The 11th Hour With Stephanie Ruhle : MSNBCW : May 28, 2024 8:00pm-9:00pm PDT : Free Borrow & Streaming : Internet Archive (2024)

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that is tonight's last word.

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the 11th hour with stephanie ruhle starts now. tonight's closing arguments in donald trump's new york criminal trial. the defense targets michael cohen as the prosecution point to a mountain of evidence against the former president. then the biden campaign brings star power outside the courthouse. robert de niro's blunt message about trump. plus, how aggressive will president biden get on the campaign trail once the trial is over? as the 11th hour gets underway on this tuesday night. good evening once again. i am stephanie ruhle. we are now 161 days away from the election and we are likely 13 hours away from the first case against a former president going to the jury. closing arguments in the case began this morning, lasted all

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day long, and wrapped up a few hours ago. both sides made their final pleas to the jury of 12 ordinary new yorkers who are taking on an extraordinary task. here is my colleague laura jarrett with more. >> reporter: tonight the first trial of an american president soon in the hands of seven men and five women. prosecutors closing their case, arguing former president trump orchestrated a criminal conspiracy to influence the 2016 election, to pull the wool over voters eyes, they say, by ordering the payoff of stormy daniels and covering it up. prosecutor joshua steinglass trying to establish a pattern of burying damaging stories that could hurt his 2016 campaign. pointing to a key conversation secretly recorded by michael cohen, the star prosecution witness. mister trump discussed an alleged payoff of a different woman. steinglass called it jaw-

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dropping. >> funding. yes. all of the stuff. >> reporter: much of closing today focused on the credibility of cohen. we did not pick him up at the witness store. the defendant chose cohen, steinglass said. telling jurors, you don't need michael cohen to connect these dots. as the ultimate insider he can do just that. the defense also tried to discredit cohen as motivated to lie, desperate to put trump behind bars. pointing to cohen's own podcast. >> revenge is a dish best served cold and you better believe i want this man to go down and rot inside for what he did to me and my family. >> reporter: steinglass took that head-on. cohen is understandably angry. urging jurors to see this case

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not about michael cohen. it is about donald trump. in his closing arguments, trump attorney todd blanche pour into the prosecution case and its reliance on cohen's testimony, blasting cohen as the human embodiment of reasonable doubt. branding him the greatest liar of all time and the mvp of liars, saying he lied to congress, judges, prosecutors, bankers, and his family. adding, he came in here, raised his right hand and lied to each of you repeatedly. pointing to when cohen was confronted with phonorecords, suggesting he never spoke to trump about daniels in a phone call lasting 96 seconds, but instead had called mister trump's bodyguard to complain about a teenaged prank caller. blanche arguing he told you he spoke to president trump. that was a lie and he got caught red handed. that is perjury. blanche striking at the heart of the 34 low-level felony counts trump faces for

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allegedly falsifying business records. arguing none of the invoices, vouchers, or checks were false. saying the legal retainer language was not criminal or sinister, but generated by accounting software at the trump organization and there was nothing wrong with it. president trump is innocent, blanche said. there is no crime. >> it is a very sad day. this is a dark day in america. >> it is a sad day. court starts at 10:00 a.m. eastern tomorrow. judge merchan will give the jury instructions for about an hour. think of that. 60 minutes after they have been in the courtroom for weeks, listening to closing arguments for hours, tomorrow they get instructions for another 60 minutes and then it goes to the jury. with that let's get smarter with the help of our panel tonight. political investigations reporter for the guardian, he

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has been in the courtroom for weeks. msnbc legal analyst christine greenberg is with us. a former criminal division deputy chief. she was at the courthouse today. staff writer for the new yorker. and former u.s. attorney joyce vance, who spent 25 years as a federal prosecutor. you are a former prosecutor and you were in the courtroom today. what stood out to you the most? >> well, i guess i would look at the defense summation and i thought he grossly overstated a lot of the evidence and in doing that you lose credibility with the jury. he had to attack michael cohen, right? that is something he had to do in the closing. >> that is the whole basis of the defense, of course he would. >> but show me, don't tell me. i think a lot of the gimmicks. if michael cohen is the mvp of liars, then donald trump was

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coach of the year. you have to do more than that. take us through. so as inconsistencies in his testimony. show us where it does not fit with the evidence. instead he said that michael cohen is not corroborated by any evidence. that's not true. he is corroborated by david pecker. corroborated with call records, text messages, emails. he is corroborated and todd blanche then said a lot of other people are lying. he said the bank statement with the handwritten notes, he said those contain lies. stormy daniels is lying when she said she had sex with donald trump. he said that david pecker was lying when he said he could influence the election with the national enquirer. he said that is preposterous. that's not what he said on the stand. he said this is part of the deal. even the access hollywood tape where he said nobody thought

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that was doomsday. hope hicks said, yeah, we thought this was a crisis. when you start picking apart every witness and everybody is lying and you are taking bits and pieces and saying believe this witness for one thing, but you can't believe them for things that hurt our client, you lose credibility with the jury. you are picking holes in everybody's testimony and it felt very disorganized and really not coherent. >> greatest liar of all time is a clever acronym. michael cohen just doesn't fit that description, not when you have donald trump in the room. hugo, you were in the room today and have been for weeks. what stood out to you? >> i think at the end of the day the defense put on a summation that is as good as it would get and was fine, but i thought the d.a.s summation was better because they also rebutted all three main points

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that trump's lawyers made. for instance number one, while todd blanche was saying this was michael cohen, cohen created the invoices and that is why we had these allegedly false checks and ledgers. while the d.a. goes, that is fine, but all we have to prove is that trump caused the false interest to be made. we don't have to show that trump himself did it, we just have to show that trump orchestrated the conspiracy. that was one thing. the second thing was with respect to todd blanche saying there was no willful intent to violate election law. the d.a. came back and said that maybe fine, but the moment money changed hands for the benefit of the campaign, there was an illegal campaign contribution and that is the unlawful means to influence the election. everything that todd blanche said got rebutted at the start of the prosecution's summations. >> practicality does play a

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role here and the jury is comprised of humans. what was your take on the length of these arguments? three hours and four hours and 40 minutes. any risk of overwhelming the jury with these closings? >> there is that risk. let me say first off i am sympathetic to the lawyers who wanted to make sure they left nothing unsaid, left nothing on the table. it has been a lengthy case. this is your only chance to argue the facts to the jury and i get that. but as a matter of reality and someone who has tried a lot of cases and is a trial dog like i am, you understand that juries consist of people and their attention span only last so long. even when they are a diligent jury, which by all accounts this jury has been. in many ways judge merchan by putting no time constraints on the lawyers did not force them

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to make critical decisions about what arguments were most important to present to the jury. that means the lawyers have left some of that work to the jurors themselves come up but given the length and complexity of the case, perhaps this was the only choice they could live with. as a prosecutor you certainly don't want to leave unspoken the one argument that could've been key to the jury's deliberations. >> you are not an old trial dog, you are a courtroom queen. let's remind our audience there were no cameras. there were cameras for oj, there were cameras for johnny depp, but not the first criminal trial against a former president of the united states, who could be the next president. how do you think all of this is impacting the american voter? >> i think that is very important. i remember some of the overheated claims that the beginning of this. it was going to change the election dynamic. something that would be

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compelling to people and i am sure people are tuning into the extensive trial coverage on television, but it is not the same as seeing and hearing this. i'm sure america would have been ides -- been eyes glued to the television. that didn't happen. we are hearing detailed accounts of these closing arguments, but we did not hear the closing arguments themselves. i think that the reality is such a deeply and profoundly divided country politically speaking. a relatively immovable electorate right now. there have been very few external events that have in any way changed the dynamics in this campaign between biden and trump and are we looking at a game changer one way or another with the verdict? we will see, but it is quite early, actually. if the election will come down

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once again to a relatively small number of americans in a very small number of states and it is only going to be late may or early june when a verdict is reached. it is hard to know that this is going to be something that shapes it, but it will go down in the history books one way or the other. >> let's talk about a smaller number of americans, 12 of them. the jury. hugo, you have seen them, sing their faces, their posture, their body language. this judge seems very bonded with them. he is checking in on them, checking in on their stamina. what is your read on them? we have heard and reporting almost nothing. >> there are at least two jurors who have our attention. juror number seven sits on the side closest to the audience, who has been particularly engaged and taking notes at various points and it is difficult to know what side he

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might land on, but he has been taking notes. for instance when todd blanche has been up at the lectern. another juror that is interesting, juror 2. i don't want to get too much into the jurors, but that is someone making eye contact or gazing in the direction of the defense team. is that indicative of sympathy toward the trump team? maybe, but maybe it is also like a t and before you deliver the final conviction. it's not clear, but there are at least two jurors who have been hyper- engaged throughout the trial and the evidence and i think that is interesting. >> susan, these are 12, ordinary, anonymous new yorkers. they go into a room disconnected from the world. has donald trump, who prides himself and his cohorts on bullying, has he ever been more powerless to these 12 anonymous new yorkers?

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>> well, remember, he doesn't need unanimity. he only needs one of these jurors to object and there is not going to be a conviction. in many ways it seems to me that, you know, his strategy is likely to be the strategy of many defendant's in a situation like this, which is to go for a hung jury. that of course donald trump with then certainly spin as the greatest victory in the history of the world, undoubtedly, and the greatest vindication after the greatest, most unfair trial that ever was. it might come down to just one person. was his lawyer convincing enough to get one person to say no to that? you know, i don't have any insight into what that is going to be, but we have seen trump himself clearly shaken by the experience of the trial. he has been quite belligerent. at the same time he has been

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reported to be essentially forced to be inside the courtroom every day for weeks now and i think for donald trump, who is used to doing whatever he wants. even when he was in the white house, when he was president of the united states, he refused to take a conventional definition of the job and show up for work and have meetings. he basically sat all day and watched television and tweeted. this time it was the judges courtroom and not donald trump's rules that are applying. >> it only takes one. tomorrow the judge is going to give this jury an hours worth of instructions. these are not legal experts. how complicated is this for them? >> so you know this is really a remarkable part of the process, stephanie. typically jurors aren't lawyers. here we know that two of them

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are, but hopefully they will honor their obligation along with the other jurors to use only the law as the judge educates them about it. judge merchan made that point several times in recent days, saying it is my job to talk about the law. he cautioned the lawyers this morning. don't go into the law, that is my job. i will talk about that. there are jury instructions we have talked about before in most jurisdictions and new york state is one of them. where groups of judges and lawyers spend time accumulating instructions about the law that are affirmed on appeal over and over again. authoritative statements of the law, simplified for jurors to understand them. judge merchan put them together starting with general principles about proof beyond a reasonable doubt, but also talking specifically about the crimes that are charged here. how do you evaluate the

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presence or absence of witnesses? can you discount their testimony? there will be legal instructions that will cover all of those situations that will guide the jury deliberations. >> thanks to legal shows we have all heard the phrase, beyond a reasonable doubt. do most people know what that actually means? >> well, i think people have an idea what it means, but they will get an hour of jury instructions tomorrow from judge merchan where he will walk them through definitions of exactly what that means. we heard a lot of that in the defense summation today. at one point todd blanche said that michael cohen is the embodiment of reasonable doubt. there are multiple points where he said here is reasonable doubt. they have heard the phrase before. they will get the instructions tomorrow and the jury is there to figure out what is reasonable to them. it is a subjective standard and one ink where these jurors are new yorkers. they are going to use common

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sense. they've been told that by both sides and i think they can get the hang of that instruction. >> joyce, this is the first time i believe todd blanche has given closing arguments as a defense attorney, which is stunning given how important this case is. kristy laid out earlier how she thought he did. what did you think? >> i think it was on the money. it is hard, i think, to convert from one side to the other. todd blanche has certainly seen an awful lot of good defense lawyers in the courtroom and frankly i think his performance was undervalued. because his job was not to present the jury with a cohesive view of the case. it was to do the opposite. it was to point out where the

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holes and raggedy edges were, so in some ways i think his scattershot approach facilitated that. you could see the prosecutor that was inherent in the man in some parts of the argument and at one point he made this appeal to the jury saying sometimes the simplest version of the facts is what is true. i'm paraphrasing, but he offered to them that you don't have to overthink things. you can accept a simple, straight-line approach and in many ways that was an argument that was an advantage for the prosecution. >> we are going to take a quick break, but before we do when the spirit of the truth matters, but only if you see it, tonight on fox news sean hannity was insistent that it is impossible for donald trump, a republican, to get a fair trial in new york city. i would like to remind you that one of donald trump's oldest and longest confidants, somebody he was close to, a friend for decades who is head of trump's

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inauguration committee just two years ago was criminally charged with using his relationship with the former president to curry favors for the uae. that trial took place right here in new york city and you know what happened? he was acquitted of those charges. feel free to let sean hannity know. when we return we are turning from the inside the courtroom to outside, where robert de niro unleashed on trump and went toe to toe with one of his supporters. and later we dig deeper into biden's campaign tactics. why we could see a more aggressive attack once the trial is over. the 11th hour just getting underway on a very important tuesday night. and other things dads dig. when you want a one-of-a-kind gift to show him he's #1. etsy has it. every day, more dog people are deciding

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we have seen donald trump's surrogates and matching outfits outside the courthouse, defending him day in and day out. today we heard from some very different people speaking out against him. >> a paid sellout. >> reporter: that is actor robert de niro in a different role, surrogate for the biden campaign, clashing with pro- trump protesters. >> you are gangsters. you are gangsters. >> your washed up. >> reporter: also on hand, first responders who were at

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the capital on january 6. >> donald trump is the greatest threat to our democracy. >> reporter: a sharp change for the biden campaign which has mostly avoided the trial since it began. >> give trump returns to the white house you can kiss these freedoms goodbye that we all take for granted. >> i will note he went directly from the courthouse to the tribeca film festival which he cofounded and it has never been bigger. hugo, kristy, joyce. what was the reaction to the interactions he had with trump supporters, because this is the first time we've heard anyone from the biden world out there telling the truth. >> it was an interesting play from the biden campaign. around 10:00 a.m. i got a text saying is it true that the biden campaign is doing this event, because now we need to scramble and do our own event afterwards?

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>> more importantly, what did you tell them? >> i told them it is true, there was an event. they were caught flat footed. i think it is interesting. the biden campaign have started to use the tactics and the moves that trump always presided over. this is his way of doing politics and now the campaign are taking the fight to him using his own ways of doing so and i think the sense of frustration and slight bit of panic from the trump campaign as they tried to get don junior and eric to come out after the lunch break to do their own thing in front of the cameras was kind of reflective of the fact they were caught off guard. >> susan, what is your take from a strategic political standpoint? because the biden campaign has been careful to be hands-off. the president doesn't want to spend too much time talking about or focusing on this trial because the president doesn't want to get tag saying he is behind it.

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they did not use surrogates or campaign professionals. they had robert de niro and to january 6 officers who were at the capital, under attack. what is your take on this? >> well, speaking personally i would rather have robert de niro speaking up for me than matt gaetz speaking up for me. a notable difference. the surrogates between the two campaigns. look, it is a spectacle. i have to pull back and say, like i can't believe this is what an american presidential campaign has come down to and i am sure for people looking at this around the world, understanding the stakes in this presidential election. here we are with competing movie stars and congressman dressed up as their favorite wannabe dictator for a day. it is really quite a bad look for a superpower, whatever comes out of it.

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i just think it is profound. you said it before. it is a profoundly sad moment for democracy, whatever happens. you asked about the politics, the strategy of it. if trump is convicted, will the biden campaign use the label of convicted felon? yes it will. i think that is probably clear, but they have steered clear for now because donald trump never sits on the defensive. he always acts preemptively to strike back, that is what he does. donald trump spent more than a year attacking this case as the product of joe biden personally ordering it up. obviously there is no evidence whatsoever to suggest that the president in the executive branch is somehow ordering a new york state prosecutor around, but trump made that attack so clear. that is why we have not heard much from the campaign, but i expect to be convicted felon

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label to appear in a campaign ad soon if that is with this outcome is going to be. >> this may seem in many ways like a great big circus, but the officers were there today said one of the reasons they are speaking out is because they want to remind people of the sober reality of what donald trump is capable of. the violence that was unleashed on americans, on those individuals that day. you were in the courthouse. you were outside. what was it like? >> it is a skeptical -- a spectacle on certain days. you don't see large numbers of protesters, but today they were more vocal than usual. it is odd to hear donald trump right outside the courtroom, blasting the judge, saying this is a witchhunt. talking about the fact that this is lawless. when you are in the courtroom you see just how much the judges running this the way a

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courtroom should be run. a very respectful way. he is upholding the law and everything donald trump is saying and his sycophants outside the court are saying about what has happened in the courtroom, they are devoid of reality. every lunch break you go out and see them and i think back to mean girls. donald trump is -- they look ridiculous. when they are railing against what is happening in the courtroom, it is completely, completely unfounded. it is important for these january 6 officers to actually tell us we are law enforcement officers. we care about upholding the rule of law and that is happening each day in this courtroom. >> joyce, your take? >> one of the hallmarks of our democracy is the separation between politics and justice and the justice department has resisted even in the closing days of the trump presidency,

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this notion that justice, criminal justice, could be corrupted and used as a tool for pure politics by a president engaged in abuses. as someone who studies and teaches in the area of democratic institutions, i worry that donald trump has unleashed that jeannie from the bottle and we will not be able to stuff it back in. in many ways i look at this not as a fun event, this trial, but i look at it as a sad moment. i wonder if we won't look back at it in hindsight as one of the moments in time where we lost something valuable. in many ways that is why the trial is a lead-in to the election and the important political decisions americans have to make after the jury makes its legal ones. >> susan, i owe you an apology. i wanted to discuss your piece about nikki haley and her endorsem*nt of donald trump and

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those gop voters. sadly we have run out of time, but i highly encourage our readers to read it. i am so sorry. thank you for joining us tonight. when we return, president biden sent months ignoring or slightly poking fun at donald trump's criminal trial. now he is changing that strategy. we will break down his plan as the election draws nearer. the 11th hour will be back. bac (fisher investments) at fisher investments we may look like other money managers, but we're different.

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with trump's criminal trial wrapping up, sources tell nbc news that president biden is preparing a more aggressive stance and it could include branding trump as a convicted felon if he is found guilty. this is how one source summed up the message. trump's legal troubles are not going to keep him out of the white house. only one thing will do that. voting this november for biden. i want to welcome my old friend, hans nichols, and senior political analyst matthew dowd. also a former george w. bush strategist and founder of country over party. explain to our audience why it is so important for president biden to remind and explain to voters that these trials, the court system, will not keep

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donald trump out of the white house automatically. >> well i think it is even broader than that. to define why the worksystems matter and law and order matters and our justice system matters and why a trump presidency would do away with those things were seriously hamper those things, including all of the other freedoms we talked about before. i think that is the argument that joe biden finally has to return to. and keep on from now to election day. that is the argument that will win the campaign if he chooses to make that argument. arguing about the economy and whether or not it is good and whether or not the biden presidency is better than the trump presidency i think are losers at this point. even though the facts may say otherwise, i think that is not the campaign they need to run. >> this case has sucked so much oxygen out of the campaign.


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it has almost all of the press coverage because it is unprecedented. now that it is over, what does the biden campaign won the election to be about now that the trial is behind us? >> to know donald trump and donald trump's record. they made this about donald trump. they want this to be a choice. i agreed to matt's point and he has run presidential campaigns, so listen to him more than you have listened to me. he has the records to support it. every time they have an opportunity to turn this into a choice, they are going to take that opportunity. today you saw a little bit of that with the move outside the courthouse. they want to draw attention to donald trump and that is really what they will be doing for the next five months. he needs to convince the independents and there are still some independence out

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there and i suspect trump's legal challenges might pose a problem for him, but more importantly and immediately, biden needs his base to come home. that is hispanics, african americans, black voters, and young people. that has not

happened yet for biden, but they are confident it will. >> donald trump for decades has known how to get press. nobody can compete with that. why should we believe, as he likes to say, all press is good press? since 2016 all trump has done is lose. his party underperformed and while he does get wall-to-wall coverage, it is as a criminal defendant. >> but his polling numbers have not gone down that far when he has been in the courtroom, which is something i will yield to matt dowd to explain. >> i actually think that is really important. great to be on with you my

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friend, again. all three of us reuniting. >> i like that. >> i think if you go back and look at the data, of what happened with donald trump, that in 2016 when he was able to win, he actually disappeared from the camera and disappeared from the limelight more than he did before when he was losing. in 2020 he can't help himself. he can't help himself and wants to be in front and he loses. that is the thing other people in the campaign probably understand. i think what the trial has done is basically freeze the race, because i think without donald trump out there doing his thing, i don't think the biden campaign could do their thing as much, because donald trump was in the courthouse and i think the biden campaign felt hamstrung by the ability to make the argument that hans laid out and said they need to

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make. i actually think for weird reasons the trial, lengthy trial depending on the outcome, the lengthy trial probably benefited donald trump for 6 to 8 weeks because it gave them the opportunity to avoid it being a choice election because it was frozen in this time period. that will end and i think a lot depends on the trial. whether or not he is convict did could be one of the most important points of this campaign including the debates. there will only be four or five pivot points and the results of the trial is one of those pivot points in the race. >> time for my favorite topic, money and power. today the blackstone ceo, one of the biggest names on wall street, one of the richest guys in this country, he came out and endorsed donald trump. clearly the biden years have been excellent for the investor class with the stock market breaking records seemingly

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every week. is this endorsem*nt more about getting whatever he wants from the next occupant of the oval office, a hotline into the white house, assuming it is donald trump? >> look, steve sportsman has a reputation for being a shrewd investor. he has a reputation for criticizing trump. he has a reputation for consistently giving to republicans. so i don't find that this surprising that he is supporting a republican candidate for presidency. he has given a lot of undisclosed money, given a lot of disclosed money. you all remember during the obama era when he was -- i want to be careful with the comparison, but he made a rather hot comparison with obama to some ugly periods in human history and this is a

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republican. i suspect he likes the carried interest treatment of tax the way it is. i am not suggesting he is looking forward to 2025 as a big tax hike, but that is out there. his stated reasonings is that he is concerned about rising anti-semitism. other than that, like you and matt -- i will throw this back to you guys. >> and beyond carried interest, you know what else i remember? i remember his multimillion dollar birthday party he had in palm beach during the trump administration where he sat between ivanka and donald trump. i remember trump's first overseas trip to saudi arabia that schwarzman went on and then quickly blackstone got a huge infrastructure fund funded by the middle east. >> and i one thing to this? >> yes you can. >> i just want to add one thing

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to this. i agree with what hans said. he is especially interested in tax rates and my guess is he is especially interested in tax rates that apply to private equity, as we know. if we think a billionaire private equity guy has any interest in the common good of the united states, we are fooling ourselves. that is not what their goal is. how can we figure out a way that 70% of the country will be lifted out of their situations? private equity billionaires are not interested in the common good. >> i will give you the last word. i had a lot more questions, but we are out of time. guess what, boys, i adore you both. you must come back soon. when we return, israeli forces are pushing further into rafah. we will get the latest when the 11th hour returns. returns. risk of infections or a lower ability to fight them may occur.

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in an israeli strike in tents along the coast. the idf denying they attacked a safe zone. it comes just two days after an israeli air strike killed dozens of civilians. they said they used small bombs to target two hamas commanders but a secondary explosion started the enormous fire. >> our munition alone could not have ignited a fire of this size. >> reporter: hidden hamas weapons they said may have caused the blast. a official said a gas tank could have sparked the flames. nbc news learned the u.s. military has been forced to halt aid deliveries into gaza by sea after three officials said bad weather damaged its temporary pier. this video showing part of the causeway floating away from the beach. it is the latest setback for the american aid effort after

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million tear boats washed up on the coasts of israel and gaza over the weekend. while the u.s. service member remains in critical condition after an accident on the pier last week. >> thank you to raf sanchez for that report. when we return, film maker and historian ken burns spells out the stakes of the upcoming election when the 11th hour continues. e 11th hour continues. with schwab investing themes™, it's easy to invest in ideas you believe in. spot a trend in electric vehicles? have a passion for online gaming? or want to explore the space economy? choose from over 40 themes, each with up to 25 stocks identified by our unique algorithm. buy it as-is or customize to align with your goals. all at your fingertips. schwab investing themes. 40 customizable themes. up to 25 stocks in just a few clicks. ♪♪

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presidential election. watch this. >> there is no real choice this november. there is only the perpetuation hour flawed and feeble you might see it of our fragile 249- year-old experiment or the entropy that will engulf and destroy us if we take the other route. when as mercy owed us warren would say, the checks of conscience are thrown aside and a deformed picture of the soul is revealed. the presumptive republican nominee is the opioid of all opioids. an easy cure for what some believe is the solution to our myriad pains and problems. when in fact, with him, you end up reenslaved. with an even bigger problem, a worse affliction, and addiction. a bigger delusion james baldwin would say. the author and finisher of our

9:00 pm

national existence. our national suicide. do not be seduced by easy equalization. there is nothing equal about this equation. we are at an existential cross roads in our political and civic lives. this is a choice that could not be clearer. remember what lewis brandeis said. the most important political office is that of the private citizen. vote. please. our ken ship with each other when you do. good luck and god speed. >> strong words from the soft spoken and great ken burns.

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Name: Rob Wisoky

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