoulders, sniffing his sweet omega scent to which Kon was so accustomed. "Our parents are a couple, we'll probably see each other more often than you think," Kon joked.

"It's very strange that you are kind of my brother now," Tim reasoned, feeling strange with those words, releasing himself from Kon’s grip

“Once I had nothing but now I have a father and a grandmothe, very soon I will have a little brother and if our parents stay together we will be brothers, a big family with Alfred, Dick and Jason,” Kon expressed happily, listing his new relatives with his fingers.

Tim nodded thoughtfully. The news of Clark's pregnancy had taken them all by surprise, Bruce and the Kryptonian's relationship had advanced to that point, which was amazing, they wouldn’t longer separate and they would be a full-fledged formal couple. Bruce seemed to glow with a joy and happiness never seen before. His father had a small and almost imperceptible smile on his face and when he looked at Clark his eyes lit up, and Tim had been able to see their hands together when they talked in the room in perfect harmony.

Frightened by all the changes Tim hugged his knees, he knew he was acting selfish, for a damn he knew it, but it wasn't entirely his fault (or so he wanted to make himself believe), everything had happened so quickly. All Tim wanted was for things to go back to the old monotony, to those days where he could call Superboy his alpha and not… brother.

Kon moved closer to the omega and tilted his head over Tim’s, gently rubbing his hair, filling him with his alpha essence, bonding to him like a pack, snuggling next to him meekly. Tim rested his head on the other side and then snuggled into the alpha's chest, letting himself be carried away by his instincts. Kon's protective arms welcomed him and Tim buried his nose in the younger’s chest, filling himself with that spicy aroma, relaxing in resignation, it would be their last moments, it wouldn't be long before Kon had left, the BatJet was waiting.

Flying over the crop fields Superboy knew that they had reached their destination, Bruce's ship landed and they came down to say hello. A woman soon came out to meet them, impressed to see the BatJet in the middle of her old farm.

"Clark honey, it's good to see you, it's been a long time since you came and you brought company," she said with a smile, looking at Bruce with complicity and a playful smile.

"Good afternoon Martha, sorry for coming unannounced," Bruce apologized charmingly, hugging the Beta.

Kon had remained hidden behind his father, nervous. Clark put his arms around his shoulders, reassuring him with a smile.

“Mom, I want to introduce you to someone very special,” he gently pushed Kon, walking with him approaching the woman, “This is Kon, my son”.

Martha's eyes widened in surprise, she put her hands to her mouth, holding back a scream, excited and waving her hands like a little girl.

“Oh my God! How is it possible? Clark, is this real? Is he really yours?” She turned her gaze to Bruce, unable to help but look for the resemblance to him.

Kon felt embarrassed and exposed, he looked from his father to Bruce who also seemed embarrassed.

"Hello, nice to meet you," the teenager said, steeling himself, extending his hand to the Beta woman. His parents had previously told him about her, but seeing her in person she had beautiful brown eyes and a sincere smile coupled with her almost imperceptible smell of her flowers.

"Nice to meet you, Kon, is this Kon from Conner?" She asked him, curious, approaching him and giving him a big hug, leaving him surprised.

"Oh, we didn’t really think about it like that, it was from Kon-El," Clark told his mother, explaining.

"I like Conner too, you can call me that if he wants, I haven't been under the name Kon for long, they used to call me Superboy," the little alpha told the woman, without wanting to disappoint her or give a bad impression.

Martha looked at him strangely, looking at Clark so he could explain that to her.

"Let's go inside, I have a lot to tell you," Clark said, taking Bruce's hand and that action didn’t go unnoticed by the Beta.

"Yes... you definitely have to tell me everything," she told him, impressed, following them with Kon.

Inside, Clark took a seat in the old room with Bruce beginning his story.

“Kon is my son, a secret organization called The Cadmus Projectcreated him from samples of my blood. We don't know for what reason, but he was rescued on an unofficial mission. I didn’t know of his existence until recently, but from the analyzes we have carried out on him, they genetically modified him to advance his age until we knew his breed, which is why, although he hasn’t lived long, he looks like a normal teenager”.

"I see... So that's why I didn't know him," she said, amazed. Every story his son lived as Superman was extraordinary.

"Kon is in my care now, so I thought it would be good for you to meet him," Clark said with a smile.

"A new grandchild is always welcome," she told them with a smile. "I also see that apparently both of you are finally together," she told them, delighted, looking from one to the other.

Bruce and Clark looked at each other, nervously the omega continued. “I'm glad you're happy for Kon, because he won't be your last grandchild, Bruce and I… we’re expecting a baby,” he finally announced.

Martha remained speechless with shock, her eyes wide open while Clark began to speak in a string of words.

"We found out recently, I only have a few weeks," he explained embarrassedly.

"Two grandchildren!" She got up and went to Clark to hug him. "It's wonderful, congratulations to both of you," she told them, hugging Bruce equally, crying with happiness.

"Let me tell you, at the moment only a few close friends know," he confided.

"It won't be a secret for long," she told him, sitting down again, analyzing that for a moment.

Bruce looked at her with interest, Martha had always been smart and more insightful than she let on. A woman who measured her steps very cautiously, it was a shame Clark hadn't acquired those same qualities from her.

“What will you do with Kon? You can't present him as your son when you're a Beta and you're not supposed to “be able" to have babies, especially one that's fifteen or sixteen years old. Do you even have records? Besides, having a baby will jeopardize your career as a reporter and not only that, will you continue fighting crime while pregnant?”

Bruce frowned regretfully, he had already asked himself all those questions.

"Don't worry anymore, I'll figure it out," Clark reassured his mother with a warm smile, he sounded too confident that Bruce wondered what exactly Clark's plan was.

“Right now Kon needs my guidance, he has to perfect his powers, because he is only half Kryptonian and we don't know what kind of power he has. He himself has joined a group of young heroes, he isn’t yet trained to fight, he is just an inexperienced pup”.

“Clark, you worry me, but I see that you are analyzing the situation, I trust you and Bruce to handle this situation, and I know both of you will do the most appropriate thing”.

"Don't worry Martha, I will take good care of them," the alpha assured her.

The Beta seemed to relax with Bruce's sincerity.

“Well, it's time to celebrate. Kon honey, do you want chocolate cake?” The old woman smiled at him so warmly that Kon couldn't help but smile at her again.

"Yes, thank you very much," he replied, while she ruffled his black curls with an affectionate caress, standing up.

"I'm going to prepare one for you, we have to welcome you to the family, Jonathan would have loved to meet you, you are the spitting image of "Clark when he was young, although you may be more handsome, you have that air of a rebellious boy that your father didn't have," she assured as she went to the kitchen.

Kon’s stay at the Kent farm was brief, there was barely time for Kon to tour the house. His now grandmother had assured him that his father's room would now be his. He had been able to see some personal things of a younger Clark, figures of horses, a telescope, plaid shirts, plus a small bed so soft that he sank when sitting on it.

Clark had pulled out a pair of almost new black boots. "My father gave them to me, but they were too small for me, maybe they could work for you," the kryptonian told him when giving them to him.

In the courtyard, hidden by the cornfields, he received his first basic lessons to master his powers. Clark had explained to him that the entirety of his power had been gained through time and practice. As a practice they had raised the old tractors, while Martha relived the old stories of when Clark was just a child and his powers manifested.

When night came they had to say goodbye, Kon would stay with Martha for a few days while Bruce created a legal identity for him.

His parents had said goodbye with hugs and kisses, Martha had squeezed their cheeks as if they were puppies and not grown men.

Lastly, she had given Clark a whole load of pregnancy advice, handing him his old baby clothes.

She waved goodbye, watching the BatJet leave.

In his new room, Martha changed the sheets for clean ones and brought Kon hot chocolate and cookies.

"You're home, darling," she told him with a motherly smile that made him feel warm inside, even before taking a single sip of his chocolate.

When he was alone, he looked at his cellphone to start messaging Tim.

Kon: What are you doing? [12:06 A.M.] √√

Tim: I just finished training. Jason and Dick went out on patrol, I wanted to go with them but they refused... I have a feeling they aren’t really on patrol. What are you doing? [12:07 A.M.] √√

Kon: I'm lying down and eating cookies, my grandma made them and they could be compared to Alfred's [12:08 A.M.] √√

Tim: Nobody cooks better than Alfred, but I'll give you the benefit of the doubt… I'm bored, I wish you were here… [12:09 A.M.] √√

Kon: Dad trained with me and I think I'll be able to master my powers soon. Here at the Farm there is a lot of space for me to practice, when I master flying I will come visit you [12:10 A.M.] √√

Tim looked at Kon's words, as he thought about what to write in the darkness of his room, he bit his lip and typed.

Tim: Don't be too long...I miss you [12:15 A.M.] √√

Almost immediately Kon responded.

Kon: Me too [12:15 A.M.] √√

He smiled at the screen, took the pillow, snuggling on the bed looking at the letters with a smile, while their conversation continued without caring about the time.

Doing calculations, a month of gestation had already passed. Clark thoughtfully counted the days on the calendar, while predicting when his baby would be born.

He smiled a little nervously, everything was more real after the advice of his mother and the little baby clothes kept in a drawer in his apartment. He still had to buy more things, Clark did quick calculations in a notebook of what he would need, comparing it to his salary.

He didn't have much time left, his belly would show sooner rather than later and that would be the end of his job. Perry was going to fire him, he knew it, it was against the laws to hide your caste. Even if his boss didn't want to take away his job, he had no choice, Perry had to report it to the authorities as an obligation, otherwise his boss would be the one who would be in trouble.

Clark thought he was involving the people around him in his conflicts, Bruce had even offered to hire him again if he was fired, after all he was the new owner of Daily Planet, but it wasn’t only his pride (which he should swallow in favor of his children), it was the fact that Clark Kent couldn’t be related to Bruce Wayne and they both knew it, their secret identities had to be maintained, not only for their safety, but for all those who were related to Superman and Batman.

They couldn't put Dick, Jason, Tim, Kon, Alfred and Martha in danger, they had to remain safe, have the benefit of maintaining a normal life.

He had to think of a plan B, he couldn't be dependent on Bruce, plus he still had to support Kon, a double responsibility. Suddenly the burden seemed very heavy on his shoulders, while he thought about what expenses he could cut.

"I have to get a second job," he murmured, something that didn't contradict his activities as Superman, which took up a lot of his time. One of the reasons why he hadn’t been able to climb the career ladder had been precisely his escapes during working hours and his continuous absences without explanation. It had been Louis and Jimmy who always covered for him, in addition to using his powers to deliver his work on time.

Maybe in a new job he wouldn't have those facilities, he couldn't put his secret identity at risk.

Being Clark Kent wasn’t only his link with humanity, it was his safe space, knowing that his life was normal, that he could worry about things like paying for electricity and, at the same time, enjoy his work, his friends and his family. Being a hero was a fundamental part, but of course it wasn’t everything in his life.

“Have you finished Kansas? Lois's voice made him jump in his place because he was so focused on his thoughts.

"Eh? ... no, I've been... doing other things," Clark admitted, hiding his scribbling from the alpha's intelligent eyes that were scrutinizing him mercilessly.

"Doing maths?" He asked, looking at the numbers.

"No... well yes, maybe I'll ask Perry for a raise," he said, laughing nervously, hiding everything in his desk drawer.

“Maybe you could ask your rich boyfriend for money… you look better compared to last time, you’re back with that alpha right? She asked him, raising an eyebrow.

Clark blushed a little and nodded.

“It’s noticeable, you are too obvious Kansas. When are you going to introduce me to your billionaire alpha? I've been thinking about who he could be, it has to be someone you met through work so you could get into his social circle. Plus I already know that he is not Lex Luthor, which makes me think that he is not from Metropolis. Could it be Oliver Queen?

He frowned when he thought about Ollie, Green Arrow was always flirting with everyone, but it was the alpha's nature and Clark could never have imagined a relationship with him, they were friends. He snorted, laughing at that.

“Ok I understand, it's not Oliver Queen, I will continue thinking about candidates,” she assured.

Clark didn't doubt his friend’s words, in fact he knew that she was going to find out, Lois was the best in the field and besides there weren't too many single millionaire alphas left. He thought about how much she cared about him and how he was repaying her with lies and secrets.

Inside he promised himself that he would tell her everything, which was the least he owed her, before everything got out of control.

Lois continued to prattle on about a news story about Congress and Luthor's new reforms, but he kept looking at the calendar, eight months until his pregnancy was over… When would it start to show? How much time did he have? Three more months? Maybe four?

The clock was ticking, and his time was about to run out.

Silence reigned in the meeting room, as they digested the news about Superman's pregnancy.

Bruce stood tensely next to the kryptonian, watching Clark smile calmly, confidently. Batman wishes he had half that certainty because he had been opposed to sharing the news, believing that only a select group of people should know about his baby.

A dark and primitive part, the one that was lacking his usual rationality had led him to even think about hiding his omega, to lock Clark in some country house and keep him out of everyone's sight where he could be safe. Keep his omega (for at least a year) away from everything and everyone.

But Superman wasn’t like that, Clark would never agree to stay hidden and locked up. In fact Bruce knew that such a thing would harm his omega in a deeper way than any physical blow. Clark needed the sun, the company and his loved ones.

"I think we should tell everyone," Clark pleaded, looking at Bruce with those abnormally blue eyes full of security.

Bruce of course had opposed it, reciting the cons of that decision, analyzing the danger they were exposing to and the risks it entailed, but in the end he had gritted his teeth and contained his alpha's pride in the face of his boyfriend’s stubbornness.

“I am going to continue being Superman until the end, I am not going to hide or tell lies, I decided to accept who I was from the moment I revealed myself as an omega and a pregnancy is part of being an omega, I will not give the false illusion that I regret it or that this baby is a shame to me because it is not. For many, I represent what it means to be an Omega, so that more people feel confident in who they are, I am not going to disappoint them”.

Looking at Superman, Bruce knew that nothing would change Clark’s mind. His boyfriend was determined, before everything there was honesty and honor in Clark and he wasn’t going to lie and deceive others, that wasn’t Clark’s style.

And now here they were, back at the Watchtower, having called an emergency meeting surrounded by all the most important members.

Flash was gaping with his eyes open for the first time without words, Green Arrow kept looking at Superman as if he had suddenly grown another head.

“We are going to be uncles! It will be a super baby,” Green Lantern told them with an optimism that didn’t seem to be contagious.

“So that was your reason for staying away,” Aquaman took the initiative with a frown. “I think you should have kept it a secret my friend,” the king told them gravely.

Wonder Woman pressed her mouth into a hard line, saying nothing with her arms crossed, tense.

“I trust all of you, and if I can't tell my friends then I have made bad choices. I’m aware that this will be a decision that I will have to pay for but I'm willing to do it," Clark assured them, "We are a pack and hiding it from you would only have separated us and, right now, the only thing I want is for us to stay united." Superman smiled at them, releasing the tension in the group.

Behind him Bruce was still doubting, together they were invincible, but villains also tended to unite and perhaps with Clark's pregnancy they wouldn’t hesitate to think that Superman was vulnerable and attack him.


Hi there, I'm back :)

Actually, the chapter is longer than what I published; however, I must admit that I was too lazy to transcribe everything, even so I hope you liked it.

I will upload the other part soon :)

Chapter 24


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

“Only you?” The woman waved her long red hair, looking at him with a contemptuous smile from her red lips, the bat symbol standing out on her well-formed breasts. She was Katherine Kane, better known as Batwoman.

"You don't need anyone else," he replied with an alpha growl.

"It would have been lovely if they had sent Nightwing and not a grump like you, I guess Batman is busy tonight," Katherine told him.

He didn't respond to her provocation, the alpha woman was equally if not more aggressive than him and he had promised Dick that he could handle her. Tim was in heat and Alfred was sick with the flu which, although not serious, given his age it was better that he was resting. Dick had stayed behind to take care of them both, while Bruce was away with the Justice League.

In the end, only he was left to patrol and put the new Robin into action on her first mission.

Stephanie Brown appeared out of the corner of her eye, the blonde girl was dressed in green, yellow and red, her uniform as the fourth Robin. He had been left in the care of Batwoman after Batman's multiple occupations, he didn’t doubt that her training had been rough, he only knew the information from her file, but she seemed a promising candidate to take Tim's place.

“Hello Red Hood, I've heard about you” the girl's intelligent blue eyes smiled at him under her mask and her beta's soft lemony smell were his first impression of her.

"Let's see if they have trained you well," he replied with disdain before launching himself and jumping across the rooftops to her destination. He recognized the complex of old buildings and the area, those grimy streets that he had once called home.

A shudder of horror ran through him bringing back old and bitter memories, he shook his head to clear his mind, there was work to do and he couldn't let the shadows of his past hinder him.

They entered by forcing the window, the place had been cordoned off by the police and in the cover of darkness, illuminating them with flashlights, they began to investigate. The mother had murdered the entire family, except for her young daughter, who had miraculously clung to life after being stabbed multiple times.

The only thing she said in such a state had been some faint whispers "mom was scared...she was so scared." That had been his first real clue of what was happening in Gotham City, of the series of murders that had plagued the city, entire families killed at the hands of their own relatives, people who for no apparent reason were going crazy.

Batwoman scoured the place, looking for clues that would lead them to the culprit. The house looked deteriorated, but neat, there were small details such as the drawings on the walls of small children as the only decoration of the place, of a family of four holding hands. The patched but clean clothes of small children. Why would a mother who strives to raise her children kill them? That didn't make sense.

"Batwoman, I think I've discovered something!" Robin's voice called her to the kitchen. "Look at this," she told him, opening the stove's taps, while gas began to come out of the burners in an intense gray color. A small noise activated and a ticking sound began to sound.

"You fool, don't open that, it's poisonous!" Red Hood scolded, turning off the tap, but it had no effect, the gas began to come out, filling the place while the ticking continued faster and faster.

“...this is the Scarecrow's work,” Batwoman opened her eyes as the pieces fit together, she covered her mouth and nose looking at Red Hood, he must have known about that, he was familiar with laughing gas... such a toxic and lethal substance like fear gas itself.

Footsteps began to be heard running towards them.

“We have fallen into his trap, we must leave!” Batwoman urged them, turning around to get out of there, but it was too late and the bomb exploded, filling the place with smoke as dense as fog.

After the impact, he adjusted his mask looking for cracks. Next to him, Batwoman was wearing a face mask and Robin was coughing and choking, they had to get her out of there.

Hooded men with Scarecrow's terrifying dirty cloth mask appeared in the doorway, drawing their weapons and unleashing a hail of bullets upon them. He took the girl in his arms, while his body convulsed, a victim of poisoning.

"Take her with you!" Batwoman urged, knocking down the hooded men to give the two of them the opportunity to get out of the window, leaving her behind.

Robin began to writhe in her arms and scream, long high-pitched cries of agony.

“Damn it!” He could barely contain her, he was going to have to tie her up for her own safety.

He took a rope from her belt and restrained her hands and feet, that would make it easier for her to escape. He turned his gaze when he felt a change in the environment, a figure emerged from the darkness. Being masked, only his bloodshot eyes were framed, the stunted figure pursued by that nauseating smell of death, the Scarecrow in person.

“Red Hood…. finally we meet…” his voice filtered through his respirators, grave and sinister, it seemed more like the voice of something already dead, upon hearing it he couldn't help but become tense and alert.

“Scarecrow... you should have stayed in the darkness where you live, where you always hide from Batman,” he mocked, looking for a way out, he had to take Robin to a safe place.

The figure seemed to hesitate with his words. “Batman isn’t here, only his little bird that will soon die of poison, poor thing, there will be two that he will have lost," his laughter rose, increasing Red Hood's fury.

“I'm going to kill you,” he took his guns, firing, while the other moved like a shadow, slipping away from the bullets.

“Silly little boy! You should have run away while you could, haven't you thought that Batwoman is taking too long and that Robin is too silent? Your companions are dead and soon you will follow them,” the Scarecrow pointed at Jason, while he dodged his attack. Those weren't bullets, they were smoke bombs that quickly covered the street, making it difficult to distinguish the chilling figure he was stalking.

Jason looked for Robin, but he couldn't find her, with loaded guns he looked for the Scarecrow, feeling like a doll in her diabolical game.

“Where do you think you are aiming?” He scolded him, “Your gas doesn't work on me!”

"It's not you I'm aiming at," the voice whispered through the shadows, laughing again. A figure approached and he turned around, pointing at its head.

“Robin?” Stephanie was in front of the girl, who had broken her thumbs untying herself, her eyes were pure terror, she looked like a broken doll with her lips bitten until they bled and her blonde hair disheveled.

"Father?" She asked, trembling with a hoarse voice, her eyes seemed to look everywhere, Jason knew that she was hallucinating, having terrible nightmares.

"Robin wake up!" He grabbed her shoulders, shaking her, unable to help her.

“Father? FATHER!” The blonde, upon contact with Jason, raised her kick, defending herself from what her eyes saw. Her strength made Jason think that she was better trained than her figure appeared.

Robin threw a punch starting to fight him, he had to stop her and save Batwoman. A new kick to the head unbalanced him, while the elusive girl hit him again and again, she couldn't shoot him but probably would break his arm, although from the force of her punches she didn't seem to care about her broken fingers.

He dodged her blows and the figure of the Scarecrow put him on alert, he was not aiming at him, but at her. In a sudden movement he moved her away from the bullets, only to give her free access to attack him. A blow hit his head hard, as his mask was pierced and smoke began to fill his lungs.

“Your mother is talking to you, didn’t you hear weirdo?”

His father's big hand managed to lift him off the ground, shaking him, while digging his nails into his flesh.

“Do I always have to yell at you to make you obey? Tell me!”

The older man was so close that Jason smelled the alcohol on his breath and saw his yellow teeth. His father's beard was bristly and his eyes were unfocused from drunkenness.

He trembled helplessly, the grip tightening painfully on his arm.


“No dad, No!" He whimpered, scared.

“You only know to say that, f*cking brat, when are you going to grow up? When are you going to become a man?” His dad threw him away, releasing him in order to light a cigarette.

"I just hope you're not a beta like this useless bitch, It would be the only thing missing to ruin this family" he grumbled, pointing to his mother, a small and emaciated woman in the kitchen, disconnected to her surroundings. “With that skinny appearance I highly doubt you can become an alpha, you are pure bone . Something tells me that you’re a f*cking bastard, a loser like you can't be my son."

He rubbed the injured area. “I’m not a failure dad, soon I'll become a strong alpha, like you,” he assured his pack alpha.

“You better boy, you better! The good thing is that you don't have my name to disappoint me,” he growled, releasing a smoke from his mouth, a smoke so thick that it turned gray, enveloping everything, erasing the figure of his father, suffocating him.

The door opened revealing the serious figure of Bruce who faced Dick's tortured eyes.

“Please, let me come in to see him”.


Dick's hands tightened on Bruce's shirt, whose sleeves were rolled up and his shirt was undressed. They had been awake for at least 24 hours and all that time Dick had remained vigil, without leaving the door to which he had no access.

"Go to sleep Richard," the authoritative alpha voice ordered, using his power as the leader of the pack.

"Please don't use it on me, Bruce, I beg you, I need to see him, I won't be able to sleep until I see him," he pleaded, with his hands trembling from the fear of losing it.

“Jason isn’t feeling well, the poison is still inside him and the hallucinations are very strong, it will take a couple of days for him to improve and for the tranquilizers to take effect on his system”.

“I don't care! Please! Please!” He started trembling while his eyes became moist again.

Batwoman had contacted them, she brought Robin and Red Hood, both upset, screaming, full of their own blood and uncontrollable.

Jason was like a rabid dog, aggressive and crazy.

Batman had flown straight to attend to them, after arriving he hadn’t spoken to anyone to lock himself in with them and give them medicine. Stephanie was sedated and tied to a bed, seeing her in that condition had only increased Dick's concern for Jason.

Bruce looked at him for a long time with his mouth clenched.

"Come in and see him... but be careful Richard," he warned his first Robin, moving out of her way to let him in.

The place was one of the many spaces adapted for wound care in the Batcave, a small private hospital.

On the bed, tied up, there he was, with his eyes like empty sockets and his mouth full of foam, shaking uncontrollably and his heart rating slightly above normal.

Seeing Dick coming in, Jason stirred on the bed, sniffing the air alertly, growling gutturally, scared. The beta approached slowly, while the other growled madly

“Calm down Jay... it's me Dick,” he said softly, “Don't you recognize me?” He asked the younger one, feeling his eyes get wet seeing Jason in such a state.

“Get away from me!” Jason writhed in his restraints, pulling at them, hurting himself, grunting and thrashing violently on the bed.

“Calm down! You've removed the serum!" He told Jason, approaching him, trying to help.

"Don't touch me, you disgusting Beta!" the alpha showed his teeth with dilated pupils.

“Jay... it's me Dick, I'm not going to hurt you, please calm down," Dick said, stretching his hand out to Jason, caressing his forearm.

Jason howled as if his touch burned.

“No! Don't touch me!, No! Mucky stupid boy!” Jason took saliva and spat in Dick’s face, "Get out of here, you f*cking Beta," the alpha shouted at him with hatred, grinding his teeth, crazy with anger and fear.

Dick's eyes watered as tears fell down his cheeks, he wiped away the saliva sitting in a chair next to him.

"I'm sorry Jay... I wasn't there to save you, for once, I wasn't there to help you..." he said, sobbing hard, covering his eyes. “I'm so sorry they have done this to you,” Dick screamed, drowning in his own crying, wiping away his endless tears, his shoulders slumped in devastation.

Jason couldn't stop shaking, he looked around the room, while the hallucinations took hold of him, taking away his mental health, screaming and muttering to himself without finding relief.

Dick didn’t move away from him, even though Jason swore at him, screamed, or tried to bite him when he came to shelter him, that scared being was still Jason and he wasn’t going to abandon him no matter how broken he was, they were going to put the pieces together, put them back together and move on.

"I love you Jay, I'm not going to leave you," he told his alpha very softly.

The second Robin laughed, a crazy laugh, “You love me?? It's a real shame that I could never love someone like you. I am a first level alpha and those of my caste don't love f*cking betas, they don't love them! Engrave it your head for f*ck’s sake… I know father I know, that's why you didn't love mom… “Jason’s eyes went out of focus, while he screamed and writhed, ending up howling in pain.

For the long hours that followed he stayed there, 72 hours later on the verge of exhaustion, the shaking stopped and Jason finally slept.

Broken, depressed and with immense pain in my soul. Richard Grayson rested his head on the bed and with his hand on his alpha's, he fell asleep.


a short but quite interesting chapter with information about Jason's dark past

Chapter 25


Hellooo, this chapter focuses on Jason, it complements the previous one very well, we know a little more about his past and a small conclusion is given to his character to make way for more.

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

He lived in a tiny building among a large complex of identical houses, dirty streets full of graffiti.

The house walls, once white, looked worn by the passage of time. There were some cobwebs in the corners, little decorative furniture, the refrigerator sometimes didn't work and the stove had a trick to turn on.

Either way, this was his home and it was the only one he had ever known.

He didn't remember anything beyond his neighborhood, he had never gone on vacation and only left to go to school, which was a few blocks away.

The only place where he used to have fun was the nearby park, where the grass grew without consideration. At night they closed the gate that surrounded the park, but he and some children from the block effortlessly jumped over the metal fence to continue playing. His favorite were the swings, where only one worked properly, the seesaw had no seat and they had to hold on to the unpainted tube with their bare hands.

That was his life and his day to day life. He was a child and he didn't know anything else, he never thought about the shortcomings that he experienced and, even less so, when everyone around him was going through similar situations.

It was normal to get sick and spend a long time coughing, even when the cold season was over, because there were no medicines to cure dog cough. It was common to eat the same thing several days in a row, skip a meal, or go to bed with a growling stomach, hoping to sleep early so as not to think about hunger.

His family consisted of Catherine, his mother, who was a low-level beta and maybe that was why they didn’t have more children, due to the innate difficulties of betas in reproducing. He didn't remember any sign of affection that his father Jason, a first-level alpha, had given to his mother. As far as he remembered, his mother had always dedicated herself to housework and his father worked in a workshop as a mechanic.

Every day his father came home tired from work, sitting at the table demanding food from him. The alpha was always angry and yelling at them, but seemed to yell more when the food was cold or there was simply nothing to eat. His mother trembled in a corner enduring the scolding, when the pack alpha got tired of them and went to bed to watch television, then it was their time to eat in silence like mice.

He remembered her mother as small and skinny, he didn't look like her at all. She was redhead, with freckles on her face and big, sunken, haggard green eyes, the beta also had the faintest of cinnamon scents and she almost never spoke. He didn't remember his mother ever making contact with him, his father hated that she covered him with her essence.

"You're going to turn the boy into a fa*ggot with so many hugs!" the alpha scolded her. His mother always sent him to take a shower in order to prevent the slightest of her scent from getting on him.

His father had already hit both of them for it, so they were careful never to touch each other.

The days were bearable when they didn't anger his father, who had very little patience for mistakes. Any shouting, scolding or hitting was bearable, except when the alpha was drunk, in those moments the older man never controlled himself. Jason had acquired throughout his childhood a series of reminders that he shouldn’t disobey through unlit cigarette marks on his back.

The moments with his mother were fleeting, so of his memories only one remained burned into his memory. That time, his father was away for a few days, it was raining and he couldn't go out to play, his mother had looked at him for a long time, waging a silent internal struggle.

In the end she had begun to speak in such a curious way that she had completely caught his attention. Her initially hoarse and fragile voice had been filled with its own personality and, as he progressed, he gained character and strength.

She recited poems, woven phrases that she knew by heart, he never asked her where she had learned them, but he had sat in front of her to listen to her, it was sweeter than listening to her sing. They were verses of which he didn’t fully understand their meaning, but were pronounced like magic words that told a story or a feeling.

She continued relentlessly, as if she had kept all of that inside her and now she just didn't know how to contain it.

For an indefinite amount of time she spoke to him about love, life and death, in the final verses she seemed to doubt her, furrowing her eyebrows in anger for almost forgetting the words, as her last sentences slipped from her lips.

In the end, it seemed that she was speaking to him, that she was telling him what she wanted to tell him, but that she didn’t have the strength to do so, she recited a few last tremulous verses and remained silent.

The shadow of the poem was imprinted on his memory and he would soon keep it like a treasure, while the words came together to form a meaning.

His mother wasn’t pretty, nor strong, she didn’t have a melodious voice nor a singular smell, but through her sunken green eyes he knew that she had the gift of appreciating beautiful things, beneath those silent submissiveness and sullen attitude hid potential for creating beauty.

But his father hated beauty, flowers, hugs, music and art, everything that moves the soul, the alpha considered it weak and unnecessary.

Only once he heard his father laugh, the sound seemed unreal even to himself as if he had forgotten how to do it. It was the day Jason matured, his aroma began to be noticed and his caste became present, he was still very young but his father was proud.

"A top-level alpha like your father, that's my boy, my Jason!" the older man roughly stroked his head, ruffling her hair with a smile of his crooked teeth and eyes shining with pride.

“Women! Serve Jason his corresponding meal, now that he is a man he will eat with me!” his father declared and they sat at the table together, while his mother served them silently. His happiness wasn’t overshadowed, even with the hint of guilt that accompanied seeing his mother later eat the leftovers alone.

"It's okay for her to eat less, she's a beta, she doesn't need to be strong," his father told him when he saw his look of pity.

Days later Jason dropped out of school and his father took him to work with him, he became alien to his mother, to her poetry and to her soft and feminine way of being. His father gave him a small motorcycle and he began to work repairing motorcycles and cars.

It was there when he found the Batmobile, the luxurious pieces, the futuristic and elegant car as if it came from another world, he took off the tires without thinking about the consequences, sure that his father was going to be proud of him.

But instead he ran into Batman and an interesting proposal.

“Do you want to come with me boy?”

“Will you adopt me?” Jason asked the other alpha with the wheels of the Batmobile still in his hand, playing with them, and considering the possibility of fleeing the world to which he belonged and facing something better, something good and wonderful.

Batman had nothing to gain, but still said yes.

He got into the Batmobile, they walked together and he took him to see the lights of the city, admiring a world in which he lived, but he didn’t know.

At the end of the ride Batman stroked Jason's head with his gloves on and smiled at him. The caress had nothing to do with that rough one that his father had given him, this new alpha caressed him gently as if Jason were something precious, like no one had ever touched him.

Bruce would never know it, but it was his touch that made him decide. Jason didn't think about his mother or his father, he simply abandoned them without remorse. He finally came out of his bubble and realized that the life he was living wasn’t normal or correct, that there was more, much more and that he could get better things.

When he arrived at the grand mansion, he wondered why Batman would reveal his secret, his true identity, and came to the conclusion that he was simply nobody. They would never believe him even if he told the truth. He was no threat to the perfect Bruce Wayne.

His new life was a radical change that he couldn't get used to. The mansion was as big as the entire complex of buildings, his school and the park combined, Jason was ashamed to admit that he was afraid of getting lost in the hallways.

Curious as any child, Jason had wanted to touch everything, but he had restrained himself even in his room so as not to break anything.

Meeting Dick was the biggest impression he had. A happy, friendly and talkative teenager, when Bruce announced him as a new member of the pack the other boy hugged him without hesitation, invading Jason’s personal space and terrifying him.

“I have a brother now!” the word made Jason vibrate inside and he pushed Dick to the ground, aggressive and catatonic.

"He's not used to physical contact, Dick, be careful," Bruce told him, stroking Jason's head, a tactic he used to relax him.

Jason looked at Bruce scared with teary eyes, thinking that the pack alpha was going to hit him for fighting with Dick, trying to apologize without knowing how, stuttering and finally falling into silence.

When Bruce wasn’t there, Alfred had to go get him and expressly give him clothes so that he could dress, go to the bathroom or eat, he was terrified, too scared to act freely.

He had never thought of himself as poor because that was the way things were in the world around him, but he had jumped from having three changes of clothes to a huge closet, a walk-in closet, and an overly luxurious private bathroom.

He had no idea how the air conditioning worked, what shoes to wear with a suit, how to turn on his new electric toothbrush, or why the lights in his room seemed to go on at various dims before he could finally turn them off.

Inside him, he knew that he didn't fit in there, that sooner or later they would realize and kick him out, that's why he ate as much as he could when Alfred called him, even though he was already full and his stomach hurt, he sometimes had to throw up afterwards.

Bruce took him to the psychologist and the doctor, Jason was malnourished, had parasites, lice, iron deficiency and two chipped teeth.

Jason hadn't liked the psychologist and Bruce didn't force him to attend, yet he took all his medications without question, if he got strong he could be the next Robin. Dick had assured him that, and someone like him couldn't lie.

They had gone to the Batcave together and had fought, Jason knew how to fight street fights, even use guns and knives, but Dick was more skilled, elusive and risky.

"How are you so good if you're a beta?" Jason asked sincerely.

Dick had looked at him curiously, without understanding, “I guess I'm just good and that's it,” he had responded with a shrug.

“When I am bigger, I will have more strength, and I will be taller and I will be able to defeat you without a doubt,” Jason assured.

“Of course Jay,” Dick had nicknamed him, shortening his name and Jason liked it because the beta said it with affection and with a smile.

Dick Grayson was very happy to be an older brother and wanted to show Jason everything.

Dick had the patience to teach him how to fight and the tactics Bruce used, also had told him his story so that Jason wouldn't feel bad about being adopted, and at the small press conference that Bruce held to announce his new pup, Dick held Jason’s hand, even though Jason’s hand was sweating and he felt like he was choking on the little tuxedo they had made him wear.

He was 12 when he finally took up the mantle of Robin and his "big brother" left for Jump City.

“Let's keep in touch, "baby bird," Dick had told him before hugging him and kissing him on the cheek, leaving Jason blushing and embarrassed.

With Alfred and Bruce, Jason had watched his brother leave to start his new group and, for a while things were calm. Jason improved like Robin, began to laugh and be happy with his new family.

Bruce didn't smile much but continued to give him those pats on the head on each successful mission, giving Jason his characteristic tiny smile of pride.

Maybe that's why Jason didn't think about the danger and became overconfident with the Joker. From his death he remembered the pain, the blood, the fear and the despair, the best thing was to die and end his agony.

Reviving had been equally painful, his soul had been torn from the peace of death, every cell phone in his body had hurt. For a while he didn't know who he was, where he came from or what he did, he didn't know who had revived him or for what purpose, only that they took care of him and then threw him away, while memories of him returned one by one in disarray.

In the end he returned to Gotham City.

Dick bit his nails, he had that bad habit that had never gone away. He was on the verge of hysteria, it didn't take much for him to explode on anyone who dared to speak to him.

Tim had relegated himself to his room with his cell phone, which was now his best friend because the omega never seemed to let go of it. Dick didn't blame his little brother, the younger's relationship with Jason had never been very close, yet the younger had silently brought him tea and food, ignoring the beta’s bad mood.

Bruce hadn’t made any attempt to talk to Dick since he brought Jason, but the alpha looked at him gravely and Dick could sense that his father didn’t blame him for what was happening with the second Robin.

He, who was the most experienced Robin and the most attached to Bruce, could understand it, Dick knew that he had Bruce's full trust, that Tim was the most similar to the rich businessman in personality and intelligence, but he also knew that the most beloved son Bruce's was Jason, his pup most in need of affection.

Before Jason died, he remembered all the signs of affection Bruce had for his brother, the alpha’s constant concern for Jason’s health and learning, how Bruce never got angry when food or things of value disappeared and were later found under the robin's mattress. Dick had forbidden tacitly comment on the screams at night from Jason's room, or why the young man used weapons as toys so well and those gloomy scars on him, the victim of a harsh childhood.

Dick swallowed hard, pushing the memories out of his head, ruffling his hair, he felt great frustration, just when he believed he could achieve happiness, that happened.

The beta walked in circles outside Jason's room, he was tired, he hadn't slept for too long. A few occasional naps plagued by nightmares and when he thought he could sleep, sleep eluded him, he was too upset, he knew.

Dick tried to remember Jay's smile, his words and gestures, he remembered it just a few weeks ago finally taking his hand, a gesture so sweet that it had made his heart skip a beat as if it were the first time.

It had been in a dark alley in the middle of the night, but it still happened, Jason reaching out for his hand and taking it, caressing Dick’s fingers with his so they could, naturally and easily, intertwine their hands and walk back together afterward one night patrolling.

It had seemed so easy for Dick to fall into that routine, of always being next to each other, eating, talking, fighting, training, attending Wayne Enterprises meetings and meetings. Life was wonderful when they were next to each other, because Jason trusted him and the young alpha could free himself a little from all that dark past and let himself be him, a sweet, loving, sensitive person, in need of affection and understanding.

But now Dick saw it as ruined, they had gone backwards or perhaps had never really moved forward, ignoring the main problem. He was a beta and, as much as he loved Jason, he couldn't compete with so many years of breeding, he couldn't take away the wild side of Jason, nor that stigma of top-level alpha that can only be with an omega of first level.

Dick remembered Jason’s surprised eyes when he proposed moving in together, it hadn't been something they had thought about too much and he simply told Jason. They had been talking about how there would be a lot of them in the mansion now with the new baby and Kon's arrival, that they should be quieter and more cautious when it came to having sex and the beta just blurted it out.

“What if we go to our own house?”

Jason's face had been a poem, his sapphire eyes had opened in all his splendor, speechless with shock.

“It could be an apartment, something for us, here in Gotham City or in Blüd Heaven. I would like to go back to being a police officer, we could be the vigilantes there like Nightwing and Red Hood, anyway, Bruce doesn't need us here, he has his new Robin and Batwoman working with him,” Dick had gotten nervous and started talking more like he used to do, without connecting his mouth with his brain and just letting himself go.

"Sounds good," Jason had told him, embarrassed, looking anywhere else.

It hadn't been a yes or no, but Dick had started looking at apartments and houses, something not too fancy, homey and nice, with two bedrooms so as not to put too much pressure on Jay.

During the days before the attack, Dick had let himself be carried away by emotion, checking furniture, moving services and even calling his previous job to see the possibility of returning to work. The thought of having Jason all to himself and finally living as a couple was blinding.

Looking back, he had put pressure on Jason, Dick had given in to his selfish feelings and hadn't thought about Jason's well-being. Was that what Jason really wanted?

He leaned his forehead against the wall sighing, "Wake up soon Jay... I'm a mess when you're not here... I want to apologize to you," he whispered.

Unceremoniously opening his eyes, incredibly sane, Jason lay in bed reflecting, all the while being aware of where he was and what had happened. Memories flooding into his head, hurtful words spoken in the midst of confusion and madness.

Jason let it all become clearer, falling into place for him like a big puzzle and then he closed his eyes and pretended to sleep, waiting for his turn to act.

Hearing the door open, he didn't move until he was one hundred percent sure that the person with him was Dick, he stirred and opened his eyes, the first Robin rushed to reach for his hand.

Dick almost cried when he returned the squeeze, but instead a shaky smile formed on the older man's face.

"Are you better now, Jay?" Dick told him with a fragile voice and cerulean eyes full of emotions.

"Yes, I feel a little weak, but I'm fine. Can you do me a favor?" He told the beta, knowing that the next thing he would do would hurt Dick.

"Anything Jay," the older one said devoutly, squeezing his hand in his.

“I want to see Bruce…alone”.

The first Robin seemed astonished by Jason’a request, but as he predicted, Dick hastened to fulfill it.

When Bruce walked through the door, he was already sitting down, still in his hospital clothes, waiting for his dad.

They looked into each other's eyes without saying anything for a moment.

“Hey… I didn't die… not again, you don't have to be so serious,” he told Bruce with his sly smile like a criminal trying to break the tension.

Bruce narrowed his eyes and clenched his jaw as he approached him. "If you're in the mood for jokes, it means you're much better," Bruce said, approaching him.

"I need to ask you a favor," Jason requested, catching the bat's attention. "Something from father to son."

Those words seemed to have a magical effect on Bruce, who, surprised, sat next to Jason.

“I need to find my parents”.

Bruce seemed to meditate on his words for a moment. "I'll do whatever it’s in my hands" the other alpha promised, resting his warm hand on Jason’s shoulder and he instinctively tilted his head against Bruce’s seeking his protection.

"Thank you dad," he said very quietly.

Bruce couldn't contain himself and wrapped his arms around Jason's shoulders, hiding his pup in his broad chest, his son was back with him, he wasn't going to lose him again. Bruce stroked the young alpha’s hair like when the other was a puppy and he rubbed his against Jason’s, marking him as his pack even though alphas didn't commonly do it with other alphas.

Bruce wasn't going to make a mistake with Jason again, he wasn't going to let his son suffer again, he internally promised himself that.

According to Bruce's information, that was the place, a nursing home on the outskirts of Gotham City wasn’t what Jason would expect that guy's residence to be.

That was where his father was.

He wasn't surprised that Bruce had taken charge of everything, he had watched his father, investigating him since he left that seedy place called home and joined the Wayne family. The asylum was a place to rehabilitate him, just as had happened with Tim's father.

Anticipating that one day Jason would want to reunite with his father or find out what had become of him, Bruce had given him the tools for a better life, even with his death Bruce hadn’t cut off the funds for Jason’s father. It was a little funny to him that thanks to him, his father obtained the charity of billionaire Bruce Wayne.

It wasn't difficult for Jason to find his father's room; seeing him so calm in front of the television and drinking juice from a straw made Jason have contradictory feelings.

The man didn’t seem to notice Jason’s presence until he landed next to him and, to his astonishment, the older alpha soon recognized him, although it wasn’t too strange, after all, they looked quite similar physically for the displeasure of Jason.

“Jason? What are you doing here?” the man told him with that aggressive tone in his words that Jason thought he had forgotten, the other alpha even frowned at him as if the mere sight of Jason could disappoint him and make him angry.

“Hey there old seem to be having a good time”.

“No better than you, I saw you on television, I thought you had died, so much gossip surrounding you,” his father said, clicking his tongue disapprovingly. “I guess it's the life of showbiz... son of millionaire Bruce Wayne, it seems that you have forgotten your roots Jason,” the alpha scolded him.

“I haven't forgotten them, I came to see you, didn't I? … I want to ask you some questions,” Jason finally told him as the old man stood up, it was like seeing an aged version of himself.

His father took the last sips of his juice, leaving it on the table. "Let's go outside," the other didn't bother to see if Jason followed him and took him to the garden. There were more elderly people and they soon reached a secluded bench.

“Do you have a cigarette? They don't let me smoke in this place," his father growled with a bad face. Jason took the pack out of his jacket, throwing it on and then sat next to him, while the man lit one, taking his time.

"This isn’t a family visit, if you had been interested in seeing me you would have come much sooner, no... you want something from me, talk, tell me what the hell brought you here Jason," he growled at Jason.

"You're right, I'm not interested in having a relationship with you, I want to know where my mother is. What happened to her after I left?" Jason demanded.

Bruce had only given him a folder with his father's information. "When you've talked to him you'll understand the rest," Bruce had told him in that enigmatic way that made him nervous, because he knew something and was hiding it from Jason.

The other alpha raised an eyebrow “Doesn't your new daddy know? … Mmh, so she was able to hide even from him huh? that bastard bitch”.

Jason acted on impulse and grabbed the other by the neck, beginning to choke him and squeezing his throat, wanting to break it, the cigarette fell to the ground while the man tried to free himself by choking.

“Don't talk like that about my mother! Call her by her name, Catherine!” Jason yelled without caring about attracting attention.

His father's face underwent an unpleasant change, his fear of the attack seemed to transform into mockery and he smiled at Jason with those yellow teeth that he remembered perfectly.

Jason loosened his hold on him without understanding what was so funny.

“Catherine? ... this is incredible... you're stupid,” his father told him between laughs. “I'll tell you a secret, kid,” he said, approaching and enveloping Jason with the aroma of the cigarette, “She wasn't your mother”.

Jason's eyes widened and shook his father off.

"Explain," Jason demanded.

“Are you that stupid? I didn't raise a stupid son, remember Jason, when did I tell you she was your mother? NEVER when did I allow her to touch you? She was a random, why would I let a dirty Beta touch my progeny? Why? Betas are such a small thing. Would I, of all people, have a child with a f*cking beta?” His father's face contorted in disgust just thinking about it.

“She was only in charge of taking care of you and feeding you when I wasn’t there. Your real mother was an omega and she abandoned you with me, but I am your father, when I saw you I knew that you would be identical to me, a full-fledged first level alpha… and I wasn’t wrong,” the alpha said giving him a look, while a terrified Jason denied the truth told.

“Whether you want it or not, I am your father and I took care of you and watched over you. You were an ungrateful son who ran away from home, to then go beg for charity from some rich people, to lick their boots for money, forgetting where you came from and now you come thinking yourself superior," his father said, spitting at Jason’s feet.

That couldn't be true, but in Jason’s head he remembered his mother, her lack of physical contact with him and his father, the fact that he was an only child, and how different her mother looked compared to him... everything seemed to fit.

But if that was true, then where was his mother? Who was she and why had she abandoned him?

His father seemed to see the questions etched on his face.

“Your mother's name is Sheila Haywood. She was a top-level omega, after giving birth to you one day she left the apartment where we lived with you there. I never saw her again and I never found her, if your rich daddy didn't tell you where she is, then she's probably dead”.

That was what Bruce wanted him to know and that hadn't told him, that his real mother had abandoned him.

Jason looked at the old man in front of him, one way or another he had taken care of him, getting him a "surrogate mother". He saw the physical resemblance between them and knew that, if he hadn’t run away, they would be the same. He wondered how much he hadn’t been able to change and if, when people looked at him, they saw him as he now looked at his father.

Jason had a bittersweet moment within him, where he knew that the path he had taken was his fault, but his father also benefited and was now someone new. Jason had been reborn, he still had time to change.

Jason said nothing and unceremoniously he turned around and left. His father didn't try to stop him either or say anything else, but he could feel those piercing blue eyes identical to his own staring at him the whole way.

Upon returning to the mansion he felt that he was a different person, that something inside him had gone out, Jason had lived for too long with an internal fire burning, a sick rage filling him with anger and simply like pressing a button, he had left a void, which was neither negative nor positive.

He looked for Bruce, finding him easily in his office. Jason got the impression that his pack alpha was relieved to see him and that was waiting for him. He wasn't surprised, Bruce was always so clever at anticipating other people's movements.

Jason collapsed in front of him in a chair tired, sad and without purpose.

Bruce watched him quietly, his eyes were a calm sea, deep and inscrutable, he waited for Jason without pressure.

When Jason finally decided to speak, his voice was hoarse.

“I don't know if I should go look for her, what would be the point? Can an omega not love her own children? How could she leave me with him?... Although he was the only one who took care of me”.

Bruce didn’t answer any of his questions, instead intertwined his fingers, letting Jason bring out everything he had inside him.

“Catherine… do you know anything about her? Is she okay?” Jason finally raised his eyes, looking lost and vulnerable.

“Yes, I know where she lives. She is married to a man, an alpha, she has two children,” Bruce summarized.

"Well... well... that's good... I'm glad she made her life after me..." he lowered his shoulders defeated and muttered something very low. “Bruce... Am I an unwanted pup? Everyone would be happier if I hadn't existed”.

"Not me," Bruce said softly. "We all go through difficult situations Jason, I don't know the motives of your real mother, or your father's, or Catherine's, but I am grateful because directly or indirectly through them I was able to meet you, bring you under my wing, become my son, my pup and my Robin. Never think about not existing, ever”.

The intensity of Bruce's gaze was overwhelming, he stood up and went towards him, took him in his arms and pressed him to his chest, melting into a hug.

"I want to go look for her..." Jason admitted softly in a lament. "I don't know how to tell Dick, I... I'm going to let him down," the young alpha confessed guiltily.

“I will support you Jason, I will always be there for you”.

"Thank you dad," he whispered, letting himself be carried away by Bruce's warmth, by the pack bond they had, by the infinite love that parents profess for his children.

On the horizon the sun was setting, he lowered the binoculars with a sigh, turning his eyes away from the familiar scene that was unfolding.

She was Catherine, living happily with her family, being loved by her children and her partner. It gave him pleasure to know that she was happy, that she was away from the violence that she had experienced with his father.

Jason dangled his feet over the edge of the building where he was sitting and with the last remnants of dusk he began to speak, at first very quietly, very softly as the words came together into sentences.

"No, forgive me. If you do not live, if you, my dear, my love, if you have died,

All the leaves will fall on my chest, it will rain on my soul night and day, the snow will burn my heart, I will walk with cold and fire and death and snow.

My feet will want to walk towards where you sleep, but I will remain alive, because you loved me, above all things, indomitable..."

Night fell with the last word of the poem, giving way to darkness, he stood up and put on his mask, it was time to leave Jason Todd behind to be Red Hood.

“I didn't know you recited poetry, it was beautiful,” the female voice made his heart skip a beat and he looked up to see someone unexpected.

Kori Anders, better known as Starfire, the redhead floated a few feet away from him silently, with the red hair of an amazon flowing behind her, a vision of alpha beauty.

“What are you doing here? Shouldn't you be in Monte Justicia?

“Since the Teen Titans were disbanded by the Justice League, I'm a little bored”.

"Go entertain somewhere else," he told her, ignoring her.

"I came to make you a proposal," she said, floating up to him with a smile, "A new group of super heroes is being formed, Red Arrow and I are in it and we need a leader."

"Why are you bothering me, you're not Nightwing's friend?" He told her, annoyed.

The Tamarian smiled, “Don't you understand? We want you as our leader," she told him, looking at him with those abnormal green eyes and a wide smile on her face.

That threw Jason off, he had never had the opportunity to lead any group like Dick or Tim, mostly because he had died.

"Are you interested then?" the beautiful woman insisted.

“Right now I will start a new mission, I will leave Gotham City to fulfill it,” Jason told her, feeling like he was giving an excuse, but that was true, he was determined to find his real mother.

An arrow embedded itself in the wall and the figure of Red Arrow slid to the ceiling where they were, approaching them with confidence.

"So do we already have a mission...leader?" Roy asked him with a smile. The words sank deep into him, looking at the two red-haired alphas, this was completely new.

"I don't know if they can keep up with me or if they'll be a bother," Jason told them in response.

"Put us to the test and we will surprise you," Roy assured him and stretched out his hand in a treat.

Jason hesitated, but in the end his hand shook Roy's.

“Perfect! We're now a team!" Starfire celebrated, placing his hand on theirs.


Sorry if there is any mistake, let me know if you notice one.

Chapter 26


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

“ this way the new technology project at Empresas Wayne will be able to have maximum returns with an annual rate percentage of…”

The door opened violently and the figure of Richard Grayson burst into the meeting room. At the headboard, Bruce looked at him, intertwining his fingers, summoning infinite patience.

Beside him, Lucius Fox gave him a meaningful look, while the rest of the shareholders and area directors remained silent.

“Bruce! We have to talk, it's urgent,” Dick gave him the angriest look that Bruce had ever seen, he sighed and knowing that this wouldn’t lead to anything good, still he stood up.

“You can continue without me, Lucius, take charge, send me what you agree to my email, gentlemen, see you at the next meeting,” Bruce informed them.

Bruce, ignoring his eldest son, walked past him and left the room.

Dick was almost on his heels, he entered Bruce's office like a whirlwind and when they were in the privacy of the anti-noise glass, the beta began to shout.

“Tell me the truth! Were you the one supporting this madness?" Dick asked, pointing an accusing finger at him.

Bruce stayed quiet, letting his son spill out everything he had to say.

“It has to be you,” continued Dick, absorbed in his own ideas, “You were the last one who spoke to him, he asked me to see you and you encouraged him to this madness, to go look for that woman who has nothing to do with him! It will only hurt him more!” Dick’s voice broke and desperately put his hands in his hair, while he began to walk around the office.

Bruce recognized the signs of anxiety in him, whenever Dick got carried away with stress he walked in circles and ruffled his hair, his first son was too transparent with his emotions. Dick continued to prattle on, speaking in a steady stream.

“He’s convalescing! He recently woke up and we don't know what effects the fear gas may have had on him. It's completely irresponsible of you to let him go like this! You have to stop him!” Dick stopped walking, raising his eyes to look at Bruce for support, but the alpha remained silent.

"Why aren’t you answering me?" Dick asked, frowning, demanding an answer.

"Dick, you have to relax, you're hysterical, you have to know that I support Jason's decision to leave," Bruce told him, knowing what those words would do.

Dick opened his eyes wide, hurt by that he had gone looking for Bruce for an ally, he hadn't thought that he wouldn't have one.

“Of course... How I didn’t see it coming? It's just that you are happy because we are separating, that's what you wanted, isn't it? All this time I've seen you look at us with disapproval, you don't want us to be together!” Dick's voice had been increasing as his words came out of his mouth, hurt as he was, Dick didn't care about making a fuss.

Bruce pursed his lips in a harsh line, Dick always managed to get on his nerves, that was why when they argued they always ended up in a big fight. The first Robin treated him as his equal, not as if he were his father and wasn’t afraid to demand things from him.

The rational part, which was losing more and more ground in his head, reminded him that Dick was a rollercoaster of emotions and that he hadn't eaten or slept properly since the Scarecrow attack.

“Stop it, Dick!”Bruce's voice echoed in the room, as he closed his fist, leaving the beta silent, “How can you be so selfish? Have you taken a second to think about what Jason wants? Do you think that ignoring his problems will magically solve them? Well I have news for you, they won't, Jason needs to go find her biological mother, see her and resolve his situation with her”.

"But... he doesn't want me to accompany him... I could go with him... but he doesn't need me," Dick told him trembling, tears wetting his cheeks.

Bruce seemed to calm down when he saw his son like that. “Dick... think about the differences between Tim, you and Jason. You come from families that have loved you, loving parents, far from domestic violence, hunger, cold, marginalization. You have grown under my wing along with Tim to study and dedicate yourself to what you have loved most, you had the time to grow as Robin and lead a team, make friends and take on your own identity. Tim is in that process, he will soon take on his own identity and create allies, but Jason never had that chance, he died, you can look at him now and think he is an eighteen year old boy, but he hasn't really lived his adolescence, he hasn't found himself. in addition. How many friends does he have? None, now tell me you're not selfish, if all you're worried about is that he's leaving you. You know that he himself thinks that he isn’t valuable and now he only trusts you, but when he realizes his potential, he might not choose you”.

The words came out true. Dick opened and closed his mouth, not knowing what to say, too hurt to be rational, he sobbed, nodding to Bruce's words, breaking the distance between them seeking support from him.

Bruce wrapped his arms around him, letting him cry, combing his hair. “If you want my approval, then let him live and let it be his choice to be with you, if his love is strong he will return to you”.

"I'm a terrible person for wanting things to stay the same," Dick told Bruce between hiccups, crying against his chest, broken, releasing everything he had inside him.

"It's part of being a human Dick, I know you will make the right decision," Bruce assured him.

“Mr.Tim, don't use your cell phone at the table,” Alfred put a plate in front of him, but the boy in question seemed not to have heard him and took a photo of his food and sent it with a smile.

“Alfred told you to put your cell phone away, why aren't you listening?” from behind Jason took the cell phone, taking it away from Tim's hands and reviewed the conversation.

“How much nonsense do they send you?” Jason asked Tim reading the adolescent nonsense that Kon and Tim wrote to each other, laughing at each sentence he read.

With a blush spreading across his cheeks, Tim stood up attacking the older man with a Karate move, but was easily blocked by the other, as they began to fight with punches and kicks.

"Not in the dining room," Alfred told them, sighing and being ignored, he took both of their breakfasts, walking away from the fight to return to the kitchen, thinking that it was going to get cold.

“Do you send him photos of all your meals? Don't you have anything better to do? It's affecting you that they expelled you from the Teen Titans, you're too idle”

"They didn't expel me, I'm just suspended for a while... Give me back my cell phone!" Tim shouted, lunging at his brother and clinging to Jason’s back with his legs like a monkey, trying to reach the cell phone.

"Tim has a boyfriend," Jason mocked, laughing at him, knowing that he was the only one who managed to get the uptight Tim out of his mind. Jason’s finger scrolled through the photo gallery showing dishes, landscapes, and internet jokes until he came to a stack of photos of the third Robin in front of his bathroom mirror. At first modeling his wardrobe, then in underwear and, finally, a few naked in quite suggestive poses, which due to the sensual and lascivious way they presented, could only correspond to the moment of the omega’s heat.

“No! Don't look at them!” the younger screamed when he saw what Jason was reviewing and, out of his mind, Tim bit Jason’s arm, making his brother drop the cell phone in order for him to take it and protect it in his chest with his face red with shame.

Jason looked at him with a smile on his face and his eyes completely wide with shock. “It seems that you are no longer such a child, nor so innocent. Little Timmy is growing up, he's already sending himself compromising photos. What would Bruce say if he found out you were sexting with your future stepbrother? I'm sure he'll be disappointed”. Jason said mockingly.

“You had no right to check my cell phone, it's private! And FYI I haven't been texting anything with anyone. They're just photos I took!,” Tim's eyes were watery and distressed. Jason was going to tell on him, Tim didn't even want to imagine Bruce's face when he found out, Tim was going to die of shame.

Jason laughed at Tim’s scared face, making the younger man even more angry. "Too bad I won't be able to tell him anything because I'm leaving today," he said as if that disappointed him, leaving Tim confused. "And some advice, if you're going to send nudes, to whoever, don’t take photos with your face in them, even if the background allows you to recognize your room. Aren't you the future best detective in the world? Hormones cloud your judgment”.

"I was in heat... I didn't think things through, I didn't send them to anyone anyway..." Tim muttered, thinking that, of all people, he had to have that embarrassing conversation with Jason.

“Yeah sure, that explains why you seemed to be dripping like a fountain in the picture…”

“Shut up idiot! You saw it! "You're the worst." Tim tried to punch him again, but Jason stopped him with his hand.

"One last piece of advice," Jason said, staring at Tim with an unusually serious face. "Condoms and pills, he's half kryptonian and surely you don't want to end up like Clark and with his super sperm" Jason bent his hand and subdued the younger, ruffling Tim’s and then releasing him with a push.

"Are you leaving or not?" Tim shouted, red with sadness, watching Jason turn his back on him and walk away.

"Yeah, yeah goodbye little Timmy," he said, laughing, while giving Tim the symbol of love and peace.

In the privacy of his room he began to delete the photographs from his gallery, he had just changed his password and modified the security program, but it never hurts to be cautious.

Tim still felt inside him, a mixture of anger and insecurity, at least he could trust that Jason wouldn’t say anything since he wouldn’t be in the house indefinitely, it was strange knowing that he was leaving. It wasn't that Tim had hit it off very much with Jason, but he was already used to his brother's presence and also he felt sorry for Dick, who was the most affected of all by the second Robin's decision. He didn't know how they were going to end that strange relationship they had, because from what he had been able to hear, Dick wouldn’t accompany Jason.

Tim hadn't wanted to comment, it's not like they'd asked his opinion anyway, but he could tell the stress and desperation in Dick since Jason arrived wounded with the first female Robin. Tim didn’t find out the details until the next morning, since the attack had been perpetrated on the day of his mating season.

When he was able to leave the confinement, Tim came across the news that they had been wounded, without being able to approach Dick who only screamed and scolded. Tim went to Bruce who explained the events to him in a gloomy tone, it was obvious that it affected his father to have two members of his team in that way.

Unable to help much, Tim visited the new Robin. Knowing that she was his replacement had brought him mixed feelings, but after seeing her tied to a bed screaming and cornered by the effects of the fear gas, Tim began to feel sympathy for her girl. Stephanie had recovered before Jason, despite being exposed to a greater amount of fear gas, Bruce explained to her that the effect of the gas resided in each person's internal fears and, therefore, its effects varied depending on the victim.

The powerful tranquilizer that Bruce had administered to her took effect allowing them to converse with her. Dick had wanted to get the facts out of him and didn't care much that he was convalescing, so Bruce used his powerful alpha voice to get Dick out of the room, incredibly overprotective of the girl. Tim, without saying a word, stood still while Steph told them her story. In any case, she didn't remember much and her version coincided with Batwoman's, so they didn't have much more information.

Stephanie had left too soon, they had been able to talk a little, she was smart, funny and very strong, like a combination of the previous Robins. She knew that she had a lot of potential and that she would be perfect as Bruce's partner, the only bad thing is that she wouldn’t live with them, but with Batwoman as her direct pupil. Despite being the new Robin, Bruce had declared that it was for the best, because Stephanie still had parents and issues to resolve with them. Tim didn't want to investigate, but it was probably the reason why the girl hadn't stopped shouting for her father when they brought her in.

Apparently everyone had their own traumas and problems, no guard was safe.

Tm remained absorbed in his thoughts, the screen of his cell phone was already black from inactivity. He pressed a button and the images were shown again, there were a lot of plates of food, in total there were eighty-seven photographs, some were simple sweets, others apples, glasses of soda and so on.

Tim realized that in reality he had been too lazy, but he couldn't help it, he had had a small image war with Kon that began the moment he questioned which food was better, Martha's or Alfred’s. It was childish and stupid, but Tim had sparked a little competition between them.

He sent a photo of his English breakfast and Kon countered with some waffles with bacon and eggs.

Tim scrolled through the images until he came to one of Kon with a white milk mustache and a large empty glass, making funny faces at the camera. Tim laughed at just seeing it and walked past it, he couldn't erase it.

He hadn't sent Kon such fun things, just images of the books he was reading, some of him working on his computer. Tim was creating a face, voice and fingerprint identification program together with Barbara, it was an ambitious project and one that he was passionate about. Kon, for his part, took advantage of every day in Kansas to learn new things, sending Tim evidence of his training.

Tim deleted photos until he came to another of the alpha milking the cows while smiling at the camera. Tim had one more of Kon driving his grandfather's old truck, he remembered that that day he had scolded Kon for texting and driving, and as he continued scrolling, Tim realized that he had an incredible amount of photos of Kon that he didn't want to delete, like the one of Kon in the cornfields with the sunset behind him, making those unreal blue eyes shine with that big smile.

The omega sighed after leaving one more photo of Kon in overalls and a red and white checkered shirt with a straw hat, completely rural, that one had given Tim long and uncontrollable laughter, he simply couldn't get rid of it, the best thing was to give up with about the photos and leave them in his gallery. He thought that those images were irrefutable proof that Kon was adorably happy and that he didn’t stop training to be a worthy member of Young Justice, even between conversations Kon sent him photographs of possible designs for his superhero costume.

"Ma’ thinks I should have a suit, what do you think of this one?" –the message had arrived with a photograph of Kon wearing a black suit with red trim with a large "S" on the chest.

"Too black" Tim had responded. The next suit that Mrs. Kent had invented was a completely white one with a red "S". "Too white".

Kon had responded that he was very difficult to please. Next was a simple black shirt with the red S on the chest, accompanied by his jeans and black boots. “Too simple," Tim simply replied.

"Maybe this one?" Kon asked, sending Tim a photo of him in a suit that was half red on the bottom and half blue on top, wearing black boots, black gloves, a leather jacket, two belts around his waist and some sunglasses on his eyes. Tim had taken a while to respond out of shock and finally commented,"Too much of everything”.

Kon had simply laughed. “I like them all, I'll see which one I use".

Being very precise about his mating days, he had casually mentioned to Kon that he wouldn’t be responding to his messages due to his confinement. The alpha had suggested that they could message each other as long as Tim felt comfortable with it and Tim had accepted without thinking about the risks.

Tim simply believed that being a low-level omega, with a one-day cycle, his mind would only be affected for a few hours and the rest could perfectly continue with his normal life, unlike high-level omegas who lasted for days.

The heat had arrived on time and, locked in his room, Tim suffered muscle spasms that caused cramps that wouldn’t let him get out of bed. He complained to Kon about the pain and the alpha had sent him a photograph of a tea.

"I asked Ma' what is good for heat, she told me that hot tea helps".

Hungry and irritable, Tim hadn’t responded despite his show of kindness, he was hot and his clothes were in the way, naked in his bed and curled up in a ball, he just wanted to sleep and wake up until the next day.

The ringing of his cell phone reminded him that Kon was still waiting to know how he was doing.

"I'm starting to fill my sheets with fluids, all very pleasant" Tim had responded sarcastically, while his inhibitions were disappearing due to the heat and the discomfort of feeling empty.

Kon had said nothing more and he had spent a ridiculous amount of time masturbating and fingering himself, his wet throbbing entrance eager and soft. With his heat kit Tim penetrated himself without much ceremony seeking the pleasure and comfort that the knotted dild* provided for those monthly discomforts.

He moaned loudly, grateful for the thick walls, as he sought to climax, eager like any other teenager he didn’t seek to delay his pleasure and quickly ejacul*ted, smearing himself, losing count of how many times he had already come.

Tim looked at himself in the mirror in his room, he was full of his own fluids, sweaty and flushed, with stained fingers. He grabbed his phone and saw that he had no new answers from the alpha, a small kitten-like growl emitted from his throat, snorting in annoyance at being ignored.

"I feel very bad, I need your help, do you want to see?" He had typed full of spelling errors and dirty words, blinded by his desire.

In front of the mirror he had taken a series of obscene and scandalous photos of himself, with his legs wide open playing with his entrance, on all fours penetrating himself with the dild* and the last one sitting on it masturbating, while pinching his small pink and erect nipples.

With a dry mouth, he went back through the images, that had been what Jason looked at, the greatest shame of him. Red with sorrow was grateful for not having been able to send them to Kon and, cursing all hell, he erased them, sad and furious with himself, unable to recognize that uninhibited subject, enjoying his sexuality fully without hesitation. Sexologists said that, in reality, heat was just a loss of one's own mental barriers, the opportunity to bring out all one's secret desires.

That wasn't what tormented him, the worst thing hadn't been taking the photos, but rather, while he did it, he couldn't stop thinking about Kon, about evoking his face every time he came.

The motorcycle stopped, arriving at the meeting point. It was the main park of Gotham City, surrounded by skyscrapers, with a natural lake with beautiful swans and fish, a small lung of oxygen in the city

He left his helmet and motorcycle to read the message, looking for the place where they were waiting for him, Jason was already there, sitting on a bench feeding the pigeons with breadcrumbs.

Jason came to him, without saying anything, sitting down, watching the birds eat the last pieces.

"Do you have everything ready?" He asked Jason, trying to make it a normal conversation, forcing himself to smile.

"Yes, I have everything and I said goodbye to everyone else," Jason told Dick without being able to look at him, fixing his gaze on the water.

“Jason... I…” Dick didn't know how to continue, he was too emotional, he had promised himself that he wasn't going to cry, that he was going to say goodbye with a smile, but he just couldn't.

"I need to do this, Dick, I'm so sorry to hurt you, but I want to," the alpha told Dick and crossed the distance between them, placing his hand on Dick’s.

Dick nodded without saying anything, with the words stuck in his throat. "It's better if we separate, to give ourselves some time... Kori and Roy are lucky to have you as their leader because you're incredible," Dick said, laughing, while tears wet his cheeks. "I'm sorry… I'm so emotional, I... I don't know what's wrong with me," the beta said, laughing and crying at the same time, thinking that he was crazy for behaving that way.

Jason squeezed his fingers without knowing what to say, he wasn't too good at feelings, but there he was, breaking the heart of someone who least deserves it.

"I brought something for you," Dick said, releasing the other's hand and awakening the second Robin's curiosity.

From his pocket Dick took out a small black velvet box, upon seeing it Jason's heart gave a small jump of shock imagining what it would be.

"It's for you, open it," Dick encouraged the other with a genuine smile, wiping away his tears.

Carefully and nervously Jason revealed the contents, inside was a key, when he turned it over came an address and the legend: "For when you feel like returning home."

“I'm going to Blüdheaven tomorrow, I bought a house, with a garden, two floors, also some furniture, well... a lot of furniture,” Dick said laughing, wiping his nose and making a mess. “I know I was too quick about moving in together and that I messed up by not consulting you, I'm sorry, I know that I'm also pressuring you with this and that you have no obligation to accept it, or to return, or to go with me because technically we are breaking up,” he said, babbling in an uncontrollable flow of words, "but... but I wanted you to take it into consideration.” The beta finished very quietly, taking a breath after talking so much.

Dick had given things a thousand thoughts, but that was him, a mess of words and unconnected ideas thrown into the void without consideration.

"I'm going to save it," Jason responded with a smile, after listening to Dick's entire speech, he moved closer eliminating the space between them. Jason held Dick’s wet face, so close that he could see his eyelashes and his swollen eyelids, he closed his eyes and kissed Dick.

It was a sad kiss because it tasted like goodbye, slow and very soft. When they separated, Dick had tears in his eyes again because he understood what was next. They were silent for a while, before Jason stood up giving Dick one last kiss on the cheek, then he left.


A short chapter but finally an update. If there is anyone who is still interested in this story, pls leave a comment telling me ur thoughts <333

It Was Always You - Zawk (2024)
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Author: Melvina Ondricka

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Author information

Name: Melvina Ondricka

Birthday: 2000-12-23

Address: Suite 382 139 Shaniqua Locks, Paulaborough, UT 90498

Phone: +636383657021

Job: Dynamic Government Specialist

Hobby: Kite flying, Watching movies, Knitting, Model building, Reading, Wood carving, Paintball

Introduction: My name is Melvina Ondricka, I am a helpful, fancy, friendly, innocent, outstanding, courageous, thoughtful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.