Marriage In Islam: 8 Quranic Verses About Marriage - Quranic Arabic For Busy People (2024)

by Quranic | Feb 23, 2021 | Marriage | 50 comments


By Malika Kahn

Marriage is considered a legal contract and union requiring consent from both the bride and groom. The Quran endorses marriage, making mention of the rights, conduct, and values that encompass a successful and happy married life. This article explores 8 verses of the Quran about marriage.


Importance of Marriage

“And marry the unmarried among you and the righteous among your male slaves and female slaves. If they should be poor, Allah will enrich them from His bounty, and Allah is all-Encompassing and Knowing.” [24:32]

The Quran establishes marriage as a highly recommended act, conveyed as a priority. This verse endorses marriage to each and every person who is single, specifically mentioning the quality of being righteous. This refers to not only having the correct attitude and mindset, but also having the capabilities necessary to fulfil the responsibilities of marriage. This verse teaches that wealth should not be considered a source of anxiety nor a barrier to marriage. In some cases one may find that a suitor is rejected on the basis of wealth and that some families prevent their children from seeking marriage unless a particular income is earned. However, the character of a potential spouse is more enduring than wealth.

Wealth is never guaranteed and tends to fluctuate as life goes on. This verse provides assurance that Allah is ever-aware and a reliable helper. Therefore, marrying or seeking marriage with the correct intention can open doors. However, if one is in the position of being unable to fulfill the rights of a potential spouse nor afford necessities required for living, then seeking marriage can be postponed. The one who cannot afford marriage is encouraged to fast, an act that safeguards chastity and earns rewards that can facilitate the road to marriage.

“The Messenger of Allah said: ‘O young men, whoever among you can afford it, let him get married, for it is more effective in lowering the gaze and guarding chastity, and whoever cannot then he should fast, for it will be a restraint (wija’) for him.'” [Sunan an-Nasa’I, 3209]

“O mankind, fear your Lord, who created you from one soul and created from it its mate and dispersed from both of them many men and women…” [4:1]

The fourth chapter of the Quran, surah an-Nisa, addresses the mutual rights of human beings as well as lays the foundation for a sound family life. The opening verse urges mankind to acknowledge that all human beings share the same roots as descendants of Prophet Adam and his wife Eve (or Hawa), may Allah be pleased with them. This conveys the connection that exists between all people due to sharing a common ancestor, the first male and female. This Quran verse about marriage signifies the bond between man and woman, as spouses, and as beings created for each other.

“It is He who created you from one soul and created from it its mate that he might dwell in security with her… ” [7:189]

This verse describes the origin of man and once again conveys the notion that all humans stem from the same source. Apart from promoting a sense of shared humanity, this verse about marriage highlights the spiritual bond between spouses. Marriage is a gift for spouses to lead a life of tranquility and compassion together as described in the Quran. Spouses are meant to be each other’s companions who share a bond that is secure.

Married life is intended to be one in which contentment and joy is experienced, nurtured, and accomplished through teamwork.

Role of Spouses

“They are clothing for you and you are clothing for them…” [2:187]

This particular Quranic verse about marriage describes spouses as clothing or garments. In this respect, both husband and wife are required to play the same role in the relationship. The function of a garment is to conceal and protect, therefore, spouses serve as each other’s protection and shelter. If one is lacking in an aspect, it is the duty of the other to ensure that this is not exposed to the elements i.e. others outside the marriage.

Being like garments to each other means being present, having each other’s back. If one spouse is feeling vulnerable, the other spouse is at the ready to wrap their partner in comfort and support. Another point that this verse addresses is the importance of spending quality time and fulfilling each other’s rights. Spouses should be active in striving to ensure that the marriage is a place of trust and confidence. The metaphor of spouses as clothing paints a vivid picture of the bond and intimacy that underscores a healthy relationship.

Marriage, according to the Quran, serves as a sanctuary and a place of warmth.

Kindness and Fairness to Women

“O you who have believed, it is not lawful for you to inherit women by compulsion. And do not make difficulties for them in order to take [back] part of what you gave them unless they commit a clear immorality. And live with them in kindness. For if you dislike them – perhaps you dislike a thing and Allah makes therein much good. But if you want to replace one wife with another and you have given one of them a great amount [in gifts], do not take [back] from it anything. Would you take it in injustice and manifest sin?” [4:19-20]

Since marriage is a contract in which both parties mutually agree to various terms and conditions, including the nature of the dowry and its amount, going back on what is agreed upon is considered unjust. These verses about marriage intend to protect women from injustices, signifying that women should not be considered property or objects that men or their relatives have ownership over. Furthermore, whatever is owned by a woman, including her dowry or any gifts given to her, cannot be taken back by her spouse nor claimed by his heirs. Unless one’s wife willingly offers from her wealth, forcing and harassing her in order to get to her wealth is considered oppression and unjust.

The Quran instructs men to treat women with kindness and respect, even in times of dispute or divorce. Although being good to one’s spouse should be considered basic behaviour, the fact that it is emphasized in the Quran shows the importance of living together in kindness. These verses encourage treating one’s spouse well, even though one may come to dislike a certain quality or feature in them, as there may be qualities that outweigh and outshine whatever shortcomings one may perceive.

Essence of Marriage

“And those who say, ‘Our Lord, grant us from among our wives and offspring comfort to our eyes and make us an example for the righteous.’” [25:74]

This Quran verse about marriage is about those who supplicate for their marriage and on behalf of their family, with the intention that society at large can derive some benefit from them. It is described that they will be rewarded in the Hereafter for this supplication and their yearning for a virtuous and impactful household. This conveys the importance of directing prayers to the Creator, asking for ease and happiness in marriage, as well as for offspring who are righteous. This verse teaches the value in having concern for one’s family instead of solely focusing on one’s own self-betterment, in any area of life, including worship. From this we learn the significance of not only doing the work to develop as individuals, but to also aim to benefit, inspire, and uplift others in goodness and virtue. There can only be a ripple effect of goodness that results from a marriage in which care and consideration underpins the interactions and even the most private supplications of spouses.

This verse in the Quran also reiterates the notion that spouses should live together in harmony. The essence of marriage is being able to draw solace from the presence of one’s spouse.

Marriage as a Source of Tranquility

“And of His signs is that He created for you from yourselves mates that you may find tranquillity in them; and He placed between you affection and mercy. Indeed in that are signs for a people who give thought.” [30:21]

Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) sought his wife Khadijah’s calm and reassuring presence after his sudden and overwhelming experience receiving the first revelation of the Quran. Spouses support each other in moments of uncertainty or vulnerability. The verse above affirms the concept that spouses are created for each other, highlighting the importance of spouses being people one can find comfort and peace with.

One of the objectives of married life is tranquility, and the key to this is having affection and mercy. This particular verse in the Quran about marriage describes how Allah places affection and mercy in the hearts of spouses so that they can live a tranquil life together. The affection described is much like how the hearts of parents towards their children is filled with a strong and innate attachment. This nature of love is divinely influenced, in that, God makes it easier to love and continue loving one’s spouse as time goes by. To be forgiving and empathic enhances affection and builds a stronger and stable relationship that can endure the trials in life.

Upon establishing marriage, affection and mercy are two positive forces that materialize and tie two individuals so intimately together that they remain each other’s supporters throughout life’s ups and downs.

Marriage in the Quran

These Quran verses about marriage reveal that marriage is not restricted to a “legal or religious” relationship. Marriage is layered in human emotion and is a union woven together through love, companionship, kindness, compassion, and support. The Quran implores spouses to treat each other kindly. A secure relationship is achieved by mutual commitment, respecting each other’s rights, and having sincerity in intentions and efforts.

In conclusion, marriage according to the Quran entails building a life that facilitates thriving and contentment in the relationship itself, which as a result influences a good home environment for the family, which can thereby contribute beneficially to society at large

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What do you think? Share your reflections below!


  1. Marriage In Islam: 8 Quranic Verses About Marriage - Quranic Arabic For Busy People (2)

    Islam Time on May 20, 2024 at 12:32 am

    Good post have a good day.


  2. Marriage In Islam: 8 Quranic Verses About Marriage - Quranic Arabic For Busy People (3)

    Talha Ubaidullah on October 17, 2023 at 3:34 am

    I read this article. In this article highlights the Quranic perspective on marriage, emphasizing love, companionship, and mutual respect. It effectively conveys the essence of a harmonious marital union as outlined in the Quranic verses. A commendable exploration of the profound significance of marriage in Islam.


    • Marriage In Islam: 8 Quranic Verses About Marriage - Quranic Arabic For Busy People (4)

      Fiza on April 4, 2024 at 2:16 pm

      Indeed Islam is beautiful, has taught about this beautiful bond..


  3. Marriage In Islam: 8 Quranic Verses About Marriage - Quranic Arabic For Busy People (5)

    Sama on August 5, 2023 at 8:37 am

    very nice and great
    Thanks dear.


  4. Marriage In Islam: 8 Quranic Verses About Marriage - Quranic Arabic For Busy People (6)

    frkhan on January 28, 2023 at 8:54 am

    Very well written article, thank you very much and very helpful post


  5. Marriage In Islam: 8 Quranic Verses About Marriage - Quranic Arabic For Busy People (7)

    Roozbeh Badii on July 10, 2022 at 4:17 am

    You can still get to heaven without getting married or having kids. Just don’t commit Sins, and try to do good deeds.


  6. Marriage In Islam: 8 Quranic Verses About Marriage - Quranic Arabic For Busy People (8)

    Sirajul Islam on June 19, 2022 at 4:36 am

    Some people blaming Mullah, this is wrong. Quran has revealed for us to read & understand & act, therefore we should read , there’s a reward. This the only books as a guidance for all .


  7. Marriage In Islam: 8 Quranic Verses About Marriage - Quranic Arabic For Busy People (9)

    SYED SADRUDDIN HUSSAIN on June 1, 2022 at 8:39 am

    PLEASE READ SOME IMPORTANT VERSES IN THIS REGARD: 2:222-223,226,228,237/ 4:3-4,6,128/ 5:5/ 7:189-190// 12:22-34/ 223:5-6,7/ 33:49/ 34:35/ 45:4/ 65:1-3,4/ 75:37-38/ 80:189-190/ 86:5-7/ 96:2 ETC. ETC.


    • Marriage In Islam: 8 Quranic Verses About Marriage - Quranic Arabic For Busy People (10)

      Sal on May 16, 2023 at 4:32 pm

      Salam brother
      I just wanna say that you’re right about the ulama unfortunately. A big majority of them are hypocrites and they don’t really believe that the Quran is from Allah. Don’t be surprised, the Children of Israel saw the sea split in front of their eyes, and they walked through it, and shortly after some of them had the brillant idea to worship a golden idol. Disbelief is just human tendency, no matter how they try to cover it, a big amount of people will always disbelieve, and that’s because of their evil deeds and lack of repentance. No matter how much one studies Islam and the Quran to the holy scripture, if they keep doing evil deeds anyway without repenting then their hearts eventually get sealed and they’ll become disbelievers forever, until the punishment overtakes them. This is the way Allah deals with those people, so remember to pray and ask for repetenance sincerely and try to reform from sins to avoid that fate.


  8. Marriage In Islam: 8 Quranic Verses About Marriage - Quranic Arabic For Busy People (11)

    Gafar Dauda Alani on April 22, 2022 at 9:09 pm

    Salaam alaikum waramotullah,it never be a matter of brainwashed, forcing neither hoting, the verses of the Quran you quoted you are right but don’t forget that the to marry only said by Allah just a n advice never meant to be to the better option or what Allah really mean or intempt.however,
    The advice is for the weak one who can’t not be just within them.
    Now let me ask you this simple question, and I will be very glad to hear your view,why Allah (SBW)Start,by saying,marry among your women’s,two,three,four, and make one the last in the least.salaam alaikum.


    • Marriage In Islam: 8 Quranic Verses About Marriage - Quranic Arabic For Busy People (12)

      Ayman on September 28, 2022 at 2:08 pm

      You are very hard to understand. I’m looking for the same answer.


  9. Marriage In Islam: 8 Quranic Verses About Marriage - Quranic Arabic For Busy People (13)

    Usman Ishiaka Suleiman on April 21, 2022 at 3:29 pm

    Jazakallahu khaira


  10. Marriage In Islam: 8 Quranic Verses About Marriage - Quranic Arabic For Busy People (14)

    Saira on April 12, 2022 at 8:04 am

    I want to ask a very valid question.

    WHY do some muslim men tell their wives, that it would please ALLAH, if the wives let them marry a second time?

    HOW is it related to ALLAH’s pleasure?

    So are you telling us, that it is permissible to hurt your own soul just to please the husband? It is good in the eyes of Allah?

    Some may say that it is written in the Holy Quran, i would like you to show me where does it say that it would please Allah?

    Also, I know what quran says regarding this..
    Polygamy is only encouraged by the Koran where it concerns “oppressed or the orphans among women” (4:3), if justice can be done by marrying more than one. If justice cannot be done by marrying more than one from among the “oppressed (yatama)” class of women, then the Koran suggests monogamy as the ONLY acceptable marriage bond in Islam. “…THEN MARRY ONLY ONE!” (Koran, 4:3).

    So now tell me brothers. WHY do some of you brainwash the sisters into accepting and forcing into a polygamous marriage? And gaslighting them into thinking that is WHAT will please Allah?

    Because the only pleasure is yours. Not Allah’s. How would Allah be please seeing a sister hurting? And dont tell me they dont get hurt.. they do.. any woman who is sane, and not brainwashed will be tremendously hurt to see their ONLY beloved, loving someone else. This is just commons sense.

    Let me see what you say.


    • Marriage In Islam: 8 Quranic Verses About Marriage - Quranic Arabic For Busy People (15)

      Ayman on September 28, 2022 at 2:11 pm

      Hi. This is helpful


    • Marriage In Islam: 8 Quranic Verses About Marriage - Quranic Arabic For Busy People (16)

      Zarif on October 30, 2022 at 7:37 am

      As a muslim man. I agree with you & the quran 100%. The polygamy is only for justice and fairness to the wife. If it’s unfair to the wife, then husband should not proceed. Then the husvand need to be questioned whether his intention is based on nafs or good intention.


    • Marriage In Islam: 8 Quranic Verses About Marriage - Quranic Arabic For Busy People (17)

      Arees on November 15, 2022 at 7:09 am

      Hi.. I read your msg today and its too late maybe.. i have the answer of your questions but my English is not so good so maybe i won’t be able to explain properly. And my answer starts with (women gets hurt) if you want to say that first wife will get hurt by seeing her husband loving someone else, it doesn’t mean the husband is wrong. For instance I wanna marry a girl that i love, but my mother doesn’t want me to marry her, its my first marriage. But my mother isn’t ready to accept her and unfortunately my mom has no reason to reject her she just don’t want her to marry me because she is against love marriage. So now if i get marry to that girl my mom will get hurt.. is it her right or mine? Quran says its your right if you want to marry someone. Same in the case of first wife, if she gets hurt for anything whether its about marriage or shopping or anything. We will find out that is it her right or not to stop her husband from doing that? As I’ve seen many women live together happily with husband in polygamy relation. We have to find out the reason for being hurt.. most of the things are not our rights for which we get hurts. Because its allowed in our religion. And the 2nd thing is justice, in that case you are right that if someone is not able to do justice he shouldn’t marry. But this also applied on 1st marriage if someone is not doing justice to his wife he shouldn’t marry to a single woman too.. let me know if i am able to explain it to you from my perspective.


    • Marriage In Islam: 8 Quranic Verses About Marriage - Quranic Arabic For Busy People (18)

      Nasif on March 7, 2023 at 3:30 am

      Dear Saira, this is late but since there’s falsehood, I had to respond. I don’t know about the saying that marrying more than one wife benefits Allah and have just had that from u never in ma surrounding so I will not dwell on it, but for Quran 4:3 my dear don’t only quote Quran to yo satisfaction, this verse if u read it clearly with no biased mind it tells men to marry women that seem good to them(this is open to any woman if u read da tafsir) “if u fear that u might not treat the orphans justly, then marry the women that seem good to u: two, or 3, or 4. If u fear that u will not be able to treat them justly, then marry only one. This will make it more likely that u will avoid injustice”.


    • Marriage In Islam: 8 Quranic Verses About Marriage - Quranic Arabic For Busy People (19)

      Lala Rukh on April 2, 2023 at 12:16 pm

      Aslamu Alakum , what is sharie marriage? I have heard some people mention it.


  11. Marriage In Islam: 8 Quranic Verses About Marriage - Quranic Arabic For Busy People (20)

    Ali on December 30, 2021 at 2:42 pm

    The Darood Tanjeena is such a powerful Darood Shareef with numerous blessings upon the believer, the Darood Tanjeena benefits are


  12. Marriage In Islam: 8 Quranic Verses About Marriage - Quranic Arabic For Busy People (21)

    Abdu Oumer Seid on August 11, 2021 at 11:45 am

    What does Quran say about polygamy? does Quran appreciate polygamy?


    • Marriage In Islam: 8 Quranic Verses About Marriage - Quranic Arabic For Busy People (22)

      Saira on April 12, 2022 at 8:21 am

      I dont think it does. But ALLAH knows best. It did say, if you cannot do justice then marry only one. Problem is, at these days and age, you cannot. Since, now women do not need a man to survive, so they should marry someone who will treat them with justice. And one of the criteria of justice is not be hurtful towards the woman.

      What do you think happens when a woman sees her husband with another woman even if its his wife? Of course it is hurtful to her, so it cannot be just.


      • Marriage In Islam: 8 Quranic Verses About Marriage - Quranic Arabic For Busy People (23)

        Sal on May 16, 2023 at 4:40 pm

        It depends on the country and society tbh. If you’re in the West or any other stable country then a monogamous marriage is the most acceptable one. But if you live in a country under constant warfare like Yemen, Syria or Palestine where people are not safe and there are plenty of women that lost their husbands and became single mothers without any way to raise their now fatherless children, then a wealthy man marrying many women in order to sustain them and raise the kids correctly makes more sense. In my opinion there’s no other verse in the Quran that emphasizes how important a father figure is in a family.


      • Marriage In Islam: 8 Quranic Verses About Marriage - Quranic Arabic For Busy People (24)

        nisar on June 3, 2023 at 7:52 pm

        I agree with you sis. that women won’t like to share there husband however it is allowed for men to marry more then one but it has a broarder picture in it which we often neglect. First at that time in Arab when quran was revealed women were treated bad and after marrying if husband doesn’t like her he used to marry another woman completely ignoring first one to die. If such men is provided with an option to have 2 wives at the same time it prevented wasting of first wife’s life.

        Also on broader picture women to men population ratio is more, so if all men and women around the world get married around 30%-40% women in world won’t get husbands, so its better to marry a person who already has one wife rather then staying unmarried whole life; like would allow your sister never to marry rather then marry with your husband?

        Its a scentific fact you can check men to women world population ratio.

        Also Allah (swt) doesn’t want all men to have more then one wife, its just an option to prevent society from corruption, it has much bigger purpose, I would recommend you to please do some research and I am not ignoring the fact that I won’t also don’t like my sis to be 2nd or 3rd wife but as I said it has much bigger purpose, so please do some research, Allah (swt) always wants best without evil for humans.
        Hope you understand, rest Allahu-alam.
        Allah Hafiz🥰


  13. Marriage In Islam: 8 Quranic Verses About Marriage - Quranic Arabic For Busy People (25)

    Saika on March 10, 2021 at 12:14 pm

    My daughter want to marry with a non muslin boys.
    What can she does to be right in Islam and to marry him?
    I advice her to forget him but
    instead of this she want absolutely to marry him. He is a Christian.


    • Marriage In Islam: 8 Quranic Verses About Marriage - Quranic Arabic For Busy People (26)

      Quranic on March 25, 2021 at 11:55 pm

      Thank you for sharing. You can take this as an opportunity to teach the boy about Islam, which could solve the issue. However, I think it best to speak with your local Imam who can give better advice as you can share with him the full story. May Allah (swt) make it easy for you.


    • Marriage In Islam: 8 Quranic Verses About Marriage - Quranic Arabic For Busy People (27)

      Zia Ur Rehman on November 14, 2022 at 7:51 pm

      if your daughter wants to marry a christian, and her this wish is based on their love.
      This is very simple to introduce him with Islam, told him that your religion does not allow this. So he will study Islam if he realy loves your daughter. So if he dont bother to study Islam, that his love is suspious.
      This situation is developed of remain disconnect with Islam and Quran. Encourge your daughter to learn Islam, and practice you and she also. Inshaullah her mind will change or she will be able to change the minds that man.


    • Marriage In Islam: 8 Quranic Verses About Marriage - Quranic Arabic For Busy People (28)

      NV on April 29, 2023 at 2:30 am

      Dear Ms Saika, I am almost always shocked to know how loose children are left to elope with someone. It’s been long time you’ve written this comment here, I still hope it’s not too late.

      Anyways, practically getting the man genuinely embracing Islam is close to impossible. Especially when the niyyah for acceptance is primarily for marrying a woman.

      Rewards of Jannah are true, Death is true it will come, adaabul qabr is true it to will happen, punishments of hell are true it too will happen. She living with a non Muslim will not only ruin her aakhirah but also ruin your and your husband’s aakhirah! Hold your daughter back.


      • Marriage In Islam: 8 Quranic Verses About Marriage - Quranic Arabic For Busy People (29)

        Sal on May 16, 2023 at 4:43 pm

        Allah says every single person will bear their own burden, and is not responsive for anyone else’s sins. There’s nothing in the Quran that justifies the idea of a father or mother being punished for what their kids decided to do in their life.


    • Marriage In Islam: 8 Quranic Verses About Marriage - Quranic Arabic For Busy People (30)

      Sarah on August 7, 2023 at 5:50 am

      Christians are People of the Book and share the same prophets as Islam. If he is a devout God-fearing man there is no harm for marrying your daughter. Remember verse (33:35). Does he have the character qualities of obedience, truthfulness, patience, humility, charity, and self-restraint? If so then his character is sound and your daughter is blessed by this Union.

      “Surely those who believe, and those who are Jews, and the Christians, and the Sabians—whoever believes in God and the Last Day and does good, they shall have their reward from their Lord. And there will be no fear for them, nor shall they grieve” (2:62, 5:69, and many other verses).

      “. . . and nearest among them in love to the believers will you find those who say, ‘We are Christians,’ because amongst these are men devoted to learning and men who have renounced the world, and they are not arrogant” (5:82).


  14. Marriage In Islam: 8 Quranic Verses About Marriage - Quranic Arabic For Busy People (31)

    Adeel on March 9, 2021 at 1:32 pm

    Nice article! Alhumdulallah for Righteous partners.


    • Marriage In Islam: 8 Quranic Verses About Marriage - Quranic Arabic For Busy People (32)

      Quranic on March 25, 2021 at 11:49 pm

      Thank you. Yes, alhamdulillah.


      • Marriage In Islam: 8 Quranic Verses About Marriage - Quranic Arabic For Busy People (33)

        Lena on March 30, 2021 at 9:31 am

        MashaAllah this is well-written and was enjoyable to read. It reflects how I feel towards marriage and resonates with my ideal relationship with my husband. I shared this with him 🙂 May this article shed more light on what is missing in our marriages and strengthen our relationships to improve society at large.


        • Marriage In Islam: 8 Quranic Verses About Marriage - Quranic Arabic For Busy People (34)

          Quranic on March 30, 2021 at 10:54 pm

          Salaam Lena. We’re glad you and your husband benefited from it 🙂 Ameen!


  15. Marriage In Islam: 8 Quranic Verses About Marriage - Quranic Arabic For Busy People (35)

    Amadu M TURAY on March 9, 2021 at 12:50 pm

    Marriage in Islam is unique in that it solidify the bonding between the man and woman. Mutual respect, trust, love and happiness and communication
    must exist to further the union.


    • Marriage In Islam: 8 Quranic Verses About Marriage - Quranic Arabic For Busy People (36)

      amal on March 16, 2021 at 2:29 pm

      Really good article. I learned something new from it. May Allah bless you and reward you. Jazakallah khair


      • Marriage In Islam: 8 Quranic Verses About Marriage - Quranic Arabic For Busy People (37)

        Quranic on March 25, 2021 at 11:50 pm

        We’re so glad to hear you learned something new 🙂


      • Marriage In Islam: 8 Quranic Verses About Marriage - Quranic Arabic For Busy People (38)

        Farzana batool on December 23, 2023 at 11:53 pm

        Maha Allah
        Jazak Allah kahair💐
        I am extremely thankful to the one who wrote this fruitful article …..lots of blessings from🇮🇳

        With u r permission i would like to use this contents to creat social media post on instagram like me many of follower’s will also understand the beauty of marriage ….insh aAllah
        May Allah(s) reward u for dis in this . world and hereafter


    • Marriage In Islam: 8 Quranic Verses About Marriage - Quranic Arabic For Busy People (39)

      Quranic on March 25, 2021 at 11:50 pm

      Yes, absolutely!


  16. Marriage In Islam: 8 Quranic Verses About Marriage - Quranic Arabic For Busy People (40)

    Abubakar Mohammed AWAL on March 9, 2021 at 9:30 am

    Mashaa Allah, it’s a great topic which u highlighted with Qur’an and Sunnah of the prophet Muhammad peace be upon him. Me too now I’m preparing myself for a marriage and I’m really happy u shared this knowledge with us the unmarried one’s. May Allah SWT make it easy for us all ameen yaa Allah ?. I really appreciate your efforts and may Allah SWT continue to bless you all ameen ?.


    • Marriage In Islam: 8 Quranic Verses About Marriage - Quranic Arabic For Busy People (41)

      Quranic on March 25, 2021 at 11:51 pm

      Ameen! May Allah (swt) bless your marriage.


      • Marriage In Islam: 8 Quranic Verses About Marriage - Quranic Arabic For Busy People (42)

        Gafar Dauda Alani on April 22, 2022 at 8:30 pm

        Wow this so interesting, Masah Allah the lord of Al Ameen he will never put his right and faithful servant ashamed, since the Union is for the purpose of Deen insah Allah it shall be well,me too am praying to do the same even though I don’t have any means of it but I hope and put my trust on God,bless us all,(Ameen) Salaam alaikum waramotullah wabarakat.


        • Marriage In Islam: 8 Quranic Verses About Marriage - Quranic Arabic For Busy People (43)

          Rosheed on June 23, 2022 at 3:10 pm

          Aameen, may Allah make it easy for you


    • Marriage In Islam: 8 Quranic Verses About Marriage - Quranic Arabic For Busy People (44)

      Qasim on June 27, 2022 at 11:10 pm



  17. Marriage In Islam: 8 Quranic Verses About Marriage - Quranic Arabic For Busy People (45)

    Sundus on March 9, 2021 at 5:43 am

    Jazak Allah khair!
    (By the way,I haven’t read the whole post still!)


    • Marriage In Islam: 8 Quranic Verses About Marriage - Quranic Arabic For Busy People (46)

      Quranic on March 25, 2021 at 11:50 pm

      Wa’iyyakum! Haha, no worries. You can always come back to it 🙂


      • Marriage In Islam: 8 Quranic Verses About Marriage - Quranic Arabic For Busy People (47)

        Alhassan on October 26, 2022 at 5:28 pm

        Salaam alikum to all Muslims , Sir please I need an advice on have a child with someone who I didn’t married and if there is any provision for us to marriage ?


        • Marriage In Islam: 8 Quranic Verses About Marriage - Quranic Arabic For Busy People (48)

          Sal on May 16, 2023 at 4:47 pm

          Salam, the best thing is to take care of the child, whether you decide to marry or not. Abandoning the child to his destiny would be a grave sin and mistake, just notice how often Allah talks about the poor orphans in the Quran, as well as in the ancient Scriptures like Isaiah


  18. Marriage In Islam: 8 Quranic Verses About Marriage - Quranic Arabic For Busy People (49)

    Moath Abuhmoud on March 9, 2021 at 4:55 am

    I have met a girl last September, but have only met twice in person before she went back to her home country. Our “relationship” is, I guess, “on hold.” Ever since I first met her and til now, I still don’t truly know what she thinks of me. She was like a closed box, not knowing how to express herself. It was very hard to communicate since her service back home was terrible. It’s weird to say that we barely know one another considering we only met twice in person, yet I want her to be my wife for some odd reason. I am no where near being financially responsible, but I hope Allah will give me a clear understanding of where our weird “relationship” will head! Reading this gives me a better idea of what to expect when I get married one day Insh’Allah!


    • Marriage In Islam: 8 Quranic Verses About Marriage - Quranic Arabic For Busy People (50)

      Quranic on March 25, 2021 at 11:53 pm

      Thank you for sharing. Insha’Allah the way forward becomes clear to you, and your future marriage is blessed 🙂


      • Marriage In Islam: 8 Quranic Verses About Marriage - Quranic Arabic For Busy People (51)

        Ahmed Shakirullahi on September 3, 2022 at 12:39 am

        Quite educative


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Marriage In Islam: 8 Quranic Verses About Marriage - Quranic Arabic For Busy People (2024)
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Author: Corie Satterfield

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Author information

Name: Corie Satterfield

Birthday: 1992-08-19

Address: 850 Benjamin Bridge, Dickinsonchester, CO 68572-0542

Phone: +26813599986666

Job: Sales Manager

Hobby: Table tennis, Soapmaking, Flower arranging, amateur radio, Rock climbing, scrapbook, Horseback riding

Introduction: My name is Corie Satterfield, I am a fancy, perfect, spotless, quaint, fantastic, funny, lucky person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.