The Des Moines Register from Des Moines, Iowa (2024)



P- ml (I 1622 WEST TWELFTH STREET This new modern six room house for aale at exceptional low figure. Has mission finished woodwork, brick fireplace, furnace heat, cement laundry, lut 50x132 and is strictly up-to-date in every way, excellent location, good terms. For price and terms ace MACK OLSEN COMPANY, 15-1617 News Arcade. Both l'honea. OCBS IS THE BEST EQUIPPED PIAXO MOV1XO CONTERX IX IOWA 6 OF THE PIANO HorSKS IN HES MOINES WILL TRl'ST THEIR PIANOS WITH NO OTHER COMPANY WARE TRANSFER STORAGE CO.

715 Grand Both Phones. A 8 WANTED TO BUY. EQUITY A. fine land 8. B.

In Iowa colony. For immediate sals or trade. Address -33, Register and Leader. 191 WANTED 300 pairs well mated homer pigeons, not over 3 years old. B.

L. Al len, lAurens, Iowa. 487 WE BUY your old furniture and stoves. Yankee Furniture store. wJ8 W.

Grand. Iowa19ti1-X: 0103 $1,000 CASH to pay down on good modern residence. Address P-159, Register and loader. 192 Highest prices paid for household goods. Hawkey Furn.

store, 408 Grand, la. 13J0M. 34 WANTED Vertical letter file. Good tire-proofsafe. 810 Observatory Bldg.

WANTED TO BUY Hot bed sash. Iowa phone 399-X. 171 WANTED TO BORROW. I WANT to borrow $600 to $1,600 for 1 year or more with first mortgage real estate security. Address B-iuO, care Register and Leader.

01224 WANTED To borrow $800.00 first class heal estate security. Address W-341, care Register and lender. 674 MONEY TO LOAN REAL ESTATE. MONEY LOANED ON DES MOINES REAL ESTAi Hatton-McCutcheu Agency Member Des Moines Real Estate Ex 308 and 310 West 5th St. 0119 We Loan private money on improved IVs Moines real estate and Iowa farms.

No delay. Percival -Porter 'J05 5th St. Member Des Moines Real Estate Exch. 197 We have aome first class farm mortgages drawing 6, a1 anil 6 per cent on first class farm land, running 3 to 1ft yrs. which we will sell on good terms If taken before March 10.

Corn Belt Land Loan Co. 2d Floor Crocker Bldg. Member Des Moines Real Estate Exch. 192 MONEY" TO LOAN. INTER-STATE REALTY DES MOINES LIFE BLDQ.

01017 $600, $1,000 and $2,500 to loan. II Arnold 201-2 Youfl- ii. erman Blk. 193 MONEY to LOAN on real estate. a.

j. cavanagn, xoungerman Block. Rear Estate Loans. Patten, 311 Clt. BWg.

MONEY TO LOAN CHATTELS AND SALARY. Lowest Rate, Loans We will advance you any amount of money on your furniture, pianos, live stock at the following low rates. They pay both Interest and principal: $16 pay .40 weekly, 1.60 monthly $20 pay .60 weekly, 2.00 monthly $50 pay 1.50 weekly, 6.00 monthly $76 pay 2.30 weekly, 10.00 monthly Other amounts In Ifk proportion. We advertise our rates because we can prove to you that they are the lowest. Call and see us.

J. LEVITT 216-216 Youngerman Blk. Iowa phone 1734-X, Mutual phone 7263-L. 013 MONEY AT CHEAP RATES. We have plenty of ready cash on hand at all times, and anyone who applies can have money from us without your closest friend or neighbor knowing of the fact.

Every transaction absolutely secret; no bothering your employer with uncomfortable Inquiries; no phoning your grocery man or butcher about your credit there. AND THE BEST OF ALL, NO EXORBITANT RATES. The easiest possible payments ar offered you. If you remain "hard up" It's entirely your own fault-we are here to help you If you will give us the chance. CENTURY LOAN 315-316 Iowa Loan Trust Bldg.

024 I AM A YANKEE CARL QUIMBY. OVER 610 WALNUT To ioan on salary, chattels, household goods. Everything confidential. No one will know It but you and la. ph.

1493X. 012 a To Investors Do' you know that the Meadow Mountain Mining company only has 8,000 shares, par value $10 each, total capitalisation only $300,000. Just one fifth of the usual capitalisation and at no time will there be out over $200,000 worth of stock. Do you know that under normal conditions It would sell at par, $100 per share? It is being placed at Just one-half par or $50 per share. It will pay 30 this year and much larger next year.

One of Iowa's very best bankers Is president of the company. The company has made numerous small tests which show values of from 15c to $1.35 per yard on the surface, and alx dollar on the bed rock; at no place lias there been a failure to find a value of more than 15c. There are numerous spots where extremely high values have been recovered on this property. In one place $8,000 has been taken from half an acre; In another. Just along the water's edge, two men working, one pumping the water out of the pit, the other shov eling Into a sluice box.

averaged $35.00 per day, as the ground was hard to shovel It Is impossible that they handled more than three yards per day, so that the value was about $12.00 per yard. In addition they own outright a large ranch that will this year have an enormous crop of hay for which they get not less than $10 per ton and the known Income from that will pay good returns this year and makes the stock absolutely guaranteed. It Is one of the safest Investments ever offered Iowa people and the returns will come quick. Call on Mr. Bryant, at 310 Crocker Des Moines, and let him tell you a'juut it.

MONEY TO LOAN Chattel, Salary. 5Ta Why Pay High Kates 5 When you can burrow irom us at per cent on your piano, furniture, livestock, diamonds, or on your plain note if you hold a permanent position. Wuperty to remain In your possession. Business strictly confidential. Fidelity Loan Co.

533-634 Utica Iowa Phone 1095-M. 0012 TIT loan money to you at Just A what It Is worth to you for Its use, on furniture, pianos, horsea, cattle, etc. Easy weekly or monthly payments. Business strictly private. CAPITAL LOAN CO.

509-211 Clapp Blk. Both phones. 01117 The MONEY STRINGENCY id OVER! Money Is now cheaper iran 'JET all you want on your I'URMTURE, LIVE STOCK, or other valuables. NEW YORK LOAN CO. Suite 406 Century over Frankels.

021 Loans to Salaried Employes If In need of money call and sea us. Get our rates and easy pian of payment. DES MOINES CREDIT AND LOAN Cits. Nat. Banlk Bldg.

239 MONEY LOANED SALARIED PEOPLE and others, without security; easy payments; offices In 60 principal cities. TolmKn, 312 Manhattan 315 W. 5th street. 1025-26 MONEY TO 13 AN on chattels. M.

Mar-ens, 41S E. Walnut. 1201 J. 36 FOR SM-E MISCELLANEOUS. "jaTst kkZTioian ma ER, over lis west Walnut Violins, mandolins and kuI- tars repaired, bows rehalred, violins graduated on scientific principles.

Writs me. 228 ITERS Kora TOR 8ALK FOR RENT last tt Wnito. v. sots ea pyrml uprkm. Wilt far UlfS birtala kst aa nmtn tm tit.

Mastla UtotIu aichts. 116 Fifth Streea) Dee molnes, la. Oiail- New Upright. Piano 6 year guarantee, $185.00. Payments $5.00 monthly.

Kolomon Piano 207 6th Opposite Street Car Waiting Room. in FOR SALE Six bedsteads. 1 dresser, 1 commodes. 1 oak extension dining table, 1 large refrigerator, dining chairs, rockers, bedsprlngs and matresses and many other things. Call Saturday or Monday 10 a.

m. to 6 p. m. 1S34 11th St. 216 W.

O. MORGAN, M. D. Nervous and Chronic Diseases. Rooms 432 and 433 Utlca Buiidtng.

Office hours, 10 to 6. Evenings and Bun-days by appointment SHIRES and Shorthorns for sale cheap; good registered mares and 2 stallions. William Layland, Audubon, Ia. 225 TYPEwk Ready! was answered to the United States Saturday when the government asked for a Boy from me To Begin at $80.00 Per Month It pays to be ready, and it pays to get ready at Iowa Business College FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS. THIS IS THE MONTH.

OF BARGAINS WILL TAKE THEM BACK at these prices within one year on a new piano, PAYMENTS PER WEEK ROSEWOOD S.Ql'ARE, will do for practice I' EBONY SQI ARE, will do for practice J. P. HALE 2U LIGHT NEWTON 20 HALLETT DAVIS 2o DECKER BROS BRADBERRY BRADBERRY. elegant condition SO 1 1 1 1 $25 HILSTROM. Walnut case" $12 EST BY, six octaves 12 KIMBALL.

Walnut case EST Y. six octaves IS ITHACA, high top 20 BRltxKEPORT. high top mirror 20 PACKARD, fancy walnut case 2j TRTBER. fancy walnut case 25 STORY A KENT IS NECMAN large size 26 Jones Piano Co. 171 Piano Proverbs Don't judge a roan by the coat he wears.

Neither should you judge a Piano by its case. Many a fine piano case covers a multitude of piano sins. I buy and sell my pianos for their inside merit, and so sure am I of their unqualified goodness that my personal guarantee goes with every instrument I sell. 40 years of Piano success. 40 years of Reliability.

W. H. LEHMAN New Location, 005 Walnut. TEN FINE ACRES one block from 5o car line, Just out of city limits, easy payments; will sell 5 acres for PIKE F1KE. 307 4th St.

191 HOrSBHOLD furniture for sale; good oak bedroom suite. Iron bed. sewing machine, mahogany rocker, books, kitchen stuff, home made jelly, etc. 0074 Center; Mut. 7395U 191 Power Elevator For Sale Cheap See Gilcrest Lumber Co.

West 4th Vine. 103 ELEVATOR for sale cheap; electric combination passenger and freight, complete with dynamo, motor, cables, etc. Address R-2i7, Register and Leader. x230 FOR SALE No. 1 wild hay.

Order now. it. Li. iiaven, unftwii, itL. v.i COUNT THE WORDS, lo PER WORD PER INSERTION.

Pill mm Si ft: HOUSES FOR RENT $10 tnfOt month. C. MINN IS. GOO1 HHK-K. 131 203 W.

2ND 8T Spltahle for Jobbing or manufacturing. Call 203 W. 2nd. 0128 HOUSES FOR REST. $10 to $SO a month.

B. M1NNIS, tiood. Blk. 1 STRICTLY modern -room cottage. Inquire S15 F.ast 17th St.

011 FRONT room ground floor, slultable for two. 415 8th St. 8-ROOM house, 718 East Ninth, phon 7546-K. Mutual 191 HOUSE 8 rooms. 815 Penn Ii4 00.

FLATS FOR RENT. TOEIARBMnTnLATS. 843 fit will be ready for occupancy March 1st. Apartments of different sixes from 2 to 7 rooms. Tel.

Mut. 798. Ia. 2.16. 223 DON'T RENT until you see the new Cutler flats.

8th and Chestnut; all hardwood finish and modern throughout. Ia. 959. Mut 1148. 792 FOR RENT New modern flat, close In, steam heat: three rooms and bath; reference required.

Joseph Nyaowander, M5 7th St. 191 CHOICE FLAT In Verm Blk. over M7 Locust, Inquire on premises or R. Cosk-ery. 607 Iowa Loan Trust Blk.

Mutual phone WSL 029 FOR RENT-Apartments in the Colonnade at corner 17th and Pleasant. See R. M. Mount, 201 L. T.

772 FIVE room steam heated fiat, 2407 3d floor suite $18 per mo. Address care Register and I-eader. 191 FOR RENT Strictly modern flat, seven rooms; hot water heat furnished; rea-sunable rent. West 7th St. MODERN flat, 4 rooms; location best In city.

Highland Park Really Co. Phones, Mutual 7777B. 013 STRICTLY modern 6-room flat In Iiurel Place. Occupant leaving city. Inquire 1103 W.

7th. 0218 FOR RENT Desirable four-room fiat, lower floor, nice yard. $14. 804 East FifthSt. 88 MODERN FLATS.

4, 5 and rooms. See Janitor, 819 7th. Also unfurnished rooms. 6-ROOM steam heated flat, 838 10th 8L Pllmer, 404 'I. L.

and T. Bldg. Mut. phone. 191 MODERN heated, S-room suites, hot and cold water.

See Manager, 812 Pleasant. 024 MOD. flat, furnished or not; one bedroom. $22.60 to $26. Mut.

phone oi.u vivsi VT. AT. s-flfl stova. hath; elm 813.W Enquire 918 10th. x218 OFFICE ROOMS.

Real Estate Men and Professional Men. The best building In the city of Des Moines for your headquarters Is the new Commercial building, corner of 6th and Mulberry and across the street from the court house. We have a few choice, modern, steam heated office rooms left for rent at reasonable price See us at once. McColl Realty 206-8 Commercial Des Moines, Ia. 693 LIGHT, modern steam heated office rooms; best business location In city; newly built.

Cor. 6th and Mulberry, opposite street car waiting room. Reasonable rent. For location, prices, call on A. J.

McColl Realty 20S-208 Commercial City. 219 STORE ROOMS FOR HENT. Store Room For Rent Ground floor, Observatory suitable for Jewelry or shoe store. Apply Manager's Office, Room 603 793 FOR RENT 3 new store rooms Univ. Place.

Best outside business lo. cation In Des Moines. Rooms large, airv. elegant. Butted plate glass fronts.

Inquire H. 8. Chase, 616 Walnut. 228 FOR RENT Brick store room, sine 26x60, In good shape: rent reasonable. This building Is In a good live town of 300.

Address Box 155, Granger, Ia. '01215. MY STORE ROOM, 417 West Walnut 22x75 feet, is for rent. Will remodel and enlarge to suit tenant. G.

H. France. 172 FOR RENT Store room in new brick block with heat. Highland Park Realty Co. Mut.

7777R. 013 DESK ROOM TO RENT, DKWK ROOM for rnt. 218 1hpi Blk. 191 FACTORY BUILDING FOR RENT FOR RENT Entire building formerly oo- cupiea oy ivieiai construction yin and Vine. C.

R. I. A P. and Des Moines Union trackage, inquire of I Kurts 312 Walnut. 021 FARMS FOR RENT.

A.N EXTRA choice 180 acres In city limits near Grand View Park, highly Improved for a high grade dairy farm. Reasonable rent. Mack Olsen Co. 16-16-17 News Arcade. Both Phones.

Member Des Moines Real Estate Exch. 694 FARMS FOR RENT Near Corwltli, Ia, All highly Improved. For grain rent. One of 200 acres 3 miles from town. One of 320 acres 214 miles from town.

One of 320 acres 2 miles from town. Call or write. Albert Mitchell, Corwlth, Iowa, 191 FOR RENT-BO acres, Improved, Philan der Smith, city. Mut. 7817-U 193 WANTED TO RENT.

PARTY desires to rent strictly modern 8 or 9-room house and large lot with privilege of purchasing same later on if desired; northwestern part of eitj preferred. Address P. 164, care Register and Leader. WANTED By young married couple 2 or 8 unfurnished rooms for light house keeping; must be good and close In; ref erences it desired. Address 400 care Register and Leader.

0214 LIST your houses with us. We can rent them. Terrell Rollins, 215 Clapp Blk. 13 WANTED On or before April lut, a modern 7-room house In west part of city; small family; no children; state price and location. Address P-162, care Register and Leader.

171 WANTED 8-room modern house April 1st, west side, state price nnd particulars. Address 0-122, care Register and Leader. 171 WANTED Single room, walking distance, near car line: lady employed. Address A 3f, care Register and lender. 171 WANTED To rent 3 or 4 room flat or In A.l.lMaH 1-367, Care Register and leader.

0213 WANTED Modern furnished room near car line; University preferred. Address 1 1, 1045 West 9th, 191 WANTED 6-room modern cottage to rent by April 1. Allward-Bowman Glass Co.2ii9 ftthstj. WANTED Place for cow u.itll pasture time. Ia.

phone 0214 WANTED TO BUY. OWNER desiring to sell 8-room house In convenient locality (o school and car; any growing part of city on $1fi0 down, balance $20,110 per month; write mo fully, stnting when I can move In. Address 121, uare Register and leader. 191 IF I CAN buv right, one ready to consider small farm In growing country; must foe good lam! for some cash, balance In one year; write fully. Address 2Io, care ftegUiltijr and Leuiuf.

1AI Must See My Extraordinary Showing Of Spring Wall Paper I am going to us every effort in mv power to bring every prospective wall paper purchaser in Is Moines into my store this week. 1 know that there was never before such a complete, carefully selected and thoroughly reliable line of foreign and domestic- papers brought to Pes Moines as I am now exhibiting, and another thing 1 know to be an absolute and indisputable fact, is that 1 sell wall paper from 15 to 85 per cent lower than any other dealer in Iowa. 1 can prove this to you in a very few minutes if you will just come into my store and give me the opportunity. My "one third off" offer on pio-ture" framing holds good all this week. I am making this reduction to acquaint Des Moines people with my picture framing department.

I want to tell you something else when I say one-third off it means about the same as one-half off from the price of other dealers, for my regular prices are fully 20 per cent lower than the prices of my competitors and my stoek is larger, better selected and more exclusive. You'll ALL learn, some time, to trade with me. Campton Wall Paper Company 721 LOCUST ST. Ia, 1843-X Mut. 43 FOR REN! Furnished House FOR RENT On best part of West Grand Ave.

large 13 room residence, good stable, possession about May 1st. 'Lease or one or two years, $100 per mo. The Hatton-McCutchen Agey. 6th st. in (Member Des Moines Real Estate Exch.

FOR RENT My 9-room residence In Highland park on 6th east front. 110 foot lot; bath, toilet, gas, hot and cold barn, chicken yard, cement laundry and furnace room; all in strictly first condition; can give possession at ionre; worth $4000 per month, but will take $25.00 for a careful tenant; being near the collate, It Is a splendid oppor-tunlty to rent rooms. W. H. Lehmj FOR RENT 8 acres ground, 8 room house, 1 block from street carltne.

2 acre ground, 5 house, 2 blocks car. 2 6-room houses, $8.00 and $10.00. Riegelman, 610 Walnut St. x220 A Rare Opportunity For rent, nearly new five room house, 1711 Linden street; oak finish, polished oak floors, furnace, bath, oily water, gas, sewer, etc. Key at first door west.

Inquire of C. W. Spring with Chamberlain Medicine Co. S1 7 ROOMS, strictly modern, hot water heat; furnished or unfurnished. Owner will retain S.

W. bed room at $5.00 per month. Evans-Gracey Land Co. 615 Ia. Loan Trust Bldg.

Mut. 1891. 191 FOR RENT 2106 (ViHage Drove, J1S; 116 Cottage (irove, $15; KA 14th J15; 717 tth 1.124 Grand. $12; S10 Charles, $20; Cottage, east side, 3 rooms, C. M.

Stewart, 2ort Manhattan Bldg. Member Des Moines Real Estate Exchange. Q-JK FIVE room house, water, gas, toilet, good i cellar, cistern; close in. Terrill Rollins, 215 Clapp Block. 191 1 615 PARK, 10 rooms $1800 UM Cherry, 8 rooms $15.

oO 621 E. Walnut, 3 rooms 6.60 J. H. PHII-I-IPS, Iowa Loan Trust Bldg 101 IKE HAVE houses In all parts of city I for rent. See our list.

'J. J. Wilkinson Son, 818 8thTn t-R. cottage, barn, fruit, large lot, handy to car line, N. W.

city, only $12 per mo. Elegant new 8-R. oak all nicely furnished, on Ingersoll car line. Central Land Co. 704 Obs.

Bldg. Ia. Ph. 704. 151 10 room, modern.

Highland Park $20 Several others in all parts of the city. Benediet-Bartow 609 Mulberry St. 191 FOR RENT Two new, atrtctly modern 7-room houses, just completed; will rent cheap If taken at once; fine location. Call at 702 20th or see owner at office, 212 Court avenue. 017 FINE large 10-room modern residence; good barn; east front; ground 100x133 rice shrubbery; 11th, N.

of Jefferson, at $40 per mo, W. W. Townaend, 228 5th. 021 FINE 8 room house, Just completed, strictly modern; 8 blks. from Highland Park college, 1 blk.

from car line. Phone la. 2971, Mut 1995. 0215 'FOR RENT Strictly modern 10 room house on 18th street; low rental to good parties; call at 38 Dea Moines Life Bldg. or phone la.

301. 191 CHEAP RENT Nice new 7-room house, water, sewer, gas, close In. Only $18. S. Saucerman, Owner, 611 1.

I T. Bldg. Mut. 73.T0-K. 171 1025 W.

7TH 7 bath, furnace, to light tenant, low rent and will put in good repair, to suit renter. Leas, vxA W. Seventh St. (028 FOR RiENT Bakery, fully equipped to do business; splendid opportunity for the right man. Hansen Drug 6th and Grand.

191 FOR RENT New 7-room cottage at a bargain; good location! near car line; gas and furnace. Address Oak Park Bunk. 191 FOR RENT Good larga store room and cellar, No. 647 Sixth avenue; central location and iow rent. Iowa Loan Trust Co.

605 Pnnrl 4 1,011,0 and barn, north Des UOOU Moines; $9 per mo. Cooter, 312 Crocker Bids. Mut. phone 1883, 171 4-ROOM brick, good cellar, city water, I gas, sewer, cistern, good order, to small family, $10.00. 11'21 Governor Square.

171 FOR RENT Houses and flats, $8 to $25 per month; good locations; enquire, Es-tate of J. 8. Polk, 607 Mulberry St. 0123 HOME Completely furnished. 8 rooms, thoroughly modern; must rent at once.

2023 Tngersoll Ave. Mut phone 7201 K. 173 FOR RENT March 1 a room modern cottage on University avenue. Address A 25 rare Register and Leader. 0214 HOV8ES AND FLATS; modern; close in.

H. R. Miller, real estate, 720 I. and T. Bldg.

Mut. phone 1M7. ni 'FOR RENT 7-room dwelling and also i one with 6 room. Call Hansen Drug 5th and Grand. 191 FOR RENT A part of a well furnished modern home.

Address 255 care Reg ister and leader. 193 131 5th modern 8-room house for rent, $3 per month. Call at 308 Youn-german Blk. 191 FROM 4 to 7 rooms In modern house; excellent location. Inquire 1169 I2nd.

Ia. 15.SS-J. )1 REAR room. 63x32, on 2nd floor T. O.

O. F. temple, 813-615 I See Janitor. 313 30 RENT Six room hou.te. March 1st, no w- au.n; uw, it-i till, UL FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE.

$5,000 stock clothing In good ra road town, northern Iowa, splendid ltd I business. Want Lies Moines residence of enual value. 320 acres, well Improved, near Wln-dom. Minn. Frlce $00 per encumbrance, Want slock of merchandise.

3L1) acres, Grant 8. f) 550 acres under rultlvutlnn; no buildings; price mortgage, $3,200. Want good 40 or 80 near Des Moines. We have several farms of different size In Central Iowa to sell at exceedingly low price. 160 acres, 24 miles north of Loyal-ton.

Edmonds 8. I); artesian well: $22.50 per mortgage, $1,600 Want 80 acres Iowa farm. 320 acres, well Improved farm. 5 miles from Planklngton, 8, D. price $45 per no want 160 acres in Iowa.

160 acres. 14 under plow; Clarke county, 8. D. price $26 per acre; mortgage Want Iowa SO 2 sections of land near Hereford. $17.50 per acre.

Want good farm In southern Uowa. stock of general merchandise In good town within 40 miles of Des Sloines. Want good land. Jowa, S. Dakota or northwest Missouri.

Section of good land. Hansom county. N. I. $25 per acre.

Want California property. J3.750 hardware stork, good location. Want half In Des Moines property, balance cash. drug stock In central Iowa town of people to exchange for Iowa, southern 8. D.

or north-West Mo. land. If you want to buy sell or exchange any kind of property In the central, southern or western states, let us know It. We are receiving new propositions dally. Central Exchange Company, 505 Crockor Building, Pes Moines.

Iowa. 191 JH.OrtO HARDWARE, good clean stock, fixtures no want good farm for home 400 A. Woodburv $75 per a mtg for equity want good clean stock merchandise, so $.5: want good residence not to exceed $4,000. 440 $75; want good Income property not to exceed -FINE RRSJUKNcK. West Des Moines, will rent for per month; want Iowa TWO.

RESIDENCES and brick store t'ld. for stock of shoes not to exceed Jti.VjoO. $rvo Ci.OTfII.VO stock to exchange for Iowa land TWO well located'residenres In Creston to for land in Milestone, Canada-Owners only reply. it, Kl ll. Clnpp Blk.

40 A. 2 ml. front Truro, Madison Ia. All rolling prairie land; fair plenty of water, orchard and small fruit. $75 per A.

Will take small De Moines residence, bal. can run 0 yrs. 5 per cent. Corn Belt Land Loan Co. 2d Floor Crocker Bldg.

Member. Des Moines Real Estate Exch. 12 WA LAND TO EXCHANGE FOR MERCHANDISE 210 acres fine, smooth plow land in lowa corn bell about one mile from railroad town; no buildings; loan $4,000, 6 per cent; equity $8.1100. Address A. E.

712 N. Y. Life St. Paul, Minn. jiij FOR KXriOANOB lOWA-Roomlng hotel all furnished, Kadoka, Stanley county, S.

price eighteen liundned; well located; rents for $25 per month; also good relinquishment. Address 276 care Register and Leader. FOR KXChTngE-Two high class mod-ern residences, rent for $00 per month, never Idle, very desirable Incatlon. Want tint with four apartments, modern and high class. Will py cash difference to assume, fill Crocker Bldg 117 -OR SALE A fine half section prairie land In Oliver county.

North Dakota, underlaid with coal, would take a bunch or well-bred cattle as pavment on same. Address 216, care Register and Leader. 191 FOR SALE OR TRADE-Restaurant and rooming house; 24 newly furnished rooms; college town of good business. Will bear Inspection. Terms to suit purchaser.

George C. Nagel, Grin-nell. In. 1,500 ACRES of ranch and good timber land, all In one body, In Taney Mo. Will deal right for mdse.

Write for particulars. Capital Investment 414 Clapp Blk. 024 CHOICE nio A. Texas gulf coast land with heavy oak timber; will pxchang for automobile. A.

I Klnkead is News Arcade, Ilea Moines, memher lies Molms R-al Estate Exchange. 171 14 SECTION Brown South Dakota, land. Will sell cheap or trade for small piece of unincumbered property In Iowa. Small amount of cash will handle It. Address Box 6S4, Acktey, Iowa.

475 TO EXCHANGE for small farm, choice, modern 7-room residence; lot 40x140, located In fine residence district, Cedar Rapids, la. Price A. O. Fold, rare Box 458. Cedar gftplaa, 19I FINE residence In North Dei Moines; want a good 80 acre farm; will pay difference.

Evans-dracey Land JrustBuldg. 191 LARGE, modern house, tarn and shaded grounds on' best residence slreet, east side, for sale or exchange for cottage In good west side location. Address lot, careRcglster and leader. 171 TAKEN on foreclosure, Jackson power, and Rambler 18-horse power touring cars; 'practically new cars; positively chewp for cash; come or wire. B.

Butler. North wood, 773 WANTED A Whir" SteamTln exchange for first class two-cylinder touring car and a small income property. Give price and full description In first letter. W. M.

Clark. u-ray. Iowa. 171 QUARTER section of Neb. land near county seat, Clease for sale tn settle an estate; might lake town property in exchange.

H. B. Downing, 600 Wal-niuSt 793 TO EXCHANGE Fine, well Improved Red River Valley 720 acre farm near Stephen, for cheap wild lands, or Income properly. Elmer G. Oplor, Fargo, W.

FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS. THIS IS BARGAIN '1 IIII'j IS A iii MUSIC HOUSE to call attention to their new location and beautiful store at 611 West Locust St. A few of the special bargains offered: Full sine Wheelock piano (indiiioo hand) for Beautiful (Colonial) 32J Wal- 4-fn nut piano for -T-oo Bolld oak case, 1275 piano, (lneilfi-, tone for T'O-J Splendid Mahogany $350 sample 401 piano for -T-iO New $200 piano, marred case In d-i 7 shipment for Ui A $475 piano (repossessed) finest mahogany casa for Call promptly. Take your choice. Cash or easy payments arranged.

EARLY MUSIC HOUSE 11 West Locust St. IOWA'S MOST RELIABLE PIANO HOl'SE. 191 AUTOMOBILE FOR HALE, White cUeamor, 1907 model, 20 h. excellent condition, completely equipped; runs perfectly and if properly taken care of, good for many years' service; excellent opportunity to buy a good machine cheap; good reasons for selling. Apply by letter only A.

B. Freeman, 648 W. 19th St. 191 OFFICE DESK AND CHAIR -Roll top, white oak, newly varnished, in A-l condition. Will ae'l both for $16.50 cash.

B. F8 wanson 214 8th City. Wl PINE TEAM of black driving horses, 5 years old, well matched, well broke, weight 2.10O; price $400. Albert Olson, Madrid, lows. 772 FOR SALE 3 teams, wagons, harness and full equipment for heavy hauling.

Call at 621 I. L. A T. Bidg. Mut.

3S0. i. 21 Fire Escape Cheap See Gilcrest Lumber West 4th Vlne FOR SALE-4-year-old registered Perch- eron stallion, weight color, dark gray. W. 1L Enabnlt, Mcservy, la FOR SALE A Cummins No.

4 "paid" cancelling machine; good as new. Write First National Bank. MUford, la. 191 FOR SALE Lease and furniture of a 16-room house full of roomers. Address K-334, care Register and Leader.

1P1 FOR BALE Soda fountain, 8 syrup tufts. complete outfit bargain. K. E. (Jose, Bussey.

Iowa. 22S Kindling for sale. Prompt delivery. Mut. 1263M or 213 Walnut.

Sunbeam Mission Bl. FOR SALE Furniture and lease of a 16-room house; rooms rented. 727 3rd. 191 FOR SALE Smith-Premier typewriter NO. 1, 120.

IrflCK MPX 1. V. 1IIHITUI1H. FIRE FROOF safes, all slues, taken on debt; $25, $36. $40, $00.

Over 113 wainm. D16 PIANOS FOR RENT $3, $4 and $5 a month. Call at 611 West locust St. 191 24 HEAP of horses and mules. C.

E. Edwards, 325 East 6th. Iowa 2360 J. 3 ROLL TOP DESK and revolving chair, tit; rii mom is. News Arcade.

L2 FRENCH POODLE and Esmrtmaux pup- RUGS, refrigerator, canned fruit, other hn.i.hnld roods. 2102 East 12th. 101 FIRST 98 vol. N. W.

Reporter. Will sell cheap. 501 I. L. T.

Bldg. 0111 BOOK CASES for sale cheap. 218 Clapp. 191 BILLIARD AND POOL. TABLES.

pool tables, supplies, new and second hand; bar fixtures. Low prices and easy payment plana. 1. Fassow a eons, ui w. iaiuubi 01 Mnlnes.

Iowa. 622 FOR 8ALR On easy payments, bar fixtures, new and second hand billiard and pool tables; billiard and bowling supplies; we lead In cheap prices. The Brunswlck-Balke-Collender Marshalltown. Iowa. 0122 POULTRY.

POULTRY PAYS big profits. Get my free poultry book and lowest prices on "Old Trusty" Incubators. Success guaranteed, pay freight. M. M.

Johnson, Clay Center, Neb. x21 FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE. SNAP 80 vre cotton plantation In the famous Yaaoo Delta, Mississippi, whfie land rents for per acre. Price (iiiihII amount down, balance crop payment If desired. Address owner, J.

B. Toungblood, Mason Clty, Jowa. 2 FOR Clear land and money for general mer-chandise. Hugh A. Ritchie 1013 Wrd Sioux City, la.

218 RENT, "11 or trade city property, acreage or farms. Owners, list with us. Evans-Gracey Land Co. 618 Ia. Loan Trust Bldg.

Mut. ISM. 191 FOR EXCHANGE: general stock; want Dak. land. IIO.OOO gen.

la. or Minn land. $14,000 gen. stock waul la. land.

HI GH A. RITCHIE. 1023 W. 3d, Sioux City, Iowa. 218 BEST Ice, coal and sprinkling business In good Iowa town for Income property.

V. a. lUUIff, Wlnterset, Ia. 0117 1 I KsLsjef'is TO GET IN OR OUT OF BUSINESS TO SECURE IIELP TO FIND A TOSITION TO BUY, TO SELL, NO MATTER. WHAT YOU WANT Use This Coupon A REGISTER AND LEADER Want Ad Will Get It A MT The following ad put.

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The Des Moines Register from Des Moines, Iowa (2024)
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Name: Arielle Torp

Birthday: 1997-09-20

Address: 87313 Erdman Vista, North Dustinborough, WA 37563

Phone: +97216742823598

Job: Central Technology Officer

Hobby: Taekwondo, Macrame, Foreign language learning, Kite flying, Cooking, Skiing, Computer programming

Introduction: My name is Arielle Torp, I am a comfortable, kind, zealous, lovely, jolly, colorful, adventurous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.